
Forming my harem of yandere

Lucas, a 22 year old man with a fascination for the Yandere, fantasy and thighs, one day he meets a woman while walking at night, without knowing it will make his life take a big turn, it will lead him to be the most powerful man who has ever existed. [Hey, marry me, hey, You love me, don't you? , do you love me, do you want to do it with me?] He will fulfill his deepest desires...

KURO_SCAN · Fantasy
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41 Chs


-Hey, where am I?

I had just woken up, I opened my eyes and when I looked around, I noticed that I was in a big white room, there were no windows, no doors, just a big empty white space.

I tried to search in my memories, however there was nothing out of the ordinary.

I remember being with Lilith and Claire, after changing the clothes we had on in Esen's office, we went to Lilith's room in her mansion, however, we did it through some passages to avoid meeting Luna.

When we entered her room, it was quite normal, however I could see several pictures of me framed on the wall and for some reason Lilith looked proud of it.

After that we were talking for a while on the bed, on the other hand Claire, was always close to me, as she was currently my exclusive maid and had to stay by my side as long as possible in order to attend to my needs

Of course that didn't bother me, however I asked her to call me "Luke" instead of "Sir", but she politely refused saying that was not suitable for a maid

I insisted again but he continued to refuse, but we came to an agreement and he will call me "Master".

A couple of hours passed, and it was not long to return to my home on earth, among all that we talked I also learned that Valery is part of one of the main families of hell, she is part of the "Belial" family, she was also the one who helped Lilith to return to Hell, but, certain things happened and she stayed in her family's territory.

However, after that we fell asleep and I woke up in this place.

-Another strange situation-

I sighed tiredly as I got up from the floor and started walking towards one of the walls.

-This is bigger than it seems-

I have already taken several steps however I don't seem to be getting closer, I try to use my power but without success, it's like something is holding me back, like in the cell.

-Little bastard-

A woman's voice was heard but I recognized her immediately.


Lilith's mother

-What do you want from me?

-Kill you-

She answered instantly and continued

-But if I do that Lilith will feel very sad... but don't worry, now that you are a Leviathan I can "train you" and of course, if I train you you will be strong enough to protect Lilith from any danger that may attack her, besides, as if that wasn't enough, you are too weak to let you go free in hell.

I could understand what Luna was trying to tell me, however, it made my whole body shudder.


-You're garbage, you're worse than garbage, but don't worry, I'm going to mold you.

Suddenly Luna appeared in front of me and she had a big sadistic smile on her face.

-I don't think it's good... Lilith mustn't know that I'm here... besides my mother... I have to go back...

I tried to give the excuses that came to my mind, but none succeeded, Luna still had a big smile on her face.

-Don't worry about those things, everything was arranged so we won't have any inconvenience.

Luna started to walk towards me, however when I tried to move, a kind of whip made of water was holding my legs.


-Fu fu... dear SON-IN-LAW, it's time to start our "Training".


It's been a couple of hours since Luna decided to "Train me" however this is a one-sided beating towards me, plus she seems to enjoy it since with every hit her smile did nothing but please herself.

-Well, you have stamina at least.

Said Luna while she has her foot on top of my chest, crushing it.

-But that's not enough, you need more".


Luna uses more force on her foot and my ribs started to make weird sounds.

-Even so, you're not a complete demon yet, you're still lacking something.

Luna takes my face between her hands and throws me against the floor.


My head hit the ground, I felt dizzy for a moment, however Luna didn't stop.

She grabbed my right leg and started slamming me repeatedly against the ground.

For a moment my consciousness was lost, but with each impact I was woken up again and again

Several parts of my body were bleeding and I had bones in directions they shouldn't have been, but suddenly Luna left me lying on the ground.


I clenched my teeth tightly, so as not to show signs of pain.

-You're still conscious, surprising, I thought you'd be dead, what a pity.

For a moment Luna looked sad, but almost immediately she pulled herself together, having that satisfied smile on her face again.

I coughed blood on the floor before my body started to heal slowly, according to Luna it's my instinct that naturally circulates my power to repair the damage done.

Luna looks at me carefully for a moment

-It's still not enough....

She said before touching her head with her hands and walking towards me.


She turned her gaze to me who was almost completely healing on the floor.


She sighed tiredly and created 10 water stakes above her head without explanation, the stakes flew towards me and stuck in various parts of my body.


I couldn't help screaming from the pain

I looked back at Luna, her eyes were wide open staring at me.

The stakes stuck in my body started to turn red, suddenly the stakes started to rotate over my wounds, piercing me completely through and digging into the ground

I had 2 stakes in my legs, 2 in my abdomen, 2 in my chest, 2 in my shoulders and 2 in the palms of my hands, each and every one, they kept rotating faster and faster.

My body began to feel cold, I stopped feeling pain and my body became numb, my field of vision was getting smaller and smaller.

-Why do you keep holding back?

Luna asked staring at me without her sadistic smile she had been showing me since the beginning of the training, instead she had a serious expression on her face.

-Holding back?

I could barely speak and feel my mouth

-Why are you being complacent? You have let Lilith do whatever she wants from the moment you met her, you just accepted to join her and let yourself go without knowing her, while you were in the cell you never tried to escape or confront me directly, while you were talking to Esen, you looked very permissive, when you barely knew him and with Claire, she is a Maid you don't even need to be careful with her, you can directly order her to have relations with you, yet you ask her to change her treatment towards you? Do you know what an exclusive maid is? Is it naivety? Don't you have desires of your own?

