
Forevermore: After All

Marie, a simple barrio girl falls in love with Edmund-son of a ruthless Haciendera. One day, Marie's parents were murdered under the orders of Edmund's mother. Vowing to seek revenge, Marie was sheltered by a mysterious old man named Mang Caloy who will serve as her guide and guardian in her joureny to seek vengeance. However, she will discover a secret that would change her life.

DaoistkEgdeI · Urban
Not enough ratings
36 Chs


As the clock struck eleven in the evening, darkness enveloped the Chua residence. A cloak of secrecy hung heavy in the air as Karl, Arjan, and Arra huddled together for an intimate gathering. Their focus? The delicate matter of safeguarding not only their own kin but also the Marinos - all intertwined by a truth just recently unveiled: that Arra bore lineage to Rafael, Arianna, and Nozomi. Lost in contemplation beside a dimly lit windowpane stood Karl; his gaze fixated on Rafael and Kanna leisurely strolling through lush gardens illuminated solely by moonlight.

"Aren't you worried about the possibility of them reuniting?" Arra inquired with a sly smile, probing Karl's thoughts.

Karl's response was calm and assured. "Not at all," he replied. "I believe it is time for healing to begin."

Arra retorted sharply, invoking past grievances. "Oh yes, those wounds that were inflicted when you took away her uncle's life," she exclaimed. "But let us not forget that Leonard had taken away Katrina from this world as well. It was a cycle of vengeance - you killed Menardo and Albert in return; they retaliated by taking Tarcisio and Anju."

Karl interjected gently but firmly, intervening with factual accuracy: "Albert met his fate at the hands of Javier," he corrected Arra's statement. "However,Kanna witnessed everything unfold before her very eyes,and yet chose not to accept what transpired."

"Allow me to bring up Monica and Kara," Arjan interjected.

"Why did you show up here in the first place?" Arra grumbled.

"Arjan is part of our family. He took care of Rafael and all the other children while I was away at war," Karl clarified, "He serves as a guiding voice for the kids from the very beginning."

Arra began speaking as soon as Kanna and Rafael joined Monica, Ryoma, and Kara on the couch. "You've arrived at the perfect moment," Karl commented. "She's currently discussing the future of her grandkids but seems to have completely forgotten about her own children - Nicolo, Nicolete, and Natasha."

"They've already experienced great success and have acquired years of wisdom," Arra deduced.

"Rafael and Nozomi are in their fifties, while Megan is fifty-two," Karl argued. "They're not young individuals who can be easily controlled."

"Lem, we're discussing Monica and Kara here," Arjan interrupted. "Before you voice your complaints, remember that Ryoma has already found stability in his life, as have Tsubasa, Ashley, Isabella, and Amadeo."

"Well, hold on a moment," Karl retorted again. "Rafael may need to prioritize connecting with his children since he hasn't been actively involved in their lives."

"Dad, let's not forget that your own kids live in different locations now," Rafael reminded his father.

"You were independent when you were twenty-five too," Karl shot back while taking a seat at Arra's desk. "You are not taking into consideration Kanna's opinion."

"I am absolutely eager to hear what Madam Chua has in store," Kanna eagerly interjected, gently clutching Rafael's hand, much to Karl's astonishment.

Arra mockingly taunted Karl, playfully brandishing a pen and pointing it in the direction of the Marino patriarch. "Looks like the Fontierras trust me more than they trust you," Arra sneered. "I'll be training both Monica and Kara, but their paths will diverge. Kara has dreams of becoming a model, so I'm sending her off to Paris for that endeavor. On the other hand, Monica is on a serious mission – she's determined to seek justice for her foster parents; something you couldn't even accomplish, Karl."

"But Kara can train with Michelle Peng if she wants to," Karl suggested, his voice filled with hesitation.

"Not just any trainer, but someone like Michelle Peng would be a great fit for her," he continued as Arra's eyes narrowed in disbelief.

"Are you serious? You really think that?" Arra raised her voice in frustration. "Everyone knows the seven of you, along with Takako, are nothing more than deceitful and untrustworthy individuals."

Karl let out an exasperated sigh. "Wow, 'sinister scumbags,' huh? That's quite harsh."

"And yet it perfectly describes who you all are!" Arra shot back without hesitation, unable to hold back her disdain towards the father of her children.

