
Forerunner: Trifect

The Forerunner that realized the truth of his civilization and history. A forerunner who wanted a new beginning for himself. Here is my discord for readers of my books. https://discord.gg/kYJwW6AB3C Patreon link if you want to support my writing.( I don't put chapters behind paywalls. Only for support.)

GoldDragonMachina · Video Games
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This ship is named the Continuity. A fitting name for it.

I looked at its specifications, modules, and equipment. It was powered by a Vacuum Energy Harvester slipspace drive. The basis being the improved Vacuum Energy Harvester technology I made. Universes are no longer sucked dry of their energy until death anymore. Much more humane.

The slipspace engine looks to be completed technology that was experiment last time I checked on it.

I ask, "Ambience, did the Builder and Engineer finish my research on an inter-universal slipspace engine?"

Ambience appeared, "Yes Sir, they narrowly completed this before their last days."

I grin with a huff, "I guess we are going really, really, really, far away to start over then."

I look out the window in thought and full-blown smile graces my face, "Humanity will rise and take our place. They are worthy. The Precursors knew them to be worthy. More worthy than even us. They will reclaim it all and their age will be glorious for every species in the galaxy. Our time is here done."

I get comfortable in my chair and equip my armor suit.

"Let's see where we end up. Hopefully, it is somewhere good.", I say to myself.

I activate the slipspace engine that will take me randomly to a new universe. I can't do any exact locations, but I know I won't come out slipspace in an asteroid or something. I am guaranteed enough room.

The dark portal opens up and Continuity goes through it. Space twist and light is fumbled as I go through an unimaginable tunnel. As this slipspace tunnel is extremely different.

Moments pass and I come out of slipspace. The first thing I see is a gas giant with rings. It has many moons. 

I command, "Ambience, conduct a omni-wavelength scan of this solar system."

"Command executed Trifect, "Ambience said. Then a blue scanning wave emitted from the ship in every direction. It hit every molecule within the system. I instantly got a flood of data.

There was intelligent life.

The truly surprising data was, "There are humans here?"

Earth, third planet from the local sun perfectly in the habitable zone. It was home to humanity. They were well into the space age but not quite advanced enough to explore their home system. The Martians however were fully spacefaring and semi-interstellar. There are other lifeforms that are alien and not in large numbers too. Likely not native to the system.

I got data on the celestial bodies. The one that caught my eye is Venus. Currently, it is a hell scape. Acid rain, volcanic surface and hot enough to melt lead. However, I just need to change a few things to make it habitable. The hell can end with a few tweaks and the planet will become verdant.

I decided, "Ambience, we will begin a terraforming project on Venus. We will use drone to create artificial heat chimneys. Once we correct the temperature, we can begin separating the sulfur from the water in the clouds. Then introduce modified plankton into the oceans to convert the carbon dioxide to oxygen. Plants and simple animal life will follow. Then we'll begin the resurrection program."

"Orders received, " I heard back.

The ship then made way to Venus. The massive ship broke through the atmosphere and landed soundly on the surface. The drones were deployed to build the heat chimneys. Which will absorb and transport heat from the planet into space.