
Chapter 18: Say Cheese


“Richard, who was that?” I ask, pushing him away.

Richard looks around frantically. “I don’t know. Maybe they were taking a picture of something else. Our eyes were closed so we don’t know if the picture was of us or not.

Richard tells me he has to go but promises he’ll tell me everything I need to know about why he was avoidant. It’s reassuring, but I’m not ready to let my guard down again yet.

I walk into the casino. Jill and Laura are sitting at a table observing a few gentlemen playing craps. Jill motions for me to come over.

“Laura was telling me about the wild road trips you two had together. Did you really go skinny dipping and get arrested?” She laughs.

“I didn’t get arrested,” I reply, rolling my eyes.

“Only because the cop liked you,” Laura rolls her eyes back at me.

“Oh Claire, you didn’t tell me you were such a naughty girl,” Jill laughs and wiggles her index finger in front of me.