
forgive me oh heavens

can an assassin and the son of a mafia family co exist together? join me on this exciting story of Hazel Green and Romeo Galz. mature contents, Read at your own risk

Becky_xtasy · Urban
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29 Chs

chapter sixteen

Hazel and Rome walked into the house, she wanted to act indifferent but the house was magnificent and beautiful, the decorations were top notch and it even had a live in pool.

"Did you spend all your money in building this house?" she asked Rome who just entered the house.

" you like it?" he asked

" Well, truth be told, it's beautiful, nice job"

" Thank you" he replied, " I will show you to your room"

" Okay then, lead the way" she answered and followed him, her room was really big and spacious, bigger than her whole house together, she couldn't lie, she loved it.

" Wash up and come down for some snacks if you want".

" Well I don't see any house help around"she inquired

" I do not have a house help, I do not need one" he replied

" Oh wow, so you do all the house work?"

"Yes but since you are here now, we can share it"

she scoffed," how cheasy, am not your working machine okay"

" Are you planning on living here for free Hazel?"

" Get out, I Need to shower"

he smiled, " okay then" he quietly walked out of the room, she quickly plodded into the shower and had a nice long soothing bath,she wore a pair of bumshort and a big white polo showing off the tattoos on her laps, Rome was watching the news when she came downstairs and for a moment he was stunned on seeing her, if not for the tattoos he could tell she had a beautiful set of legs and seeing her now, she was equally tall and slender,she had pale skin and her hazel eyes were so beautiful, her small mouth fitted her face perfectly and from the outline of her clothes he could tell she was thick and thin in the right places.

" what are you looking at?" she snapped.

" Am just wondering why you have all these tattoos on your body I mean, they are so many"

she sat beside him," because I love them, I love making people feel scared of me" she replied

" Oh wow" he muttered

" why do people fear you?" she asked out of the blue.

" Because they are meant too?" he asked back

" Eishhhh, you are dumb, where is the snack, am famished"

he kept looking at her amazed

" What?" she asked

" Are you normally like this or just today, I almost convinced myself you were not an assassin"

she smiled and he thought she had the prettiest smile," get the snacks Mr boyfriend or I will leave".

" okay am getting it" he said and walked away.