
forbidden zone

Lu Qingyang transmigrated to another world and was reborn as a tree, simultaneously awakening a devouring system. By devouring living beings, he could gain cultivation points! Hence, all the myriad beasts became his nourishment! While Lu Qingyang was silently leveling up in the Great Ten Thousand Mountains, he inexplicably became the Heavenly Dao of this world: "I am the Qingyang Realm, the Qingyang Heavenly Dao! Those who worship me shall achieve immortality!" Lu Qingyang, having transmigrated into a tree, turned himself into a forbidden zone, devouring madly.

Seungho_Kim · Fantasy
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165 Chs

Chapter 47

In this sense of compassion, Lu Qingyang seemed to feel the sorrowful emotions of a world's laws, deeply lamenting the loss of all living things.

In the vast, ethereal expanse,

Lu Qingyang seemed to glimpse two indescribable transcendent beings.

Engaged in a fierce battle within boundless chaos, the endless principles and laws surged within his mind.

Just as Lu Qingyang tried to comprehend that indistinct battlefield, a sudden wave of exhaustion washed over his spirit, forcing him to withdraw from this mystical state.

Looking up at the sky, everything appeared as calm and serene as usual.

However, Lu Qingyang seemed to foresee a world-ending scene of blood rain, a predestined event to unfold in the future.

The sky weeps blood, the world mourns!

"The will of this world is contending with a mysterious existence, and its defeat is only a matter of time. Sadly, with my current shallow cultivation, I cannot intervene in such high-level conflicts."

Lu Qingyang felt a sense of helplessness.

As a creature of this world, Lu Qingyang naturally did not wish to see the collapse of the world's laws, leading to an invasion of otherworldly beings.

Unfortunately, although he had reached the mid-fourth grade, enough to dominate the present world, he lacked the power to intervene in such high-level battles.

From that terrifying aura, Lu Qingyang deduced that the world's will had at least seventh-grade strength.

When he merged his spirit with the world, he tried to use Penetrating True Sight to explore the depths of that mysterious existence, but to no avail.

It should be noted,

The fourth-grade Penetrating True Sight could see through beings three major levels above him.

Currently at the fourth grade, he should at least be able to perceive the cultivation of a seventh-grade expert.

If even Penetrating True Sight could not discern it, either the opponent's strength far surpassed the seventh grade, or the world's will was too profound, beyond ordinary scrutiny, unrelated to levels.

Both were possible, but Lu Qingyang considered the most severe scenario.

"At least possessing mid-seventh grade cultivation. Even with my innate talent of the Celestial Tree Spirit Root, I could only contend with a fifth-grade expert.

"As for seventh grade and above, that's an insurmountable height for me."

"I hope this world's will can hold out longer. If I am given several decades, or even a century to cultivate, even if otherworldly beings invade, I might have a chance to resist."

Lu Qingyang thought silently, not blindly confident.

Given a century, even if he gained only 120 million incense points annually, the accumulation would exceed ten billion.

With each upgrade, the power of incense increases tenfold, making over ten billion sufficient to elevate the Heavenly Court to the fifth grade.

If the Heavenly Court reached the fifth grade, Lu Qingyang could convert incense into cultivation points, breaking through the fifth-grade barrier would be no difficult task.


In a century, the human population would multiply, far surpassing the current twenty to thirty million. As cultivation becomes more widespread, the overall strength of humanity will continue to grow.

As long as Lu Qingyang maintains his position, earning sincere devotion, his followers and their incense offerings will snowball.

Given a century, even exceeding ten billion incense points, tenfold, is highly possible.

If the Heavenly Court truly broke through to the sixth grade, Lu Qingyang, relying on the foundation of the sixth-grade Heavenly Court and the innate talent of the Celestial Tree Spirit Root, could even contend with a seventh-grade expert.

Of course,

These assumptions were based on Lu Qingyang's current knowledge. Whether the world's will could hold for a century remained uncertain.



A terrifying force tore through the void, a fourth-grade beast let out an unwilling roar, finally crushed by an extremely sharp power, falling dead.

Zhang Ming's surging blood and qi gradually calmed. At this moment, he was more composed and powerful, with an aura that could intimidate without anger, surrounded by a vast and frightening energy.


Without hesitation, Zhang Ming sacrificed the fourth-grade beast, instantly gaining ten thousand offering points.


Zhang Ming checked his personal data panel.


[Name: Zhang Ming]

[Race: Human]

[Cultivation: Consummate Third Grade]

[Offering Points:]


"Already at 320,000 offering points. Once the fourth-grade market of the Heavenly Court is completed, I can exchange for fourth-grade techniques and break through my current barrier!"

Zhang Ming clenched his fists, with his perfected organ refining body cultivation, he was like a humanoid beast, his blood and qi immensely powerful.

In five years,

He had climbed from the second grade to the consummate third grade, an extremely impressive speed.


In reality, Zhang Ming had reached perfected organ refining over a year ago, waiting only for fourth-grade techniques to step into the fourth grade.


For five years, the Heavenly Court chat group remained at the third grade, with the fourth-grade market yet to be constructed.


Zhang Ming worried whether the Heavenly Court market would remain stuck at the third grade.

Until a year ago, the Heavenly Court chat group announced that the fourth-grade market would be completed in two years.

Since then,

The previously anxious mood finally settled.

Confirming the construction timeline of the fourth-grade market, those at the consummate third grade no longer felt urgent.

After all, before the advent of the Heavenly Court chat group, it took humanity over a decade to produce a few consummate third-grade cultivators.


In just a few years since the chat group appeared, there were already hundreds of consummate third-grade cultivators in the Flame Realm.

Two years ago,

The human alliance had completely reclaimed the lost territories of the Eighteen Alliances, rebuilding a strong defensive line on the land of the Taihua Sect, isolating all beasts outside.

It could be said,

Within the territories governed by the alliance, beasts had been thoroughly eradicated. Those wishing to hunt beasts had to leave the alliance's territory.

Moreover, some even crossed the ocean to hunt beasts in other regions.

After all,

Before the emergence of the beasts, the Flame Realm was divided into four regions.

The eastern region was occupied by the Taihua Sect and countless small countries.

The remaining western, southern, and northern regions had long become havens for beasts.

In the past, humanity lacked the strength to guard their territories, let alone expand and sweep through the beasts.

But today, the situation had changed,

Despite no fourth-grade cultivators appearing yet, the numerous consummate third-grade cultivators included outstanding talents capable of defeating fourth-grade beasts.

Under such circumstances, with the strongest beasts in the Flame Realm being only early to mid-fourth grade, how could humanity not gain the upper hand?

At the current pace,

Within twenty years, humanity would likely sweep the beasts from all four regions, once again dominating the Flame Realm and eliminating the beast threat.

Only the deep, boundless ocean, clearing its beasts would not be an easy task.
