
For All Mankind

As mankind takes it's first step on the moon, they discover that gods are real. A goddess has come to Earth in search of her daughter and friends. Bringing social and culture changes that her daughter and friends had started centuries before. A ‘For All Mankind’ and ‘My Little Pony Equestria Girls’ crossover.

madhat886 · TV
Not enough ratings
10 Chs



"Please I have a family!" a police officer pleaded as he was held in the air by the goddess Celestia who held his right arm and is pulling on the left one.

He and his partner were called about a possible robbery of a colored kid who was reported to have stolen 20 bucks worth of paint. He shot the kid in the leg and him and his partner used pepper spray and their batons on the kid, when their arms were suddenly grabbed. Turning they saw the goddess Celestia standing behind them. His partner was slammed overhead on top of their car repeatedly with one arm, caving in the top as his body was broken on it. His arm that Celestia used to swing him with, is hanging loosely as the bones are dislocated and broken when she finally stop. Leaving the goddess attention solely on him.

"And the boy doesn't?" Celestia said as she pulls off his arm that he shot the kid with. 

Shots rang out as two police cars had rolled up with the four cops opening fire on the goddess. Celestia just stood there as the bullets struck her and just bounce off of her. She slammed the cop she's holding onto the police car repeatedly, right next to his partner. She stops slamming the cop as he has stop moving and left his body on top of the car next to his partner. Celestia turns to the police who continue to shoot at her as they hide behind their cars. 

The two police cars are lifted into the air as Celestia held her hand to them with her hand open then she made a fist. The cars are crushed into small cubes that fell to the pavement, with the four cops staring at her in fear. Celestia made a hand motion to come to her, the cops guns all tore out of their hands. The guns turns around and pointed at the cops.

"Let's see how you like it," Celestia as cause the four guns to fire.

The cops scream as the bullets spinning in the air grind away at the space between their eyes. Celestia just watch as the bullets finally lost their momentum and fell out of the air, leaving a bruise on each of the cops. Celestia waves her hand and the clothes of the cops came off leaving the four cops naked.  A news crew had already arrived and is catching it all on film. (1)

"Run," Celestia said causing the cops to run away as they cover themselves.

Celestia walk over to the wounded black boy and lifted him up with her power. She waves her hand and his wounds healed and the bullet came out of his leg with the wound closing. The boy looks at her in awe as do the crowd around them, having watched a miracle happen in front of them.

"Go home," Celestia said.

The boy ran off to his home as more police cars came rolling down the street from both ends of the road. Celestia raised her hands and the police cars all broke apart in the air, the police officers in the cars all had their uniforms and equipments torn apart from the their bodies leaving them naked. The naked police officers all ran covering themselves as they ran on the broken pieces that was once their cars, causing many to step on something that cut their feet. 

Celestia began walking towards the nearest police station with her lifting the broken police equipment and police cars into the air above her. The news crew followed her along with the crowd of onlookers. On the way more police cars came rolling towards her only for the same thing happening to them, their cars and equipment including their clothes getting broken into pieces leaving the cops naked. Any cops who tried to shoot her got the same treatment with them brought before her before she strips them of everything. All caught on the news channels as the news crew who first started filming are joined by others.

The police station has police cars blocking off the street with all the cops in front with their weapons drawn. All aiming their guns at the goddess walking towards them with a crowd behind her. Celestia made a wave and all the police cars, equipments, and uniforms broke apart and added to the floating ball, leaving nothing but naked police officers behind. The naked officers ran into the police station, the ball of broken pieces of police equipment was dump into the park lot for the police. 

"I think I made my point," Celestia said in a normal speaking tone but could be clearly heard through the city who at this point heard what happen and are listening on the radio or watching the tv. "The boy didn't even had what he was accused of stealing but the two law officers still brutally attack him. I rip the arm off the one who shot the boy and crippled both of them. I know about you cops beating those who aren't white and being unpunished for your actions." 

Celestia waves her hand and the two cops that started it all, fell through it and land in front of her.

"These two are dying and I'm giving you police officers to come out and save them. Or you all will just stay safe inside the building and let them die so that you will live," Celestia said.

Celestia stands there waiting for anyone of the cops to come out to save their fellow officers. Finally two black police officer came out as their chief said that they be safe. They carefully walk up to the two dying fellow officers while looking at the giant goddess, but before they reached the two white officers, they were lifted into the air. Their bodies are floated to two ambulances and set down on the ground where the medical workers went to work.

"I see your fellow white officers are cowards," Celestia said to the two black officers before her and waves them off to the side.

The two black officers walk to the side as she motioned them to joining the crowd of onlookers and reporters.

"Many of you Americans talk about me since I came to this planet. Comparing me to Superman, which is true in a way. Both of us are aliens to you humans and have vast powers. The problem is that unlike him, I'm was never raised to think or act like a human or am I an American. I wasn't raised to believe in the American dream of truth, justice and the American way. How can that be when you Americans don't give the same rights to those who aren't light skin or men? How can this country that claims to be free be so backwards and primitive?" Celestia asked.

"We're primitive? I mean we're not the Jetsons but we're not that primitive," a reporter said causing Celestia to turn her attention to the reporter.

"Primitive as in your culture and way of thinking. Your country holds itself up as the example for the rest of your world when it cannot even govern itself. Holding the high morel ground while people who aren't the skin color like you or male, don't have the same rights. A government that covets what does not belong to it, and chases shadows of threats with utterly reckless paranoia. I do not think your country is primitive, I know it. I seen enough worlds that follow the same way of thinking that different colors mean anything. There is nothing different between any of you besides skin color. And thinking that's makes a difference shows how primitive you are," Celestia brutally laid down the facts. 

Celestia wave her hand and a portal open behind her. She turns around and walk into the portal but stops and turns her head looking at the cops staring at her from the station's windows and main door.

"Those two black cops are worth more than any of you hiding in there. But you are right, about one thing. They're safe from my wrath, the rest of you aren't," Celestia said waving her hand. 

The windows of the stations all burst into pieces. Causing the cops inside to duck for cover. 

"I'm not Superman, I simply don't think or want to be like you humans. I'm a goddess not a mortal or raised as one. And I don't value your lives. Especially when I see people who are suppose to serve and protect, abusing their powers on others. I didn't kill the two cops not because I won't take a life, I didn't kill them because if I did they can't live and suffer for the rest of their lives. And I don't care to learn their names, in a hundred years from now. The only reason anyone will remember them is because they were involved with me at this moment in time. Besides that they're not worth remembering, just a footnote nothing more and the rest of you inside won't be remembered at all. You are not important or will you ever be, none of you. The world will go on like you were never even there. With only me only having a faint memory of this time, like it has happen so many times in the past," Celestia said and walks deeper into the portal that closed behind her. 


Author's Notes -

1 - Celestia is Superman level as well as being a goddess. The Earth in the fic is working on real life technology and culture of that time frame the show 'For All Mankind' and nothing else.
