
Former S-Rank Want Some Rest

5 years after being transferred to another world. Saburou decided to stop being an adventurer, a job which he reluctantly did because the circumstances forced him to. He, along with Violet who is now his wife wanted to start a new ordinary life far from the dangerous day of being the highest level S-ranker.

lenovoaxioo · Fantasy
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7 Chs

No One Told Us We Are Going To Fight A God (1)


"Good thing what they prepare is a pure crystal."

The main ingredients of making talisman are a special crystal that has a similar appearance to the quartz crystal my the previous world. It has the properties of being able to act as both conductor and insulator for magic.

But that crystal is not a natural resource and has to be artificially made from special sands.

To purify it and get the crystal, normally someone needs to heat it at a very high temperature or doing some dangerous thing with alchemy. And those processes need time and so much energy.

Something that I and Violet can't really afford in this week.

"Then, we can start to work immediately."

"Ahh . . . . I don't want to work."

"Don't say something stupid, we can't waste everyone's effort."

Aside from the main material, there's also various other material that has already been processed to a certain extent for making every component we need for the talisman.

Processing that many materials into a ready to use component is not an easy task that. Its both time consuming and laborious chores. That's why by providing us with all of them in a ready state is a sign that the guild actually cares about us and giving its full support.

"Ok, so let's begin."


Violet nodded and begin to help me preparing the material.

The first thing we need to do is coating the thinly sliced crystal with special epoxy resin that is sensitive to light. After that, I placed the template that I've created on top of a big mirror on top of the material, covering the unused area, and then prepared another tool.

"Wear your glasses master."

The first tool we used is a tool akin to a flashlight, inside the tool, there's a talisman to amplify the power of the light. Well, simply you can say it's pretty much laser gun.

The heat from the light is used to melt the unprotected part of the crystal through the template that I placed above.

Even the size of the manipulation path is not as small as the IC network form my previous world. Tracing the path manually is not an easy task because human hands are not that steady and it consumes too much time.

That's why I melt the material using light instead of carving the crystal by hands that have a big risk of making cracks, distortion, or uneven texture which in turn making the assembly more difficult.

In the previous world, electronic circuits are made in a similar way. Thought they use a more advanced technique that using UV, photoresist application, ion doping, and electroplating.

Making talisman needs a precision, but it's not on the level of making circuits in nanometer size. By the way, normally no one would create a talisman by using a die because melting the crystal inside a die would decrease it pureness hence also decreasing its effectiveness in inducing the magic.

After waiting around 30 minutes, the crystal is ready to be used.

"I will begin the assembly, please print 4 more board as our target today master."

The printing process is not automatically controlled because the difficulty in making right adjustment for the light intensity and material texture. That's why I need to still need to control the process manually.

While I print more crystal board, Violet is working on our main job. Assembling the main part of the talisman while wearing a protective ring that disperses magic, magic wave, and also radiation.

The assembly of talisman component start with installing copper in the manipulation path at the base of the crystal die and then covering it with leads.

In this world, many materials have different properties than the one in my old world. And most of them have magical unique magical properties. According to the law of this world, copper has the properties of absorbing energy. That's why it used as the base of the talisman.

The basic of talisman itself is not that complicated.

First, it absorbs the user magic, amplifies it, changing its properties, and then producing some kind of output in the form some kind of interference with the environment or the person themselves.

So how did we build our mental fortitude talisman?.

Just like I said before, the talisman pretty much consists 3 main components and 1 additional component.

The input, calculation and logic, output, and network.

On the first layer is copper and a small amount of uranium covered in lead and zirconium with the function of absorbing magic, giving additional magic input when needed, and sealing the leak, radiation, and prevent interference from a magical wave from another layer.

The second layer consisted of Tin for magic amplification and nickel as a switch to decide to trigger the activation of the uranium, and lead to seal the interference. In this layer only lead used as a seal because there's no radiation or big magic wave. So we use cheaper material.

The 3rd layer is where the component for the output placed. Plutionium have the ability to emit a magical wave that can interfere not only meta but also everything in a certain radius. By changing what kind of thing it can interfere. In this case, it made to interfere with the thought process of the user.

