
Forgotten Remnants

Over 100 teenagers wake up in an unfamiliar field with no memory of how they got there. They are greeted by a holographic figure who tells them that they have been chosen for a special purpose and brought to this place. As they try to adjust to their new surroundings, the teenagers discover that they are not on Earth and must find a way to get back home. They also learn that they have inherited powers through a system called remnants, which allows them to access the memories and abilities of past inhabitants of this world. As they grow in strength and proficiency with their powers, they must also face various challenges and adversities as they try to survive and uncover the true purpose of their being brought to this strange world. Along the way, they must confront their own inner demons and come to terms with their place in the universe.

iKoenix · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
8 Chs

The Remnants

"Huuuuaaaaaagghhhh," I gasped for fresh air as I raised my upper body off the ground.

 My light brown eyes tried to adjust to the blinding beam of light from the sun as I placed my hand to block it. After a few seconds my vision had cleared up enough to see in front of me. I quickly tried to stand up but my attempt was futile, and my legs felt strange, a bit unfamiliar. I was in the middle of some strange open plain land. I began scoping around me and my body suddenly froze in shock as I was surrounded by other people. They looked like teenagers just like me but they were also unconscious. "Huaaagghh," one by one they began to wake up.

 I checked my pockets and couldn't find my phone as I began panicking. Filled with anxiety I slowly made my way onto my feet, with a plethora of people waking with some sort of confused look on their faces. "Who the fuck are you and where the fuck am I!!" A tall guy with golden hair like the sun shouted at someone he grabbed by the shirt.

 "Bro, I don't know where the fuck we are so you better fucking let me go," the guy being assaulted replied clearly smaller than the jacked assailant.

 "Is that so," the golden-haired guy uttered menacingly.

"Stop it!" A slim thick with defining curves curly red head girl, with freckled cheeks and pink lips, exclaimed as she walked over to them in an attempt to break up the squabble.

 "Ohh, I'm sorry princess, is Jeff here your little boyfriend?" The golden-haired guy sarcastically replied.

 Pushing the golden-haired guy away he replied, "My name is fucking Timothy, get it right bitch," He pointed at the golden-haired guy.

 He was about to retaliate when the girl stepped in and held him back a little, "I don't know either of you, but you guys need to stop this now!" The red head replied.

 "You want to go fucking Timothy, because we can fucking go right now, Levi's not afraid of some pussy, come on bitch!" Levi replied to Timothy as he began to jest.

 At this point everyone's attention was focused on them when suddenly an ominous voice echoed from behind us shaking the very air around us, "Hear Me!"

 We turned around to face a large image of this guy in a long black coat with a strange mask on it was almost like some type of projection. "All of you were taken to serve a greater purpose if you will, slowly you will begin to realize that the place you are stuck in is much... different from where you're used to," he informed us as Chad blurted, "And who the fuck are you?!"

 "It's a recording you dumb fuck," Timothy replied as the recording continued, "You may not remember the events that last took place but soon you will start to have flashbacks but these won't be your memories, they're the remnants of something beautiful that you'll inherit, when you experience it you'll understand, There's only one way out of where you're trapped and it'll take you a long time to achieve, I have provided one week worth of supplies but after that you must fend for yourselves, and I suggest you get accustomed to your new life before the death dogs come out to play."

And just like that the recording ended, a deafening silence echoed for a brief moment like a calm before a storm. "What the fuck!" Levi exclaimed before the huge crowd began cursing, panicking and begin drowning in paranoia.

 I could see a girl laying on the ground with her hands squeezing her head and shaking in disbelief. "Everyone calm down!" A skinny, jet-black haired guy shouted silencing most of the crowd, "I'm Caleb Hunter, I know we're all confused, and um disoriented right now but we need to calm down and think logically. We don't know how long we were out when kidnapped uhm I don't even know we're probably in a different country right now but if a bunch of teenagers go missing about the same time it has to raise some suspicions right. So, I think we should look around and find what we can until the police finds us."

 "And who the fuck put you in charge Caleb? Because I don't remember voting you leader," Levi jest as he approached closer to Caleb.

 "Well, someone needed to end the chaos, uhm Levi was it, And I didn't see you making that attempt," Caleb uttered as the fear creeped onto his face as Levi got closer.

 "Everyone shut the fuck up!" Levi shouted as he came face to face with Caleb, "Is that good enough for ending the chaos nerd or do I need to beat you to a fucking pulp first?"

 "That's enough," I said while approaching them.

