
Forever Mine[BL]

Wang Tao emotionlessly spent his life following the same routine. His only interruptions were when he fought or visited worlds. But what happens when one day he decides to visit a world in a galaxy ruled by systems? Will he finally be free of that never ending cycle? Will he learn to feel and love? Or will he slowly sink into the sea of depression, falling into a state worse than before? ... ps: Part of the Wang Tao(WT) series. Check my bio for clarification. ... More accurate tags: male x male, angst, mc falls in love first, various worlds, slow-burn, non-human x non-human, unique, new experience, multi-verse, supernatural, magic, emotional, HE.

EM236_otaku · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
60 Chs

Chapter 53: Pink Bubbles All Around

Silver eyes fluttered open. Wang Tao slowly sat up, his mind still fuzzy. Feeling a weight on his lap, he looked down to see Vanilla curled up, sleeping peacefully. His lips tilted upwards as he rubbed the small head gently. It was only then that it hit him that he wasn't in the bed alone.

Carefully placing Vanilla on the bed, the Celestial turned to stare at the sleeping Zion.

[ Did that really happen? ]

The thought rose as he drew near. Wang Tao rested his head on the broad chest and the sound of consistent heartbeats resounded in his ears.

[ He's real. ]

Looking up, the silver eyes trailed the handsome face before landing on the thin lips. He hesitated but soon fell to the temptation. Slowly, Wang Tao gave the lips a peck. Getting no response, he tried again but stayed a bit longer.

The Celestial was really just testing if the older boy would suddenly awake, flinging him off and revealing that the previous day was but a dream. However, the thought was long forgotten as he tasted the meal again and again.

[ Sweet. ]

Pulling back, the Emperor licked his lips in wonder. He was sure that there wasn't any sugar yet it was so sweet, just like in his dream. It tickled his appetite and he wanted more.

As Wang Tao was contemplating whether or not to be bold enough to continue molesting the other, purple eyes fluttered open.

Before the Celestial could make a peep, his eyes widened as an arm circled his waist and drew him closer. Another pulled down his head as lips crashed with his. The kiss was full of gentleness and love, just like yesterday, but he could feel a heat festering along with it. His fingers twitched as his body shook slightly.


Ears flushed red, the younger boy recoiled back hearing himself.

[ I've done it again. What is with me? ]

Sitting up, Zhou Jian blinked before glancing at the boy.

Seeing him move back, his arm tightened its hold and kept Wang Tao in place. It took a moment before his mind was clear and he silently recounted yesterday's events with delight. His heart melted into a puddle as he gently combed through the silver hair.

"Morning, A Jian."

"Morning, A Tao. Why do you seem so surprised?"

Shaking his head, Wang Tao remained silent.

He was too embarrassed to admit that he had doubted whether or not the confession ever happened. However his worries were now quelled and so joy burst in waves inside him. Not wanting the other to question further, Wang Tao hopped out of bed and the older boy followed.

"About Vanilla, when are we gonna tell them?"

"They'll be here for breakfast."

Wang Tao paused hearing this.

The two would seldom meet the married couple despite being raised by them. In all truth, it would be most appropriate to say that Butler Lan was raising them. The Zhou couple were very business driven, hence their cold and strict personalities and even their solely business marriage.

Thanks to that, it was well known that the Zhou family were untouchable tyrants so no one dared to mess with them, if they were sensible at least. However, it wasn't too difficult for them to talk with them, mainly because the two beings weren't intimidated by the adults' cold attitude in the slightest.

Entering the bathroom, the Celestial began to take off his shirt when he realized something.

"What are you doing?"

Zhou Jian flashed a smile at the boy. Taking a moment, he answered and he approached the other slowly.

"Can't I watch my boyfriend?"

[ Boyfriend… ]

Hearing that word sent Wang Tao's heart into a frenzy. It felt as if a swarm of butterflies appeared, flying around his heart in circles, leading it into a dizzy dance. His ears were already red again but he acted like he didn't know and took a deep breath before stepping back.

"No, not when I'm undressing."

