
Former S-Rank Want Some Rest

5 years after being transferred to another world. Saburou decided to stop being an adventurer, a job which he reluctantly did because the circumstances forced him to. He, along with Violet who is now his wife wanted to start a new ordinary life far from the dangerous day of being the highest level S-ranker.

lenovoaxioo · Fantasy
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7 Chs

No One Told Us We Are Going To Fight A God (2)


"Thanks for coming with us."

"Well, I still fell responsible for proposing the plan, that's why I also come even though just as technical staff."

In the 7th days, we ask permission from the guild master to be allowed to participate in the upcoming battle with the excuse of giving maintenance to our talisman.

"You are not going to the frontline?."

"You see, now I'm just a talisman smith, not to mention my presence would just disturb the current carefully structured organiation."

My position is that of a merchant who handles the logistic problem. Not to mention I've never actually participated in the large-scale operation. If someone put me in the middle of the battle formation, my amateur skill in team battle would just get in the way.

"I understand, while you are pretty smart you actually didn't really have that high social skill."

"You are not implying that I'm a loner right?."

"Setting that aside, you always have the choice to simply move alone and kick that that Giant, honestly I didn't want to work at all."

Don't set that aside!!! I'm not a loner. I just prefer to be in quiet place. Also. . .

"You want me to die huh, Gotthard."

"Is there even anyone who can kill you?."

"Said the one who tried to kill me countless time."

"What's doesn't kill you, make you stronger."

"I'm not going to thank you for ingraining the habit of sniffing every food before eating it."

"By the way, you still have to watch out for a honey trap! I'm sure many people would try that method considering that you are a loner who didn't have any experience with a woman."

"Stop treating me like a failure in society."

This irritating guy who welcome us in one of the tents used by adventurer for the upcoming battle one of my old acquaintance. Or precisely, my old enemy.

I call him Gotthard but the truth is, I actually didn't know his real name. I also didn't really know his age. Based on appearance alone, maybe he is around 20 to 25 just like me.

As adventurer his level is in the middle, someone that's considered as strong but not that strong. But his level or position as an adventurer is nothing but a facade. His real job is an assassin for a certain semi-religious (it mostly political) organization in this country.

After I and Violet gain a little bit of recognition, we also get some unwanted attention from many people. One of them is the people at that certain organization. And it seems, in their eyes, my existence is deemed as dangerous so they sent their best assassin to kill me and Violet.

He can't compete in strength with violet so he resorts to many trickeries, and most of them include some kind of poison. That's why because of him, I developed some kind of habit of making sure anything we eat is safe.

Well, after making some promise to that certain organization, this guy stopped trying to kill us.

"Hey, you said something about me weak against honey trap right."

"Yes, what of it."

"Too bad, that kind of thing is not going to have any effect on me anymore."

"How?. It's impossible for a loner with zero romantic relationships to have any resistance towards it."

"Maybe you haven't heard it, but now I'm married to Violet."

If they want to trap me in a honey trap, they need to overcome my overflowing love for my wife first. After that, they need to make consider the honey to be cuter than Violet. But too bad, my Violet is the cutest girl in the world. So no matter what, I'm never gonna fall in one.

"I see some sign of it in the past, but it seems you are now already throw away your humanity and become a full-blown scum who can lay his hands on children! with this, it's indeed difficult to trap you in honey, looking for a small girl who wants to work for us is not that easy after all."

"Hey Gotthard, can we reverse our role here! I really want to kill you right now."

"Eh? you want to try me? ok! come on!."

"That should be my line! are you sure you want to challenge me? Violet is in the next tent you know! when she hears my cry of help she would come here in the blink of eyes."

"How can you threaten me with someone else power? and what is that 'when she hears my cry of help' crap!? just how lame you can be."

"Well, I'm not expert in fighting a human."

If you can't do something, just leave it to someone who is actually capable of doing it instead of forcing yourself.

"Work delegation is the basic of basic in the economy lesson."

"Indeed, he is so lame."

Before I and Gotthard even able to make some opening move, Violet enter the tent we are in give me a quite strong blow directly to my heart.

"I thought you are on my side Violeeeet."