 "And who the fuck are you?" Levi asked furiously.

 "I'm Xander and if you don't back away from Caleb here, we're going to have problems friend," I replied.

 "So, someone here finally has the balls to fight me," He responded laughing to himself hysterically.

 Levi was about an inch taller than me, and I wasn't super buff like him, but I have a solid background in martial arts, and I was pretty sure I could take him. "Come on bro square up," he proceeded to jest.

 "If you want to fight him you'll have to take both of us," Timothy said as he made his way to where we were.

 Levi looked at both of us and realized that the odds weren't in his favor, "Whatever, you do whatever the fuck you want, but I'm not staying here. All of you can stay here if you want but I'm going to find someone and get the fuck home. Wait until the cops find us by staying where our kidnapper left us? Who you think will find us first huh?" Levi pointed out before he turned and began walking through the crowd, "Now you can stay here and wait on that lunatic to find us with these nerds, or you can come with me and find our own damn way out."

 There was at least a hundred of us there no one kidnapper could do this on his own. Levi made a good point and it won over about 12 of us who decided to leave with him. Before he turned around and left he said one last time, "It's your funerals."

 I might not like his personality, but he had a point and in that moment, I wondered if I had made the right decision.

"Okay guys the masked man said something about supplies, so we need to uhm search for those supplies, they have to be somewhere close," Caleb announced as everyone begun searching for the supplies.

"Hey Xander," Caleb called me as I was about to start searching, "Thanks for your assistance earlier I really appreciate it."

"Yeah, no problem but I think you should be thanking Timothy, because he's the one who really scared Levi off," I replied.

"Nonsense, you should thank god that didn't escalate further," Timothy added as he joined our conversation.

"Well it doesn't matter I'm just gl-," Caleb was cut off by a guy shouting from close to where the projection was, "Hey guys I think I found something over here!"

Timothy, Caleb and I quickly made our way to where he was. He pointed downwards where you could see a metal door. Carefully, we climbed down to the metal doors, "Great, how do we get in?" Timothy asked.

"There has to be a way inside," Caleb said and he approached the door.

There was no keypad, keyhole or anything that suggested this door could be opened simply. "Hello? Open sesame?" Timothy attempted.

 "Open sesame? Really?" Caleb rebutted.

 "What? It worked for Aladdin didn't it?", he replied.

 Caleb proceeded to knock on the door twice and place his ear on the door to listen if he could hear anything on the other side. As he placed his hand on the door for support, suddenly the door began to open. Caleb quickly took a few steps back and was standing directly beside Timothy and I.

 "You see I told ya open sesame," Timothy said cheekily.

 "I just love it how you somehow think that your open sesame had anything to do with it opening," I replied.

 The doors had finished opening and by this many more people climbed down to where we were. We started to approach the door where we could see duffle bags inside. Just us three walked in while everyone else stayed outside, then inspecting the bags further we found that our names were on them. I then quickly walked outside and announced, "Hey get everyone down here Now!"

 After that, everyone came and we started giving out the backpacks, "Emma Jensen! Where is Emma Jensen?!" Wade shouted.

 "Here!" a voice from in the midst of the crowd shouted as she made her way to the front, "I'm right here!"

 When she finally made it to the front of the crowd, he realized it was the same red head from earlier. He gave her the bag with her name on it, "Hey uhm thanks for earlier," He said.

 "Ahhh yeah no problem, Levi's a dick anyways," she replied.

 "Yeah uhm you ahhh mind helping us give out these bags? We're a little understaffed at the moment," Timothy requested .

 "Uhm yeah sure why not," Emma replied.

 "Hey guys, this is Emma Jensen and she's going to help us with the bags," Timothy said as he turned to us.

"Yeah, that's fine," Caleb replied as I nodded in agreement.

"So what's in the bag?" I asked as we didn't even think to check.

Emma then unzipped her bag and started searching, "Let's see, there's clothes, toothbrush and toothpaste and uhm some weird book" She replied as she took out this strange book with a dragon on the cover.

"Lemme see that," said Caleb as Emma proceeded to hand him the book.

Caleb opened the book and begun flipping through the pages, "It's just some kind of fantasy book, maybe he gave you something to pass the time I don't know," he said as he handed the book back to Emma.

"I guess," Emma replied as she placed the book in her bag and we continued handing out the bags.

It felt like it had been hours after we finally finished giving out most of the bags, as twelve bags were unclaimed one of which belongs to Levi Ellis. "I mean there has to be at least a hundred of us here," I said as I lay on the floor of the bunker.