The Celestial was always in a way shy around the Zion but at the moment it was worse. The confidence built up from the other's confession wasn't enough for him to venture into whatever the heated gaze in those devilish purple eyes were hinting at. Despite his lack of knowledge, it was as if his body could feel the want and craving in those eyes and it actually scared him a bit.

Not saying a word, Zhou Jian stared at the retreating boy for a moment before leaving with a look of amusement. Sighing in relief, the Celestial Emperor quickly bathed and dressed before exiting, allowing the other to freshen up.

Once Zhou Jian was done, Wang Tao picked up Vanilla in one hand.

After a pause, he interlocked their hands, his mood lifting further when his boyfriend's loving gaze fell on him. Excitement growing, Wang Tao let the older boy lead him out the room as they made their way down for breakfast.

"Greetings Young Masters."

A light smile appeared on his face as Zhou Jian replied.

"Butler Lan, good morning."


The middle aged man accepted their greetings with a warm smile. After a moment of confusion, a knowing smile arose as he took notice of the Celestial's lighter mood.

"Was your outing yesterday enjoyable?"

Wang Tao was a bit startled but still nodded slightly while a light pink dyed his ears. Zhou Jian's face softened slightly as he nodded also, his eyes warming further when he understood the silent congratulations from their butler.

Looking at the dining table, Butler Lan then gestured towards it before moving to the kitchen.

Walking up to the table, the pair watched as two figures stood slowly to face them. Turning around, the two adults glanced at the youths, the cold in their eyes only retracting slightly when they finally landed on the Zion.

"Zhou Jian, I hope your studies have been well."

"Mother, father, morning. They are the same as always, top scores."

A look of approval flashed in the woman's scarlet eyes. Mrs. Zhou was a beautiful woman, with her phoenix eyes, wavy red hair and air of elegance and nobility.

A moment passed before a slight frown appeared in Zhou Jian's face.

"Mother, you're not curious about A Tao's grades?"

Mrs. Zhou froze. Her scarlet eyes landed on the emotionless face and a tinge of annoyance showed.

"Of course not. It's just that I know it couldn't be any less than yours so asking you was the same anyways."

"I see."

It wasn't clear if the boy was satisfied from his flat tone.

Taking notes that he wasn't saying anything else, the woman looked over at her husband. His eyes met hers and they seemed to have exchanged words in just a second.

As this occurred, silver eyes observed them closely but none could be told from the gaze.

Moving from the woman, his silver eyes lifted slightly to view the man. Mr. Zhou was a man of equal looks, with sleek black hair, dark blue eyes, chiseled jawline and straight stature, he and his wife complemented each other well. This was also one of the reasons for them choosing to proceed with their marriage.


[ Ah, Vanilla's awake. ]

In a flash, stone blue eyes shifted, landing on the creature in the Celestial's arms. A stern voice questioned sharply.

"Is that a cat?"

Wang Tao gave a curt nod.

Zhou Jian spoke up, his answers to the unspoken queries a bit vague, and his tone made it clear that it was the most they would get.

"Mm, we've had Vanilla for a while and we plan to keep her."

The married couple made no comment, except for a low grunt from Mr. Zhou. The man made a gesture as they all sat down at the table, him at the head with his wife on his left side. Moving around, Zhou Jian took a seat opposite the red haired woman as Wang Tao sat beside him.

Silence passed for a while as the servants brought out the food.

Bending down, the Celestial placed Vanilla on the ground. Once let go, she hurried over to Butler Lan who had prepared food for her. The white cat waited patiently as he placed the bowl near her cushioned dining seat on the side of the room. Seeing that she was being fed, Wang Tao turned to his food which was now served.

A slight frown fleeted across his face as Mr. Zhou watched his son attentively place food on his friend's plate. The two had inched closer to each other and we're practically glued tight. None of the two seemed uncomfortable as they entered their own little world, whispering to each other.

[ Tsk, once again it's those pink bubbles. ]

Moving his gaze to his wife, he gave her a look. Mrs. Zhou understood and so gently rested her eating utensils down. Taking her time, she wiped her hands before clearing her throat lightly.

"Zhou Jian."


