
The World Most Men Wish for

It was a late night as Dran gave a sigh placing his head upon his wooden desk. "Finally. That's the last chapter. Now these fanatics can finally leave me alone!" Dran exclaimed in his dimly lit room as his hand moved his mouse over the posting icon upon his screen.

"I never imagined the guys would eat up a story about some poor fool being sent to a world ruled over woman. I mean really. The premise is so simple who couldn't come up with it!" Dran mumbled into the wooden desktop as he finally left clicked and posted the final chapter.

"Guess there's a niche for everyone?" Dran tried to guess as he heard a ear splitting ping.

As the young man lifted his head he noticed his desktop hadn't made the sound. Instead an almost transparent screen like a typical game displayed itself in front of him. "Fuck is this?" Came from the writers lips as he began to read what it displayed.

[Congratulations for finishing your story. As a reward the system has decided to send you to the world you've created alongside the main character. This reward can't be denied nor rejected]

"WAIT! NO!" Were the only words that left Dran's lips as the screen grew larger. Blocking out his entire vision as his body was enveloped in a warmth unlike anything he'd felt before. His eyes forced to stay open as his body began to move. Or rather speed down a spiral like vortex.

"NONONONO!" Dran screamed as he was dragged into the world he'd created. His fear spiraled as he thought of the way most men were treated in the society he'd created. All except the main character were forced into the role of an old school house wife.

"STOP! STOP! STOP!" He screamed before his body slammed into a patch of grass.

[Congratulations! Your entrance into Elgrants the Murim world has been complete! You system will be with you shortly!]

The screen that'd put him into this position explained. Dran's eyes narrowed as he gritted his teeth in irritation. "Kidnapping is totally illegal you narrative bastard!" Dran complained peeling himself from the grass and giving a glance towards his surroundings.

Around him was a rather large field. On the border of the nearly two acres of land were a thick layer of trees, and the only thing different was a three foot stream that cut along the border of the tree line on the right side of the field.

"Shit. Shit. Shit" Dran mumbled picking himself up as he ran as fast as his mortal body could towards the tree line next to the river. His eyes peering down towards the stream.

His eyes widened as he realized the system had already given him something like a boon in his transportation.

His once chubby cheeks were gone. Instead a chiseled jaw line took it's place. His solid brown eyes were replaced with shining green eyes, and finally his normal and ever so common brown hair had been bleached into pure white locks. The portion in front of his ears were of a different color being raven black.

"Y-You bastards…" Dran mumbled slamming his right hand into and adjacent tree causing himself more pain than he was expecting.

In a perfect world his new appearance would have been a blessing, but in Elgrants. Being handsome was a curse most men were fearful of. The more handsome the individual the more likely one was to be abducted by the woman of this world.

With a gulp Dran had no choice but to take a seat by the tree and under the cover of the trees. His only hope was the the trees would protect him from the eyes he was meaning to avoid.

"Right. Elgrants. I need to remember everything I've written" Dran mumbled putting his right hand against his forehead. It'd been a while since he went over the system he created, but he was certain he remember most of the realms the world had to offer.

'The Realms are split between three different levels. Mortal, Immortal, and Divinity. Each has ten realms and ten stages to them.

Since I'm in the [mortal] realm I can only assume I'm the lowest tier. Nothing special about this realm..

Then comes [Body Refinement] to house the Qi of an individual,

[Qi collection] where the character gathers Qi into his body.

[Qi refinement] The stage that the character refines their gathered Qi into a source of usable energy.

[Core Creation] The stage where the user is able to turn their Qi into a core. Although they're still able to use the Qi they wont be able to form a core quickly if they're constantly fighting…

[Core Manifestation] When you've created you core you move into core manifestation. This is one of the longest stages. If you stay in this stage longer then you'll gain more from it, but most don't know about that..

[Core Tempering] The stage that takes the shortest. You'll be able to choose your preferred element, but certain bloodlines strengthen or weaken this phase… 

[Core Refinement] This stage is the hardest to overcome. If you don't refine the core to perfection you'll certainly find yourself lacking in the later stages

[Perfect Core] When you've finished the refinement and tempering you'll make a perfect core. At this stage you can use your core to store a few things. The stronger your core the more space you'll have…

[Perfect Core Refinement] The stage that matters the most. You can collect even more Qi in this realm. It's absolutely critical to store as much as possible for the next stage.