"Yeah no one guy could possibly kidnapped so many people," Caleb replied.

It was a small bunker I don't think sixty people could fit in here. I was inspecting the room to see if I could find anything else that could help us. At the back of the room I realized the wall looked strange. "Hey is that another door?" I inquired as I got off the ground and begun approaching the back.

"It would make sense right? He said he left one week worth of supplies, but I don't see any food or anything so maybe this is another part of the bunker," I speculated.

"Yeah it kind of does look like a door, doesn't it?" Caleb replied as he began walking towards the door.

"How'd you get it open last time?" I asked.

"That would be an open sesame," Timothy replied as Emma chuckled.

"I don't know I just knocked and listened," Caleb responded.

I placed my hand on the wall for support as I was about to knock on the door, it suddenly started to open. "It's fingerprint, it must've scanned my fingerprints, it's the only logical answer," I proclaimed as the doors opened.

"Bingo," I said as we stared on the food supplies behind the door.

"Let's see, These are boxes of MRE's," I said as I inspected the boxes of food.

"MRE's?" Emma said confused.

"Meals ready to eat, it's what they eat in the army," I replied.

 "Hey what are those?" Caleb asked as he pointed to a section in the corner.

 I looked and saw swords, shields, daggers on racks and pots and pans on another rack. "Swords and daggers? Really? What are we supposed to do with swords?" Timothy asked.

 "I don't know but let's each take a dagger and keep this a secret for now, last thing you want is scared teens with weapons," I said as distributed daggers to the four of us.

 We then took four boxes of the MRE's which said it contained twenty five each. "So just place my hand on it and it will close?" Caleb asked as we exited the back room.

"Close Sesame?" Timothy interrupted as we all ignored him.

"Yeah that should do the trick," I said as Caleb proceeded to place his hand on the door and it closed.

We did that for the other door as we left the bunker and made our way to where everyone was. "Hey everyone! Attention here please! We have food so form some lines so we can give them out!" Wade announced as everyone quickly got into lines.

While giving out the food I saw a gorgeous, short, dark haired with light brown balayage highlights girl being swarmed by people. When she finally got through the crowd and made her way to me for the MRE then I realized, "Hi, I'm Flora Porter, you probably know me from my tv show 'One of Them'. How much longer are we going to be here before help arrives? I have an interview with Jimmy Fallon next week and I can't miss it, and do you have anything else? I don't want this," she stated.

 "I don't work with the cops so how the hell am I supposed to know how long until they find us? Nah we don't princess, I don't know if you realize but we're stranded out here, it's an eat or starve situation, so take it or starve," I replied as I handed her the bag.

 "Fine whatever," she said as she took the bag and stormed off.

 Flora Porter she's famous and she's only 18, I actually love One of Them but this is not a show or a movie. After I finished handing out the food, Caleb, Timothy, Emma and I sat down to eat. "The sun is already setting, and no one hasn't come yet," Caleb stated.

 "Yeah, makes you wonder if Levi was right," I replied.

 "I mean he's a jerk, but he had a point, you think he found anyone yet?" Timothy responded with a question.

 "I don't know but I hope if he did, he points them in our direction," Caleb answered.

 "The chances of that asshole doing that ar-," Timothy suddenly froze.

 "Hey, Timothy what's wrong?" I asked.

 His eyes began rolling as his body was shaking and then suddenly he just fainted. "What the fuck?! Was that a seizure?" I asked in shock.

 "I don't know let's get him to the bunker," Caleb replied as I threw him over my shoulder and made our way to the bunker in a rush.


 Meanwhile elsewhere, "I should've fucking pounded those idiots into the ground," Levi said as he continued walking.

 "I'm tired," a short dark-haired girl, said as she stopped walking.

 "Casey why did you follow me? All of you have only slowed me down. I can literally still see where the losers are and the sun is fucking setting," Levi said frustrated.

 "Maybe we should turn back, we're all hungry and that masked guy said something about supplies for a week so we could go get supplies and find help early tomorrow when we have more daylight," Casey replied.

 "Listen you can go if you want Casey but there's no way you're getting me go back to where those nerds are," He stated firmly.

 "Sure have your way but I'm going back so good luck Levi," Casey said as she turned back and started walking.

 The other two girls that were there along with a guy also turned back with Casey. "Whatever let's go guys, the dead weight is gone," Levi said as he and the other seven guys continued walking into a forest.