"I'm on your side master, but as a wife, I should readily accept the reality in order to be able to love my husband as is."

"Geh. . . ."

Because of her height, she has to carry the sword on her back. And when she bends her body forward, the hilt is hitting my shoulder because she stands too close to me.

But that's not the one which hurt me. It's her sharp words.

"Setting that aside, what we should do master? the first wave of attack would begin in an hour."

After confirming the position of the Giant, the adventurer from the town quickly move to the location near it to begin the operation. Because this is a joint operation between the adventurer guild and the army, we receive some additional logistics to be used like this tent and portable foods.

These freebies from the army really helped us a lot. While adventurer usually prepares everything they needed by themselves, having someone else provide their basic necessity is really helpful. Not only time, we can also save a lot of money.

With this, the guild shouldn't have suffered too much economically.

"Let's just see the situation first, I didn't want to join into a fight without any preparations."

"You are still being careful as usual huh?."

"My motto is never underestimating an enemy, carefully look for any information, and plan ahead, if all of that didn't work let's just leave it to Violet."

"I'm really sorry for you Violet-san."

Gotthard gives a fake crying voice and bowing deeply to Violet like a mother who has her child doing nasty thing to the neighbor kids.

"He is maybe lame and a coward, but when it matters the most he is the most reliable person I can depend on! that's why I love him so much."

Gotthard shifts his sight to me and made some scary angry looks.

"Just die already!!!!!!!!."

"Hahahahahaha. . . . behold!! the power of married man!!!."

"Don't get carried away!!!."

Violet give me a head chop, but I didn't care because my revenge is already successful.

After that, both of us, went to the nearest hill to observe the upcoming battle because we didn't have any real job yet. And when the real battle started, we finally understand that checking and validating every information we got is a must.


"I know!!!."

The sword on her back begins to shake. That sword is designed to be able to absorb magic or divine power from everything it touches. So, of course, it also able to respond to magical wave or divine vibration in the atmosphere.

And the time where that sword gives that kind of wild feedback are only two. When we faced a very strong pureblood, or when we face a visitors from another world. Gods.

"Shit!!! I should have known that most people can't tell the difference between ordinary Giant and Titans."

She draws the sword on her back and holds the top in front of me.

"I should have known that coming here is a bad idea."

"But you didn't regret it right? master."

"Yes, I would regret it even more if I didn't come here."

I hold the tip of the sword and both of us send our magic to the sword at the same time. After the crack between the talisman on top of the sword that acts as a magic network glows. The talisman which connected to the magic path begins to lose and separated itself from the main body just about 10 cm above the base of the sword and realign itself on a different slot.

"Ready? master."

The effect of the current magic from the sword is to make our body lighter. By making use of that magic I stand on top of the sword she is holding.


"Then, Goo!!!."

And then she swings it to launch my body towards the position of the adventurer. In the blink of eyes, she already beside me just by jumping using her own power.


Giant is pretty much just enlarged version human with over the top upgraded spec. But Titan is a completely different entity. Even though their size and appearance are similar, you can't compare Giant with Titan in term of power.

They are the 2nd being that born into this world after the Primordial. The parents of the universe itself. And by born from that almighty incomparable existence, they, of course, possessed a divinity. In other words, they are pretty much a god.

The 2nd generation of gods.

Something that's definitely can't be beaten by a mere human no matter how many they are.


". . . . "


"What. . ?."

"Hold me tight!."

"Ah? . . . ."

"Hold me tightly master."

Shit, how the heck I'm having my mind wandering around when we are in a dire situation like this. We are not even landing and yet I'm already being confused by the situation.

"I'm the one who protect Everyone in my sight, palanhar 61."

The soil below us moved as Violet brandish her sword to the direction of the attacking Titan and begin to swallow that Giant body.

"Not enough."

I grab Violet's body tightly in order for me to be able to land safely.

"One who bestows prosperity, shambu 81."

Many plants begin to sprout from the soil, after that it begins to grow rapidly, and in the blink of eyes the soil that buried the Titan become a complete forest which no sunlight can penetrate it soil.

"Lord of earth, bhudheva 12."