The black haired boy finally tore his gaze away from the Celestial to face his parents. The light in the purple eyes immediately vanished but the couple ignored it. Now with the boy's attention, the mother went straight to the point.

"My son, I haven't heard you mention a girlfriend as yet. I know your school doesn't ban dating. Surely you've heard your friends talk about girls they like."

Wang Taos paused in his eating, only now bothering to look at the two. He met the austere man's warning gaze but he looked away as if he didn't notice. A slight frost in his eyes, Zhou Jian nonchalantly replied to the woman.

"They have, some talk about boys too."

Mrs Zhou's eye twitched as she forced a slight smile.

"Of course they do, but this is about you...Here's what, if you don't have someone in mind, how about I bring you to meet someone?

You're a young man, it's time to stop playing around. What I mean is…well, I'm not sure what game you're playing with your friend there but…just forgot about it. After all, you're not gay."

She glanced at her husband as if seeking support for this. However, Mr. Zhou was already nodding seriously so she hurriedly continued.

"Oh, you know what. Just yesterday I met a friend. Mrs. Su has a very beautiful and single daughter…"

Suddenly, all the words were stuck, caught in the jumbling mess of her brain and swept away. For the first time, Mrs. Zhou felt shiver run up her spine and she couldn't help but tremble. She hid it quickly but a nauseous feeling crept up as she looked towards the source.

Silver eyes pierced into her threateningly, a darkness she couldn't explain swirling in red. The crimson sucked her into a trance and she couldn't help but think it was her own blood, seeping from her wrung body.

Gulping, she shut her mouth tightly and broke out into a cold sweat. Mr. Zhou didn't notice the dreadful look in Wang Tao's eyes. Despite that, he could tell something was off from the thick tension in the room and his instincts advised him to stay silent.

A short moment later, the woman could feel the suffocating force lighten somewhat as she saw her son rub the silver hair slowly. The dark look slowly disappeared but it was obvious that the Celestial hadn't called yet.

Biting his lip, a shimmer appeared in the silver eyes, striking the Zion with worry. Zhou Jian quickly brought the boy into a hug, his eyes throwing daggers at his parents.

"Look what you've done! I don't want to hear you mention this again…shh, calm down A Tao. No, I'm not leaving."

The couple knew they were never that close to their son, however, they still expected the basic filial piety despite not making a single effort to earn it. It was only now as they watched the teenagers and felt the warning in those purple orbs that the two realized how little importance they had in Zhou Jian's heart.

The married couple weren't hurt but they were concerned. It wouldn't do to have their son, the Zhou Family's heir, to place so much more importance on an outsider than his parents. But they knew they couldn't voice this opinion, so Mrs. Zhou simply calmed down and apologized to them.

"It's fine. Just take your time. We'll talk when you're ready."

Their son's scowl deepened upon hearing this.

"No thanks, I'm serious and I'm also quite happy. Now excuse me."

Not wanting to stay anymore, Zhou Jian stood up and lifted the boy into his arms. Wang Tao was surprised for a moment but quickly wrapped his legs around the older boy's waist and held tight. The Zion didn't spare the seething adults a glance as he flashed a smile at Butler Lan before grabbing their bags and exiting the house.

Heads turned towards them curiously as they passed through the mansion. Whispers filled the hallways as one blond maid couldn't help but blurt out.

"Isn't that first young master? Why's he carrying second young master?"

"Not sure but he seems upset."

A pink haired girl replied with a pensive look. Hearing them, an older girl drew close and revealed something.

"I heard that the masters were here for breakfast today."

The other servants listening in immediately showed a look of understanding. Shaking her head, the blond replied in a hushed voice,

"Makes sense, first young master never liked them."

"But aren't they his parents?"

The pink haired maid showed an expression of confusion. The eldest sighed before saying something and returning to her work.

"You're new so you don't know but…first young master and the masters don't get along well."

Hearing this, the young girl grew more curious but the blond maid also wouldn't answer. Seeing that she couldn't get an answer, the girl shook it off and went back to work.

