
Foretell Of Ascension

"Did you hear, what happened with the velorum family's kid?" "Who, Alnair?" "Yes, It seems they were finally fed up with that trash and finally banished him from the family" "Ohh, I heard about that, They say he will be sent to the Arhalm kingdom" "He will die there for sure, haha" _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Alnair Velorum, This 18 year teen has been bullied, banished and betrayed by his close one's. He didn't have any expectations from them in the first place, As he was bastard of the previous patriarch. But this time they crossed the line. Will he be able to take his revenge or drown in his own sorrows? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Tags - fast paced, ruthless mc, gore, face slapping, Harem, R18, netori, teacher-student relationship, Kingdom Building, weaktostrong, milf, mystery, rare bloodline, genius. _ _ _ _ _ _ Add the instgram handle for novel updates- @asrel_writes321 **** [A/N: The art is not mine, For removal or credits contact me. Read My other work, Joe Travels Infinitus.]

Asrel · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Are You Gonna Eat Me?

It was darkness all around him, He felt really cold there. Loneliness, Anger, Shame, Embarrassment, and mostly Sadness was felt from this never ending darkness.

In the darkness, Alnair struggled to open his eyes. He found himself at the bottom of the cliff, But it was as if he was there but not there at the same time.

He opened his eyes wide at the thought of being in hell. "phew.. It's not hell Alnair, be a man and stand up" he told himself after feeling some pain and got up.

But suddenly he felt something heavy on his back and he reached it with his hands. he was shocked to find two pure white wings sprouting from his back.

He finally understood 'So it's a dream, Am I a angel? Then where are the ladies, Goddesses, haha'

He wanted to laugh for real but the pain in his back didn't let him. He started checking out the whole place. There was nothing noteworthy here, It was mostly dark.

However, He found there was a small pond near him. He started walking towards it. And looked at his own blurry reflection in pond, like the old man did in his previous dream.

Only difference between both of them was that he was in a nightmare with full off darkness, He thought 'How is this fair, He gets to drink wine while watching beautiful scenery and I get to be in darkness, Hmph'

Suddenly the the dark water in pond turn clean and he could see his clear reflection. "Something is weird about this pond, Should I piss in it and see?"

The reflection in the pond seemed to came alive and screamed at him "Don't you dare do that here, insolent brat"

Alnair widened his eyes watching his own reflection talking to him, he was just lost looking at his reflection reply him like he was a kid.

The reflection then laughed and said "Haha, Yes. I am you and you are me, The only difference is that I am all your dark emotions, You have bottled them up in this space for a long time, it's time you accept them. My dear Alnair Velorum"

The reflection was smirking but Alnair was not. he said "I would never call myself an insolent brat, so fuck off" and kicked the figure in water. With many ripples the reflections image distorted.

Suddenly a warm feeling came over him and the scenery changed, his head was now resting on a lady's lap.

He thought to himself 'Now that's how I like it, haha' The lady surely was beautiful but her face was indiscernible.

However her face started moving forward to his crotch. Alnair was flustered and told her "What's the rush lady, let's first know each other-" before he could finish the sentence, she nibbled on his left hand. which was placed on his crotch.

He sighed seeing this and thought 'I guess everyone has there own preferences and kinks we can't judge them on based on that only'

As he was pondering on some self made bullshit, he felt little pain from his hands and he looked downward. only to see the lady had fierce expression and was eating his hand?

He instantly screamed with all his might and "Ahhhhh.." he woke up. Yes, He really was dreaming. He was relieved but he still felt wet and a little sharp thing on his left hand.

As he looked down, He saw a little wolf was trying to eat his hand and had made quite a mess of blood and flesh all over the place.

He didn't know how, but right now he was alive even after falling from the cliff, but only to get eaten by this little rascal.

He mustered all his remaining strength just enough to say "Hii there little one, Are you hungry?"

The wolf was licking the blood from his hand as if it was it's mother's milk. the wolf stopped and looked at Alnair tilting it's head in a cute way.

But to Alnair, it seemed as if it was saying to him "Are you an idiot?"

The wolf just stared right in his eyes for a while but again started to lick the blood and making mess of the flesh on his hands with it's fangs.

Alnair felt his world came crashing down, he knew he was gonna die a painful death, At some point the pain from his hand became unbearable.

He wanted to scream, but knew if he did, this place will be swarming with other creatures of forest and he will die even more worst death with this cute little devourer wolf.

He shook his head fiercely and saw the pendant flash above his clothes, he then desperately got hold of it through his mouth and took a hard bite of it.

And released all his irritation by screaming. His muffled sound was heard by the little wolf.

It again tilted his head narrowing it's eyes.

Alnair could feel, it was saying 'Stop being a baby and let me have my fill'

He didn't say anything but thought 'If I somehow escape from here, I will surely fuck this shit up. However cute it is, it is really ruthless'

*Gulp* *Gulp* *Gulp*

He widened his eyes as he drank whatever came out of the pendant.

Instantly the feeling of warmth came all over his body. He realised, his strength was coming back to him.

More importantly his veins got thicker, his muscles contracted and relaxed again and again, his bones felt like breaking and mending itself. The pain from earlier felt like child's play.

He was in excruciating pain now. But he didn't despair because he knew what was happening to him.

This was the process of bloodline awakening. And an awesome one at that because of the strength he was already feeling was many times over before he was normal.

His eyes had a dark glow before subsiding and then it happened. The most unbearable pain of his life.

*Crack* *Crack* *Crack*

His back was giving pain signals to his brain but it was already numb to the feeling this intense pain, it just felt like the pain was punishing Alnair, for something that was against the nature.

The cute little wolf just tilted its head again. If Alnair saw it, he would cough up blood because it seems to be saying 'I like soft meat, not this crunchy one. So stop moving will you? I am almost done with my fill' Some time passed, filled with his muffled painful screams.

The bloodline awakening is a process when one tap into there innate potential. It is gained through the bloodline of the mother or father's side. There were many methods to awaken it.

One could even take a bloodline from magic beasts. But it's success rate depends on the quality of the beast and the catalyst used for it. it also depends on the person inheriting it.

Anyway right now, Alnair was going through something similar, only difference was that it was without any technique and the origin of the catalyst and bloodline were unknown to Alnair.

Alnair's mind was about to go unconscious but he didn't allow it. he opened his eyes wide and said in shaky voice "Nobody fucking moves" he looked around him and then at the wolf and said "What happened here?" he said while pointing where he stood, because there was pool of blood and rotting flesh all over the place.

The little wolf again tilted his head towards him. Alnair also tilted his head in response and said "What do you mean by chicken got white wings-" he stopped saying as he felt two wings attached on his back.

He was stunned by seeing two pure white ethereal wings on his back. He didn't need to think much, he knew it was all thanks to his bloodline and pendant.

Forgetting his new buddy's past mischiefs, he smirked and said "Wanna fly?"

The wolf response was 'who wanna fly with shit looking chicken' it turned around and left.

Alnair just smiled wryly and said "You little bitch, just wait. I will be back here in the future" he kept the pendant in his pocket and flew away.

* * *

[A/N: If you like the writing of the story,

You can check out my other work 'Joe Travels Infinitus']

hey everyone, Keep reading and supporting the novel.

This is my first time participating in any WPC, Let's see how it goes ;)

As always Happy Reading :)

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