

Hi!,My name is Alexia Born to the great Vampire King and Queen whom were betrayed and killed,lost the only sister l had, then suffered from memory loss and became one of the most powerful female CEOs there's is until l met Mr Robot,then l clocked 25 things took a drastic turn for me. Follow me down the road of self discovery, romance, friendship, werewolves,vampire's, loyalty, betrayal and revenge AUTHORS NOTE: Hi everyone, my name is sofia and this is actually the first book l have written please do well to drop a comment and show your love towards this book. Thank you ❤️

Sofia_Edward · Fantasy
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17 Chs

"Spit it out,spit it out!!!



"And what did you study your time abroad" Mr Slade suddenly said, he has always been a poker face man and only talk when necessary

"Robotics and Artificial intelligence, sir"I replied

"Ah my dear, you didn't tell me you studied robotics that's so wonderful" Mrs Slade said

"You flatter me, Mrs Slade"

"Oh, just call me Flora,we have already passed the formalities stage" Mrs Slade said

"Um very well Mrs... Flora" I corrected myself

"Alexia what do you do to make ends meet or do you spend your time throwing money all around" he said

"Darling..." Mrs Slade caution him

"What!! l want know the kind of friends Clara spends her time with" he said

I simply smiled and responded in a rather serious tone" Mr Slade you don't have to worry about Miss Clara she is quite strong to take care of herself and as for what I do for living you can rest assured that I don't squander money for a living"I said

"Then what is it you do" he asked again

"I own a company and manage that of my grandfather's, so l don't squander money l make it" I said

"Is it a start-up company?" He asked again

I smiled once again and was about to respond when Clara interrupted

"Dad that's enough,Alexia, when can l come over l would love to visit" Clara said

"Anytime you like" I replied

"You don't have parents?" Mr Slade said

"No sir, my grandfather died three years ago and he was the only family l have"I said

" Oh dear, l'm so sorry" Flora said

"There's no need to be worried for me, l have already accepted it" I replied not wanting to revisit old memories

"Miss Alexia, have l say you look absolutely stunning this evening" Allen spoke, he has been chatting with Naomi ever since l got here

"Thank you" I replied

The dinner went smoothly, we were all chatting with eachother well apart from Mr Robot besides me.Meanwhile all the time eating,my eyes has been searching for Sushil rolls my absolute favourite dish in the whole wide world,found it There had been a bowl of sushi rolls besides Mr Robot but there was only one inside the bowl, there was no way l could maneuver robot here to the rolls so l had to ask him to pass it over

"Um can you please pass me the Sushi Rolls" I asked

He didn't even look at me, then proceeded to take the last piece of sushi well maybe he isn't that much of a Robot WRONG l thought he was going to drop it on my plate but he did the totally unexpected he plop it inside his mouth l could hear Clara and Naomi gasping and then he had the guts to looked at me while chewing it slowly that was the last straw, l lunged at him all rationality flew out of my head as l strangled him dangerous man or not l'm gonna kill him

"Spit it out,spit it out" I yelled while still choking him he gripped my throat tightly also strangling me,we were both on the floor with me on top and food mess around us but l wasn't going to back down nor did he, l don't know how Clara and Naomi manage to get me off The Robot but all l know was that l was being drag off to take some fresh air while Allen did the same for his brother but on a different balcony l could hear from the background Mrs Slade telling the chief to prepare another Sushi,pfft whatever

"What's wrong with you" Naomi yelled

"What's wrong with me!!! Didn't you see the way he behaved how do you expect me to compose when he is being childish"I yelled back

"So the only way to prove your point was to attack him" Naomi reasoned

"Yes" I replied stubbornly

"Aren't you afraid of what will happen to you, if he decides to take action?" Naomi said

"Not in the slightest" I responded

"So you rather choose Sushi over your life" Naomi said once more

"Yes"I responded

Naomi looked at me dumbfounded,then stared at Clara who was obviously trying to hold in her laugh

"Help me here Clara" Naomi said

"Go Alexia" Clara cheer for me "I have never seen anyone in my whole life challenge Asher like that before and Don't worry Naomi nothing is going to happen to Alexia while l'm here" Clara said

"Still, she needs to apologize" Naomi said

"Wait, which she are we talking about? " I said, I rather die than apologize to that moron

"Alexia do you want to die"? Naomi asked worriedly while holding my two hands " even if you wanna die l won't let you, so you are apologizing this minute"she suddenly gripped my hand and started dragging

No way was l going to apologize, l stomped my feet l had a strong stamina so naturally Naomi couldn't drag me anymore

"Look, l know you worried for me but don't worry nothing will happen l assure you " I patted Naomi back and walked away

"And we're do you think you are going" Naomi said

"Home, l'm exhausted and disgusting"I said as l looked down at my once beautiful dress now stained with food, l groaned inwardly so much for a party l stepped out of the balcony all eyes on me, the table was already set back and a bowl with fresh Sushi's at my seat and with everybody seated; Mr& Mrs Slade exchange mischeavous glances, Allen trying hard to hold back his laugh and the robot staring death daggers at me but l didn't care l politely bowed and said

"Thank you Mr & Mrs Slade for the wonderful meal and party, l would take my leave now" I said

"Nonsense, if is about the um... Little show of just now please do know that we hold no grudges"Flora Said

"I understand Mrs Slade but l do have things to attend to at home which are really important"I said

"Come on darling, I understand you are trying to avoid the situation but all is forgotten and the chief even made some fresh Sushi's for you besides you couldn't possibly be going home looking like that" Mrs Slade pointed

"Yeah, Alexia we could have a sleep over you don't have to work all the time you know" Clara said

"Thank you Mrs Slade for your kindness and l will take you up on that sleepover"I responded

"Great, now sit let's eat" Mrs Slade said

"Actually I think l'm full for the night, l would like to retire now if that's okay" I said

"Of course is okay, Clara will show you where you will stay" Flora said

"Thank you, Mrs Slade" I said

" You are welcome"she said

As l followed Clara to the room, a waiter pass by with that same cold aura l felt that day at the villa l turned to see who was it but it was like he disappeared into thin air

"Alexia, where are you"? Clara said

"Coming" I said

"Clara, please notify me if there's anyone for me, l asked my butler to bring my laptop so l could work here"I said

"I thought we were having a sleepover" Clara said

"We are gonna still have the sleep over but it doesn't hurt if l work on the sidelines" I said

"In that case, you are sleeping in my room" Clara

"Fine with me"I said

"Prepare a warm bath for my friend here" Clara said to a passing maid

"Yes ma'am"

The night pass by pretty quickly, Naomi,Clara and I played boardgames, truth and dare,the usuals till we passed out on the floor or rather they passed out on the floor l couldn't sleep,l wonder what was taking Steve so long to bring a damn laptop, l went downstairs, The Slade's mansion was so big, bigger than mine, one could get lost but luckily for me l been here a couple's time so l know my way

"Excuse me, had there been any delivery for me" I asked the butler

"No ma'am, nothing of the sort" he said

"Okay thank you " I said

He nodded then walked away, l looked outside the night was pretty chilly and quiet l remembered Clara once had a swing at her yard l wonder if is still there,l walked outside and bingo l found it, l made my way there and sat my swings the breeze blowing through my hair,it was perfect to swing, there's something about the night that made me liked it; it's always so bright,more windy, no people and the fresh air to breathe in Wait is that smoke l smell l turned and found a figure not too far from me staring at me with a cigarette in it's hand oh No it was Mr Robot again l groaned