
forgive me oh heavens

can an assassin and the son of a mafia family co exist together? join me on this exciting story of Hazel Green and Romeo Galz. mature contents, Read at your own risk

Becky_xtasy · Urban
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29 Chs

chapter seventeen

"Hey" Hazel called as she sat on the floor talking to Rome, she had insisted on drinking and she drank heavily, she was not someone who got easily drunk but right now she was wasted.

" What is it?" he asked without removing his eyes from the book he was reading.

"I had asked you to make weed available for me right?" she asked in a drunken state

" Yes" he replied nonchalantly.

" So where is it?"

"I don't have it"

"What,what do you mean you don't have it?" she snapped.

"I didn't get it" he replied again

"Are you perhaps mad,how dare you not do what I has asked?" she yelled as she stood up.

"Where are you going?" he asked

" What do you care, just stay out of my way" she picked her phone from the dining table and called Rocky.

" Boss" he answered from the other end of the line.

"I want you to bring me some weed now"

"Aye boss, which address?" he asked

She turned to him," what's the address?"

"Am not telling"

" fine then" she answered and turned to her phone, "don't bother Rocky, am on my way" she cut the call and made to go out of the house, Rome rushed to her.

" Where do you think you are going, you are dead drunk"

" Get your hands off of me you jerk" she snapped.

" Look Hazel, you can't go out like this"

" Who are you to stop me?" she yelled, "are you my mum or my dad?,who gave you that right,out of my way now Mr or I might so something I will regret later".

He sighed," Hazel"

she interrupted him," Out of my way, I can take care of myself"

"But you are drunk" he replied helplessly.

" Have you been the one taking care of me all these years?,I can take care of myself, you don't have to worry and stop with the care,it's fake and it irritates me, just allow me to be your fake girlfriend and don't meddle in my business" she snapped and walked off angrily.

Sun peeked into the room and the figure lying on the bed slowly stood up, she was having a really bad headache and a serious hangover.

" Ugh"Hazel muttered under her breath as memories of last night flashed in her Head, she had gone off and walked to the base, Rome followed her but she was you stubborn to listen and she ended up fainting after taking a few wraps of weed mixed with alcohol made her to lose consciousness, she remembered Rome carrying her back home and placing her on bed but she remembered nothing after that.

"What the fuck happened" she muttered as her door creaked open and he entered.

"You are awake"he sat beside her.

" What happened after you brought me back?" she asked

" your stubbornness happened" he answered in a lazy tone.

" Don't try to piss me off this morning okay, this is not your office".

"If you don't remember then forget it, am going to the office, I already prepared breakfast, take your drugs ,it's inside the first aid kit"

". Am going to the base" she said

" Do you have work?" he asked.

"Remember you said you would not meddle in my life, we are in a give and take relationship so stop acting like we are actually dating, it is a fake, and I have work" she snapped and entered the bathroom angrily.