Meanwhile, Zhou Jian had long made his way out towards the gate. The driver was already waiting so he got in the back quickly.

"First young master…"


"Nothing, my apologies."

Lowering his raised brow, the boy didn't bother with the man anymore. Grey eyes watched the dark look on his young master's face lighten and secretly felt relieved. After a moment, the driver raised the partition and started the car.

Now with some quiet, Zhou Jian soothingly rubbed the other's back as the Celestial buried his head in his neck.

"I'm s…Was that too much?"

A small voice mumbled these words, laced with shame.

Adjusting Wang Tao a bit, the Zion made the boy look him in the eye. Zhou Jian completely understood Wang Tao's reaction. The boy had just gotten to the peak of his life but he was still a bit insecure and doubtful. This was probably why he was more possessive than ever.

When the Celestial heard the woman's words, he immediately felt threatened knowing that someone was trying to take the Zion away. After waiting six lifetimes there was no way Wang Tao wouldn't have an extreme reaction with how sensitive he was.

Thinking of all this, an assuring smile came across his face as he gave his little cat a kiss. He nipped at the pink lips lightly, pressing for a deeper kiss. After a while, he pulled back and couldn't help but luck his lips to savor the sweet taste.

Just as he expected, the boy calmed down, becoming more occupied with chasing the lips greedily. Temporarily satisfied, the Celestial Emperor had a flushed face but a big smile as well. Throwing the earlier events behind him, he began to snuggle against the warm body in contentment. Zhou Jian just watched with an indulgent smile, his heart swimming with joy.

A while later, the black car pulled up to the prestigious school. Using a finger, Zhou Jian gently nudged Wang Tao's cheek and the boy reluctantly straightened up. Stepping out of the car, the older boy held the pale hand after hanging the other his bag. Interlocking their fingers tightly, Wang Tao swung their hands happily as they made their way to their classroom.

Mischievous gazes from the far side of the class landed on them in seconds. Ignoring the imaginative group, Zhou Jian moved his eyes away. Pulling his little cat over, he sat Wang Tao down in his window seat before sitting as well.



Yang Ning leisurely walked through the garden. Breaking through a cluster of trees, his eyes landed on two figures.

A silver haired boy sat on the other's lap, his arms slightly raised as he played with the cascading blue petals. They swirled and formed various shapes before scattering again, guided by an unknown force. The black haired boy leaned against the trunk, an arm wrapped loosely around the other's waist as he watched, silently twirling the silver strands between his fingers.

Purple eyes shifted and caught sight of golden hair. Yang Ning's eyes met his, observing as a scowl immediately worked its way onto the teenager's face.

Zhou Jian paid him no mind, going back to the little show. Unfortunately, Wang Tao noticed the senior and had stopped to look at him.

"Yang Ning…"

Now beside them, the senior didn't wait for an invite and swiftly plopped down on the blanket of petals in front of his friend. The Celestial suddenly felt a bit awkward, unsure of how to explain.

"Umm, Yang Ning, about that conversation."

"What conversation?"

The eldest boy cocked an eyebrow, his golden eyes showing a hint of confusion. Wang Tao sighed inwardly knowing that he had to explain all the way. Glancing at his boyfriend, he silently asked something. With a frown, he hesitated but Zhou Jian still got up, moving a distance away.

Now alone, Yang Ning grew more confused as he watched the Celestial fidget. It was only then that he recalled something and amusement filled his golden eyes.

"Is this about my confession? If so, don't worry about it. I'll be fine."

"You sure?"


Wang Tao was slightly relieved. He wasn't sure how to handle it when Yang Ning told him he loved him as he couldn't love him back. Wang Tao also knew that letting the other stay would be a bad idea. However, before he could wrack his brain on this, he had to test his suspicions. Even if he was convinced on the matter somewhat, there were still signs that something was off.

His silver eyes stared at the other carefully.

"Yang Ning's please answer the question honestly."

"Hmm ok."

[ I think I've been discovered. ]

It wasn't all to surprising since his schemes failed. If the Zion had admitted to loving the boy -he guessed it from the pink air surrounding the two as well as Wang Tao's jubilant mood - the boy would realize that there were other possible reactions to they're ploy. The Celestial Emperor would then become suspicious, knowing that someone as smart and as experienced in love as Yang Ning should have thought of that.