"But discussing the events that unfolded in Nueva Vizcaya requires careful consideration," Arjan interjected. "Our focus extends beyond just the Serranos; we must also account for their formidable allies: Jaguar, Maxie Bougs, Emilio Zenari. Eliminating only the Serranos would undoubtedly prompt retaliation from them."

"Nevertheless, they have repeatedly attempted to take Karl's life," Arra countered.

"That is precisely why I am fighting to stay alive!" Karl's voice grew louder. "If something were to happen to me, do you really think my children wouldn't seek revenge? My daughters Bianca and Jasmine have already chosen a quieter existence in Japan."

Everyone turned silent as Karl stood up behind the window, clinching his fist. The room fell into a heavy silence, riddled with tension. His voice was firm yet filled with urgency, "We cannot overlook the repercussions of our actions any longer. We must acknowledge that Sachiko's death has left a lasting impact on her children and their relationship with their father." Karl paused for a moment to let his words sink in.

"Before we continue seeking revenge," he continued earnestly, "I believe it is essential for Monica, Kara, and even Ryoma to find peace with their other siblings."

"Dad," Rafael muttered in shock, his mind racing with the weight of his father's words.

"You told me that you do not want to be like me," Karl continued, "So make time for your kids and let them know how important they are. Just as you prioritize Ryoma, Monica, and Kara, they too need to feel their father's love." Realizing he needed action more than words to convey this message effectively, Karl swiftly reached for the phone to call Rafael's children over for a heart-to-heart conversation at their house.


After the meeting, Rafael and Kanna strolled through the enchanting garden hand in hand, a vivid reminder of their shared past. It was a bittersweet reunion after years spent apart following the tumultuous war.

"I can hardly believe this is real," remarked Rafael, his voice filled with emotion.

Kanna's gaze met her former flame's eyes as she spoke softly, "I can feel it too. I know deep down that you have never stopped loving me."

A gentle smile formed on Rafael's face as he responded tenderly, "Kanna, some things are undeniable. You have always held a power over me that transcends rationality."

"You're still silly," Kanna playfully teased. "You are my first true love, the embodiment of a complex and powerful union. Despite my disdain for your father, I find it impossible to hold any ill feelings towards you."

Kanna's smile curled up like the morning sun as she gracefully took her seat on the bench. Her eyes danced mischievously, fixated on Rafael with an air of playful intrigue. "If love truly calls your name, will you find the courage to set sail from Karen's shores and embark upon this adventure with me?"

"I will," Rafael straightforwardly answered, his voice filled with determination and resignation. He released a deep sigh, feeling the weight of responsibility heavy on his shoulders. "But Dad was right," he confessed somberly, "I need to take ownership of my mistakes and make amends with my other children. I have neglected them for far too long, while Dad selflessly stepped in to raise them."

Kanna listened attentively, her heart going out to Rafael as he spoke. She leaned closer and whispered softly, "It must be very difficult for you."

Rafael nodded slowly, gratitude shining in his eyes. "This is the only way forward for us - finding peace within our family again," he murmured earnestly as he embraced Kanna tightly in his arms.

"I still love you," Kanna whispered softly.

"And I love you more than words can express. My heart belongs only to you," Rafael responded affectionately, gently placing a kiss on Kanna's forehead.


In the grand living room of the Marino residence, a sense of anticipation filled the air as Rafael, Ryoma, Monica, and Kara came together. Karl had summoned them himself - their esteemed host whose orders carried great weight within these walls.

"You know what I hate the most? It really frustrates me how they're always late," Ryoma grinned, feeling his annoyance building up.

"Ryoma, remember that we are the ones asking for a favor from them," Rafael calmly responded.

"It's one thing if it was just you. I can ask Monica and Kara for help, but not you," Ryoma retorted to his father with a sharp glare. "There's still so much between us that needs to be fixed."

Moments later, the people they had been waiting for finally arrived. They were three stunning ladies who radiated a beauty that seemed to echo their grandmother's allure. Their captivating faces could easily inspire both love and war, capable of launching countless ships and igniting deadly rivalries among men.

"Isabella, Tsubasa, Ashley, have a seat," Rafael instructed.

"I can guess why you asked us to come here," Ashley began the conversation. "You want to reconcile with us and acknowledge these two as our siblings?"

"We found out everything from Granddad," Tsubasa added. "While we understand your longing for them, we also longed for you."

"You weren't there; you were an absent father," Isabella chimed in. "And this is shocking news for us."

Rafael took a deep breath and looked at his children. "I am aware that I have left many gaps with each of you, but now my life feels complete—I have Monica, Kara, your sisters—so please let's start anew."

