
Forget Me Not

“Fuck, it just had to be one I’ve never read before!” Well, that won’t stop her from having fun. Original plot? Pfft don’t even know it, so let’s just screw around. Original pairings? What’s that? Let’s just pair the ones that look pleasing to the eyes together. As an outsider, she enjoys her popcorn and tea while watching the drama unfold. ... I will be posting the new story on a new novel with a new title. For now, I’ll upload every Tues, Thurs, and Sat KST time (Though, this will change if I receive enough love from all of you~). I know how unoriginal the premise is, and I do apologize for that. However, this is MY take on the whole transmigration thing!

smitkims · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
8 Chs

No Cheats?!

Her classmates were originally startled when they saw Lynne slam the table and stand up again. But seeing her sit back down without saying a word calmed their nerves, and the muted classroom became full of life again. With stifled voices, students were discussing about Lynne's surprising change in attitude.

Within this now-lively classroom, Lynne was silently tapping the table with her finger, clearly in a foul mood.

'Great! Just great! I've lost the greatest cheat all transmigrators have,' Lynne, rather than becoming angry at the fact that she somehow transmigrated, was instead frustrated that she didn't already know future events.

'They should at least give me a beginner's package in exchange. Where the hell is my dimension space? My legendary ancient pet? My healing spring water that will help with my cultivation? My cheats?!' Her mood grew worse when she thought about the awful treatment she received, ignoring the fact that she hadn't transmigrated into a cultivation based novel.

'All the bad reviews for whoever threw me in this god forsaken book!' She flipped an imaginary table in her mind and almost flipped the one in front of her in reality.

Fortunately, the poor table was saved by the sound of bells ringing, indicating that class was starting. Lynne's anger slightly diminished when she heard the playful, entertaining tune of the bells and slowly lowered her raised hands. All the students who left the room during the break came flooding back in, including Amelia and Ruby.

"Alright back in your seats," A middle aged woman walked into the room and tapped the front board loudly.

"Class huh?" Lynne stopped tapping the table as her eyes followed the teacher's every movement, her expression unreadable.

"So, as per Miss Amelia's wishes, I have given you guys another day to think about your roles. If anybody has any objections, please speak now," The teacher gave a slight nod to the smiling Amelia who was sitting in the front middle row next to Ruby.

'AKA the antagonist and her useless follower,' Lynne stared at the fake smile plastered over Amelia's face and snorted in contempt. She didn't even need to know the details of the story to determine Amelia's status as the antogonist of the story. Her behavior told enough of her character.

"Yes," The 'useless follower' stood up with perfect timing, "I disagree with the fact that the heroine role was given to Lynne when it should have been given to Miss Amelia."

"Do you have anything to say, Lynne?" The teacher said her name with an obvious mockery tone.

Upon hearing the teacher's mocking voice, Lynne grew annoyed. She glared down at the teacher with condescending eyes, the curves of her lips slightly curled in disgust. Her expression was enough to convey her dissatisfaction with the teacher's attitude.

As expected, the teacher quickly broke off eye contact with Lynne and panicked internally. She had acted too rashly! After all, the Aldine family was still one she couldn't touch.

"My apologies Miss Lynne," The teacher cleared her throat in embarassment, "Would you like to say anything regarding your role in the play?"

"..." Lynne grew extremely amused seeing the teacher's sudden change in attitude.

"Miss Lynne?" The teacher called out to her again in a respectful tone, which urked Amelia's initially good mood. How come everyone seemed to suck up to that idiot now?

"My role? A play?" Lynne frowned. Why did she have to act as some other character in a dumb, meaningless play? "Not doing it. In fact, take me out of that thing entirely."

"But every student in this classroom must participate in this play! It's to celebrate the end—"

"Not. Interested." Lynne cold growl interrupted the teacher, her patience running out.

A wide smile returned on Amelia's face when she heard the Lynne wanted to drop out. She raised her hand and added more fuel to the fire.

"Well, if she doesn't want to participate in the play. I think it would be best to take her out. After all, I wouldn't want to work with someone with no motivation," Amelia skillfully crafted her words as she gave the teacher a suggestive glance.

'As expected of the antagonist,' Lynne yawned, growing tired of this entire conversation.

"Well if Miss Amelia insists. I will take Miss Lynne out of the play entirely," The teacher shrugged as she crossed off a name on sheet of paper.

"Then the heroine role will automatically go to Miss Amelia. Any objections?" An awkward silence washed over the classroom. The teacher waited for a moment before taking that silence as an agreement.

"Everyone must stay after class in order to practice, except for Miss Lynne. You may be excused," She let out a sigh of relief. Finally, all the play's details were settled.