'So then why didn't he mention it and instead let me wallow in despair, believing I was rejected? Was it because Yang Ning loved me and wanted me all for himself or was it something else?'

That's what Wang Tao would be thinking now.

Just as he'd finished his thoughts, the boy questioned.

"Yang Ning, did you know A Jian would react like that?"

Golden eyes met silver ones, sensing faint anger in them. Sighing, Yang Ning knew it was useless to try convince the younger Celestial otherwise so he simply admitted it.

"I did."

Gaining an answer, the anger was now more visible. Wang Tao was incredibly upset at his friend. If Zhou Jian had actually left at that time thanks to the seniors provoking words, then Wang Tao was unsure if he'd have every seen the boy again.

What if he had considered the older Celestial's request and returned home with him? What would have happened to Zhou Jian?

He'd have definitely killed himself then, and for real this time with his actually body. Zhou Jian at that time would have thought it fine as the younger boy was already safe and happy with someone else, no need for the Zion anymore. Or he might have returned to watch the two and torture himself while Wang Tao would remained oblivious to his feelings.

No matter how he thought about it, it was an awful outcome either way. Gratefulness surfaced once again as he snapped out of his thoughts.


Yang Ning noticed that the boy was giving him as chance to explain due to their friendship. He knew that if he slipped up or lied at this moment, the younger one will know.

"I did it so I could have you all too myself."

[ …He's not lying. ]

Coming to this conclusion, he became unsure of what to say except one thing. But just as he was about to speak, his senior did it as if he could read his mind.

"I'm sorry, incredibly sorry."

Though it was short, he could hear the sincerity. He couldn't at the moment decide much on the matter so he decided to accept it, only after the boy agreed to apologize to the Zion as well. Standing, Yang Ning flashed as smile before leaving.

Approaching Zhou Jian, he paused reluctantly.


"I'm sorry."

Confusion rose but the golden haired boy quickly explained. Understanding now, Zhou Jian knew that the other didn't mean a single thing he said.

[ Bastard probably used how much he felt sorry for himself. ]

But Zou Jian was in no mood to have this drag on longer and gave a curt nod, accepting the apology. He was however, unwillingly to let their grudge go. It's also seemed the same for Yang Ning.

[ I swear if that lowly Zion wasn't here Wang Tao would be mine. ]

Gritting his teeth, the senior couldn't help but look down on the other more. Of course Zhou Jian picked up on that condescending gaze and his anger built up, his phoenix eyes narrowing at the other.

Exchanging a heated glare, they battled silently for a few moments before parting in dissatisfaction. Unwillingly to think of the faker any longer, the Zion brightened up, happily returning to his little cat's side and pulled the boy onto his lap.

Smiling blissfully, Wang Tao accepted the rain of kisses. His arms circled the others neck as he pulled him closer for more more. Closing his eyes, he melted into the sweetness, his arms holding tightly.

A warm hand around his waist rubbed lightly and shiver was sent up his spine. Wang Tao was startled when a tongue pried his mouth open, plundering it harshly. He didn't have time to think about what was going on as he became lightheaded instantly. The sweetness strengthened and his fingers trembled as they clutched the other tightly.

The older one brought him close as he quickly brought the boy into a heated battle. Wang Tao could feel himself burn up and his head spun. This way if kissing was new but the Celestial could tell he liked it. As time went by, his body grew limp, his arms lost all strength.

Luckily, Zhou Jian finally stopped and pulled back, his arm supporting the boy steadily.

Wang Tao was grasping for breath, his head leaning against the other's chest. His face was flushed and the rims of his eyes red. It took a moment for him to calm down and then think if what just occurred. Bringing a finger to his lips, he touched it lightly and wasn't surprised to find it swollen.


His body trembled feeling something warm on his ear. Without looking up, he already knew that his boyfriend was at it again, nibbling on his ears greedily.

