
Forceful Reincarnation: Version Slow Love (A DxD fanfic)

I died of lung cancer when I was at the ripe age if 28, I lived a good life, tried to be a good person, I wasn't perfect I did a lot of bad stuff had a lot regrets here and there but who didnt. All I wanted was to go heaven a cuddle with puppies are go to hell for my sins. But I got reincarnated as Issei Hyodou and the same morning he woke up to Rias sleeping beside him. Hey at least I got a system. That should help. - - - - - - This is an alternate version of my other fanfic with a similar name. That one is to fap to this one is different.

SilverZerothFox78X · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Chapter 5: No title

"*Yawn!*" I stretched my arms and got off my bed, ever since I became a devil I've now hated mornings, I wasn't really a morning person in my past life either.

It's like it became worse, guess it's due to devils being nocturnal. I then went downstairs to see Gorou and Miki Hyoudou. I'm not sure if I want to call them Mom and Dad....well I'm sure it's just that...

I'm confused, I want a relationship with them yet I don't. Can I just replace my old parents like that, they've done so much for me...but haven't the Hyoudou's done the same for me as well.

I took a seat at the dinner table as Mom set the table. I sighed as if a weight lifted off my shoulders.

There's no use over thinking this, they've been with Issei as well and I'm Issei I'd be hypocritical of me to throw them away. Both sets of my parents will forever be important to me.

The lessons they've taught me will always be dare to my heart. I just hope I can one day go back to my world to see my friends and my sister again. That doesn't mean I'm staying, I'm going to check on things.

"Issei you look more relaxed, I guess you've dealt with your problems now." said Miki. I looked at her in surprise. "How?"

"You've been tense around us the past few days son." answered my father. I guess he is my father now. "Is that so...doesn't matter let's just enjoy breakfast." I said as we dug into our food, breakfast that morning was more enjoyable for some reason.


"*Yawn!* I hate mornings." I said as I yawned again for like the fifteen time this morning. Let's start off with some Gacha.

The only good things I for were.

[Teacher Token - Akuma

Teacher Token - Virgil

Military combat knife with ice enchant

A bottle of water


Custom Beyblade

Random System add on]

Okay the fucks a teacher token. I opened the description.

[Teacher Token-Akuma \ Sends the host to train with Akuma \ Rewards A customisable copy of Akuma's gi \ Ansatsu no Ken \ Satsui No Hado]

Nope nope nope nope nope nope! I ain't using that one yet. I don't want to turn into a mindless murder machine. Which means the Vergil is the way to go.

Though I still have this letter I haven't opened. I opened it and.

[Yo I'm R.O.B I'm sorry for forcibly reincarnating you, I was supposed to pick the guy next to you. He was due in a few minutes after you.

Sorry for the inconvenience. If you want to back to your world Press \Yes\ or if you want to compensated for your troubles press \No\]

So I was accidentally reincarnated okay that's better. I guess I won't have to beat his ass...pause!


'Yeah right of course I forcefully reincarnated you, this is just me trying to avoid that possibility!' thought the R.O.B who reincarnated our protagonist.

Said being looked upon thousands no billions screens of himself getting his ass beat, killed or tortured for forcibly stripping our mc of his peace.

-Back DxD timeline 00EXB15748447917(that number is longer)-

Alright then, I accepted the ROB's apology and I got.

[New functions are now available Dungeon and Shop]

[To install both functions the system will need to be updated. This process will take 12 hours

Do you accept Yes\No]

I pressed yes of course.

[System now going through update only inventory function will available to host]

Well its better than nothing I have a place where I can practice and I finally have a shop. Today is a good day!

"I would like for you take another job again, Koneko is currently full I'd like you to deal with this one." said Rias.

"No problem." Today is not a good day! Tonight is when I'll meet Freed. I'll have to be in guard, this might be my first serious fight.

That night I teleported to the location by Akeno, and instantly I was attacked. I barely dodged it, as the light bullet grazes my shoulder, it wasn't too serious though .

"Well well if it isn't a shitty devil, its nice to meet you, I'm Freed and I'm sorry but I'll have to murder your sorry devil ass!" said the priest

"Well well well if it isn't a shitty foul mouth priest!" I retort as I immediately summon my sacred gear and used it.


A serious look came onto my face, Freed has been killing devils for years and I'm not too confident I'll be able to take him down.

I dashes towards him as he fired off more shots from his gun. But I narrowly avoided them. I tried to get up close but he took out his light sword which forced me to distance myself.

"I'm about gut you like a pig, you shitty devil scum!" He ran towards as I got into a stance "Kyaaaaaa!" I heard a scream Freed and I looked towards Asia who froze at the sight of the dead body.

Freed the revealed I'm a devil to Asia and I can't lie, it kinda hurt. But she still wanted to be my friend, she even tried to defend me like in canon but.

"He's a devil you bitch!" he went slice after her but I grabbed his arm and kicked him the nuts. "Take that you shitty priest!"

Freed looked at me in disdained "You fucking devil bastard I'll kill and rape your mother right in front of you!" He got up and he thrust his blade towards me.

Hearing what he said something inside of me just...snapped. Rage immediately filled me.

"You bastard!" I shouted as I punched him in the face while a [BOOST!!!] rang off and the [Twice Critical] became the [Boosted Gear].

The punch sent the stray priest flying into the next room. The priest got up his head was bleeding and dashed towards me however Kiba blocked his attack.

"Hey Issei you held your own pretty good!" Looking behind me I saw I the rest of the Gremory peerage.

"How the hell did you notice! There was a-" Freed's words stopped in his throat as he looked at Asia his face contorting in rage even more.

"You useless bitch! You were supposed to keep up the barrier!" A circle then formed on the ceiling as Koneko grabbed me and Kiba came back to the magic circle.

"Wait Rias what about Asia?" I asked Rias, I don't want to leave her like in canon, she doesn't deserve to die.

"I'm sorry Issei but only members of my peerage can use the circle." said Rias as we teleported away.