
System's 'Help'

Dran soon enough woke from his slumber. His body instantly moving towards the shower. Although he was accustom to a busy schedule and foul odors. The smell that emitted from himself was something he couldn't stand.

Upon cleaning himself he quickly found that while getting dressed his original clothes didn't seem to fit anymore.

'I need new clothing…' Dran thought to himself before his mind wandered off to the villages around him. A green hue overcame his face as he thought of the way he'd be ogled and touched by the woman of the village and he instantly decided his next course of action.

His now refined body gripped his black jeans at the knees and tore the denim like it was nothing more than paper, and quickly threw the torn clothes to the side as he took a seat in the empty living room. "Great. The system gave me a bed, but no couch… Guess I'll save the complaints since it at least gave me a shower" Dran mumbled before glancing at the ceiling.

"I've hit body refinement, but… That's not even a foot note in most cultivators eyes. The problem now" Dran mumbled glancing towards the floor. "Is that Qi gathering array is absolutely useless to me as it is. I'm in body refinement I don't need Qi I need body tempering elixirs" Dran complained as a system pinged him.

[Is the User interested in a quest fitting his realm? Y/N?]

"Huh. You're finally gonna help out? Yeah I'm interested what do you want" Dran responded with an uncertain tone. Assuming the system was going to offer something no mortal could resist, and a task no mortal could survive.

[The user must complete: Five Hundred Push ups, Five Hundred Sit ups, and Five Hundred Squats.

Reward: Alchemy Cauldron, x500 ten year Ginseng, x500 ten year Spirit Grass, x50 ten year Yang Grass, x50 ten year Yin Grass]

Dran's eyes widened as soon as he saw the reward. "T-The hell? The first quest and…" Dran couldn't fathom the screen before him. "I could make a hundred Body tempering liquids with that much… But that extra Yin and Yang grass with that…" Dran's lips turned into a smirk. "Accept. Accept. Accept" Dran repeated.

'Although a Hundred body tempering elixirs are good with the materials I'd at best get the lowest tier, but… The Yin Yang grass. That's a rather rare materials most of the Sects look for. They have different uses than mine though… With that Grass I can turn a low grade elixir into a high quality one'

Dran thought to himself before the system responded.

[Quest accepted. Time limit: 24 hours]

"Huh? A whole day?" Dran cocked his head to the side as he immediately moved to a push up position. "That's herbs are mine" He mumbled before he began his work out.

'I'm surprised. The system gave me a task that'll help me move forward with cultivation too.' Dran thought as he finished his third push up. 

Soon time began to pass. His Biceps and Triceps began to burn at two hundred causing him to slow down. "T-The hell is going on? Why?" Dran questioned. After every ten push ups it felt like his body weighed more and more. "SYSTEM!" Dran yelled quickly rewarded with an alert.

[Quest Update: The user has previous work out history. The quest will increase his weight by ten pounds every five reps. Weight Cool down: 3 Hours]

"Are you fucking serious!" Dran complained falling to his chest. "Because I know the form and worked out I'm being punished?" Dran complained.

[The system remembers]

Upon reading those words Dran gave a scowl. "Oh so you're a vengeful system. I'm not sorry. Get outta here" Dran growled.

[The System is leaving now. It will return when you fail.]

"Pfft fail? That aint gonna happen." Dran said with a smug grin. "You have no idea what you've done. Since you aren't trying to cultivate" Dran reminded it as he stood up. His body feeling a bit lighter as he began his squats.

"Unfortunately dear System" Dran began as he completed a rep of ten squats. "This extra weight. Is only helping!" Dran yelled as he continued for nine more reps before falling on his rear.

His breath ragged and his throat dried he spoke once again. "The more weight… The faster the cultivation. Or at least… I think I wrote that in?" Dran tried to sooth himself moving to his sit ups.

(Twelve Hours later)

After waiting for the cool downs to end every two hundred reps Dran finally completed his final sit up. His body flopping to the floor as his body felt like it was in tatters. His eyes nearly rolling to the back of his head from strain.

"I… Just wanted to write a story" The young man complained nearly weeping. "I was never this cruel to the mc you stupid system give me some pity!" Dran complained before an alert met his ears and his eyes turned towards the screen.

[Congratulations on finishing your first quest! The system will now reward you!]

"And how are you gonna-" Dran's question was completely cut off as a cauldron slammed into his stomach from two feet up causing the wind to leave his lungs as herbs rained down in bundles to his sides.

His body rolled from left to right knocking the cauldron off as he held his stomach. 'I should've known' He thought as his stiff and sore body peeled itself from the ground. 'This system has it out for me…' Dran thought as his hand gripped the cauldron's handle and he slowly dragged it towards the basement before another alert rang in his ears.

