
The Revelations

It was a bright, sunny day in a secluded resort situated far away from the failing noise of city life. Rafael and his siblings had retreated to this place, needing to find solace after enduring an extremely fierce encounter at the Parkview Hotel. In one of the generously spacious bedrooms equipped with most lush comforts that their weary bodies needed in such times recuperation found itself resting patiently.

Marie shoved herself out of her comfy bed, gradually waking up from a deep sleep. Her hazel eyes blinked open while she was still pretty confused thanks to the sudden change in where she was staying. The startling truths hitting her had got her jumping out of bed and onto the chilly marble floor below. She took a minute to get what just happened before picking herself back up on two feet again, preparing for whatever comes next with exhausted resolve etched across weary facial features.

"Where am I?" The question sat heavy on her thoughts, occupying a majority of them. She doesn't remember being in this familiar yet unfamiliar environment and the unsettling feeling was irreplaceable. Swallowing the bitter taste of fear, she hastily pushed herself out from under sheets that were not hers.

Charging towards where communication existed, where others lived who may hold the answers to her urgent questions—the outside world., she moved with intent—she needed those much-needed explanations faster than an instant answer or directions provided on an unseen map would take for delivery.

She headed out of her room, walking through mysterious hallways filled with puzzles waiting to be solved. Each step seemed like a move towards understanding something new and unknown.

When she reached their version of the 'living room' - which often had more food than deep conversations going on; there they were - Ryoma and Rio getting ready for breakfast at the patio table.

"Hey, you're up," Ryoma noted, "Grab a bite to eat." "What's gotten into Ms. Kanna and Sir Rafael?" Marie questioned in confusion.

"Oh snap! I forgot about that Monica. They have hunkered down over some work with Aunts Arianna and Nozomi," responded Ryoma causing Marie to dash straight for the study room.

To her utmost amazement, she found herself in the presence of Rafael. Adding to her disbelief was the fact that not just he, but Kanna, Nozomi and Arianna were also there; all converged unexpectedly. It seemed they were engaged in an obscure interaction with a mature woman who struck as exceedingly familiar. The old woman's features bore remarkable resemblance to Arianna's — immediately alerting connections linking them together inside her mind.

"Ah, Marie. I see you've woken," spoke the old woman tenderly.

At the sound of her voice, Marie snapped up from slumber like a student caught napping in class. "Madam Arra?" she questioned incredulously, joy twining with confusion to weave itself across her features as she took in the elder presence before her.

The older lady simply gave a soft nod and extended her arms towards Marie who hesitated no more than an instant before bounding into them – hugging Madam Arra tightly like one does when reuniting with someone dear long lost - or long thought lost "You can't imagine how much I've missed your company," confessed Marie.

"I feel every bit exactly same way my dear," responded Madame Arra warmly.

Nozomi looked bewildered at witnessing such display of warmth between two people relatively stranger for each other until mere minutes ago., "Hold on just a minute... You recognize this elderly figure named Arra Chua?"

Marie softened notably at Nozomi's inquiry and nodded without breaking contact away from holding hands lovingly entwined together., "Yes…I used to encounter Mrs. Chua fairly often back then while working part-time tending barista duties over at local coffee.

"Listen Kanna, things aren't easy," Arra said seriously. "It's like their dad has accidentally dropped them in a lion pit and now they're being chased by danger." She took a quick pause to gather her thoughts then continued on.

"I want to make sure everything is okay before letting you go. This isn't about power, it's about taking needed steps for safety."

Arra moved slightly while maintaining eye contact with Kanna. "I've already sent my guys; people I trust completely for stuff like this. Their job is not only checking how risky your task might be, but also making sure it's safe so you can succeed without any bumps or sudden issues."

"But why are you so concerned with our welfare?" A curious Arianna asked, when one of Arra's henchmen went inside and whispered at the Donna.

"Go ahead, let them in," Arra replied with a hint of anticipation. There was only the briefest pause before the door swung open to reveal their visitors bathed in early morning sunlight. Her confirmation triggered an influx of emotions within her homely abode.

"Dad?!" The surprise resonated sharply from Arianna first and then followed suit by Nozomi and Rafael as well - expressing shock that mirrored reflections on twin ponds distressed by simultaneously flung stones. They had not prepared themselves for this moment encounter.

"Mang Caloy!" Marie added, exclaiming heavily flavored with affectionate familiarity upon laying eyes on these guests who've changed dynamics entirely inside Arra's seemingly ordinary day at home.

They saw a familiar face - it was Karl. He came with Riho, who was her usual lively self today. She perfectly matched Rina's charming beauty and Arjan's quiet magnificence- they were all visiting Arra's simple home, tucked away from the busy city noises. It's an isolated place that only gets visited by birds chirping gracefully!

"With a weary sigh and an undercurrent of dread in his voice, Karl murmured to himself. His words were only loud enough for those who happened to be nearby, "I always knew it would come down to this." 

