
Forever Meant To Be

Renée falls in love with a guy who puts a gun to her head. Her sister falls in love with a surfer dude. It's all fun and games as they live their lives wondering what's gonna come next.

Renee666 · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Chapter 14: New Puppy

    I had just gotten home from work when my phone rang. It was Morgan. "What's up?" I asked. "Everything above you." she said. "Oh, true, true. Why'd you call?" I asked. "I wanted to know what it's like living with Nathan." I rolled my eyes. Though she couldn't see that. "I've only been here for like 3 days, but so far it's great. He said he loved me, and then he said he didn't expect me to say it back. He did ask if I loved him too, since I wasn't saying the words 'I love you' I could admit to it." I said.

    "Aww, well I'm glad you're enjoying it over there. We miss you in the house." she said. "Well, I don't miss being in the house yet, but it is strange not being there. What's new with you?" I asked. "Well nothing new has happened, but I went on a date with Nick yesterday." she said. "Oh?" I could tell she was smiling by the way her voice sounded as she spoke, "He took me to Olive Garden for dinner then we went back to his place and played on the Wii. He cheated by distracting me with a kiss." she laughed. I scoffed, "Surfer dude can't win unless he cheats." 

    "No, he could still win. Anyways, we were playing golf and I was about to reposition and he came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. Then he kissed my jaw, my cheek, my temple, then he came in front of me and kissed my lips. That distracted me and I forgot to reposition and he won because I went way out of bounds." 

"Well next time, push him away." I said. "Yeah, I plan on it." she said. "Yo, Nathan and I are gonna start looking for a German shepherd puppy for sale." I said. "Wait, it has to be a puppy!"  Nathan yelled from his room. "Hold on Morgan, I'll call you back later." I said before hanging up.

Nathan came out of his room and sat next to me on the couch. "You want a puppy." he said. I gave him a pleading look, "Please Nathan. Please a puppy." I said. "Aww, Renée don't give me that look, you know I can't resist that look." I increased the power of the look. "Renée, no puppy." he said. I snuggled into his arm and looked up at him, "Please Nathan." He grimaced, "Fine, but you have to clean up after it." 

I immediately perked up, "Thank you, Nathan." I gave him a kiss and started to search for German shepherd puppies for sale. I saw an ad and called the number provided. A lady picked up and said, "Hello?" I cleared my throat, "Hello, I'm Renée. I saw your ad stating you had German shepherd puppies for sale. Is that ad still valid?" 

"Yes ma'am. You are welcome to come get see them anytime between 9am-4pm this week." she said. "How about 2pm an Saturday?" I asked. "That'll do. Have a nice day." she said. "You too ma'am, thank you ma'am." I said before hanging up.

I turned to Nathan, "I found a lady who has a selection we can choose from and we can go see them Saturday at 2pm." He shook his head, "You are lucky I love you." I leaned against his shoulder, "Thank you, Nathan." He wrapped his arm around my shoulders, "You're welcome Love."

That Saturday we took my truck out to Balch Springs to go look at the puppies. When we got there the lady led us to her barn where she was keeping the puppies. I went inside their huge pin and Nathan watched from outside the pin. 

As soon as I got in there one of the puppies leapt into my arms and the others surrounded my feet. The one in my arms was so soft and fluffy. His fur was absolutely beautiful and he was so full of life. I smiled up at Nathan and the lady. "This one." I said.

"Awesome, he is up to date on his shots and he's been fixed. He doesn't have a name. That'll be $150 please." I was struggling to reach the money with the puppy in my arms. Nathan reached in my pocket for me and got the money. "Are you two together?" the lady asked. "Yes." Nathan said in his usual hostile voice. He doesn't like people. "Well, you guys look good together. "Thank you." I said.

    We headed back to my truck and put the puppy in the back seat. We headed to the star to buy his stuff that he would need. I bought him a dog bed, a blue collar and leash, toys, dog bowls, puppy chow, and bones. I also bought him a kennel. 

    I loaded all the stuff in the bed of my truck and we headed home. When we got there Nathan and I put the puppy in his kennel and set all of his stuff up. When we were done, I let him out. Nathan and I showed the puppy around the house. 

    "What are we gonna name him?" Nathan asked. The puppy was running around the living room exploring everything. The way he was running reminded me of the bullet from Mario Kart. "Bullet." I said. Nathan looked at me, "I like it, but why?" I pointed to Bullet, "The way he was running around the living room reminded me of the bullet from Mario Kart." Nathan laughed and put an arm around me, "Bullet suits him perfectly."

    At the sound of his name, Bullet looked up at him with an adorable expression. His head was tilted to the side and he had one ear up and one down his tongue was hanging out of his mouth. This little puppy has inserted himself into my heart.