The soil started to change its color and become harder and harder, and when we landed. The mountain of soil and forest completely turned into a Giant stone with the unimaginable weight and hardness.

"Did it finish it?."

"Of course not! something on that level is not gonna kill it! what it can do is just buying us some time! let's ask everyone to leave this place."

Human magic or its effects are unable to hurt a divine creature, in order to hurt them, you need to possess the same amount or stronger power than them. And without divine blessing, no human can match them in magic capacity.


She grabs my hands and started to run where everyone still shocked about what just happened in front of them. But when she pulls my body, I just fell to the ground.


"My feet. I can't move them."

She looked at me with shocked eyes, but without a second thought she comes back and pick me up and then put my body on top of her shoulder while also carrying the sword in one hand.

"I'm sorry Violet."

"Don't worry, everything is going to be ok, master."

". . . ."

She carries my body like a sack while also looking for our acquaintance. After some time, she finally found the guild master and able to ask him to command the team to retreat to the headquarter.

"So, why we should retreat Violet-san?."

Because I'm still not in a condition to talk, Violet decided to become my representative.

"This operation is a failure, you guys can't beat that thing."

"What do you mean by that?."

"That thing is not a mere Giant, it's a Titan, and unless you think you can slay a god let's just retreat and let it pass."

"Are you saying that we have to just let it trample our town."

"Y. . .yes."

We come here to stop it from destroying any more place and killing any more people. But after we found its real identity, we propose to just let it do whatever it wants. Yeah, it's lame, it's contradicting, it's shameful, and it's the worst kind of idea someone can suggest.

But there's no better solution that, a solution of letting it do as it pleased is the best thing we can do. Because if we oppose it with violence, our annihilation is nothing but certain.

A god is something that can affect the world's law just by being present. Its mere existence can break any rule. A gods presence on the surface is bring nothing but calamity. And puny existence like a human is nothing in front of a big calamity.

Even in my previous world, any information, preparation, and plan would become useless if the mother of nature seriously trying to kill its resident.

"So we can't do anything huh?."

"I'm sorry, but it's the truth."

Normally, the myth race like spirit, angel, or gods didn't possess a flesh body and exist only in the spiritual world, hence they can't really appear in this world.

In order to be able to appear in this world, they need to create an avatar for themselves and then possess it. Or making someone in this world do a large scale ritual to create an artificial sacred ground that can act as temporary support for their spiritual body.

Both of them is extremely difficult to do when they can't directly interfere with this world, so something like that can only happen once in thousand of thousand years.

They need a proxy.

But there's an exception.

After losing a battle with the 3rd generation gods, most Titans are slaughtered or kicked from another world. And because this world can't support a purely spiritual body, most of them ended up disappearing like a mist.

In order to stay alive this world, they need a physical body, and the body which has the best affinity with their spiritual body is the body of a Giant.

The one who unable to possess a compatible body would perish, but the one who can successfully hijack the Giant soul and body survive.

Like the one which we faced today.

"Let's focus on evacuating the people and save our own self."

We can't do anything about the Titan, but we still can save the townspeople by evacuating them to a safer place. We can think of any follow-ups problem later. But for now, we should focus on lowering the number of any possible casualty.

"I will dispatch someone to inform the remaining adventurer in the guild and ask them to help the evacuation, but we are not going to retreat or prevent the army to come."

I shouted when the guild master starts to talk nonsense.

"Why? you can't win! facing it is just a suicide and adding more people just going to bring more casualty! we all should just fl. . ."

"Saburo! you misunderstood something this whole time."

But he readily interjects my words before I can even finish it.

"No one expects an easy fight in this battle, everyone is betting their lives since the beginning, and many of them are even already prepared themselves to die today."

"How come?. "

"Saburou, do you know what kind of requirement we placed on this operation to the adventurer besides their basic strength?."

"Ra-nk?. . ."

"Wrong, it seems you didn't read the notice on the quest board."

I'm not an adventurer so of course, I didn't read anything on the quest board.

"The other requirements besides their strength is their resolve, the resolve to do anything in order to protect everyone even if they are no longer able to go home anymore! you can flee if you didn't have that resolve! that's why I not even trying to coerce you to join the operations."