In contrast, Arra kept her cool. She fixed Arjan with a sharp glare before rolling her eyes dismissively at him, "It's been quite some time since we last crossed paths hasn't it , Weed Man?"

Arjan chose that moment not say anything as he stood there rigidly behind Karl Marino; both their gazes remained fixated on the willowy figure radiating equal parts anticipation and animosity.

Refusing to back off first from the weighty silence hanging between them all she took charge by asking, "What particular wind has blown you onto my path again?" Having broken through part of his veneer already.

Karl found room now for humor despite everything being far too tense generally ," You might want us seated comfortably if such deep discourses are your intent."

Unaffected entirely by any hostility seeping into the atmosphere around them, she shot back in sarcasm without blinking once , "How forgetful I've become indeed !" Stirring pointedly towards two vacant seats next while waving vaguely over teapot closely.

"Look, my kids being here means they're coming with me," Karl said. "And since you're the one who saved 'em as far as I know, I'm just gonna lay it out straight."

"What's that supposed to mean?" queried Arra. This got Arianna, Nozomi and Rafael all ears.

"Indeed, it's time for me to bring forth that which you've been seeking the answer too all these long days and nights. Karl sighed heavily before sharing devastating news ""Now that Henry Chua is dead, I can now tell it."

He then took in an unsteady breath full preparing himself entirely for this critical conversation ahead causing sweep across silence in room reminding him poignantly missing voice among them.

"Now here is something more important," His tone turned noticeably soft lower despite firmness underlying every word revealing another truth that been kept from them so well hidden but necessary knowledge nonetheless "Arra is your real mother."

A deafening silence enveloped the room like a thick, heavy mist. The air was tense and unquestionably uneasy as three personas came into sharp focus - Arianna, Nozomi, and Rafael. Standing shoulder-to-shoulder in their shared shock, they bore an indistinct expression of unambiguous bewilderment etched distinctly across their faces. Their eyes were affixed to only two figures in that inscrutable expanse--Karl and Arra.

"We were really into each other for about four years, but then I had to move to Japan which probably messed up both our lives. Meanwhile, she met Henry Chua and married him," Karl explained simply. He paced his words carefully as he tried mulling things over: "You see kiddo," he continued with a rush of past memories, "you came from this relationship we treasured so much - you're the result of that important time in history."

"Your mother, she didn't abandon you," Arjan injected into the conversation after a moment of contemplation. His tone was steady and resolute as he did so. "Quite to the contrary actually." He began pacing slowly around us before continuing his tale.

"In truth, it was your father who had given me very specific instructions regarding her role while he took on his own responsibilities. You see, during that chaotic time when the third world war skyrocketed tensions globally, your father deemed himself fit right in the eye of one such storm: leading an organized guerilla militia."

"I...I just can't believe the story you've told us," Rafael stammered, his voice barely above a whisper. His mind was filled with images: shocking memories of Lexi, who they had believed to be their mother her entire life. "You—you had her murdered right in front of us and didn't say anything."

"Believe it or not," Karl said as sternly as he could manage under these unbelievable circumstances. "Until this moment I hadn't spoken about your real Mom." He paused for breath before adding: "Arra remained silent respecting Henry Chua's rigid rules - even though she knew full well that he was aware of all three secret children."

The next question came from Nozomi, frustration clearly etched on her face, "Why didn't you approach us? Why did you not bother looking?" Through tear-streaked cheeks Arra choked out a response plastering pain across every syllable.

"Your father fixed it into place - laid down ironclad restrictions forbidding me to search for you!" sobs preventing further speech momentarily. "He made himself unequivocally clear--until such time that Henry left this world refusing my plea to meet my own flesh and blood—then—and only then would an iota chance emerge."

"I need to fix everything, I need the three of you to know and meet her before I can be silenced," Karl told his children, "Just like me or Riho, Arra has a little time left in this world and I want to make sure she can complete her life by spending it with you."

Arianna, Nozomi and Rafael couldn't help but rise to their feet, drawn in by a magnetic force towards Arra; they encased her within the comforts of their heartfelt embrace.

"With you found, completeness graces our existence...our mother," Rafael's voice shattered in emotion. Arra was moved profoundly as she provided solace through her touch, finding comfort with their heads lying against hers.

With an expression of self-awareness reflected in his eyes, Karl directed his gaze towards Arjan and Riho. He spoke with a gentle voice that carried an undertone of regret heard only by those truly listening. "I've taken the time to rectify some errors I initially overlooked," he admitted fluidly, letting each word fill the silent room as if it were liquid poured into a vessel one droplet at a time.

"Ah, the puzzle is starting to fit together," Marie responded with a cloud-clearing realization. Her eyes met Kanna's, sparking bright with newfound understanding and relief. "I now understand why Madam Arra was always enveloped in such an amiable aura whenever she interacted with me." She breathed out in awe of her revelation before adding; "And it fills my heart up till it overflows knowing that I stand here today having finally been granted the opportunity to be face-to-face with my real mum- a bond I will cherish forever."