We can boost some kind of motivation in its user's head for not allowing him not to cower in fear. After that add another zirconium component with facing outward and connect both of them to the chromium behind them.

Chromium has the ability to boost the properties of components, and zirconium which have the ability to disperse a magical wave installed to prevent the mind of the user to get interference from outside its area of effect.

Connect all of them with silver which has the ability to cleanly transmit magic and the talisman is ready.

Each layer have to be tested to work, each connection in the path have to be connected into the right place, and the seal also needs to be completely safe.

"Ok, I've finished one talisman."

Violet put the last seal on top of the talisman and then covering it with a titanium cover.

"Please weld the cover master."

After I weld it with some tiny welding tool, the final product switch. The inside of the talismans is pretty much like that of multi-layered PCB, but the final form of it is a rectangular box with rounded corner and smooth surface with the size of that desktop processor and the thickness about 8mm.

Making a single talisman consume about 2 hours of time, we started at 10 pm and Violet finished our first talisman. If both of us make the talisman together than we can get 4 pieces 4 hours. In other words, we can finish around 4 pm.


"Let's print 2 more crystal board."


"If we print 2 more crystal board we can finish 6 talismans on this day."

"That's too much, let's take it easy! as long we meet the deadline everything is going to be okay."

If we added 2 more printed crystal board, then we are going to finish at 6 or 7 pm even with the most optimistic calculations. I mean I'm going to stuck controlling the printing device for an hours before forced to sit for 6 hours straight.

We can't even get lunch.

"Well, I actually didn't have any problem though."

"Then why?."

"While I didn't really have a problem, I think master might have some problem with it."

"What do you mean?."

"If our working period is being stretched, the 'sticky free' is day also going to be extended too."

"No waaaayy!!! that's too cruel!!!."

"For some reason, I feel a deja-vu here."


Our task today finally ended and we are able to get some rest. After taking bath(separately, of course) and having a meal we just go straight to the bed.

It's true that we are not really exerting too much energy for manual labor. But, having to sit and concentrate for a very long time really tired us out. After all, the brain consumes more energy than any other organ. No to mention the stiffness in our body felt so bad to the point I just want to sleep as fast as possible.

But it seems Violet didn't think the same.

"Master, when did you want to repair that broken sword?."

Did she want to have some chat before we sleep?.

"Which sword?."

"Did we even have another sword except for that bundle of talismans?."

"Ahh. . . now that you mention indeed we have that kind of thing?."

In the past. We are an adventurer, so we also have to fight something in order to get some money. And of course, in order to fight we need a weapon because both I and Violet didn't have time to train our fist like a monk.

"Aren't sword supposed to be adventurer partner? how master can even forget it's existence?."

I didn't really have any attachment to that sword. I mean, I didn't even want to wield it in the first place. I just forced by the situation to be able to fight, hence I use that sword to clear our job.

"Well, I'm not adventurer anymore! also, I already have this small cute partner it's not strange I forgot about that thing."

"Why master always brings the 'small' part?."

Instead of that cold bundle of talisman, I prefer this small fluffy partner.

"I know master didn't want to touch adventurer related thing anymore, but that thing is already saving our lives so many times in the past! I hope at least master can give it some maintenance."

"It has preservation talisman, some dust is not going to make it malfunction."

In fact, its full of talisman with so many functions. With those many talismans installed in it which also have various protection effect. I'm even sure that it can last for thousands of years into the future. As long there's no one capable of disassembling it without triggering the security feature or strong enough to break it with pure brute force.

Like the one, we face last time before we retire from being an adventurer.

"Then, it still can be used right?."

There's some talisman that has been broken, chipped, or missing on its surface. But its main function as weapons is still adequate.

But. .

"Hm?. . why did you suddenly ask about it?."

"Well. . . . . I wanted to use it."

"Eh?. . . for what purpose?."

She hesitated for a moment, but after gathering her courage she finally said what she thought.

"Honestly, I don't think they are going to be able to beat that Giant."

Besides from their very large stature, they also have very tough body, great strength, and also very huge reserve of stamina. Also, even though I said that a Giant is a dumb creature because they have been living since ancient time, of course, they also amass so much experience while also developing fighting sense.

It's absolutely not a weak creature.

