
For You; Park Seonghwa

'I did it all for you' 'For me?' Prince Seonghwa is about to become King and has to choose his Queen. But alas he is in love with his childhood best friend. He wants to get married with her as soon as possible, but made a promise, that he will not rest until he finds out who tried to ruin her life. He believes that she is still in the darkness and is not rushing her to be with him. That is until he finds out she found someone. Now he will do anything to please her. And it's all for her. 'I'm doing it all For You' -Park Seonghwa

Jins_kimchi08 · Celebrities
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21 Chs

Heart Stinger


Yeosang and I both walked hand in hand. As we got closer to my house I saw a figure on the stairs. "Who is that?" Yeosang asked. We reached towards the figure.

It was Seonghwa.

I quickly let go of Yeosang's hand. "Seonghwa!" I yelled in a rather panicked and shocked tone.

Seonghwa's POV

I noticed that Y/N let go of the mysterious boy's hand rather fast. And the way she greeted me, her tone was panicked and shocked.

How does she know this boy?

Who even is this boy?

And why did my heart stinge so much when I saw them holding hands?

They could be only friends.


"Hello Y/N!" I smiled. She came and gave me a quick hug. "What are you doing here?" She asked. "Oh, well I decided to check up on you and also give this." I said as I gave her a small envelope. She opened it and read it. It was an invitation to the ball.

"O-oh we would love to come." She said. "And your friend here can come as well." I said quietly. "Oh I am so sorry. Seonghwa, this is my friend, Yeosang. Yeosang this is my best friend, Prince Seonghwa. Soon to be King." She said.

"Your highness." He bowed. I was getting a strange aura from this man. "Nice to meet you, Yeosang." I said as I hesitantly held out my hand to shake his.


I opened the envelope. It was an invitation to a ball for tomorrow night.

'A Queen choosing' ball.

I don't know why, but my heart stinged a bit. But what does it matter, my heart belonged to Yeosang.


"Well, I must be on my way now. It was nice meeting you Yeosang, and I hope to see you tomorrow night." Seonghwa said. "Are you not going to come in?" I asked, pointing to the house. "Oh no, mother and father must be expecting me to come home now." He said. "Well goodbye." He said, as he gave a hug.

A part of me wanted to be hugging him forever. I looked over to see Yeosang. I smiled. I love only Yeosang. I backed out of the hug. "Goodbye." I said while he walked away.

"Well I should be going as well." Yeosang said. "I'll see you tomorrow at tha ball." He said, as he kissed cheek. He left, giving me a wink. I couldn't help but blush.

I went inside to see my friends. "So how was it?" Wherein asked. "Well. Yeosang confessed." I said. The whole room went silent. Until all four girls started yelling. "Oh my gosh yes!" Hwasa yelled as they all came to hug me.

"By the way, Seonghwa invited us to a ball tomorrow night. Well I'm going to sleep now, good night." I said quietly, with my head down as I gave them the invitation.

Hwasa's POV

'A Queen Choosing' Ball.

Is that why Y/N gave it to us with her head down.

But she loves Yeosang.


Seonghwa's POV

I was walking back to the palace, still thinking about that man.

He is just a friend…


'You're only mine Kim Y/N. Only Mine'