"Monica," Kanna murmured, embracing her daughter.


As the last vestiges of daylight sank beneath the horizon, Rafael found solace on his comfortable patio chair. The cool night air brushed against his exposed skin as he sat in contemplation under a sky studded with stars brighter than any city lights. In one hand, he cradled an aged glass filled to nearly halfway with amber liquid — fine whiskey that swirled lazily around ice cubes whenever it was stirred by him absently.

Engrossed in thought and enjoying his solitude, Rafael hardly noticed when two figures—Kanna & Kara—silhouetted against the gentle glow of their home behind them emerged from within, drawn also by the allure of this quiet moment amid nature's unspoiled beauty they shared together often but treasured equally every time nevertheless

In unified strides unhurried yet purposeful Kanna and Kara approached where he sat sipping into those thoughtful pauses between conversation; satisfied till then for company only by echoes soft stirring leaves rustling delicate wind breezes mere whispers among trees surrounding.

Eventually positioning themselves across from Rafael onto adjacent chairs they held each other's glance before turning towards him – anticipation marking their faces vague silver moonlight reflecting subtly off.

"Rafael," Kanna ventured tentatively not wanting disrupt silence had enveloped eerily.

"Sure," Rafael indicated with a certain nod.

"I feel compelled to address a certain issue," Kanna begun, the softness in her voice briefly overshadowed by a momentary throat clearing. Rafael turned his focus towards her direction, his gaze spellbound on this woman he used once loved and cherished. His subtle nod signified that he was ready and willing to indulge every word she would utter.

Kanna continued with an undeniable appreciation lacing through each of her spoken words, "I can't possibly express my gratitude enough for your heroics. You've managed to rescue us from the clutches of harm caused by your malevolent Aunt Marika and Jaguar."

Rafael said, realizing his duties were crystal clear to him, "We have to understand this: we share the important obligation of taking care of our daughter." His voice was firm as he added urgently and with a touch of raw emotion in his tone. "I don't wish upon myself or you for that matter, the pain and distress cycle we went through when we almost lost Monica once before."

"Beyond just this, I carry a profound secret," Kanna announced with a weighted tone. "Nozomi, Bianca and Rina – these three have been acting as keepers of the shadow-enshrouded truth for far too long." Rafael's eyes widened at her revelations. His curiosity piqued alongside his anxiety he tentatively asked "And what might that be?"

Kanna, taking in the sight of her daughter Kara with a tender gaze and simultaneously holding Raphael's hand, announced gently yet decidedly "Rafael, you need to understand something. Kara is indeed your daughter too." She paused abruptly as if grappling for words before continuing. "Our wild romances... they weren't just frivolous escapades into passion; they created life - our lovely Kara was conceived during those times."

A certain nostalgic glow flitted across Kanna's face as she went on, painting pictures under starlit skies through mere whispers. "You remember that particularly chaotic period when we were alarmingly thrown off balance because your father came under attack at Malacanang? Our unanticipated turbulences didn't falter us from seizing captivating moments where love won against all odds." The smile gracing Kanna's lips revealed repeated revisits down memory lane every time she thought about their shared history.

Rafael was suddenly struck silent, shocked as he made eye contact with Kanna and Kara who looked just as surprised. As all this happened in a small room, two more people slowly came into sight; Ryoma and Marie had been at the entrance the whole time. The surprise hit them too which made their appearance stand out even more in an already hectic scene.

Kara's eyes flicked back and forth between Rafael and Kanna, her brow furrowed in confusion. She was desperate for some kind of explanation, a hint that would help make sense of everything she'd just heard.

"All my life," Kara began with trembling voice, "all I've ever done is work to appease my father." The edge in her gaze wavered slightly as she swallowed hard before adding: "A man who isn't even truly related to me by blood."

"Kara..." Kanna started, looking nervous. She held her daughter's hand tightly and said "I'm really sorry for keeping this from you." Her voice was quiet but serious. For years, she hid a big family secret because she cared deeply about their loved child who had no idea what they were hiding. "We didn't want Jude to know that your real last name is Marino..." You could see fear in every word that followed as if imagining all the worst-case scenarios playing on loop before those worried eyes fixated ahead:

"He wouldn't hesitate killing us off if he ever learns about it."

Still there are no wonders could fit in Rafael's mouth, but rather, he tightly embraced Kara and Kanna, as well as Ryoma and Marie, tears came out from his eyes once more with his lips shivering either out of joy or sorrow.

"Kara, I am sorry I didn't know you existed," Rafael broke down, "I'll make it up for the lost time, and also to you Ryoma and Marie"

"You should also do that to your other four kids," Karl emerged out of the blue, staring at his eldest son. "If you want peace in your life, your kids should be united as much as what I have did to you, that alone can make you at peace"

"I promised to be second version of you," Rafael told his father, "My family is now complete and I am willing to sacrifice everything." 

"Not yet," Karl quipped before leaving the patio, while Rafael's family was having the reunion of their lives.

---Chapter end----