"That's easy for you to say," Ashley grinned, "But we're fortunate that Granddad taught us to always love you even when you're not around."

"I promise to make up for the lost time," Rafael said, "We'll start a new life with your siblings."

"But what about Karen?" Ashley asked, "You know we don't like her."

Rafael paused and looked at his children for a moment. "If it was Kanna, would you change your mind?"

"Depends on how she treats you and us," Ryoma replied as his siblings nodded in agreement.

"Well then, I will end things with her," Rafael declared much to his children's delight.

"Welcome to the family, I guess," Ashley greeted Monica and Kara with open arms, enveloping them in warm hugs. Isabella and Tsubasa swiftly joined in, their expressions filled with genuine joy as they embraced their newest additions.

"I am planning to hold a grand party to welcome Monica and Kara," Rafael disclosed excitedly. "Unfortunately, your aunties are unable to organize the event due to their current business commitments. Additionally, your grandmother expressed her desire to help out, but unfortunately, it was blocked by your grandfather who wants her not be involved further in family matters."

"I'll do it for them," Isabella eagerly volunteered, her gaze fixed on Ryoma. "And maybe both Ryoma and Rio could lend a hand."

"Glad to help." Ryoma responded, giving a faint smile.


The grand ball at Azalea Gardens was a spectacle of unparalleled elegance. The massive hall, adorned with chandeliers glittering like a cascade of stars, buzzed with energy. The crowd was a who's who of political elites, industrial moguls, and shadowy figures from the underworld, all brought together under one roof. The wine flowed endlessly, a rich red imported from Italy, and each course of the meal was a masterpiece crafted by celebrated chefs. Everywhere, exquisite floral arrangements from the mountaintops of Benguet added a burst of color and fragrance, captivating the senses of the attendees.

Rafael Marino stood at the edge of the ballroom, his heart swelling with pride and anticipation. Tonight was a special night, a culmination of dreams that his father, Karl, had long envisioned. The Marino family, led by Nozomi—now the head of the dynasty—would make their grand entrance, a moment of unity and power for all to witness. He checked his watch nervously, waiting for the one person whose arrival would complete the evening.

The sound of the massive doors opening drew his attention. There she was—Kanna Fontierra, gliding into the room with an air of ethereal grace. Dressed in a flowing white cocktail dress that shimmered like moonlight, she looked every inch the goddess she was to Rafael.

"You made it," Rafael said, a smile lighting up his face as he approached her, kissing her cheek tenderly.

"Of course I did," Kanna responded softly. "I couldn't miss our daughters' welcome party."

Behind Kanna stood Ulrich, Kanna's brother, his face set in a stern, emotionless mask. He nodded briefly at Rafael, and Rafael returned the gesture.

"Ulrich," Rafael greeted politely. "It's good to see you."

"I'm here for my nieces," Ulrich replied, his tone cold, "not to partake in any celebration of unity." With that, he moved to take a seat at the presidential table without another word.

Rafael sighed but did not let Ulrich's indifference dampen the moment. His eyes once again drifted to his watch. The time had come.

"Shall we?" he asked Kanna, extending his arm toward her as they moved to the stage.

The murmurs of the crowd hushed as Rafael took the microphone. His voice, at first a little shaky, grew stronger as he spoke. "Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed guests, I have an announcement of personal significance that I've long awaited to share."

Rafael's words wove a story of longing, hope, and, ultimately, joy as he spoke of his years spent searching for his long-lost daughter, Monica, who had been separated from him and Kanna. The crowd listened in rapt attention, a few even wiping away tears as Rafael poured his heart out, his voice thick with emotion.

"And now, after all those years of searching and praying, I stand here today, reunited with my beloved daughter, Monica Marino."

A roar of applause followed, and from the garden emerged Monica, clad in a radiant yellow dress that seemed to glow under the ballroom lights. She walked with quiet confidence, her every step commanding attention as she joined her parents on stage.

Rafael, beaming with pride, added, "And there's more. Kanna and I have another daughter, Kara. She will be cherished and loved just as deeply." As if on cue, Kara made her entrance, dressed in pink, her wide eyes sparkling with both excitement and a hint of shyness.

From the balcony, Karl and Arjan observed the scene, Karl's eyes misty as he raised a glass of wine. "I feel fulfilled," Karl whispered, his voice barely audible as he watched Rafael's family, complete and united.

"It's time for us to take back control of our legacy," Arjan murmured, nodding toward the family below.