"What's makes you think so?."

"Experience, I guess."

That's should also applied to me too.

"They didn't need our help beyond providing talisman for them."

"At that time, we barely able to survive when fighting it hence I think the adventurer and the army are going to fail in subjugating that Giant."

"The situations are different."

At that time, we are fighting a Giant alone while we are also still pretty much just a beginner. Hence, even some enemy which should have been easy to handle ended up become a foe strong enough to end ouz`r lives. We are in a pinch just because at that time we are still too stupid.

"In the upcoming battle, they are going to fight the Giant in a group."

That way they can chip away its stamina, attack from a various angle, and switch between the tired soldier. If the number is sufficient, they can even fight it 24 hours a day.

No matter how strong the Giant is, its bound to lose if it continues to fight without resting or eating.

"Master, there's something wrong with your logic?."

"Ha? which part? I'm sure chipping away the strength of your opponent is a valid strategy."

"Not that, the reason of why we are in a pinch at that time didn't have anything to do with being expert or beginner! because in the first place, a Giant is not something that can be slain by a single individual."

"Aren't we a team?."

"That didn't make it sounds more logical."

"Let's not nitpick the detail, you can't call something as crazy if it works."

"Then let's go back to the previous topic, can I use it?."


"Why?. . . ."

"If you want to use it as a blunt weapon, then it's still able to do its job but if what you need are more than that, then no!."

"Is master didn't want me to go?."

"Of course, I didn't want you to plunge yourself into some dangerous situations."

As someone from the beast race, it's given that her strength is far above the average human like me. In raw physical strength alone, her power is about five times stronger than mine.

Even though her appearance is that of small weak girl, in reality, she can beat me to a pulp if she is seriously trying to fight me. And if you give someone like her a something to hold, even a stick is going to be a dangerous weapon.

But physical strength alone is not gonna help her much in fighting a Giant which have far far more raw strength than her. So, the sword she wants to use is going to be useless in its current condition.

"But I want to help them."

"Me too, that's why we are making talismans for them."

"I want to be able to do more."

"Why?. ."

Aren't we stopped being adventurer because we didn't want to fight again and lead a peaceful life?. Then why you choose to come to the battlefield again and stood with a sword in your hands?.

"Aren't you afraid of death?."

"Of course I'm afraid of it."

"Then why you can still go into a battle just like that?."

The last battle we fought is supposed to break us not only body but also mind.

The sheer despair we faced when fighting him should make it clear that we are a very weak creature, the fear we felt that day should make us realized that our bravery, wills, and confidence are nothing but a mere illusion. By seeing the difference of our power and him, we should have know that our strength is only the at the amount of a single grain of sand in the vast world.

"Is it only me who become a coward after meeting him?."


"You are not going to say that we should have stayed and save her instead of escaping like rats right?."

"Master, you are wrong . ."

Shit, just by remembering his face even able to make my hand tremble so much.

"Master. . ."

"Hah. .hah. ."

I can't even feel any strength on both my feets, my breathing also become rougher while there's a cold sweat pouring from my back.

"I'm sorry Violet."

The memory of that times even come back and begin to flood my brain.

"I'm sorry Violet! I'm sorry for not able to save her! I'm sorry for being a coward!!."


"Plase don't leave me alone!."


My mind snapped back from her loud calling. And after my brain started to function like normal, finally I begin to aware that since sometimes ago there had been something warm coiling around my body.

"No one is going to blame you for anything."

And when looking down on my chest, I found Violet has been hugging me tightly.

"And I'm not going anywhere."

She caresses my back while also rubbing her face towards my chest.

"Sorry for making you remember something painful."

"Thank you."

I hug her back and coiling my arm around her warm small body. After that, I buried my face on top of her head between her 2 fluffy ears while savoring the calming smell of her hair.

"Thank you."


We are broken. Both of us have some deep scar carved in our heart that traumatized us for the rest of our lives. For her, it's her past as a slave before meeting me. And for me, it's our hopeless fight against the world in saving her little sister.

"It's already this late huh?."

It's already 8 in the morning. Yesterday we plan to start work at this very hours. But it seems that plan is now in impossible to do. Also, this plan is not the only one that we fail to uphold.

