
Forever Mine[BL]

Wang Tao emotionlessly spent his life following the same routine. His only interruptions were when he fought or visited worlds. But what happens when one day he decides to visit a world in a galaxy ruled by systems? Will he finally be free of that never ending cycle? Will he learn to feel and love? Or will he slowly sink into the sea of depression, falling into a state worse than before? ... ps: Part of the Wang Tao(WT) series. Check my bio for clarification. ... More accurate tags: male x male, angst, mc falls in love first, various worlds, slow-burn, non-human x non-human, unique, new experience, multi-verse, supernatural, magic, emotional, HE.

EM236_otaku · LGBT+
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58 Chs

Chapter 52: Kiss Or Tears?

"Come let's go."

Zhou Jian quickly led the boy further into the park, arriving at the Ferris Wheel in minutes.

As the two waited to enter, Wang Tao looked around and a sudden realization came over him. The silver eyes slowly moved from pair to pair, as a sudden realization came over him.

[ Girl girl...boy boy...girl boy...boy boy...boy girl...girl girl...? Aren't they all...]

Everyone that entered were a pair, from boy and girl to girl and girl. The main thing was that they all had the air of a loving couple.

Wang Tao's ears turned red as he remembered that the Ferris Wheel seemed to be a romantic spot for confessions.

[ Is A Jian?…Don't get ahead of yourself. You'll just be disappointed. ]

Despite his thoughts, his expectations still remained high. After all, it was hard to imagine that the Zion didn't love him after all these actions. However, he decided not to think about it too much.

Wang Tao was still dreading the chance that Zhou Jian still didn't love him. It was possible that the reason Zhou Jian hadn't given an answer was to avoid hurting him since the other was so caring.

"A Tao?"

Snapping out of his daze, Wang Tao realized that he'd frozen in place and it was currently their turn to enter.

"Ah, my bad. Let's go."

He hurriedly pulled the Zion onto the passenger car to cover up his embarrassment. Now seated, it only took a moment before they felt movement. Slowly and steadily, they rose up, high into the air.

The view of the L City became clearer as the scene widened and they arrived at the pinacle of the Ferris Wheel. Sitting beside the glass wall, the silver eyes sparkled as the Celestial appreciated the beautiful sight.

[ Before I met him I'd never taken much time to just stop and look around…I missed so many beautiful things. ]

With a smile, Wang Tao looked behind him to call the Zion over.


His breath hitched as Wang Tao's eyes met his. The purple eyes scoured his soul, as if uncovering all of the secrets within. Their gazes were locked as all sound seemed to cease. The only thing Wang Tao could hear was his heart which was trying it's hardest to rip out of his chest at the moment.

Anticipation wracked his being as he took in the boys visage. The warm gold of the Sun reflected on the older boy, creating an image of an angel descending from heaven. Yet those devilish features and enchanting purple eyes revealed his dark affinities.

During those few seconds, the Celestial only had one thought in his heart and mind.

[ Mine. I want him to be mine. ]

"A Tao."


This was it. This was the spot where all the romance happened. This was where the other might confess and then…

The Celestial paused his thoughts when he noticed that Zhou Jian had begun. Wang Tao waited with baited breath as he prayed frantically in his heart for his wish to come true.

"What should we get for dinner?"


[ W-what? He…He's not confessing? ]

His heart sank into his stomach.

[ Why? Why did I think...Why did I even hope? ]

Millions of thoughts raced in his mind as tried to control the tremble of his body. A suffocating feeling overcame him and a pain struck through him. Swallowing with difficulty, he leaned back as he struggled to control his expression.

"A Tao?"

Worry built up in the Zion as he watched the unresponsive boy. Just as he was about to draw nearer, the Celestial smiled at him.

"It's ok, I'm not hungry."

[ He's not hungry? That foodie? ]

Zhou Jian did not believe it. However, something told him that Wang Tao wasn't in the best of mood so he decided to not comment on it.

An akward silence surrounded the two as the Ferris Wheel came to a stop. Putting away the bear into his space, the Celestial moved quickly, a few steps ahead of the older boy. Wang Tao didn't say a word the whole time, even as they walked through the amusement park entrance. Now out, the silver eyes glanced around before confusion arose.

"Where's the driver?"

Relief flooded the Zion when the younger one finally spoke.

"He's not coming yet."

"What, why?"

Smiling lightly, Zhou Jian took the pale hand in his and began to take him somewhere.

"Because I still have to take you somewhere."

[ There's…more? ]

Wang Tao stared at the older boy before looking down. He didn't make a sound as Zhou Jian led him on a short walk, just as they reached an isolated spot, the Zion teleported them.

Observing his new surroundings, the previous depressing thoughts left him as silver eyes widened.

