
For the Record: The Nth Time

"It's been a year?" She doubted, "How?... Why?" She have many questions in her mind she desperately wants to find out but before she even realize half of them, she's starting all over again, "It's been a year?" again she doubted, "How?... Why?" She scratched her head out of confusion. She tried to grab everything she could but she can only keep few every morning. "It's been more than two decades... Since this thing happened to me..." He trembly said to himself out of frustration. "How could people be like this overnight?" He questioned with full annoyance, *I've been working hard and yet... And yet this still happens.* He thought as his blood become a raging ocean during storm while seemingly calm on the outside as he stares at her on a distance. *I'm trying to make you realize it over and over but it seems like you never paid attention.* To the one who wish he is being remembered... How long does he have to wait? To the one who wish she remembers... How long will it take her to recognize everything?... Everyone?...

AA_Battery01 · Urban
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20 Chs

The Record 1

*Sigh... "I'm glad you were able to continue living and see beyond what you just went through... Or did you even saw it? Can you even truly see it? You saw that there's still hope there, and what frustrated you before could no longer bother you, but... I'm sorry, Maia. At the same time, this is also your curse." Kitty pitied Maia inside her thoughts as she watch the woman eat her bread while staring blankly at the table. "Tomorrow... Tomorrow... You have to confront it..." Kitty said to Maia in her thoughts as she left to her own room. "Again..."


Bzzz... Bzzz..

Bzzz... Bzzz.. The phone keeps on vibrating at the top of a small drawer right next to the bed until a hand finally groped for it. As soon as it was found, the hand press something and the phone went quiet and took by Maia to look at the time.

*Hm... Maia groaned as she look at her phone screen after shutting it's alarm. "It's already 5 a.m. now? Time do really runs fast- Wuahh~~ huh~..." She yawned as she rolled up in bed. Now there's been five minutes of quietness as she meditated in prayer and reading Scriptures as a start of her day, she looked for her journals to write reflections of what she just meditated.

But when she was about to write 'Thursday" she noticed that the most recent reflection of her devotion was written on Tuesday and not Wednesday.

*Tuesday? Yesterday was Tuesday? Did the time went back or ran quicker than usual?*. She rubbed her eyes as she thought that maybe she's just half awake but when Maia tried to look at the journal again, the next thing she saw was the date. There it says "June X, 20XX" and not of a month of February, and this made here even more confuse. To configure things out, she flip through the pages going backwards, and there were days she never realized that had happened.

*Oh no! Time do not run fast! It is sprinting!!!* Maia gasped coverring her mouth with her free hand. *Wait, wait!* She lifted her palms, "Let's just say that toady is really June and not February... Arrrggghh!!!... Let's just finish where I left before I even get lost from this occurrence!" She said to herself as she messed her hair a little violent then continue writing a reflection.

When she's done, she stood up from the bed with confusion written all over her face that cannot move on about the month jumping so fast. "Did someone time travelled and moved objects in the past?... Did I happened to travel in the future when I slept?... Or did I got into coma and only wake up just now?!" She gasps when these ridiculous possibilities keep on coming to her mind as she made her way to the bathroom unsteady and confused.

"Ugghh... So early in the morning to have some sci-fi moment here-" the thought was cut when Maia noticed notes taped on the mirror in the bathroom.

There write "No one time travelled and moved objects in the past", "You did not time travelled either", and "You did not woke up from a coma! Stop watching too much dramas!"

"Oh my! Thank you!" Maia was aghast, reading these then her eyes landed to another note that was lowkey taped at the lower right corner of the mirror, "If you ever wonder how I know these things, better wash yourself and brush your teeth already, especially if it's weekdays, you got class and LOOK FOR YOUR BROWN BOOK!!! -Kitty"

"You got class? Who? Me? I got-I got, oh yeah of course!" She realized and so did what was written. Going out of the bathroom with her shirt on and towel wrapped around her waist she thought about the emphasized words at the last note. *Brown book... When did I have such a thing?...* She tilted her head and went straight to the drawer next to her bed and begun rummaging through it. Opening the first layer she immediately spotted the A5-sized brown leather book that seemed to be placed on top of every stationary material that is in there to be seen immediately. She took it out and opened it, beginning at the first page, as she sat down to her bed, sensing an even complicated atmosphere.

The first page goes this way, "Maia, this is you writing you a letter. So, basically, it's I, writing me a letter. In other words, I am writing you, you are writing me." *Huh?* Maia's face crumpled in confusion. "Ugghh... Whatever Maia, I'll go straight to the point. You got into an accident last February, year 20XX, and now you can't even remember every single thing that happens afterwards..." The note continues.