 After walking for a decent time, Levi stopped suddenly. "Hey Levi why'd yo-," He cut off one of the guys by shushing him.

 They all began listening keenly if they could hear what Levi was hearing. A faint bell sound echoes throughout the forest but he couldn't really see anything because it was dark. Suddenly something looking like a chicken emerged from behind some grass and continued sprinting away. "Freaked out by a chicken Levi? Although that chicken does look weird," one of the guys asked and they began to chuckle.

 "Yeah yeah whatever, I've gone hunting with my dad and he says always have your guard up," Levi replied as suddenly a loud growl was heard.

 "What the fuck was that?" A guy asked as Levi began to back away.

 "A wolf, fox, I don't know and I don't want to know, I'm heading back," Levi replied as he turned around to turn back when suddenly the growl began to get closer.

 "I guess Levi is just a coward after all," another guy replied as they began laughing.

 "Yeah whatever, you guys are dumb as fuck," He said as he began walking away.

 When the guys turned back around they were face to face with an ugly two headed dog like creature towering over them with one of the heads' having a large scar over it's left eye. It let out a loud roar and Levi turned around and saw the beast, everyone turned to run but the guy closest to the beast was grabbed by both heads. One clenched his sharp teeth into his upper body as the other one bit into his lower body,"Aaaaagggggggghhhhhh!!!!!" he screamed in agony, as the two headed beast began pulling away from each other, until the body rip into half.

 By this time Levi and the other six boys were sprinting out of the forest with Levi leading the pack, "What the fuck, What the fuck!" He screamed as he continued sprinting onto the plain where he could see the camp in a good distance.

 One of the guys tripped and fell and no one stopped to help they continued sprinting to the camp. He quickly got up off the ground but before he could make his first step the beast pounced onto his back knocking him back to the floor using him thick Claws to rip into his chest, "NOOOOOOO!!!!" He screamed as the beast let out a loud roar that echoed to the end of the forest where Levi had long sprinted from.

 Levi was a good distance away from the rest of boys when in the near distance he saw Casey and the rest that turned back. "Run! Casey!" He panted for breath as Casey turned around and he continued sprinting, "It's coming RUN!"


"He's breathing, he probably just needs some rest, he'll be fine," Emma said.

 "Yeah that's good, I was worried for a bit there, I'm gonna let everyone know that there's nothing to worry about" Caleb said as he stepped outside.

 "I'm studying to be a doctor, I was just accepted to NYCU on a scholarship," Emma said as she sat down taking a deep sigh.

 "How old are you?" I asked as I held one of the swords in my hand.

 "I'm eighteen how about you?" She replied.

 "I'm eighteen too," I replied, "And you're way better than me I have no idea what I want to be I have plans and ideas, but I'm honestly lost and sometimes feel like I'm drowning with the pressure that on me. Kendo is honestly the only thing I've been good at."

"Xander!!!! You've got to see this," Caleb called as I rushed out of the bunker with the sword to see what it was about.

 I climbed up to the plain on top of the bunker where they had made a campfire from sticks and dry leaves from nearby trees as night was upon us. "Yeah, Caleb what's up?" I asked as he turned to face me.

 "The sword?" he said but immediately disregarded it, "Look up."

 "What?" I said confused but looked in the sky anyways.

 I immediately froze as I saw it. Among the countless stars decorating the dark sky. Three moons brightly shone illuminating the sky. "Th-three m-moons?" I stuttered as I spaced out.

 "Where the hell are we?" Caleb asked nervously as everyone began panicking.

 "I don't know but this is not Earth," I replied.

 Suddenly we heard screams. We looked and saw what looked like five persons sprinting towards us. "RUUN! It's coming!" One of the voiced screamed.

 "Is that Levi?" Caleb asked as they reached closer.

It didn't take long before they reached us where they stopped for a brief moment, "I-It's Coming," He panted gasping for air as I inquired," What's coming Levi?"

 "That beast i-i-it's coming, it's coming to kill us," he said as suddenly we heard a loud roar echoing from a distance.

 "Everyone get in the bunker, NOW!" I exclaimed as everyone began sprinting towards the bunker.

 A couple of persons were out further and began running towards them, then I saw someone sprinting from the direction where Levi came from. Then suddenly a large two headed wolf looking beast with a shadowy body that blended with the darkness leapt onto him and began ripping into him.

"You guys! RUN!" I shouted as they were closer to the beast than I was.