"That, can't be true. . . I mean."

We only planned to face a Giant. If we have adequate preparation and personnel, we definitely can beat it. It's not an enemy that's impossible to defeat.

"Let me tell you something Saburou, not everyone is as strong as you."

"What do you mean by. . "

"Not everyone can treat this battle as just some light exercise!."

"I never fe. . ."

"For us! even a Giant that you treated like a small fry is not something we can beat with just a little hard work!."

"But. ."

"Hence we are still going to continue the operations, what we need to do hasn't changed."

At first, they just want to divert its attention, stall some time while also grinding its powers little by little and wait until the army come and able to land a fatal blow. But what now they are trying to lure it away from the town and just hold out as long as possible because the options of defeating it are now gone.

In other words, since the beginning, they are just acting as a sacrificial pawn. A bunch of cannon fodder for the army.

"I'll reorganize the adventurer, after that we are going to lure it away! If you still don't want to fight! please go as far as possible from this place I'm not gonna blame you for your decision."

Yeah, he can't blame me for anything. I'm just a talisman smith and nothing more. I also didn't need to worry about the maintenance of their talisman. After all, maybe most of them are not even able to bring it back to the headquarters.

"You can flee with Violet, after all, you already have done so much for us, I will pray for your happiness."

The guild master gives me a bright smile that didn't fit an old man like him and then run to the other side of the headquarter. And after some time passed, finally Violet moves closer to me.

"What the heck is that!!!!, Is he try to criticize me?."

Only to find the trembling me shout like crazy.

Why the heck you treat me like some kind of hero who has nothing to fear, stronger than anyone, and can do everything I wanted if I just put my mind into it.

I'm just weak tiny human just like all of you. A human who struggle to stay alive in this harsh brutal world.

"Is he trying to curse me by crushing my soul with guilts?."

I grab my face and cover my eyes with my fingers.

I never once looking down on them, treating them like inferior people. I also never once treat my enemy lightly nor underestimate them. I have never gone into a battle with puny resolve.

I always fight with the assumption that my enemy is stronger than me.

"Is he trying to show off how great he is, ho admirable the other adventurer is, and how brave they are."

I already know all of that. You didn't have to tell me anything. Do you want to compare me to them that much so I can understand how miserable am I?. No! You didn't have to do that.

"I already know that I'm a miserable person!!!! I know it better than anyone else!!!!!."

While the other move forward I just shuddering like a rat in the back, while the other is facing danger I'm just cowering in the safe place like a chick, and while the other steeling their resolve to protect the future of their most important person. I just think about fleeing like a defeated dog.

No, in fact, I'm a defeated dog.

"Master. . . . . . . what do you want to do?."

I want to help them, I want to be useful, I didn't want to leave them to die.

"Violet. . . help me. ."

I peeled my hands from my face and show her my miserable crying face.

"I understand, leave it to me."

She wipes my tears with both her thumb while having her palm rested on my cheeks.

"Master, you love me right?."

"Of course."

"You want me to be happy right?."

"That's not even a question."

"And you also want to protect me right?."

"Yes, even at the cost of my lives."

"Then, if that Titan threatened my lives and we didn't have any way to escape and we are forced to face it, can you give your all to defeat it?."

"I. . . ."

"You can't?. . ."

I don't know if I can really protect her or not, I don't know if my power is sufficient to pull her up from that dangerous situation, I didn't even don't that I can muster any resistance at all. But even so.

"It doesn't matter if I can do it or not, If I'm able to do it or not, or if I have the power or not."


"I'll do it."

I'll just do it even I have to force myself to do it. Because of her existence, is far more precious than my puny lives. It doesn't matter if I'm weak, or my enemy is immensely strong. If using every single grain of power, wisdom, and bravery that I possess can give me even a tiny chance to protect and made her safe.

"I'll just do it."

She releases her hands from my face and gives me a very gentle smile.

"I'm the one who fulfills wishes instantly, Aashutosh 1."

It was 1 of 108 spell words from our sword. But she didn't insert any magic to the correspondence talisman so the power should not have been activated. In fact, she didn't even hold the sword because now she is grabbing both of my hands.

