
Forgotten Remnants

Over 100 teenagers wake up in an unfamiliar field with no memory of how they got there. They are greeted by a holographic figure who tells them that they have been chosen for a special purpose and brought to this place. As they try to adjust to their new surroundings, the teenagers discover that they are not on Earth and must find a way to get back home. They also learn that they have inherited powers through a system called remnants, which allows them to access the memories and abilities of past inhabitants of this world. As they grow in strength and proficiency with their powers, they must also face various challenges and adversities as they try to survive and uncover the true purpose of their being brought to this strange world. Along the way, they must confront their own inner demons and come to terms with their place in the universe.

iKoenix · Fantasy
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8 Chs

A New Life

"Everyone calm down, they'll be fine," Timothy said as he walked ever to them, "The same thing happened to me yesterday, when they wake up, they will have acquired special abilities like I have and so will all of you eventually."

"Outside is safe right now so if anyone wants fresh air it's fine to go but stay right at the bunker," I informed them.

Majority stayed in the bunker, but a handful of people stepped out. "I'm going to talk to Levi about the animals," Caleb said as he left to find him in the bunker.

"I'll take care of them until they regain consciousness," Emma stated.

"I uhm I could help," Timothy replied rather nervously.

"Yeah, I'd like that," Emma responded as she gave off a bright smile.

"Uh huh got it, I'm going for some of that fresh air," I said as I walked outside.

I stood outside mapping out our surroundings carefully where in the far distance, I could barely see a structure of some sort. "Hello?" A voice behind me said as I spun around to see Flora.

"Oh hello Flora," I replied as I slowly turned back to stare at the mysterious structure.

"I uhm really wanted to thank you for saving me last night," she stated.

"Yeah no problem I just did what anyone would have, I have to get some stuff done, stay safe," I replied as I made my way on top of the bunker leaving Flora at the doors.

"So what is it like? The uhm r-remnants?" Emma asked Timothy.

"I-It's like you're remembering something that happened but it's not your memories but it feels real you feel everything the person does, the rush of power through your body and the beauty it produces. It feels like it's showing you how to use th-this ability that we now have," he replied.

"Does it hurt?" Emma responded.

"You don't feel a thing," He replied as Emma wiped the sweat from the guy experiencing the remnants.

 "You said your power is flames or something?" Emma asked.

"I can set something on fire by aiming and using the activation chant," he replied.

"That's interesting, I wonder what my ability will be?" She said as he mind began to wonder.

"I'm sure it'll be awesome," Timothy replied.

After 5 minutes of searching, Caleb finally found Levi in a corner staring at the walls. "Levi!" Caleb shouted after calling multiple times.

He jumped a bit and turned to see Caleb and responded, "I'm not in the mood nerd, go away."

"Levi, we don't have time for this, we'll be running out of food soon and we need to know if when you were out did you see any fruits, vegetables or normal animals?" Caleb replied.

"I d-, look I don't know I-I don't remember, all I remember is that thing and seeing it tear them to pieces a-a-and their screams. Their fucking screams is playing over and over in my head it's fucking haunt-" He was cut off by Caleb, "Yeah I know that this is haunting you and yes it's your fault but you weren't wrong to go out and right now we need you to remember if you saw anything that we can eat because if you don't everyone here will die."

"Yeah yeah I get it, uhm I don't know I don't remember seeing any fruits in any trees I saw, nor any vegetables, I mean if we really are on a different planet, then those may not exist he-," Levi said as he paused suddenly, "I did see a chicken, yeah I saw a weird looking chicken run out of some bushes."

"So there's chickens here, thanks Levi you probably just saved us," Caleb replied as he began to make his way towards the entrance.

"You look like hell," Casey said to Levi who was still sitting on the floor.

"Yeah if you caused seven person's death, I'm sure you wouldn't be happy go lucky either," He replied.

 "Yeah, but you saved my life and the other three that were with me," Casey continued, "You never forced anyone of us to go with you so it's their fault their dead but if you really want to do something about what happened, you need to help so that no one else dies. You can't change the past Levi, but you can carve a future."

