
forbidden zone

Lu Qingyang transmigrated to another world and was reborn as a tree, simultaneously awakening a devouring system. By devouring living beings, he could gain cultivation points! Hence, all the myriad beasts became his nourishment! While Lu Qingyang was silently leveling up in the Great Ten Thousand Mountains, he inexplicably became the Heavenly Dao of this world: "I am the Qingyang Realm, the Qingyang Heavenly Dao! Those who worship me shall achieve immortality!" Lu Qingyang, having transmigrated into a tree, turned himself into a forbidden zone, devouring madly.

Seungho_Kim · Fantasy
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155 Chs

Chapter 48

In the present day, the eighteen alliances had long since withdrawn from the territory of the Eighth Alliance, each returning to their respective domains.

At the Alliance Conference, representatives used talismanic projections to discuss important matters.

In the talismanic light projections, the leaders of the various alliances appeared.

Gu Fang spoke first, "After two years, our alliance has finally stabilized. I propose that we first mobilize the entire alliance's strength to eradicate all beasts within the Eastern Region before considering other plans."

"Additionally, despite searching for years, we have not found the cross-realm passage within the Eastern Region. I suspect it may be located elsewhere."

Over the years, although they had not completely swept the beasts from the Eastern Region, the alliance had thoroughly scoured the region multiple times.

The purpose was clear: to find the cross-realm passage.

Recently, the Heavenly Court tasks had changed.

The reward for finding the cross-realm passage had shifted from techniques and elixirs to a direct grant of eight million offering points.

Anyone who could locate the cross-realm passage would receive these eight million offering points.

Eight million offering points was an extraordinary sum. Given the tenfold difference between each level of the Heavenly Court market, once the fourth-grade market was built, this substantial offering would be more than enough to exchange for top-tier fourth-grade techniques.

High-level techniques signify a broad and boundless path to ascension.

With decent talent, one could potentially cultivate these techniques to their peak, mastering unparalleled power.

Top-tier fourth-grade techniques

Often indicate the potential to reach the pinnacle of the fourth grade.


Even exchanging for top-tier fourth-grade techniques would likely require only five million offering points, leaving three million points for numerous other significant endeavors.

Thus, with the change in task rewards, the promise of eight million offering points had stirred everyone into a frenzy.

Frankly speaking,

Whoever secured these eight million offering points could ascend rapidly, possibly becoming one of the top powerhouses in the alliance with ease.

If fortunate enough to progress further,

They might even contend for the position of the strongest in the alliance.

Both common cultivators and alliance leaders were eager to find the cross-realm passage.

However, after many years, the cross-realm passage still had not surfaced, leading Gu Fang to speculate that it might be in other regions.

The other alliance leaders nodded in agreement upon hearing this.

"The cross-realm passage task has been issued for years, and many independent cultivators have already crossed oceans, venturing into other realms in search."

"If the passage is not in the Eastern Region, it must be hidden in another realm."

"If our alliance can find the cross-realm passage first, the eight million offerings could create numerous third-grade peak cultivators."

Shangguan Hong agreed.

Following this,

Yang Yan also nodded slightly, "According to the Heavenly Court's transmissions, the fourth-grade market will be completed in at most a year."

"Once the fourth-grade market is established, it will signify that the gate to the fourth grade is fully open. Eight million offerings will be enough to enable our alliance to produce several fourth-grade cultivators."

"Even if independent fourth-grade cultivators emerge and attempt to cause chaos, our alliance could immediately suppress them."

The relationship between the alliance and independent cultivators was very delicate, especially after the emergence of extraordinary powers. It was extremely challenging for the alliance to suppress independent forces effectively.

Only by having the alliance's strength comprehensively surpass that of the independents could order be maintained.

This is the so-called "using martial arts to commit offenses."

However, it cannot be ignored that with the rise of cultivation practices, the entire human race was developing in a better direction.

Ji Xuan said, "The other three regions have long been overrun by beasts, becoming their strongholds, with many powerful beasts hidden within."

"I suggest we clear all beasts from the Eastern Region within six months, then each alliance should send five peak third-grade cultivators as pioneers to expand into the other regions."

"When the fourth-grade market is built, we can eradicate the beasts from the other three regions in one fell swoop, restoring humanity's former glory!"

"I agree with this proposal!"

"The Third Alliance has no objections!"

"The Sixth Alliance agrees!"

"The Eighth Alliance approves..."


The leaders of the alliances reached a consensus, and the eighteen alliances of the Eastern Region united their efforts, showcasing their accumulated strength over the years, advancing across the Eastern Region with the intent to bring the entire region under their dominion.

As the alliance took action,

Independent cultivators naturally followed suit.

Hunting beasts alone was undoubtedly risky, but following the alliance's lead, they could act opportunistically, much safer.

In no time,

The entire alliance was filled with high morale, with countless cultivators setting out to hunt beasts.

As the flames of war spread across the Eastern Region, the Ten Thousand Mountains remained as tranquil as ever.

Anyone venturing into the depths of the Ten Thousand Mountains would find that the once towering Celestial Tree had grown even more majestic, seemingly piercing the heavens.

Two and a half years ago,

Lu Qingyang had already gathered the required cultivation points to advance to the late fourth grade and successfully completed the breakthrough.

Upon reaching the late fourth grade,

Lu Qingyang's Celestial Tree form had grown to eight thousand meters, reaching into the clouds with an imposing presence.

Because of this,

Lu Qingyang was confident that if he continued to break through, he would undoubtedly break free from this world's constraints and enter the vast, boundless celestial universe.


The range of the Heavenly Court domain had expanded to two million meters, or two thousand kilometers.

Over the years,

Lu Qingyang had consistently monitored changes in the world's laws, clearly sensing their gradual weakening.

When the world's laws could no longer sustain themselves, humanity would undoubtedly undergo another major upheaval.

With this in mind,

Lu Qingyang silently checked his data panel.


[Name: Lu Qingyang]

[True Form: Celestial Tree]

[Lifespan: 21/]

[Cultivation Level: Late Fourth Grade (/)]

[Heavenly Court: Third Grade (/)]

[Abilities: Celestial Tree Spirit Root (Fourth Grade), Celestial Spirit Fruit (Fourth Grade), Celestial Whisper (Fourth Grade), Penetrating True Sight (Fourth Grade), Heavenly Court Domain (Fourth Grade), Command Wind and Rain (Fourth Grade)]


Only half the cultivation points were needed to reach the consummate fourth grade.

Regarding incense points, he had accumulated eight hundred fifty million.

Just one hundred fifty million more would reach the full ten billion incense points!

Then the fourth-grade Heavenly Court could be created.

A year ago, at each incense settlement, Lu Qingyang had been receiving one hundred fifty million incense points.

Given the steady annual increase, Lu Qingyang was confident that by this year's settlement, he would receive more than one hundred fifty million incense points.

This was why he had announced in the Heavenly Court chat group a year ago that the fourth-grade Heavenly Court would be completed in two years.

"The long construction time of the Heavenly Court market has caused some followers to waver in their faith, but once the fourth-grade market is upgraded next year, it will not only stabilize the incense flow but also provide an opportunity for some followers to achieve a breakthrough in their faith."

"Having more devout followers would be even better!"