

Hi!,My name is Alexia Born to the great Vampire King and Queen whom were betrayed and killed,lost the only sister l had, then suffered from memory loss and became one of the most powerful female CEOs there's is until l met Mr Robot,then l clocked 25 things took a drastic turn for me. Follow me down the road of self discovery, romance, friendship, werewolves,vampire's, loyalty, betrayal and revenge AUTHORS NOTE: Hi everyone, my name is sofia and this is actually the first book l have written please do well to drop a comment and show your love towards this book. Thank you ❤️

Sofia_Edward · Fantasy
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17 Chs

The Lion that found it's prey



"Kill him"I instructed

"No...wait...wait ... I will..talk....."

Too late Felix already shot him at the head

"Bring in the next one" I said

"Brother,what are you..., And who's this one" Allen asked

"Spies sir" Felix replied

"Oh alright, Asher, father demands to see you "Allen said

"What for " I said

"Isn't it normal for a father to see his son" Allen said

"Not without ulterior motives " I said smoking my cigarette

"Not this time, there's a party organised for Clara tonight and he wants you there" he said

"I don't have time for those silly things "I said strolling off

"Brother this time is different " Allen said

"And why is that" I said skeptical

"He wants to discuss with you matters concerning the black Spade " Allen said

"Very well"I said

The black Spade is a well known organisation of specially trained group of assassin's in the underworld, capable of killing anyone both supernatural,nobles,mafia bosses you name it they were that good, powerful Mages, kings, and so tried to make allies with them but they serve no one,20 years ago they disappeared into thin air all searches of them were made but eventually faded over the years and eventually everyone forgot about it except me but recently they have been some sightings of them but we are not so sure it could be someone playing dress up but something does not sit well me, l hope father have something important to say about this.

I arrived at the mansion, everybody buzzing like bees so annoying, stupid so-called businessmen tried getting my attention but my assistant dealt with them l went straight to father's study and found it empty, arrgh he told me to meet him there

"Young master, your father is waiting for you at the dining"the butler said

I saw everyone already seated at the table well apart from the celebrant herself

"Your here, sit" father said

"You have something to discuss? I said

"Yes l do, but first sit now isn't the time for discussion

"It is, l don't plan on wasting much time here"

"You are going nowhere, we are having a family dinner and for once sit with us" my mother voice said

I looked over at her and reluctantly sat down, l didn't wanted to argue

"So Son, how's business being doing lately" Father asked

"Not that is any of your business but it is fine"I said blankly

"Asher be kind to your father"mother scolded

"Yeah right,the father who tried to..." Suddenly a call interrupted, I walked out to answer it while looking down at the three particular people downstairs

"Sir, I just got a call from the Apex robotics corporation secretary, and they want to schedule a meeting with us"

"Aren't you the assistant?,why bother call me?, You should know how to sort it out"I said my eyes particularly fixed on a girl with black long gown downstairs, which displayed all her curves, the slit were in the right areas showing all her pale skinned slender legs, her hair tied up showing her neck to her perfect collarbone, and those captivating eyes of hers will make any man tempted at just the mere sight of her she was breathtaking

"Sir, sir" Felix interrupted me

"Yes" I replied annoyed

"I said the company wants to meet to see you at the meeting"Felix said

I scoffed" a company who doesn't show their CEO dare request for my presence, it is still a miracle we work with them"

Ungrateful people!!!

If wasn't for the fact that they are good,reliable and loyal which I have always found a good quality in a person or something l would have cut ties with the company long time ago

"But sir, is the CEO that request a meeting with you" Felix

"Why didn't you say so sooner,but that doesn't change my point" I said blankly then l heard a bit of a commotion downstairs l looked down once more and there she is An elegant, sophisticated lady whom eyes seems pure and seems to know no violence punching the living daylights out of a Man who is even more weaker than a child

"Sir will you be present,let me inform their secretary"Felix said over in the phone l forgot l was still on a call

"Yeah, do whatever you like"I said absentmindedly and cut the call then looked downstairs again before heading to my seat

*Meanwhile Felix lamenting*

"What do you mean 'do whatever I like' it is not like it was me they want to see, a simple yes or no answer could have do*sighs*

I have just sat down at the table for a few minutes before the three girls came

"Good evening Mr and Mrs Slade, it is so very nice to see you after these years apart" I heard her greet my parents

I didn't put much thought into the girl and my mother conversing as it was of no interest to me suddenly l heard my father asked"so what did you study your time abroad" that piped my interest as the girl was so mysterious to me, I have little to no information about her, she is so good at covering her tracks but unfortunately l also like a good challenge. I heard their exchange which was quite interesting, she had no family members, studied robotics,managed a company blah blah blah the conversation became boring l was amazed by her sweet smile and composure while answering my father whom sometimes can be very annoying. The dinner went on everyone chatting while l was thinking of how to get out of there until l heard her say besides me

"Can you pass over the Sushi Rolls"she said

I looked over at the Sushi Rolls and discover there was only one in the bowl and there was no way l was giving it to her, l was saving it for last and l didn't realize there was only one left so I did the obvious thing and ate it wasn't much of a deal she can find other delicates to eat,then an idea pop up in my head to look at her while chewing the Sushi for payback at the villa and l did just that, I didn't expect the madwoman to jump on me like some freaking lion that has found its prey to say I was shocked was an understatement,she was freaking trying to choke me and her grip was so strong for a woman but l'm not going to give up to a woman l held her throat tightly too, both of us unwilling to back down for the other, slowly she was dragged away from my body and was taken outside for some fresh air, the whole place was a mess.

Allen escorted me outside shocked at the whole scene l mean who wouldn't be, l don't if l should call that girl brave or very stupid for that stunt and shocking part to me was that l wasn't even angry or trying of ways to exterminate her l was rather amused by her rash behaviour, l didn't even realize a little smile had crept into my face, Allen looked at me shocked

"Have you completely lost it,you are smiling like a lunatic who wasn't wrestling on the ground a minute ago" he said

And with that statement alone my smile disappeared, l didn't even realize l was smiling and what for

"Tell father l will take my leave now, we will have the discussion another day" I started walking away

"Ummm, there might have been a little detail l didn't tell you about" he said

I stopped "which is"

"Mother invited both of us to stay over for the weekend which I accepted on your behalf" he said

"You know you are gonna regret it"

"I know" and with that he went back inside

I sighed then went back inside too, everywhere was arranged and cleaned unlike a minute ago, l had just sat down on the table when the trio arrived at the table,the girl walked in looking like a total mess but somehow she still looked the most beautiful in my eyes,l shook my head what was wrong with me, why was l thinking of those things then l looked up and our eyes met, those sapphire eyes of hers always seemed to capture me but then she turned and excused herself from the party while I got up to leave.