
Force of Ability

I am Axel Summers. In the past I was living normally on a planet called 'Earth' you know working for many hours just to get a comfortable life I have great friends and also have many girlfriends hehe, you know about two, I think. But everything changes when the fire nation attack... (just kidding) But Suddenly the GOD himself makes a mistake over an experiment and killed me!? Did you believe that? A GOD made a mistake? LOL! HAHAH- *ZAAAAP* "AAAHH!! F*ck, why did you do that? don't casually throw lightning at me!" "Why not? I'm a GOD, my UNIVERSE, my WORLD, my RULE! HAHAHA, Take that you little sh*t... Then after that, I gain some powers, Power that will help me grow, you know to be a stronger person and defeat everything that gets in my way? sounds kinda hassle if you ask me. Anyway, this is just the beginning of my story so let's go and join me! Let's explore the incredible world of the Marvel Universe. ===================================== If you are the author of the cover photo I'm using kindly tell me if you want me to put it down for you :D - I'm just wanna mention to you guys that 'English' is my second language and if you ever found some faults and error in the chapter kindly mention it to me so that I can Edit and Fix it immediately :D Thank You :D ===================================== By the way, If you want to support me here: https://www.pat reon.com/OPxSILENT I really appreciate all the support :D ===================================== My twitter acc: https://twitter.com/OPxSILENT ----------------------------ENJOY----------------------------

OPxSILENT · Movies
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18 Chs


Seeing all the bloodlines he can choose, Axel thought that it would be great if he can choose 2 or 3 bloodlines at the same time, but Lysion stops him.

"I can read your mind you know that right? If I let you pick other than one bloodline, it will only take a month before you die when you get there to your world." Lysion said.

"2 to 3 bloodline cannot exist in one body, It's not forbidden but since there're many humans who are mixed blood, but those are human blood were talking about mythic bloodlines If I let you takes more than one bloodline an unimaginable pain waiting for you and after that, you will die" Lysion explains.

"Calm, Dude -.- I just thought about that, but still it makes sense," Axel said.

"It's good that you understand, now. What bloodline do you choose?" Lysion said.

"I like to pick Typhon," Axel said.

"Why? Do you know who Typhon is?" Lysion said.

"Nope, It's sound kinda cool though," Axel replied.

"Well, Typhon is the father of all-monsters, he can also breath fire stronger that ever can exist, back in the days I still remember that he invaded the Mt, Olympian sending it to the so-called land of shade, hell is an enormous land so I don't know where exactly is that but he sends the Olympian in there, he also killed Zeus and Hera but in the end, he still died by the hands of Hercules son of Zeus, but you know Zeus and Hera are still alive till now some GOD's uses their power and revive them at great cost, they were young and impulsive back in the days, killing each other, Invading one another, playing like kids in the playground I created, I don't know what going on in their mind." Lysion sigh.

"Back in the days? just what year is it?" Axel asks as he was curious about the other GOD.

"I don't know, billions of years? Maybe more than that?" Lysion said.

"BILLI- what? That's a long time ago."

"But anyway, are you sure you want the bloodline of Typhon?" Lysion said.

"Yeah, but nothing will change in my appearance right?" Axel asks.

"Yeah, you will only get Typhon bloodline not his appearance and I will also do you a favor that there's no side effect will ever happen to you," Lysion said.

"Oh, that's convenient. So do I get the bloodline immediately?" Axel asks.

"Yeah, be ready," Lysion said.

After that Lysion puts his palm and gathers some of his power into the center of his palm and moments later on top of the palm of Lysion a flickering dark shade of red can be seen It looks dangerous, Lysion then puts his hand in front of axel and handed It to him.

"Here, grab it with your hand and that light will merge with your soul." Lysion casually said.

"It's not dangerous, right? It looks gloomy and ominous." Axel worryingly said.

"Well, It comes from a dangerous titan deity and because of how he uses the power It looks like this, he killed countless innocent people and because of that this power looks kinda 'evil' but It's not, It's about how you going to use it," Lysion said and explain.

"Like you said earlier, there no side effect, right?" Axel asks.

"Yeah, there's nothing," Lysion said.

"Okay then," Axel said as he grabs the light at Lysion palm, and the moment he touches it the light at Lysion palm became much more bright until it consumes It's surrounding blinding Axel from it.

Moments later the light brightness was fading little by little until everything was back to normal, Axel can finally open his eye and instantly saw the difference after he takes the bloodline he receives from Lysion.

"I have a body now? I'm just a wisp earlier? Is it the bloodline that did this to me?" Axel ponders as he looks as his brightly lit body, but it has a shape of a human body.

"Yes, It's because of the bloodline not only it will improve your over-all power but it also improves the soul of the host," Lysion said and explain.

"You can see your other abilities if you want, but first choose your special power then I will proceed to give you a panel or system you mention earlier then I'll give you your personal weapon and were done," Lysion said.

I forgot to change the title LOL!


Sorry for not picking other suggestion you mention I really appreciate that you spend a little bit of your time to mention what you like, anyway I choose bloodline of Typhon mention by (Peter_Padre) because like he said some of the power here like "Dragon", "Pheonix", "Vampire" are commonly use that's why I choose Typhon just to change the way there are, I'm not going along the trend I'm just doing what I like, so I wish for you to understand and Thankyou for all of the suggestion. :3


Anyway, what type of power is good for both Axel and his bloodline Typhon? for me, I don't have any idea but I'm open to suggestion so if you want to you can say it to me <3 Thanks :D


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