
Forbidden love life

Sara Ross a rich and innocent girl woke up one day without anything and was obligated to work for her university and to help her family out of jail! That's when she met Christian Danger a handsome and heartless business man and CEO of the most important enterprises in the country! As his assistant, she day after day discover his dark second life...

Rafca_Raad · Teen
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18 Chs

Last family night

Sara and Kelly were in trouble. They had to quickly find a way to explain their sudden absence to their parents.

Christian had only given them 2 days to pack up their things and leave to his villa.

So they got up with a plan, to tell their parents that they are going to a university in England together, so they can have a better education.

And they planed on assembling the two families so it would be easier to tell them.

The two girls went home with their hearts beating fast, and fear in their eyes.

Once home, Sara asked her mother to call Kelly's mother and invite them to dinner, Cassandre, without hesitation, called her.

Kelly, also told her mom that Cassandre is going to call and asked her to accepte her invitation.

So when Cassandre called Jamie, Kelly's mother, they chatted a little and agreed on the dinner night.

It was already 8 pm, and Kelly's family arrived at Sara's house.

Cassandre and Jack welcomed their guests and took them to the living room while the dinner is being made.

Meanwhile, Kelly went up to Sara's room, she was afraid and anxious, and was hoping that Sara will calm her.

But Sara was more anxious than her.

Sara:" How are we going to live with a bunch of mafia men? Will we be fine? I'm wondering why would he keep us and give us a job, I mean we are not criminals and will never be, what can he possibly want from us?"

Kelly:" I don't know, I'm just as confused as you. But hey we will be alright, I promise. As long as we are together, I will take care of you, I won't let anything happen to you I promise."

While hearing Kelly's words, Sara's eyes filled up with tears, she hugged her and told her:" I will also be here for you, no matter what is awaiting us, we will go through it together."

Then someone knocked at the door, it was Cassandre who was calling the girls to join them to diner.

They wiped their tears and went down to spend the last night with their families.

The diner went perfectly well, everyone was enjoying the night.

Even Sara and Kelly forgot about their problems for a while, as everyone was laughing and speaking together.

And like every family reunions, there has to be someone who talks about little childhood memories and anecdotes.

Simon:" I remember when they were kids, Sara used to convince Steve to go and throw up small balls of paper at our gardener's head, and when our mother went to punish them, Sara ran immediately to our father and tell him that she didn't do anything and Steve was the only one getting punished. She was a little demon back then."

Sara:" Heyy, I was just a kid. Now I'm an angel and you know that."

Everyone laughed, except Kelly, who was thinking about the night coming to an end, and with it, the fact that they needed to leave tomorrow morning everything that they were attached to.

Sara noticed Kelly's face, and it all came to her again, with a sad face and a trembling voice she said:

" We have to talk to you about something very important."

Kelly stood up and said:

" We are going to a university in England, together. And we are leaving tomorrow morning. We hope that you will understand."

Everyone remains silent, they were surprised by what they have heard.

But suddenly Jamie broke the silence and said:

" You are informing us as if we were some strangers to you. Why didn't you ask for out opinions first, you father and I always supported you in every decision in your life, I'm sure that Cassandre and Jack supported Sara too."

Kelly:" I know that you were always here fore me and I'm grateful for such parents, but you have to trust me on this one, I will be fine and so will Sara. We are sorry we informed you like this, but we didn't have much time."

Sara:" Please forgive us, we need to leave tomorrow and we don't want you to be mad at us or disappointed."

Cassandre:" Honey, know that we will love you no matter what, and we will support you, always. But why are you in a rush, you could wait a little."

Kelly:" We can't. The program starts in two days and we need to get there as soon as possible."

And after a long discussion, the parents finally agreed, and Sara and Kelly were relieved.

Kelly's family left, and the goodbyes were heartwarming. Jamie promised that they will visite again and so Cassandre did.

Kelly and Sara packed their things up and went to bed.

But neither of them slept, they were overthinking their lives and what it will turns out to be...

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