[ Why do I seem so sensitive there? ]

It was a thought which crossed his mind countless times but he didn't give it much thought today.

Clenching the white shirt tightly, Wang Tao desperately bit his lips to control the embarrassing sounds. Of course it didn't work and soft mewls left his lips. Burying his head in the crook of Zhou Jian's neck, Wang Tao inhaled deeply as his trembling body shifted uncomfortably. Just as he worried that he'd have another awkward situation like that time on the roof, Zhou Jian paused.

Relieved and disappointed, Wang Tao didn't budge as he tried to calm down. It was then that he felt something odd.

Hard. Something hard was poking his thigh. With a frown, he looked at where he felt the weird prick and his eyes widened immediately.

An awkward silence settled as the Celestial watched the tent before looking up at the Zion.

[ … ]

Wang Tao completely froze.

Purple eyes were piercing into him, so heated that he could feel a fire light in him. A craving encased his soul as he became lost in those eyes, eyes which seemed to hold such burning and deep desire that Wang Tao thought he was going to faint. Holding his breath, he could feel a sharp pain.

Confusion came and went in a moment as he realized that it was from his own throbbing member. The Celestial grew anxious, the silence killing him, as his mind was thrown into a mess.

As if to calm him, a hand gently rubbed his cheek before pulling him in for a kiss. It was a gentle one and it helped the tense body relaxed greatly. As he was led in a kiss, the hand slowly moved down and unbuttoned his pants. When the younger boy moved back in surprise, the hand around his waist immediately pulled Wang Tao back as soft lips covered his again.

The boy understood, calming down and letting Zhou Jian do as he wished.

Continuing, the hand unbuttoned the pants before sneaking in and gently holding the hard stick. The Celestial's moans were muffled by the others mouth as his member was rubbed and fondled, his mind in a blur. A protest rose in his throat when the hand left but it couldn't make it out.

It was only a second later that he felt something big and warm spring up. The hand barely managed to wrap around the two and rubbed, it's pace quickening. Eyes wide, Wang Tao realized what it was.

He'd always though he had a good size but now feeling Zhou Jian's, he realized it was a tad bigger. His blushing face was practically dripping blood right now, redder than crimson. Lips finally free, he inhaled deeply and rested his head in the boy's chest, too embarrassed to look Zhou Jian in the eye.

Luckily, he didn't have to struggle to keep his mouth shut any longer as the hand sped up and finished the job quickly. Despite that, Wang Tao remained unmoving as his boyfriend cleaned him up.

"Sorry, was it too sudden?"

Hearing the voice, Wang Tao shook his head as his heart melted once again. He couldn't understand why but he loved Zhou Jian's voice so much and it was always so calming. Slowly, Wang Tao peeked up.

Meeting the loving gaze, his heart thumped wildly and he couldn't help but give the Zion a kiss. Pulling back, he bit the thin lips, drawing blood and met the confused eyes.


It only took a moment before the older boy smiled sheepishly. Zhou Jian realized his mistake and readily accepted the punishment. Satisfied, Wang Tao tried to stand only to stumble and fall back onto the Zion.


"Don't laugh."

Zhou Jian shut his mouth, his face contorting slightly to hold back.

He couldn't believe it, his legs gave out.

Wang Tao pouted and Zhou Jian's eyes softened. He hurriedly planted kisses on the puffed up cheeks, his eyes shining.

"My little cat is always so cute~"

A smile slowly crept onto the Celestial's face as warmth filled him. Seeing that he cheered up from the earlier shame, Zhou Jian smiled back and stood up, lifting the other into his arms.


"Oh, time's up."

Holding his boyfriend tightly, Zhou Jian made his way back to class in a light mood.

Hi guys, so sorry. It's been a while hasn't it?

Things have been a bit difficult for me lately. I haven't slept properly and a family member died recently so things are a bit chaotic. Also tests are coming up.

Anyways, I just want to apologize in advance because I might take a while to make the next chapter. But hopefully faster since I have a plan in mind for it. So sorry once again and thanks for sticking around.

Hope you enjoy this one, I think it's my longest yet.

EM236_otakucreators' thoughts