
Forbidden love life

Sara Ross a rich and innocent girl woke up one day without anything and was obligated to work for her university and to help her family out of jail! That's when she met Christian Danger a handsome and heartless business man and CEO of the most important enterprises in the country! As his assistant, she day after day discover his dark second life...

Rafca_Raad · Teen
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18 Chs


Caught, Sara and Kelly where so afraid that their destiny will be similar to the man that was just shot in the head few minutes ago.

Christian stood I front of Sara, he was shocked and angry. But when he looked into her eyes, he saw the hate and contempt.

Sara's POV:

I couldn't look into his eyes anymore, I felt disgusted and disappointed. How could I fall for someone as heartless as Christian.

When I first met him, my friends told me that he was ruthless but I didn't believe them, maybe I didn't want to. I felt that he likes me and he cares about me, but I didn't expect him to be a criminal, nor a mafia boss. How could he kill a human being with cold blood, how could he sleep on his pillow without remorses. Maybe I should be afraid now, he would kill me like he did with this man, but I wasn't. Instead I looked at him straight in the eyes, to show him how much I was disappointed in what he did, hoping that he will rethink about what he did.

Christian's POV:

When I saw her and her friend, hiding and eavesdropping, I was so angry that I yelled at everyone. In this case, I need to kill them, they were dangerous now because they know. But for some odd reason I can't do it.

Besides me and my men, no one has the right to know what we do or who we are. Until now, I never faced such problem, no one was so noisy or had the strength to follow me and know my dirty little secret.

The police had been trying for years to find some proofs that I was a criminal and they didn't find any.

When I saw that look in her eyes, I felt like I've broken her heart into millions of pieces, even if there wasn't anything going on between us, but I saw the deception in her eyes, and somehow, I wasn't indifferent.

I must admit that I care about her, and seeing her so disappointed made my heart stop for seconds. Yes I was heartless and ruthless but not with her, and I knew that the first time our eyes met.

I wanted her to stay away, out of this life and the danger in it, but she just couldn't do it, and now I had to think about what I'm going to do with her and her friend, without having to hurt neither of them.

Yes I was the devil, but I wanted her to be my angel. And for that, I had only one choice, that will keep her safe and next to me.

Christian:" What do you think you are doing? Why in hell would you follow me! I've told you several times to mind your business miss Ross and to know your limits!"

Kelly:" We are sorry! It won't happen again, it was my idea, please let us go please."

Sara:" Whatever, just do what you want already."

Christian:" I'm not going to kill you, I saw potential in you. Till now, no one had the courage to stalk me but you did. So now you will be working for me. And as my employees you will be staying at the villa. I can't take the risk that anyone found out about my dirty business. In the villa I will always have you under my eyes. And you better not do anything stupid, because it will cause your family's misfortunes."