"With this, now you are a brave knight that exist solely to protect me."

After that, she gives me a light kiss on my lips.


"What is that face master."


"Are you mad?."

"No, not at all."

"Are dissappointed?."

"Yes, that's it."

Very-very disappointed.

Usually, the solution to a complicated problem is the easiest one. Now, I know what that proverb truly means.

"But it works right?."

"Yes, though it made me feels always on edge."

"We can fix that later."

The biggest factor that prevents me from able to fight properly is my trauma after being defeated and fail to save Violet's little sister. I didn't really felt anything when the opponent is human or normal things like a wild animal because I have an absolute faith in Violet's capability.

But other than that any fight would trigger my trauma and made me unable to move well due to fear.

And unlike Violet who can overcome her trauma with her own will alone, I'm just a weak lame guy who can't fight his own fear.

So how did I overcome it now?.

"I thought you would do something with the power of love, the bond between comrade, or something similar to break my trauma. . . to think you just use that thing. . . it's rather anticlimactic."

"In a sense, it's a power of love, master's power of love to be exact."

It's true.

What she does is just giving me a mental fortitude talisman that we created after fishing my feeling for her to the surface.

Normally, mental fortitude talisman is just tool to control one own motivation to drive the user to do something. It was a talisman to make someone able to endure something for the sake of something else.

If you didn't want to work but you want money, you can use the use mental fortitude talisman to boost your hunger for money so you didn't want to stop working.

"I can fight, but the image that the talisman shows me are all very scary."

"I'm sorry."

"No, I'm blameing you."

My biggest motivation in living is to be able to stay with her, make her happy and protect her. If She boost one of that 3 feeling I'm not going to fight because I will just prioritize her safety over anything else.

So, what kind of feeling that needs to be boosted.

Boosting my fighting spirit would do nothing, because how many times you multiply a zero it would still zero.

It was my fear of losing her when I can't do anything but fight in order to save her.

In other words, I washed blood with blood. We toppled my fears with even stronger fears.

Hence, my mind is now full of many scenarios of how I'm going to lose Violet in so many situations. Honestly, it's really terrifying. But with that fear, now I can muster a resolve to fight.

"So, what's the plan master?."

"Normal magic is not gonna cut it, so we can only borrow divinity from our backer."

"In other words?."


"I'll depend on you, master."


I grab the handle of the sword and take it from Violet with my right hand, after that I use the left to grab her right.

"Lord of the lords, Devadeva 17, master of all, Gurudeva 27, master of the universe, Jagadisha 29, lord of gods, Maheshwara 54, the supreme god, Mahesa 53."

The talismans on the sword begin to move from one place to another, rearranging itself as I said the spell words. With every movement of talisman, the sword gives a beautiful bell-like sound that pleasant to the ears.

This was a part of summoning ritual. To summon the power that can even cut through the divinity of visitor from another world.

The power we borrow from another visitor from that world.

"You ready Violet?."

I pull her hand, but unlike the usual, her hand didn't feel warm anymore, Not to mention, her aura is completely changed. I can clearly feel something else is residing inside her body.


After arriving at the place that we used previously, we can see that the Titan already able to destroy the stone seal we created before and currently engaging the adventurer.

They look doing better than I imagine, it seems they really put all of their resolves into this operation.

"I'm the source of everything, Sarvayoni 79, Hence, I can destroy everything, scorcher of all, Sarvatapana 78."

Her hair turned into red along with her pupil. After that, a golden fire like aura begins to engulf her body.

"Shit, how can you look so cool ?."

"Let's not have a too much needless chat and just focus."

Yes, even though they are able to offer some better than average resistance to the Titan, they can't land any decisive blow to it. After all nor their weapon and magic have any effect on it.

She claps her hand and focuses her sight on the Titan that currently attacking the adventurer. Along with her clapping sound, a golden fire also begin to engulf the Titan.

"Is it working?. . ."

The Titan looks agonized, but it only lasted for a few seconds. It soon regains its control over its body and then the fire begins to get extinguished.

"I see, let's move closer I want to dig more information about it."

With that, both of us plunged directly to the center of the battlefield.