

Cora looked between them. "We didn't know immediately because we were new. It takes time for newborns to filter through information. I will correct my statement. All day walkers outside their first year knew immediately. There are quite a few of us in hiding across the globe. That's all I can say in case we are captured and tortured."

Antione looked at Cora waiting for an answer. "Who was the leader?"

"I guess it doesn't matter if I say because I will need his help extensively to figure out how to help our people. It was Ian. He has been in charge since the Middle Ages." Cora explained.

"How can I help you?" Margo asked her mate.

Cora sighed, "I am working on that. For right now, I want to move on to the next order of business."

"Okay sweetheart, what business is that?" Jared asked.