In front of them was a large pond surrounded by lush greenery. The forest of green trees hid the pond from wanderers' sight. The moon rays descended onto the still water, brightening the area and creating a shine on the water.

In the middle was a small Islet with an aged and large Saucer Magnolia tree on it. Purple petals danced and fluttered with the gentle wind across the pond and blanketing the ground below the tree. It was an ethereal sight, heightened by the background of a starry night.

Wang Tao was speechless and still speechless when the Zion gently led him to the bank and sat him down. Finally pulling his eyes away, he watched as the older boy took off his shoes and then his own and placed them in his space. Zhou Jian then raised the Celestial to his feet and took his hand again.

[ What is A Jian doing? ]

Wang Tao decided to keep quiet as the Demon Emperor led him into the water. The warm hand held his tightly as Zhou Jian brought him further and further in. Before long, they were completely submerged yet still continued to walk along the pond's bottom. It was a steady slope and long as well.

Taking their time while swimming at some points and walking the next, Wang Tao once again appreciated the scenery.

Colourful fish circled and raced as they curiously stared at the two creatures with their big eyes. The area where the moon rays graced the waters with it's light could be spotted from down below. The image of the moon bent and curved slightly due to their movements in the water and the purple petals which settled above could be seen.

A bright smile came across the Celestial's as he played with the fish. Looking over he watched as the Zion followed the fish, swimming in circles. Once he turned in the other direction, the fish followed him in turn. Wang Tao noticed that Zhou Jian seemed more relaxed than before, even a bit carefree.

[ Ah, I remember that he loves swimming. ]

With this thought, his smile grew as he moved over to join the older boy. The two played for some time before stopping. Wang Tao sat on a rock as the Zion floated nearby.

Watching his little cat's happy expression, Zhou Jian's worries vanished. Relieved, he snuck around and approached the Celestial from behind.

Wang Tao jumped when two arms encircled him but relaxed into them a second later. Turning he looked at the Zion, and couldn't help but admire his features for the millionth time.

The long black hair floated freely in the water, looking so soft and smooth that it enticed the Celestial to touch it. The heated gaze from his purple eyes sent a shock through his body and he could feel himself melt inside like goo. That perfect nose and jawline made him want to worship them with kisses but those thin lips stole his attention as he bit his lip in frustration.

It was only as his gaze was glued to those lips that he realized that his hand was being a bit indecent. The sudden heat on his hand caught his attention, causing him to look down. Immediately he flushed red, understanding that he'd actually been groping the other's chest this whole time.

Wang Tao snatched his hand back as he awkwardly raised his eyes to look at the other. Zhou Jian seemed a bit shocked for a moment before he chuckled lightly. The older boy took the Celestial's hands and guided them to his neck. Warmth overflowed in the purple eyes as Zhou Jian swiftly scooped up the boy into his arms and swam up.

They broke through the water the next second and the Zion carried the Celestial onto the small land. With just a thought, both he and the younger boy were dry, their clothes included. Sitting down on the bed of petals, Zhou Jian placed Wang Tao on his lap to face him and wrapped his arms around the small waist.

"I'm s…about earlier, please forget it "

"It's fine, I don't mind."

Before Wang Tao could ask why, the older boy shushed him. Unable to get an answer, he went on to look at the rain of purple. Feeling tired, the Celestial rested his head on the broad chest as the two were engulfed in a comfortable silence.

"A Tao."


"I have an answer…to your question."

The silver eyes widened as his head shot up. Fingers trembling, he clenched the other's shirt tightly.

"Y-you do?"

Zhou Jian nodded as the younger one grew excited every moment. The anticipation on the other's face strengthened his resolve. Shutting down his depressing thoughts, he held the boy tightly. His hand traced the handsome face of the Celestial as he calmed himself.

"A Tao…We've been together for so long and I've felt so many things and thought many too, but, there are two prominent ones. One is, I'm sorry. I know you banned me but I just have to say it. I'm really s-...A Tao what's wrong."

Concern crashed in waves as the Zion hurriedly wiped the tears of the Celestial. The younger one had broken into tears as he listened. Confused, Zhou Jian asked the other what was wrong.

"Why, why did you have to do all this if you were just going to reject me?!"

"What? What are you talking about?"

Seeing that the other acted oblivious, anger arose in Wang Tao.

"Don't act like you don't know! Why else would you apologize if not to reject me?"

Zhou Jian froze.

It seemed the other had misunderstood but it was his bad. He should have worded that better. Holding the other's face tightly, he peppered Wang Taos face in kisses to calm him down. Once he had composed himself, the Zion explained.

"A Tao, I'm not rejecting you."

"Y-you're not?"

"No, not at all. A Tao, I…I love you. I love you so much so no I won't reject you…A Tao?"