[Core Ascension] The stage that decides your future in cultivation. It's also the quickest stage if you've prepared perfectly. It's the only one with a single stage. After this stage comes your golden core ranging from Rank 1 to 10. If someone ranks one their possibilities are endless, but at tenth rank you're going to be about as useful as a mortal for the rest of your life….'

Dran couldn't help but crack into a laugh at what he'd thought. That was the information he'd given to his readers, and for the most part it was true, but only a few things were different from what he'd told them.

"Ten levels to a realm… Guess they assumed that was the peak of the realm, but that was a lie" Dran mumbled with a dark grin crossing over his lips. "It's actually eleven, but nobody in this world knows that yet. Not even Mister MC knows that yet. Eleven is a stage where most don't travel since they have no idea how…"

Dran found himself sitting with his legs crossed. 'That is because most rush to the next realm. They've never tried to break the mold and stay in their realm' Dran thought to himself with his lips crossing into a sly smile.

"I'll go ahead and show them why a thousand year turtle will be faster then a ten year rabbit" He spoke firmly.

"Now then. For my cultivation technique. Although I could go with the legendary breathing techniques I made. Only one will allow me to properly break the status quo of this world… The mythical breathing technique… [Thousand Year Dragons Breath]"

Dran took in a deep breath as his lungs expanded he held it in for thirty seconds before opening his lips and letting out a breath of air imitating the breath of a dragon in front of himself. Continuing to do so time and time again.

'The reason nobody knows about this technique is because even the MC took ten years to find it, and even then he thought it wouldn't help until twenty years into cultivating. The reason being… It…'

Dran began to thought before his right hand clenched over his right lung nearly keeling over. 'Hurts so fucking much' Dran thought tears welling up in his body as the pain spread over his entire body like needles pricking every part of his body.

The pain lasted about as long about ten minutes before Dran finally let his spine straighten and got back into position to begin again.

'But the pain. It's because using this technique. You're literately rewriting your original body'

Dran thought as his breathing began again. His entire body screaming in pain as sweat fell from every pore on his skin. His once clean clothes drenched in his sweat as he forced his body to continue, until finally he fell to his side in excruciating pain.


Dran mumbled as his pores leaked out black toxic looking liquids. "The purification only took about…. Ten hours" Dran thought looking towards the sky where the sun was beginning to fall down.

"Although… It's only going to hurt more and take longer later. It's my only chance to deal with the future…" Dran thought to himself as a familiar ping rattled his head.

[Congratulations! The User has achieved his first break through! The User is now in the Realm of Body Refinement! Your Rewards are: A concealed house!]

As soon as the system had spoken the center of the field shifted and morphed into a two story modern building. Akin to most celebrities houses with a large glass window that went up two stories on the right side, and into a moderately smaller left side.

[The user's new abode has four bedrooms, two bathrooms, a lowest grade Qi array in the basement, and kitchen]

Dran used his right hand to slap away the announcement as he glared at the house. "HOW THE HELL IS THAT CONCEALED!" Dran complained using his right index finger to point at the house. "THAT'S THE OPPOSITE OF CONCEALED YOU STUPID SYSTEM!" Dran yelled at the top of his lungs.

[… The System will be going now]

Dran upon seeing the notice gave a twitch of his right eye. "Since when was the system allowed to run away!" He complained grabbing the slowly fading blue body. "FIX YOUR MISTAKE!" Dran cried nearly on the verge of tears before finally accepting that the system was gone.

His feet slowly trudged towards the building. "I'm dead. I'm dead. I'm dead" He mumbled slamming the front door to his house. His steps led him towards the master bedroom where he fell flat on the bed.

"If I don't get into the Immortal stage I'm just a big piece of meat, but… Men almost never reach that level… Since they can't cultivate at the same rate as females in this world. They've always been stuck at the Core Ascension realm. That's why the MC was such a hot topic in this world"

Dran mumbled into his pillow before his eyes forced themselves closed. He was done for the day. His body ached and he couldn't think about his future anymore.