[The user has completed a quest with additional conditions set after the approval. Reward: 10 System points]

"System points? That's not in my system?" Dran mumbled stopping in place as he questioned exactly what was going on.

[This system is tailored to the User. It has features different from the creators original design such as: Player shop, Player Status, System Shop]

"Oh? And who gave you permission for that?" Dran growled as the system corrupted his original vision for his story. "I sure as hell didn't!" Dran growled once more as his foot slammed into the floor causing it to creek.

[The System is unable to respond]

"Whatever… So the system points can be spent on every shop and on the user right?" Dran questioned giving a glare at the blue screen.

[Incorrect. System Points and Player Points are separate currencies. System points can be achieve with missions, and Player points are gained from exchanging this worlds currency into the System]

"So… The System is greedy as well as sadistic" Dran mumbled with a frown. "Whatever. Open the System shop" Dran finally demanded as the blue screen expanded.

[ System Shop:

House Upgrades

Array Upgrades (Cannot Access)

Storage Upgrades (Cannot Access)

Transportation Upgrade (Cannot Access)]

"And requirements… Should have fucking known…. Whatever open the House upgrades…" Dran spoke as his right hand covered his face. His patience beyond thin at that point.

[House Upgrades

Walls: x5 System Points

Qi Array Level up: x10 System Points

Spiritual Soil: x100 System Points

Reinforced Structure: x100 System Points

Realm too low, for more options please increase Cultivation]

"For what reason does my Realm matter to the house!" Dran gave a sigh as his finger moved to the Qi Array. "Better to get this out of the way now. Nothing else is going to matter right now" Dran admitted clicking the Qi Array.

[Congratulations! You've increased the Qi Gathering Array to Low Grade Qi Array! Thank you for your purchase!]

"Low grade huh?" Dran said with a defeated tone. "Still better than what it was before" Dran mumbled as he closed the system and grabbed the Cauldron. "Is what I would say" Dran added with a dark smile. 

"You idiotic system" Dran mumbled bringing the Cauldron down the stairs. "Do you know how many cultivators would kill for a shitty Array? You've just given me a low grade for nothing. I win this round!" Dran proclaimed with tears falling from the corners of his eyes.

As Dran finally reached his stone basement he couldn't help but notice the crystals above the array. Glowing so fiercely the shadows couldn't even form.

"Whew. Guess I made the right choice. I do want a wall, but that's gonna stick out like a sore thumb, but this… Is much better" Dran admitted dragging his cauldron to the center of the Array.

[Why is the User bringing the Cauldron down here?]

"Pfft. Guess the System isn't all knowing is it?" Dran commented back to the curious system as he climbed the stairs and headed outside.

[The System is currently in it's learning stage]

"Well. Let this mighty creator tell you exactly what you've done." Dran began as he began picking sticks off the tree line outside. "Creating elixirs is a rather challenging task for someone in Body Refinement. Do you know why?" Dran questioned bundling up sticks using fallen bark from the trees side.

[The System assumes it's because the User is lacking?]

"Well you aren't wrong" Dran began as he bundled his second set of firewood. "Body Cultivators have no access to Qi. It's why most body cultivators aren't even worth a glance, but" Dran broke off with a huff lifting both bundles of wood. "With a Qi Array I can get around that. All I need to do is center it in the array. Without Qi the elixir wont form, but that being said" Dran gave a grin towards the blue screen. "You've given me an Array fit for Core realm cultivators do you know what that means?" Dran questioned moving back to the basement.

[The System assumed the User is capable of making Elixirs?]

"Wow how smart of you" Dran replied rolling his eyes. "So smart I wonder who raised you" Dran replied in a sarcastic tone as he began moving the herbs down to the basement.

[If you continue to be rude to the System. It will shut down for a week]

"Whew you can actually get angry? Fine Fine" Dran said with a smirk. "At Core realm most cultivators can begin crafting Elixirs if they have the knowledge. It's because their Qi is strong enough to form Elixir pills, but since I'm not able to do that I'll have to alter the array to do it for me"

[There is no way the User is capable of- WHAT ARE YOU DOING!]

Dran paid the system no mid as he bit his thumb ripping the skin off and quickly drawing symbols onto the array. "Have you forgotten dear System? This is my story! There isn't anything that I don't know. All I have to do is redirect and rewrite the array to add pressure to a certain point." Dran explained as he finished his modifications.


"Oh yeah? Go ahead and stop me then" Dran replied throwing the firewood under. "GET READY TO SEE WHAT YOUR MAKER CAN DO YOU SHITTY SYSTEM!" Dran yelled loudly as he used a flint and steel to light the fire.