
Forged in pain

Story of a boy who's life was always forged in pain.He always forged through pain and made himself stronger day by day.Lets see what fate has kept for him.

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2 Chs

Fate decides

Luca started his life over Martha's house.She was a very caring woman.She looked after him like her own son.But with the happiness there were some difficulties.People around them hated them and as both of them had a bad image they were criticized together very much.

But Martha and Luca they lived their life happily.

The days were going very happily.One day on an evening when Luca arrived home after going to the town for buying food supplements, what he saw was his mother lying down and breathing heavily.He went to the people around him for help.But none of them came.

That poor boy didn't know what to do.Atlast he went to the roadside waiting for a car.As it was evening cars were left many cars didn't stop but after some time a car stops.She was admitted to the hospital.After a long waiting the doctor came out.Luca was waiting to hear something from the doctor.He said 'Kid your mother has Alzheimer's. Your mother will start slowly losing her memory'

Hearing this he went straight to her room.He said everything about the disease to her.Her reply was ;

'Kid don't worry about me.I know that even if i forget you ,i know that you will never forget me ,What i have to say you is that true to live your life happily even if i forget you or when I'm not with you '

He didn't say word back he stood near her silently. After discharging from the hospital they went back home. As prescribed by the doctor she took rest for 3 days.In these days Martha showed more love and care towards him.Seeing this Luca felt fear in heart.But he didn't know what the reason was.After three days, the next day morning Luca woke up.But near him he didn't see martha.Instead what he saw was letter.He opens it , what she wrote in the letter was ,

Good morning my sweet boy, i am would have already left when you read this. Please don't be angry at me.I don't want to be a burden to you.I have started losing my memories now.If i stay with you in this condition it will only give you more trouble.Just remember even if my brain forgets you my heart will always search for you, my cute boy.Ok then mom's leaving.'

After reading this he stood silent for sometime then,tearings came poring down.

'But why did she just leave me here alone.Now again I'm lost and nowhere to go.God am i cursed to be alone or why .. why am I being tested like this ? Don't i have the right to be happy ?My poor mom where would she go if she looses her memory can she be safe going anywhere with memory loss.I need to find her but before that i need to be more capable to look after her.'

That boy left that house that house in the morning with a strong determination to face any pain and forge it into success.