
Forged in pain

Story of a boy who's life was always forged in pain.He always forged through pain and made himself stronger day by day.Lets see what fate has kept for him.

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Tested by fate.

If this is my destiny then I'm gonna break it and I'm gonna come out of this misery.I will forge myself through hardship and crush my fate.Mark my word everyone i will be back and when I'm back you won't be able

hold me.'

Now you all may be thinking who is this guy and why did he say such words.Well to know him you have to go a little bit into the past.

Around 10 years ago at the time of a blood moon night when the darkness covered the whole sky,

Luca descended to the earth. But the child's birth caused the death of his mother.

The days after his birth were tough all the people around him looked him like a unlucky star who bring misfortune.His father married a new woman after his mothers death.He was kicked out if his house by his father due to his stepmother's schemeing.He was just 8 years old when he was kicked out.

The poor boy didn't know what to do.But he didn't cry he stood there for some time believing his father would call him back.

He slowly started loosing hope.

But still his father never came to call him.He walked on not knowing where to go.2 days have passed since he has eaten anything.He begged on the streets for food but most of them didn't give him anything as he was considered as the star of misfortune. After wandering around for so long he sat near a bench in hunger and suddenly a woman came near him ,she had an umbrella in her hand.

Martha : Hey kid ! Are you hungry come with me ? I will buy you something to eat.

Luca: mam but why are you buying me food ? Don't you know about me ? I'm the star of misfortune.Do you still want to buy me anything?.

Martha: I don't care what you are just come with me kid i will buy you something to eat.You look so pale.

Luca: Really,then Thank you mam.Lets go then.

Both of them went to a near by restaurant and started eating to their hearts content.Martha started to take a liking to him.But there was something in particular about the surrounding in the restaurant.The people around them started starring at them.The reason for this was not only because Luca is star of misfortune.It's because of Martha too, because she is a prostitute who sell her body for money.Many people despise her too.

Luca understood the change in the surrounding.So he asked Martha ,

Luca:Aunt, why are they look at us like that?

Martha: Okay,kid i will tell you the truth i am a prostitue.I sell my body for money.In their eyes i am a bad person.

Luca: Well for me you are a good person.(smiles)

Martha : Kid so you have a place to live ?

Luca : No, aunty i was kicked out of my home.

Martha: Well do you want to live with me ? But it won't be so nice people may see you in worse way than they see you now.

Luca : Really?

Martha : Yes, sure.

Luca: ' Okay, then I will live with you.I don't care what way they look at me.

Both of them left the restaurant.


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