
Part 2

Y/n: Nonsense...You are behaving like i am dying to be Mrs Kim...

Taehyung: Good then..

With that saying he continued eating....

I sighed and sat beside him...

But when i sit beside him..

He immediately stop eating and gets up from his seat...

Y/n: What happened? Why you stopped eating..

Taehyung: I don't want to eat breakfast with you in the same table...

With that saying he was about to leave but i hold his hand

Taehyung: How dare you touch me??

Taehyung: Looks like you are a kind of slut...

Y/n: TAEHYUNG!!!!!

( I almost shouted)

Know your limits...

Y/n: My intention was not to touch you...

Y/n: Anyways...You don't have to leave..I will have my breakfast in my room...

With that saying i was about to leave but he said something

Taehyung: Before you leave...Let me tell you something...

Y/n: Huh!..What?

Taehyung: I sent all the servants to their house today..

Taehyung: So from today you will do all the house chores....

Y/n: tf.. did you lose your mind??

Y/n: You sent all the servants to their home intentionally right??

Taehyung: What are you saying?

I can't understand anything..

( He said while smirking)

Y/n: Don't pretend..Ik you understand what i mean

Taehyung: Smart girl...You understand very quickly..( Smirk)

Y/n: Why Mr Kim?? Why you did this??

Taehyung: Because i can't tolerate that you married me..

Taehyung: Now you have to pay....

Taehyung: You did the biggest mistake by marrying me...

Taehyung: You come between me and my love... Now you have to pay...

Y/n: Oh really??

Let's see who will suffer or who will not? Ok?..

Taehyung: Yeah sure...

Taehyung: And i am sure at the end you will suffer and get out from my house by your own..

Y/n: Don't be over confident..Mr Kim..

Y/n: Time will say everything...

Y/n: I am not that type of girl who gives up easily...

Taehyung: oh really??

Taehyung: Then let's see how much patience you have...

Y/n: You will....

Taehyung: Anyways let's come to the point...

Taehyung: You already wasted so much time on your useless talks..

Taehyung: So you don't have breakfast now.....

Taehyung: So go to the kitchen and start your work....

Y/n: What???

Time skip

Taehyung: You are not in this house for chilling and watching tv...

Y/n: What the...What is this behaviour???

Taehyung: Did you finished all your works??

Y/n: Yes. I did that's why i am watching tv..

Taehyung: Now go and prepare dinner for me...

Taehyung: I will come to the table in 10 minutes...

With that saying he left..

Y/n: What a jerk....

With that saying i went to the dining room to serve his dinner....

I was placing the food on the table.

That time taehyung came towards the table...

And then he took his seat..

I started serving his food...

Taehyung: If the food is not tasty then you will see the consequences...

I didn't give attention and continued serving...

Y/n: Eat properly ok...

And then he started eating...

In a second he threw the food and started drinking water continuously....

I was laughing secretly and he noticed that and started coming closer to me...

Y/n: Oh shit..Now you are dead y/n...

Taehyung: You intentionally mixed chillies in my food right?? ( Angry voice)

Y/n: Huh! Wh-what are you saying??

Y/n: I can't understand anything...

Actually it's the truth..I intentionally mixed chillies in his food to teach him a lesson..

Taehyung: Stop pretending...

Taehyung: Your expression is telling everything..

Y/n: Mm..If you understand everything then why are you asking me??

Taehyung: Stfu..It's time for punishment..

With that saying he took some chillies in his hand and started coming towards me..

And then he hold my cheeks harshly and forcefully put the chillies in my mouth...

Y/n: aaa..mmm..Leave me..

After putting all the chillies in my mouth he push me on the floor

Taehyung: Now how are you feeling?

Taehyung: I hope from next time you will think 100 times before doing these types of things...

Tears started coming from my eyes due to chillies

Taehyung: Now why are you crying??

Taehyung: Did i cry when you make me eat these chillies??

Y/n: Y-You are s-so bad..

( I said while sobbing)

Taehyung: Yes i am...only for you y/n..

Taehyung: This is what you will get if you mess up with me...

To be continued...