 They began sprinting towards me and I realized Flora was one of them. The beast and I began sprinting towards them as I held the sword firmly in my hand ready to strike. They were right in front of me when the beast pounced on top of Flora knocking her to the ground. The rest of them stopped to turn back, "Keep running!" I shouted as I darted towards the beast.

 Before it could harm her I quickly swung the sword slicing the other eye of the beast who had a scar over its eye. It backed away and it began moving crazy so I assumed I blinded it or at least one head. "Flora, Run!" I said as the beast began to regain balance.

 Flora and I began sprinting towards the bunker, glancing back I could see the beast beginning to charge at us. I stopped and turn to delay the beast so everyone could make it back safely. "Keep going!" I told Flora hence she continued to make her way to where everyone was. The beast then took this opportunity to pounce at me.

 There was a lot of fear and confusion with too many people stuck in the bunker. Caleb made his way to the back where the weapons were and began giving them out to all the males. "Take these if the beast comes we kill it," Caleb proclaimed unconvincingly.

 They heard another roar even closer this time shrieking fear into them. "Where is Xander? We need to close the doors!" Emma stated.

 Then four people ran to the door out of breath, "T-th-the thing it go-t it got Flora and Xander told us to keep going," one of the girls said.

 "We need to help him!" Caleb said but no one wanted to go, "Fine I'll go by myself."

 "Aaaaggghhh, wait nerd I'll help too," Levi replied.

 "Huuuaaaaaggghhhhh," suddenly Timothy woke up, "What's happening?" He asked.

 "There's a beast trying to kill Xander we have to save him," Caleb replied.

 Then suddenly Flora arrived at the door out of breath-he's up there fighting it by himself," she managed to say.

 "I have to go," Timothy said as he ran out with Caleb and Levi.

 The beast was still off balance, so I managed to dive out of the way and quickly got back onto my feet. The beast was now in my way to the bunker and began approaching me slowly getting ready to pounce as I backed up closer to the campfire they had started. The beast pounced but I couldn't dodge in time, and it landed on me knocking me to the floor. One head was bleeding from where I cut it and the other head tried to bite after me but I managed to thrust my sword right into his jaw. The beast backed off and I got to my feet and began running towards the bunker, but it didn't take long for the beast to get back on his feet and run me down. He knocked me to the floor once more I could feel its anger emanating from it, as it raised his claw about to rip into my chest when suddenly Levi slashed the beast across its face and it retreated back a good distance. Caleb then helped me up onto my feet as I realized Timothy was awake. "I blinded one of the heads and my sword is in the other head's mouth but it won't go down," I said as I realized Caleb's hand was shaking so I took his sword from him.

 The beast began charging towards us, "How are we supposed to beat something like this?" Levi asked nervously as the beast became closer.

 We all got ready to attack as Timothy stepped forward and aimed his hand towards the beast, "Burn!" He shouted as a beam of light flashes from his hand and engulfs the beast in fire.

 The beast falls to the ground burning as it lets out a dying roar. We watched the beast burn out as we were absolutely speechless. "What the fuck!? What the fuck did you do!?" Levi asked Timothy as he too stood in shock.

 He stood still for a second and then he began laughing, "I can't believe that worked!" He exclaimed as he stared at his hands.

 "Timothy what, what did you do, what was that?" I asked as we were all still puzzled while he was still laughing.

 "Earlier when I went unconscious, I started to see stuff like memories, but they weren't mine," he replied as I interrupted, "It's like what the masked man said earlier, what was the words again?"

"Remnants," Caleb responded as Timothy continued, "So in the memories I saw myself using that power. 'Burn' is the command word, ahhhh it's hard to explain, you have to use command words to activate your ability, I can do much more than that if I learn to control my power and harness it. You'll understand when you get your remnant."

"Yeah, whatever that was it was totally fucking awesome dude!!" Levi exclaimed.

While we were distracted, we didn't realize the beast getting back onto his feet barely clinging to life. It wasn't until he charged at us but not as ferocious as before did I realize. I ran up to him as he barely pounced off the floor and I slid on my knees and anchored the sword right in its chest. Everyone stared at me as I said, "Even after all of that it still wasn't dead? How strong is this thing?"

Suddenly, the beast turned into a black mist which just disappeared leaving behind the two swords I lodged in him. "Is it finally dead?" Levi asked as Timothy replied, "I think so."

"This is definitely not Earth," Caleb replied as we all released a relieved sigh that at least the fight is over for now.