Luna looked at me as if she was seeing an oddity.

-You're turning into a demon, yet you have no selfish desires?

Selfish desires? Of course I do... of course... I do?

-Power comes with desire, determination, Do you have a will? ,Are you an empty shell walking around the world?

Luna frowns at the sight of me

Blood began to gush from my wounds spilling onto the white floor, suddenly the water stakes stopped rotating.

Desire? I... I just needed to live, do things right so no one would worry about me, study, work, live, do what I needed to do, that's my way of living, so having selfish desires never crossed my mind, make my mother happy, make my friends happy Did I ever fulfill a wish of my own?

Luna starts creating a water stake a few centimeters from my head.

-We demons are the evil side of life, we are selfish, we live under our own desires, we do whatever it takes to fulfill them. Good? Evil? are irrelevant things in hell, power is everything, if you don't have power, you are nothing, you are trash, you are scum, you simply don't deserve to live, the powerful dictate the rules, the weak obey to avoid being killed by the powerful.


Luna continues speaking

-You who live under other people's will, you are no good as a demon, you are no good for Lilith, you don't deserve to be by her side, she has no courage, you have no determination, you simply deserve to die....

I can't say anything back, she's right... she is.

The water stake over my head begins to rotate with force.

-I investigated you, it is impossible for a mother not to know what kind of situations her children are in, I knew about you a long time ago and I knew it immediately, you are no good as a demon, you are no good, however I let Lilith find you, she had to realize herself that you are a mistake, although I love Lilith more than my own life, she must realize the things that are simply not worth it, I am very sure... she will regret being with you-....

Will she? Of course... it's obvious, I'm not worth it.

You have little pride, a false pride, you have no self-respect, if you had self-respect you would have desires, you would have longings, but you, you don't have any of that, it saddens me for my daughter, but it's the right thing to do, you have to disappear so that she can get herself together, a worthless existence, it simply has to disappear.

Everything you said is true, I had no desires, I had nothing, I just lived, it's how I chose to live my life.

But was it right, are there things I regret? I don't know, maybe? I don't understand... Why did I choose to live this way? Many people came to me looking for advice, I never had a problem giving it to them, helping them, at some point in my life, I got used to it, I just accepted it as if it was something natural, I had to adapt, in society, humans, those who go against, are isolated Was I afraid of that? I don't understand... Why?

While I was thinking with the little consciousness I had left, Luna spoke

-You are no longer a human, you don't need to bind yourself to them, you don't need to stay the same, you are becoming a demon, such human things are unnecessary, you don't need to restrain yourself.

For a moment my mind cleared.

True... he's right... I'm not human anymore, still tied to their rules... still tied to their desires... but... What do I want to do? Something... something of my own, something born from me, I want to live... I want to know the world... a new world... a different world... but... in this new world, I need to be strong, the weak are trampled, yes, that's what I want, I want to be strong, to not bow down to anyone, I want to fulfill all my desires, my deepest desires

[I'm glad you've finally accepted yourself.]

Suddenly a small Water leviathan appeared in front of my eyes.

[Though it was sooner than we expected]

Then an Ice leviathan appeared.

-You are-

[Yes, we are the daughters of Leviathan, we met before]

Replied the little water leviathan.

Luna started to look at me confused, since I was talking, but I didn't care I ignored her and continued talking to the two little leviathans in front of me.

-What are you doing here?

I asked

[We came to form a contract with our King.]

Said the little Ice leviathan.


[Yes! You are our King, but I believe you are known today as "King without a crown".]

Replied the little water leviathan.

[Do you want to be our King without a crown?]

Asked the little Ice leviathan.

[But only one can do it...]

Said the little Water leviathan


A little laugh escapes my lips

-Let's make a contract, little Water leviathan...


The little Water leviathan was happy and started to spin around in circles, but the little ice leviathan looked sad

-Could you wait for me? I promise that one day I'll come and look for you

I said smiling

At this moment Luna probably thinks I'm delirious, as she looks at me with a complicated expression.

[It's ok]

Replied the little Ice leviathan.

[But before that]

Suddenly the little Ice leviathan began to grow, for a moment Luna was surprised and jumped backwards

-Can it see you?

I said slowly getting up from the ground

[Yes it can.]

All the Ice stakes froze instantly and my body started to heal, all the wounds were closed in a matter of seconds.

The Ice leviathan was staring at Luna, who was on guard and staring at me.

-Thank you.

I said touching the large body of the Ice leviathan in response it circled around me a couple of times before disappearing.

-Little girl-


A small water leviathan appeared

-What's your name?

[I don't have one, when you name me, the contract will be closed].

The little leviathan began to fly around me, waiting to receive a name.

Luna was still staring at me on guard, ready to respond to any situation.


After saying that, almost instantly, Aqua's body lit up.

[Waaaaa Incredible]

When the light faded, Aqua's body was about 40 centimeters long and she was wrapped around my neck

I looked back at Luna and said

-Thank you... I won't hold back anymore, not anymore.

It's a promise to myself

if you like my story please add it to your library Thank you for reading. :D

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