On the other hand, Lynne also let out another yawn. Was school always this boring?

"Alright turn your textbooks to chapter 31," We're starting from right where we left off yesterday.

And Lynne fell asleep.



The sound of the bells blared throughout the classroom, waking up the sleeping Lynne. She slowly opened her eyes to adjust to the bright lighting. Still a bit drowsy, she yawned and stretched her stiff body.

After stretching, Lynne looked up to see a familiar duo walking up to her seat.

"Thanks for giving me your role," Amelia smiled, but beneath her show of gratitude, there was a layer of contempt.

"Save the innocent act for the day of the play, dear antagonist," Lynne sweetly reminded her.

She snickered when she saw Amelia's smile distort for a moment before she quickly covered it up with another smile.

"She's the protagonist, Lynne. The main character. Something you'll never get to be," Ruby emphasized the words 'protagonist' and 'main character,' as if it would have an effect on Lynne.

"Now, now," Amelia shushed Ruby with a gentle tap on the shoulder, "She was just being nice by giving me her role."

"If only she didn't manipulate the outcome in the first place, it would have already been Miss Amelia's," Ruby refuted back unhappily.

"Ruby! You promised me not to speak of that! We wouldn't want Lynne to be hated on during the last few weeks in school," Amelia acted surprised, creating the illusion that Ruby's words were factual, that it was all the inner workings of Lynne.

'Is this a live demonstration of how a white lotus bitch (AKA a snake) acts?' Lynne's eyes twinkled as she wished she had a bag of popcorn to enjoy the show they were both putting on.

Amelia snuck a glance as Lynne while she was covering her mouth, expecting to see her angry. However, her expectations fell short as she saw Lynne remain expressionless, clearly undisturbed. She only saw a small glint in her eyes. Disappointed, Amelia scowled inwardly. Usually, Lynne would be on the verge of tears or her whole body would be shaking, but why was she acting so calm now? Perhaps she needed to provoke her more?

"What if Sir Zenon heard what you just said!" So, Amelia did exactly that, "His opinion of this Lynne would dimish! He might even view her as a scheming backstabber!"

'Pfft! As expected of villains, they point to a white painting and insist that its black,' Lynne played with her fingers as she watched the two of them with an expectant look.

"Sir Crowley arrived at school!" With perfect timing, a girl ran into the classroom without breath as she excitedly shared the news with everybody. Lynne's eyebrows raised as she heard the news.

"Oh! Speaking of Sir Zenon, I should go greet him," Amelia viewed Lynne's eyebrow raise as a sign of shock. She smiled as she one-sidedly assumed that her superficial words finally affected Lynne.

"Thanks for the entertaining show, antagonist," Lynne revealed a sweet smile as she gave them a short applause. Since they put in so much effort into their performance, she thought that she should at least reward them with her precious claps.

Amelia snorted as she just ignored Lynne. Since she already accomplished her task, she didn't want to spend another second around her.

The moment Amelia finally left, Lynne started to gaze outside the window, seemingly deep in her thoughts. The light filtered in and shined directly on Lynne's face (and only on her), brightening her presence and making the nearby male students stare in awe from her radiance. After all, Lynne indeed had a beautiful appearance.

"Ah it's too bright outside," She mumbled unhappily, causing her radiant image to collapse instantly. Why didn't this classroom have windows to cover up the blinding light? Her vision could worsen because of it!

While Lynne was focused on events occuring outside the window, a student entered the classroom and caused all the girls to squeal. Even Lynne's seat mate who usually acted so disinterested at everything covered her bright red face with her hands, drowning in happiness.

"Miss Aldine," A gentle voice called out to the dazed Lynne.

"..." Lynne was too focused on observing a bird feeding its babies on a nearby tree.

"Miss Lynne?" The figure called out to her again with gentler voice, which caused all the nearby girls to squeal again.

"..." Lynne stared in fascination as she watched the baby reach its little beak into its parent's mouth.

The caller reached out to tap Lynne's shoulder carefully. But before he could make contact, Lynne abruptly grabbed his wrist.

"Who dares touch my delicate self" Lynne growled while tightening her grasp on the wrist. She stood up from her seat to challenge the one who was brave enough to bother her while she was peacefully gazing outside.

'This...' Lynne looked up to see a blue and brown eyed person staring at her, confused.

"Second male lead?" Lynne said with a fascinated tone, her grip on his wrist lightening.


"Huh?" The male stuttered out.

You’ll need to really know character names and surnames.

Lynne Aldine, Amelia Orion, Zenon Crowley, and Enzo Ortiz. These are the current most important names, so do your best to memorize them!

Also, thank you for voting for my novel! A reward may be coming soon~

smitkimscreators' thoughts