 "Hey guys, there are chickens here Levi just told me," Caleb excitedly told Emma and Timothy as he reached the entrance.

 "Great but how do you find chickens?" Emma asked.

 "I mean If there's chickens then surely there's other animals," Timothy added.

 "Where's Xander? It's best we tell him," Caleb responded.

 "He went outside for some air," Timothy replied.

 "So, what are we waiting on?" Caleb said as he turned to leave.

 "I have to stay with these two you guys go ahead," Emma said as Timothy and Caleb made their way outside.

 Outside the bunker they saw a couple people surrounding Flora and talking to her. "Oh my god is that Flora Porter?!" Timothy exclaimed excitedly, "I have to talk to her, I cannot believe she a movie star got caught up in this too oh shit."

 "No you can do that later, we have to get to Xander, where are your priorities?" Caleb replied as he shook his head in disappointment.

 "Yeah yeah you're right, but, what if he's over there?" Timothy suggested.

 "I really doubt he's over there, I don't know if you've realized but I don't think Xander's the crazy fanatic type," Caleb answered.

 "Yeah but I should check just to make sure," Timothy replied as he turned to head towards Flora, "There he is, on top of the base, let's go fan boy," Caleb swiftly pointed out.

 "Ughhhh fine whatever, let's go chum chum," Timothy replied as he giggled a little to himself.

 They climbed up on top of the base to see Xander staring in the opposite direction of where Levi went. "Hey Xander! Chickens!" Timothy exclaimed as Xander turned towards him with a puzzled face, "What?"

 "Levi said he saw chickens yesterday when he was in the forest," Caleb explained.

 "That's good but the beast came from the forest too didn't it? So hunting chickens sounds dangerous," Xander replied.

 "But we have my fire power and you're a badass so I don't think that we need to wo-," Timothy was cut off by Xander, "Don't be naive, that thing almost killed us and it didn't die after you used your power it got back up. Plus do you even know if your power has limits? How many times can you use it? How fast? Seven persons have already died, this is real if we're reckless, we're dead."

 "The remnants showed me what I can do, with control I can use it for like half an hour a day n with practice, my power and the length of time I can use it will increase," Timothy replied confidently.

 "Okay then, show me," Xander responded.

 "You've seen it already," Timothy answered.

 "Yeah but I want to see you use it consistently," Xander replied.

 "Come on Timothy hurry up and do it so we can start hunting," Caleb added.

 "Uhm yeah sure," He replied as he turned to face the direction that Levi went and held out his hand, "Burn!"

 Xander and Caleb watched closely as nothing happened. "Burn," He tried again as nothing happened again.

 "Yeah that's what I thought. Last night you said the more you train the stronger you'd get, and I wondered who in their right minds would not practice to get better? But you've been trying haven't you? Just not able to do it again," Xander stated.

 "T-T-Th-That's not true, I-I can do it again I ju- I just need to practice more," Timothy rebutted.

 "We can't rely on something we don't understand and you can't control," Xander replied as began to think.

 "So how are we supposed to get food now?" Caleb added.

 "Well, we still have a couple days of food left so it's best if we train somehow, those who don't have powers use swords and those with powers need to learn how to use them," Xander responded.

 "Okay but do you think they can do it only in a couple days?" Caleb asked.

 "I can do it!" Timothy exclaimed with a lot of enthusiasm, "I'll be able to at least use Burn in a couple days, I feel it, it took the original user two weeks and he didn't have a guide. But I have his memories and I can do it."

 "We're counting on you," Xander replied as he turned to Timothy, "Get started on your training then."

 Timothy nodded in approval and moved to an empty spot near the bunker. "Do you really think he'll be able to do it?" Caleb asked.

 "He has determination, I'll give him that but I won't put my life in the hands of his chance of success," Xander responded.

 "Hey guys! They're awake!" Emma shouted.