It seemed this time that the boy had frozen in shock, his brain fried. A light smile rested on Zhou Jian's face as he waited for Wang Tao's brain to cool down. It took a full minute before he snapped out of it and began crying once again. Thankfully, it was tears of joy this time with a huge giddy smile on his face.

Wang Tao buried his head in the man's chest and inhaled deeply. With a satisfied smile, he asked one question after another, still with a bit of disbelief. Zhou Jian replied patiently as his hand rubbed the other's back in reassurance.

"Does that mean you're mine now?"


"So you're only mine."


"I can have you all to myself?."


"You're my lover, my boyfriend?"


"Can I…kiss you?"


"...Will you never leave me?"

Pulling back, Wang Tao looked the other in the eye. He was nervous but he also felt a bit crazy. He knew deep down that he wouldn't give the Zion an option. Now that the other was his and loved him, he could only love him. The Celestial Emperor wouldn't allow the Zion to leave.

He didn't know how he showed it - his eyes probably showed crimson - but the older one seemed to understand every thought in his heart. Without any hesitation, Zhou Jian answered.

"Never. I'll never leave you. If I ever try you can chain or bind me to you but…that applies to you too, no exceptions."

A blinding smile rose on his face as Wang Tao felt the bubbles of joy fill him. Watching him, the purple eyes darkened slightly. Adjusting the boy on his lap, he leaned forward as the younger one froze. Wang Tao watched as Zhou Jian's face drew near, the hot breath blowing on his.

The next moment, soft lips pressed against his. It was sweet and gentle yet Celestial still felt like he was melting, like ice cream in the sun. The Zion pulled the other closer, wanting more as he ravaged those juicy lips. With his eyes closed, Wang Tao savored the delicious taste as his arms encircled Zhou Jian's neck.

It was heavenly. That's the thought that crossed both of their minds. It took a while before the two were willing to separate. Moving back, the Zion observed the blushing Celestial. Amusement flashed across his eyes when he noticed the slight pout on Wang Tao's face.

Wang Tao brought a finger to his lips, feeling it lightly. Reluctantly, he removed his hand as he looked at the other. Recalling something, he had a slight frown.

"A Jian, why were you apologizing and…If you love me, then why did you support us when me and Yang Ning pretended to date?"

Silence passed as the Zion was unsure of how to explain it. Taking a deep breath, he admitted softly.

"I…I thought I didn't deserve you so…so I thought you would be better off with someone else."

"What? That's stupid and what about you? Wouldn't that hurt you?"

"I believe…believed that I deserve to suffer that pain, like you did."

The Celestial suddenly understood. He himself should know best that one's mental state couldn't change so easily. Obviously Zhou Jian was still ridden with self hate and guilt, to a suicidal point and even to masochism. It was really worrying and the problem was that it would take a long time to get better due to the cause. Unsure of what to say, he stayed quiet as he was in deep thought.

[ Sigh, in the end there's only one way. I'll teach him to realize how good he is for me. ]

All Wang Tao could do was show how happy the other made him. That Zhou Jian didn't harm him as much as he thought. With a smile, he raised his head and gave the other a light kiss, on the lips this time. He was going to take advantage of this privilege as much as he could.

He kissed the other repeatedly until he knew that Zhou Jian's attention was diverted.

"A Jian, I love you."

He'd only said that to remind the older boy but didn't expect Zhou Jian to actually tear up. Startled, Wang Tao froze at first.

"I-I'm sorry."

Wang Tao shut him up as he wiped away the tears. Hugging the Zion tightly, he reminded him,

"You're banned, don't forget that. And I don't mind. You can cry whenever you want to."

Nodding slightly, the Zion stood up, holding the boy tightly.

"We have to go, the driver will be here soon."

The next second, they disappeared. They reappeared in the park, just moments before the driver pulled up. An hour later, the car pulled up at the mansion and Zhou Jian stepped out holding a sleeping Wang Tao.

Reaching his room, he placed Wang Tao down in the bed as he went to change his clothes. When he returned, the Celestial had on his pajamas and was seated cross legged in the bed.

"Why'd you wake up?"

Wang Tao watched as the Zion came into the bed before diving into the strong arms. Snuggling close, he rested his head in the crook of the other's neck.



Smiling, Zhou Jian wrapped his arm around the boy, his free hand lifting the boys head to kiss him. Closing his eyes, Wnag Tao happily accepted the kiss, chasing after the lips once they pulled back.


The couple separated to look at the foot of the bed. There, a white cat stared at them for a moment as if confused before seeming to accept it. Vanilla then crawled over before snuggling against them and falling asleep.

Smiling, the two let her be as they too drifted off.

And it's here...The Kiss!!

It took a while to work on this one, I wanted it to be perfect. If you think I've accomplished that, please comment. I'd love to know.

Thank you all for staying and reading so far. I'm truly grateful. Also thanks for the support through PS!

EM236_otakucreators' thoughts