We also fail to uphold our plan for not doing any night activity in a few days.

After having my emotional burst last night, I become too restless. And in order to make me more relax, Violet, decide to broke our plan and let me use her to comfort myself.

We even go all the way to the main event last night.

And the result is.

"Violet, it's morning already."

While my mind is now refreshed, our body is unable to get a rest and we can still feel our fatigue from yesterday.

"Mmm. . . . . "

It seems she also still feels tired. Usually, she wakes up before me. But it's understandable. While she tries to heal me, she has to hurt herself. So not only her body is tired, her mind is also so.

I'm very sure she felt scared when I begin to attack her. But she endures it anyway and didn't voice any complaint to me.

"What a pathetic human I'm."

Last night stupidly asked her if she is afraid of dying or not, is she still affected by our last battle or not and even ask how can she still able to want to go to the battlefield.

The answer of all of that is obvious.

Of course she is scared, of course, she felt a fear, and of course, she has some resistance towards a battle. But she overcomes all of it. Just like she did last night.

In order to help me recover, in order to make me happy she gladly face her fears and surpassing her trauma. She is brave. She is far braver than this pathetic human.

"I want to change."

I also want to move forward.


Let's just stop deliberately keep my own mood bad.

"Violet, let's get up. ."

"Mwa. .wawawa. .mawathar. . don't move twu fast. ."

Wha-what kind of dream she has right now?.

"I'm gowing to bweaaaaakk. . . ."

What a lewd sleep talk. Not to mention, her expression somehow also looks lewd. At this rate, I'm not going to be able to hold and play alone while she still sleeps like usual.

She is not going to get mad right? I mean? we already break the promise anyway. So even if I do something else to her, she should have any complaint.

"It's decided."

I begin to move my body closer to hers, and then start closing touched her here and there. After that, I shift my attention to her small soft pink lips that look glistening under the sunlight.

I kissed her lips.

As sweet as always. But it's not enough.

I kissed her lips again.

Still not enough.

And again, and again, and again, and. .

"Saburou-san, what are you doing?."

"Having my breakfast, I think?."

"I see, Saburou-san is going play a single player game."

"That's n. .. . . . . .yes!.. .I'm sorry."

I want to make some excuse, but her gaze already gives a verdict to me so I give up and just admit my crime.

"But. . . it's okay, right? I mean didn't we already broke that promise anyway?. . ."

"This is this, and that is that."

Indeed, she breaks her own promise because she needs to. Unlike me who just did it because I'm being captivated by her sleeping face.

"So how long you have been playing alone?."

"I just started, after all, I also just wake up myself."

"I See, Let's check it then."

She takes the blanket that covers our bodies, after that, she checked all part of her pink flowery pajama. When she feels sure that there's nothing wrong with it, she nodded few times and face me.

"Good, it seems master really hasn't done anything."

"Of course."

Because you are already wake up first.

"Ok, then let's prepare to work."


Our bed is a mess, our appearance is also the same. But the bed cover, blanket, and our clothes are still clean. Well, if there's something that's not clean, it's her sticky hair. We really did a good job last night.

As usual, both of us taking bath alternately and after we eat breakfast we immediately started working. Our target today is also 8 talismans like yesterday.

But today, I plan on having an overtime.

"Violet, please take out that thing."

"You mean the sword?."


"I thought master didn't want. ."

"Yes, I still didn't really want to participate but I will go."

"If master didn't want to I can go alone."

"No! like hell I'm gonna leave you alone."

Just like you who would always stay by my side, I also want to stay by your side. I would do it even though I'm scared, in fear, or have to face my trauma.

I also want to be brave like you.

"Master. . ."

"But we are going to stay at the back and just move when we are actually needed."


She gives me a bright smile and then went to the back of our workshop. In a few minutes, she comes back with a big sword in her arms.

With a thud, she put it that almost 5 kg sword like it was nothing.

The length of its blade is 90 cm while the length of the hilt is 30 cm. In the length section, this sword is still considered normal. But the width is not. The width of the base of the blade is 20 cm while the tip has 15 cm width before it turns into a triangular shape.

Also, because the edge is blunt you can't really call this thing a sword.

"Let's disassemble this sword first.

