
Forceful Reincarnation: Version Slow Love (A DxD fanfic)

I died of lung cancer when I was at the ripe age if 28, I lived a good life, tried to be a good person, I wasn't perfect I did a lot of bad stuff had a lot regrets here and there but who didnt. All I wanted was to go heaven a cuddle with puppies are go to hell for my sins. But I got reincarnated as Issei Hyodou and the same morning he woke up to Rias sleeping beside him. Hey at least I got a system. That should help. - - - - - - This is an alternate version of my other fanfic with a similar name. That one is to fap to this one is different.

SilverZerothFox78X · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Chapter 6: No title

"Damn it!" I slammed my fist down onto the clubrooms floor, causing a small crater to form.

I got up "Where are you going?" asked Rias with her arms folded. "Don't worry I'm just going home."

-The next morning-

[System update completed!]

Good I opened up the system and saw notification.

[A new ability has been added to the system. When host receives an add on there is a chance you may get a perk.

You now currently have access to the Combat Perk you'll have 3x better comprehension to combat related techniques and stats will also grow faster according to perk rate.

You currently have access to the Shop which will give you anything in the multiverse for a price. To use the shop you will need shop points

You also now have access to dungeons, you can now grind Combat and Shop points.

Good Luck and sorry for the inconvenience!]

Seeing that I had a dungeon I opened the the system and opened it's tab.

[Forest | Zombie | Training room ]

I can finally grind! I got off my bed and got on a track suite, I don't want to mess up any of my other clothes.

My vision the changes as a forest surrounds I walked a bit before a notification came up.

[You've left the safe zone]

I see, some enemies should be up ahead, I took out the sword I made a few days and began to move carefully.

Until up ahead I saw some round things hopping around they were blue and due to mines and Issei experience with RPG games I recognized this creature as a slime.

Over there head was the word Slime, with the sword in hand, I rushed over and with my sword in hand slashed at the creature.

It splat apart, but it didn't look like it took much damage. The Slime looked at me and jumped towards me I dodged and it landed on a tree with a loud as it came off the tree had small indent.

"Well shit!" I said surprised, I looked closer at the slime and saw a round object inside of it. I rushed towards it again struck the the object.

[1 Combat point]

[1 Shop point]

The slime cried out in pain as it fell apart, so that must be their core.

There was no school today so why not grind a bit.


Status \

Name: Issei Hyoudou

Race:Reincarnated Devil







Combat Points: 356 \ Shop points: 346


\ Active Skills \

[Martial Arts]-(8\100) | [Sword Mastery]-(9\100) | [Fire Magic]-(8\100) | [Arc of Embodiment]-(9\100) | [Intimidation]-(5\100)

\ Passive Skills \

[Nigh Vision]-(MAX) | [Language]-(MAX)] | [Stone Skin]-(6\100)


I gained a lot points and rose my skills a bit they've been growing a lot faster thanks to the perk I've gotten.

I switched between sword fighting and martial arts during the grind. Now let's place 50 points each into my stats and now for my skills let's through six into [Stone Skin] that's a passive skill I'd have to beat the shit outta myself to raise it, no thank you.

For my other skills I threw 10 points into all my current skills I then again added 10 points to my stats leaving me with 60, which I decided to save.







\ Active Skills \

[Martial Arts]-(18\100) | [Sword Mastery]-(19\100) | [Fire Magic]-(18\100) | [Arc of Embodiment]-(19\100) | [Intimidation]-(15\100)

\ Passive Skills \

[Stone Skin]-(16\100)


Not bad I could feel a well spring of power bubbling up inside if me!

((Well this is very interesting.)) said voice from my left arm. "You must be Ddraig." I said. I guess I'm strong enough to actually communicate with him.

((I am.)) said the dragon "Can you check my memories?" I asked him. ((I can but not without your permission.))

"Then you have it."

-A few minutes later-

((WHAT THE HELL OPPAI DRAGON!!!)) Cried out the dragon at the sight of of memories. "You don't have to worry dude I won't even think about becoming 'that'."

((You better!)) said the dragon almost threatening me, it was kinda scary.


I just finshed dealing with school today, and there weren't any contracts, "Issei." said meek yet familiar voice behind him it was Asia.

"Asia....." Now that I think about why would the fallens leave her alone here. Unless this is some kind of final act before they eventually kill her. This time I'm not gonna let her die.

"He Asia wanna go hang out?" I asked her she seems a bit confused at this. "Its when friends go out to have a good time, wanna come along?" She beamed at this "I'd love to."

I first took Asia to the arcade where we played a variety of games I even won her that rip off pickachu, raachu. Eventually we spent the entire day together we ended it off by at the same park as in canon.

"That was really fun, thank you Issei." said Asia as she smiled but it looked a bit sad. Those bastards are all dead! "It's okay I'm your friend right?"

"Yes your my friend." she says as her smile became a bit more genuine soon she began to tell me of her past and the church are really just a bunch of bastards.

I know the devils and the fallens are bad, but the church is supposed to be the good guys, yet look at Kiba and Asia and many other people, honestly some of the most kind and caring people I've ever met are the ones with tattoos that cover half their body and lsmoke and drink, while those who claim to worship god are some of the most awful and vile people I know.

Honestly if were to choose which faction to join out of three I'd honestly go with Grigori are devils at least I know when my allie is out to get me.

"Awe! Isn't that cute!" says a voice that brought me rage I turned around and saw Yuuma. This bitch! THIS BITCH!!!

I stood up as Issei's rage and frustration took me over, no I guess it isn't just his it's mine now, I actually cared for this whore, honestly if Asia wasn't here I'd rape and murder her, s - l - o - w - l - y.

"Yuuma!" I shouted as a aura surrounded me, I don't care how killing her here will fuck with canon I'll murder this bitch.

I dashed towards her incredibly fast and I decked her in the face surprising her. "I'll kill you!" I didn't use the [Boosted Gear] no I took out the Military combat knife with the ice enchant.

"How dare you!" she tried to form an spear of light but I was faster cut her hand freezing it from the inside out immobilizing it.

Rage immediately filled her as she tried to use her other hand but another swipe and it was down, fear immediately replaced the rage as I grabbed her.

"I'm not gonna let you escape your dying here!" I said as I aimed for her throat but someone grabbed my hand.

"Issei please stop!" I turned around a deep scowl encompassing my face my eye were glowing green and looked slightly dragonic, it was Asia she had tears in her eyes she looks scared. Was it me?

I took a step back "Asia I'm!" she interrupted me "It's okay." Those words were all I needed, I then turned to Yuuma who disappeared.

Fuck that bitch escaped!