Karl's gaze lingered on a portrait of Riko, his beloved wife. "I feel her with me tonight. She's waiting," he whispered, a wistful smile on his lips.

Meanwhile, beneath the glimmering lights of the ballroom, Marie found herself basking in the moment, grateful for the acceptance and warmth she had felt from Rafael's family. She couldn't help but think back to the earlier confrontation with Vanessa and Faye—especially Faye's cutting words.

As she made her way toward the garden to get some fresh air, her path was blocked by none other than Edmund, who stood in her way with a slight smirk on his lips. Next to him, holding his arm, was his wife, Helena.

"Marie," Edmund greeted, his tone oozing with condescension. "It's been a while."

Marie stiffened, her heart pounding at the sight of Edmund. Helena, with her perfect, poised demeanor, regarded Marie with thinly veiled contempt. The animosity between the two women was palpable, a tension that seemed to thicken the air around them.

"Edmund," Marie responded coolly, her gaze shifting briefly to Helena before returning to Edmund. "Helena," she added, her voice polite but distant.

Helena's lips curled into a disdainful smile. "Well, isn't this a pleasant surprise? Running into you again, Marie. Or should I say, Monica?" Her voice dripped with mockery as she raised an eyebrow.

Marie met Helena's gaze steadily, her chin lifted defiantly. "Monica now, yes," she replied, her voice steady. "I've come a long way since our last encounter, Helena. I'm not the same person I used to be."

Edmund's smirk faltered for a moment, his eyes narrowing as he studied Marie, sensing the newfound confidence in her demeanor. "It seems you've found yourself a new family," he said, his tone almost accusatory. "But you'll always be that same girl to me."

Marie's jaw tightened, but before she could respond, Kanna appeared by her side, her presence calm and commanding.

"Is there a problem here?" Kanna asked, her voice gentle but firm as she slipped her arm around Marie protectively.

Helena's eyes flickered with surprise, but she quickly masked it with a cool smile. "Oh, no problem at all," she said, her voice sickly sweet. "Just catching up with an old acquaintance."

"Good," Kanna replied, her gaze unwavering as she looked Helena in the eye. "Because I would hate for anything—or anyone—to ruin such a beautiful evening."

Edmund opened his mouth as if to say something, but he quickly thought better of it. Instead, he merely nodded curtly, muttering a brief goodbye before he and Helena turned and walked away.

Marie exhaled slowly, grateful for Kanna's timely intervention. "Thank you," she murmured, glancing up at Kanna.

"Don't mention it," Kanna replied with a reassuring smile. "You've handled enough tonight."

Marie smiled back, her heart feeling lighter. She felt stronger than before, no longer weighed down by her past with Edmund. She was part of a family now, a family that would stand by her through anything.


As the party continued, Karl's uneasiness grew as he heard an unexpected and unfamiliar sound piercing through the air.

"What could a helicopter be doing here at this late hour?" Karl questioned Arjan with a furrowed brow, his voice filled with concern and disbelief.

Before they could even process their thoughts or make sense of the situation, panic struck them both when gunfire erupted from the hovering chopper. Without wasting another moment to consider anything else but survival, instinctively they sprinted towards shelter inside the building in a desperate attempt to seek safety.

In a split second decision that would shape his fate, Karl reached for his concealed pistol and bravely retaliated against the attacking helicopter while swiftly descending towards his waiting vehicle.

As Karl heard the pulsating engine of the pursuing chopper, frustration welled up inside him. With a quick motion, he ignited the car's engine and swiftly accelerated away from danger. In an unexpected turn of events, Karl activated a hidden mechanism that caused the hood to slowly reveal its concealed rifle. Without hesitation, he aimed at the hovering threat and unleashed a torrent of bullets towards it until it was out of range.

Karl exclaimed in frustration and gripped his pistol tightly. He swiftly fired at the pilot of the helicopter, striking him in the head before causing the chopper to plummet and crash.

Returning to the enchanting Azalea Gardens, Karl's arrival was met with a mixture of relief and trepidation. With hearts pounding in their chests, Rafael and his siblings hurriedly closed the distance between themselves and their father. The air crackled with an anxious energy as they sought answers about what had transpired during Karl's absence.

As Karl gave his instructions to continue the party and retreated to his room for some much-needed rest, an undercurrent of unease tinged the atmosphere. The celebratory ambiance persisted, but a subtle hint of worry hung in the air.

---Chapter end---