We made our way back to the bunker where everyone was inside of. We opened the doors to see relieved faces that we're alive. "You scared me!" Emma exclaimed.

"We're sorry," Timothy replied.

"What happened to the monster?" someone asked.

"These two fucking killed it!" Levi exclaimed and he placed his arms around Timothy and I.

"We think we killed it, after I stabbed it in the chest it fell and then turned to a black mist," I replied as Caleb closed the doors behind us.

"I know it's crowded in here but in the bunker is the safest place to stay right now until we secure the area or something, I don't know," Timothy said as the people began to murmur.

"Hey! I don't know if you've realized but there's three moons in the sky, that means I don't think we are on Earth anymore so I don't even know if we should be expecting someone to come and rescue us. We might just have to rescue ourselves," I stated as the murmurs became even louder and panic started to settle in.

"How are we supposed to save ourselves?" Someone asked as the crowd began an uproar.

"Everyone listen!" Timothy exclaimed as he got the attention of the crowd, "Do you remember when the masked man said soon, we'd start getting memories that weren't ours? Well, I experienced it, the remnant and it showed me that I could do something I thought was impossible. I set the beast on fire just by pointing my hand at him and saying a word."

"Yeah right, that's bullshit," someone in the crowd said as the crowd began an uproar again.

"It's not!" Levi shouted as the room quickly became deafeningly silent, "I saw him set the bastard on fire with my own eyes, whatever it was we are all gonna get abilities to help us get out of here and survive."

 "It's best we all just get some sleep right now and tomorrow we'll figure everything out," I said as I worked my way to the back to get some rest.

 The place was overcrowded even with the back open. We needed to find somewhere better to stay or I don't know probably build a place. Problem is I don't think we would know how to build anything much less a house or something. The noise level in the bunker was a little loud but it reminded me of home. The orphanage I was raised in, kids were always arguing, and I would usually go to roof to escape it all but I'd rather be in the middle of that storm than this hell. I was exhausted so it didn't take long for me to fall asleep. "Hey Xander wake up," a voice said as they shook me waking me from my sleep.

 I woke up to see Timothy, "We need to plan," he said as he helped me onto my feet.

A lot of people were already up but nobody wanted to leave the bunker.

We walked over to where Emma, Caleb and Levi. "You guys go ahead I just need to clear my head," Levi said.

Caleb then proceeded to open the doors. Everyone who was awake was instantly on edge when the doors began opening. Caleb, Timothy, Emma and I then stepped out and were temporarily blinded by the glare of the sun. After our eyes had adjusted to the brightness we closed the door, "Listen I'm going to climb up first and see if it's safe," I said as I decided to do a little recon.

As I arrived up top and I began scanning every direction looking if it was clear. The campfire had burned out and a thin smoke trail was emitting from it, other than that it was clear. "Okay come up," I said as they began making their way up.

"I don't know what we're going to do," I blurted out as soon as everyone had gathered.

"All we can do, try to survive," Timothy added.

"Yeah, and how are we supposed to do that?" I asked.

"First of all, the bunker is way too small to stay," Emma stated.

"And the supplies will run out pretty soon, I doubt they'll last a week," Caleb added.

"Plus we don't know how many more of those wolf beast things are out there or what else could be out there," I said.

 "And we don't even know where we are or how to get back home," Timothy added as he started pacing back and forth.

 "Okay so firstly we need to find food," I suggested.

 "Where are we going to find food? The only animal we've encountered tried to kill us" Emma stated.

 "Yeah, but maybe Levi saw other animals before he the dog beast started hunting him," Caleb suggested.

"So you're suggesting hunting?" I asked, "That sounds like we'd end up being hunted and eaten."

"Yeah, but A plan is better than NO plan," Caleb replied, "Besides, Timothy could use his fire magic power thingy and soon we'll all have one."

"What about fruits and vegetables? We could forage," Emma input.

"It's worth a try but we don't know if anything here is edible but for our sake, we should hope it is," I stated.

"We should try to get a group of people to come with us," Timothy added.

"Everyone is shaken up, I don't even want to leave but we have to do what we must," I replied.

Before Timothy could reply we heard a scream from the bunker. We quickly climbed down and opened the doors. "What happened?" Caleb asked.

Someone replied, "Something's wrong with them," as the crowd parted and we saw a girl and a guy on the floor shaking like they were having a seizure and then they suddenly fainted.

"Is this-," I began as I was cut off by Timothy, "It's the remnants."