 Xander and Caleb rushed down and made their way into the bunker to see the guy and the girl sitting up. "Hey can you tell me what you saw?" Emma asked them.

 "I-I saw-," the guy said as he stared at his hands, "Everything," the girl finished the sentence as her eyes had a glow.

Both the guy and the girl explained their experience as reliving memories that didn't belong to them and spoke of special abilities that they could do. "You mind showing us?" Xander asked them.

 They attracted a large crowd as they moved right outside the bunker. The girl firstly tried to use her ability, she closed her eyes and for a minute it seems she was in deep concentration. Then she raised her hand and aimed in the open and said "Projectile!", everyone was astonished as absolutely nothing happened.

 "It's okay you can try again," Xander comforted her then she replied, "No it wouldn't make a difference, in the memories they spoke of an energy. It's called essence and its present everywhere around us and in order to use our abilities we have to absorb and gain an understanding of this energy."

 "So, this essence, do you know how to absorb it?" Xander asked.

 "My memories showed me a way to do it, I just need about a week and I should be able to use my powers," she replied.

 "Interesting, what exactly is your ability?" He asked as she replied, "In my memories I could create three knives from essence and launch them at a target."

 "That's a very useful ranged attack, how about you what's your ability?" Xander asked the other guy who awakened.

 "I-I'm not too sure, in the remnants all I was doing was technique for absorbing essence but there was a constant thunderstorm happening, that's all I remember," he replied.

 "You probably have some lightning related ability, okay it's probably better if you guys get started with being able to use your abilities, we're going to need all the help we can get," Xander replied as they both went to begin practicing and the crowd slowly began dispersing.

 "Seems like they both have some fun abilities don't you think?" said Emma as Xander replied immediately, "I really hope they can at least use them before the week ends, for all of our sakes."

 "Hey Xander, got something here," Caleb informed.

 "On my way," Xander replied as he and Emma were about ascend to the top of the bunker they heard a loud scream, "Aaahhh!!"

 They both rushed down to see what was wrong, when they saw three persons unconscious on the ground, "I've got this you can go," Emma said to Xander as he nodded in approval.

 After getting to the top of the bunker Caleb quickly inquired, "What's happening down there?"

 "Three more persons are going through the remnants, hopefully they can wake up soon but what did you say you had to show me?" Xander replied.

 "Okay look I was remembering that we got a botanical book and a bestiary in our bags. We all thought they were for entertainment at the time because we didn't know where we are. So I decided to go through it and look here on page 52, what's that?" He explained.

 "Death dog? That picture it looks like what attacked us last night, doesn't it?" Xander asked for confirmation.

 "That's what I'm saying, and if this is in here then everything that's in this book will most likely be real," Caleb continued, "Look at this embersnake, warpbeast?! It can literally teleport it says so in the abilities and Athiox the Tyrant Dragon??!? There are dragons here? How are we supposed to fight that?"

 "Caleb calm down, yes most likely all of these are real but that doesn't mean we're going to have to fight them," Xander tried to stop Caleb from freaking out.

 "Right but just think about it even Timothy's fire couldn't kill a death dog and i've seen way worse in that book," Caleb explained.

 "But according to the two that just woke up you have to absorb essence and gain an understanding in order to use your abilities, so if you think about it, Timothy shouldn't have even been able to use his abilities. He'll be much stronger after learning how to use his power," Xander reassured him.

 "Well, you do make sense, on the other hand the botanical book seems to have a lot of plants and trees and their descriptions," Caleb said after calming down.

 "So, what you're saying is we can find fruits that are edible if we use that?" Xander asked optimistically.

 "That's right we should be able to so that should ease our food burden a bit," Caleb replied.

 "But at the same time, we still would have to look out for whatever is hiding in that forest," Xander proclaimed.

 "It's best if we get everyone to start reading through these books," Caleb suggested as they both agreed and went to the bunker to inform everyone.

 They told everyone about the books and some had fear plastered all on their faces. Xander then turns and faces Caleb "As soon as Timothy gets the hang of his power, we're going to scout the entrance of the forest."