"Um. . ."

She nodded and placed her hand on the left side of the rain guard where a small round crystal is placed, and I also do the same to the right side.

What we do is deactivating the talisman which maps the position every talisman and the one which locks the position of each talisman according to the maps.

The deactivating system is actually quite simple, we just have to send magic through a predetermined path. And if the magic is not through that path the security system would kick in and another talisman would get activated instead.

A collective talisman that forms an attack magic to shoo away anyone who tried to unlock it but failed.

"Ok, good."

After giving small glow from its silver connection all talisman that placed on top of it become loose and can be easily removed.

"So let's also do a thorough checkup."

Unlike the talisman that we made before, the talisman in this sword is smaller in size. When making this sword we remove so many functions from the usual talisman because it's not going to be operated independently and just act as a module. Hence we can make it smaller.

"As expected, the magical network is in a mess."

We call this thing a sword because of its shape, but instead of a sword, this thing is closer to that of magic wand used to assist someone like a witch who focuses on manipulating the law of nature.

But instead of directly manipulating a single element with an individual talisman, this sword utilize its magic by communicating with each other talisman and mutually interfering with each other.

This can lead to a stronger magic, more efficient manipulation or even creating some completely new effect that normally impossible to be produced with an orthodox method.

The simplest sample is. . let's see. You can generate fire by heating up some kind of material to an ignition temperature and then manipulate the oxygen to concentrate in a certain area.

This orthodox method only replicates what's exist in nature.

With multiple interferences, you can add more factor to the equation. You can compress the air, heat it up, ionize it with electricity, and then direct it to a certain target with conductive properties. This can create a super hot plasma which can even melt metal.

"I think we need to update the path for the network master."

"Yes, I don't think we are going to meet someone as strong as him again but just in case let's just add some tweak to this thing."

After we remove all the talisman on top of the sword, we can see that underneath all of that small metal is the bare skeleton of this thing.

The base is made of titanium coated with a small amount of iridium in the shape of a long thick plate. On top of that titanium plate, there's a thin layer of crystal that we used as the base of talisman. And on top of that, we placed the silver path that we use to connect all the talisman on the outer layer with each other.

The base is not only acting as the physical support for the talisman on the outer layer, but it also medium to control all the function of the sword. You can say that the base is pretty much the motherboard of this magical computing device.

"How about adding zinc to the silver link to increase its toughness."

"That's not going to work, it would just break again."

This sword can show its ability by absorbing the magic of the thing it touches so the user didn't need to supply the power for its usage. Beside that, by using the magic from our foe, we can increase this sword power in line with the strength of our enemy.

In another word, the stronger the enemy the stronger we can become.

But of course, there's a limit to that formula. If our enemy has the magical capability far above the absorbing power, networking capability, and capacity of the system on this sword it's just going to break from overloading.

And that what's happened in the past when we face him.

Honestly, it's miracle we can even escape from him.

"It's impossible for us to compete in raw power with something like that, so let's not just adding some toughness to it."

If we compete in raw power, without doubt, we are going to lose even we can muster every strengthening technique available. He is just that strong.

"I think its better if we can just redirect any excess stream of magic to outside the system."

"I see."

It's just like building a big dam. When the stream of water is above the capacity of the dam, it's better to just release some of the water instead of adding another fortification to it.

"How about adding ruthenium instead?."

"For some reason, I feel that the fact the one who taught all that knowledge is me seems like a lie."

"Is it a bad idea?."

"No, it's the opposite! I even think that you already more knowledgeable than me in this field."

"Ehehe. . ."

Ruthenium can add more hardness to another material, it also can add more wear resistant properties. But the most important thing is, it can convert energy to another form.

"We can use it to convert the excess energy into heat, and we can just blow the heat out with another talisman."

"While you work on updating the network, what should I do master?."

"Ah. please check the internal of every talisman and sort it by its condition."

"I see that way we can make a priority list for repairing the components."


The total number of talisman in this sword is 216, and each of them has a unique function with very little similarity in design and construction.

108 of them are used for magic manipulation where the rest are used for a summoning ritual. The 2 categories of talisman are specially made for 2 type of enemy. The one who only have magic, and the one which has a divinity.

