

Hi!,My name is Alexia Born to the great Vampire King and Queen whom were betrayed and killed,lost the only sister l had, then suffered from memory loss and became one of the most powerful female CEOs there's is until l met Mr Robot,then l clocked 25 things took a drastic turn for me. Follow me down the road of self discovery, romance, friendship, werewolves,vampire's, loyalty, betrayal and revenge AUTHORS NOTE: Hi everyone, my name is sofia and this is actually the first book l have written please do well to drop a comment and show your love towards this book. Thank you ❤️

Sofia_Edward · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Newfound homework



"I want to know the kind of person my sister has been frolicking with and if this was a interrogation your limbs would be missing by now"he said and those last words of his sent shivers down my spine, l knew he wasn't bluffing

"We have just been chilling at a quiet place away from the city, was wrong with that" I said

He didn't answer, ughhh he such a Robot,there was silence, it was so awkward until he said

"Who are you" he said

"Nobody you should be concerned about"I said almost immediately

"You know, l have my ways of finding out who you are" he said smirking

"Good luck with your newfound homework, why do you want to know who l am anyway, I just a nobody "I said muching on some chips

"A nobody who was able to cover their tracks for a year with no single trace or clue on what will lead us to you, so Miss Williams l wouldn't say you are a nobody yet"he Said

"Oh looks like someone did their homework before, since you know my name l'm sure you already know so much about me, why bother asking me again"I said throwing some more chips into my mouth

"There's still some things I would want to know"he said

"Aww... Too bad cause you ain't hearing anything for me,"I said nonchalantly

Suddenly the car came to a halt in front of an old cabin no no not a cabin more like a warehouse suddenly l felt that unsettling chill besides me, wait was he gonna torture the truth out of me, my hands were all sweaty I don't know why I was afraid l have never been afraid of anything or anyone before but with this man l felt afraid all the time, l slowly turned around to face his piercing gaze, it was like he piercing into my soul

But l composed myself which wasn't easy

"What are we doing here" I asked warily

"You know Miss Williams when I asked for something, l don't ask twice" he said smirking but that smirk was pure evil l could feel it l was about to say something but quickly clamp my mouth shut cause I know better than to say something, suddenly he leaned in closer and l gulped was this it, was he going to strangle me but then he reached out to the back seat oh gosh I felt so relieved only to see he brought out a Gun, I was literally about to bolt out of the door,when he locked all doors just great what was he going to do then he stared at me again I closed my eyes shut thinking of thousands of ways he was going to torture me, then he said

"Wait here" he got off the car, and went into the warehouse

I left out a heavy sigh,"at least l'm not dead yet" I said I looked at the back of the car and saw a duffel bag, l opened it and there was cash and some documents boring and then l saw he's phone,hmm he actually forgot it weird l was just about to open it when l heard a voice

"Picky much"? He said grabbing the phone from my hand

"You wish, I just thought it was mine that's all"I said

"Not the best lie you come up with huh"? He said

"Who said it was a lie"I rushed to ask

"Your phone is literally in your hands"he said

"Are you going to drive or talk about my phone "I asked rashly desperate to avoid the truth

He stared at me hmph whatever l'm not gonna be intimidated by him again *easier said than done*

Atlas we arrived at the airport after a long uncomfortable ride "thank you for the ride " I said

"No need," he said and drove off

So Rude, whatever hopefully this is the last time we see eachother

*Back at Valdoria*

I breathe in the fresh air of this city home sweet home, wrong in my case work sweet work

"Welcome home miss, nice to have you back with us" my secretary Nadia greeted me

"Thank you, how's the progress so far" I asked

"Is been quite the same since you left, l have send you reports of last year achievements, demerits and merits" she said

"I have read the report; progress is slow, investment company withdrawing their funds then there's the animosity among the shareholders, Care to explain"I asked skeptical

"The shareholders believe that you are irresponsible and too young to manage a company and there has been dispute on who will take over thereby causing the eminity, however there have been some who are still loyal to you despite the changes" Nadia said

"Been gone for just a year and they want to overthrow me, interesting" I smirk

"Investment companies are demanding to meet who is in charge saying they can't keep dealing with an invisible CEO, causing the withdrawal" Nadia said

"Irrelevant, Go on "I said

"Finally the progress, staff are getting relaxed thinking you will never come back and probably must have died on your trip causing them to lay back" She said

"Send the list of all the staff and their progress report, arrange a meeting with all the shareholders and send me a list of the remaining investment companies willing to still cooperate with us, is fishing time" I said suddenly a call came through, it was a group call from Naomi and Clara

"Hi besties,"Clara squeal

"Alexia,hope you made it safe l'm so sorry for leaving out of the blue"Naomi apologize

"Is cool besides l'm already in the city no need to feel bad for me"I said

"Ahhh, l'm so glad Asher agreed to pick you up, you couldn't imagine how much l beg" Clara said

*You did that, ah you are the best but for the record your brother is a freaking Robot" I said

"Yeah, hey l almost forgot there's a banquet for me tomorrow night to celebrate my return home and you girls are coming" Clara

"I'm free, l'll definitely come"Naomi said

"I don't know Clara l have work to do "I whined

"Drop it, l don't want to hear none it, you are coming and that's final" Clara said and with that the call went out *sigh* I guess party it is