In other words, this world real resident and the visitor from another world. A gods.

We can't defeat divine being without having a divine power, but human most mixed blood can't produce didn't possess any divinity. Hence, in order to be able to resist that kind of foe, we need to borrow power from another divine being.

Summoning ceremony already exists since ancient times. But the technique in the past has to rely on the right time, right place, and even some very elaborate ceremony plus the whims of their visitor.

You can say that the chance of success is pretty much one to thousands.

But with the advancement of magic technology, we can mostly replace all of the troublesome things.

We can artificially create the right place for the divine being to manifest. In this case, we can cleanse the area around us from impurities and enhance the magical density in it to create an artificial sacred ground.

A place that normally exists on some centuries-long historical site or untouchable place deep inside a forest or mountain.

The long and tiring ceremony is also no longer needed we can pack all the necessary magic in a small talisman. We can also establish stronger the connection to the spiritual world by using amplification. Something that didn't exist back then.

Most of the time, talisman can replace human magicians. But there's one final step that still needs human.

In the past, the summoner would bring a live sacrifice for the visitor to reside and manifest. And even now, it hasn't changed.

Summoning ceremony is like downloading a program from the internet. When the connection is established, we send a download request (that they can reject), after the visitor's souls accept our summoning, their soul would be downloaded. And in order to store it, we should prepare an adequate hardware.

That hardware is a human sacrifice.

Now Imagine what's going to happen when you run a program outside your hardware spec. The result is going to be bad.

In order to reduce the risk, our summoning ceremony only includes a fraction of visitor's soul and power to prevent overloading the hardware.

Or in this case, to prevent Violet's body from getting to much burden.

"What's wrong master? you have been staring for quite some time."

"Nothing, I just think that I'm so useless."

Yes, In order to beat some visitor A.K.A a divine being I've been using her body as a vessel for a summoning ceremony because my body is too frail to accept a visitor's soul.

"What are you talking about? without Master, we are not going to be able to talk like this right now."

"I don't think so, without you maybe I'm already dead in some random forest."

"Don't say something like that even for a joke."

But it's the truth. Without her strength, I'm nothing but some powerless human. The reason we are able to stay alive until today is that she is strong enough to protect both of us.

"That's wrong master, we are able to stay alive even after facing that massive existence is because we are together."

Violet stopping her hands and walk towards me and then grab my hands.

"Muscle would not move without a brain, and brain can do nothing without muscle."

That's how we create our first bond 4 years ago. I'll give all my support for her and in turn, she will protect me from any danger.

This arrangement seems weird remembering that she is a girl younger than me and I'm a man. But that's the best labor division between us.

Well, after a few month I didn't have the hear to always just stand at the back and getting hurt though. After that I begin to train more to strengthen my basic spec, creating a weapon that can utilize all of her ability, and construct a strategy that best suited for us.

"We are strong because we are together."

She squeezes my hands and gives me a look full of confidence.

"We are also backed by the strongest visitor, Shiva! no amount of small fries can defeat us."

The talisman we made is based on Shiva's name and ability as a template. Hence, the talisman for summoning process is only able of connecting to his soul.

In sense, indeed we are backed by Shiva. The strongest God.

"For some reason, I can't remember just when did we ever fight a small fries."

Also, in the fight between gods, something like advantage or disadvantage is not really a deciding factor. Fighting a divine being is about who can grasp the opportunity for victory, and strike it first.

"Not to mention, what we can summon is just a very small parts of his soul."

In another word, a just small fraction of his power. The opponent we face usually a full-blown divine being. In other words, we are always facing a far stronger opponent.

"Let's not nitpick everything, what master need to do is focus on your job so I also can focus on my job."

Checking the condition of every piece is a time consuming difficult task.

But she is an excellent girl who already surpasses me in this field, not to mention I build this sword together with her. So spotting some irregularity in the talisman is not a real problem for her even the number is huge.

After that, we work until around 11 pm and sleep like log after having dinner and taking a bath. And because we are really tired, we really just sleep without doing anything.

That kind of lifestyle continues for 4 days until we finished the request for making 30 mental fortitude talisman.

In the sixth day of the request we do nothing and just playing around all day to relieve our stress.