
For All Mankind

As mankind takes it's first step on the moon, they discover that gods are real. A goddess has come to Earth in search of her daughter and friends. Bringing social and culture changes that her daughter and friends had started centuries before. A ‘For All Mankind’ and ‘My Little Pony Equestria Girls’ crossover.

madhat886 · TV
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10 Chs



Celestia walk down the streets of the ancient city of Rome, where the modern and ancient world have melded together. Getting much attention thanks to her wings and being a giantess among the humans. Many of the buildings have stood since her daughter and her friends rebuilt it. With things having been added as new technologies appeared. Electric lights and water pipes were added to the still standing buildings. Repairs could be seen from where the old parts of the building were damaged for one reason or another.

Celestia had spent the entire day in the temple garden and green house, that's right next to the zoo. The garden use to be much vaster then it is today which the zoo is built on, where animals that the goddesses found and brought to the city were raised. The last herd of Woolly Mammoths were brought to the city, along with the last woolly rhinos, sabertooth tigers, giant ground sloths, Holmesina large armadillo like mammals, Glyptodon their larger cousins, moa's, dodo's, and other animals. Where they were bred and spread out around the empire as domesticated animals, thanks to it being a status symbol for the rich and nobles to have one of the rare animals that the goddesses care for. 

The woolly mammoths, rhinos, and giant ground sloths are now farmed for their fur which like sheep is harvested once a year. The sabertooth tigers were bred and kept as status symbols as well as blood sports. The holmesinas being the size of a large dog were bred to be pets and food source. The glyptodons were used like oxen and war animals thanks to their natural armor, made stronger by fitting metal plates on them. The dodos are both pets and farmed for food, same goes for the moa's with the added bonus of them being raised as riding animals.

The goddesses taught their followers to not over harvest and hunt in sustainable numbers, never hunting the females with young so that there always be enough animals to hunt later. Pointing out that if they over hunt an animal it be like them slaughtering almost all of their farm animals and just expecting there will always be enough left to keep slaughtering the animals, and be surprised when there's no more. And telling their followers even if they could make more animals, they wouldn't as they would never learn their lesson if they did. The Triforce faith have passed down the lessons of the goddesses down the centuries, to always be conservative and sustainable in harvesting their resources, so that there will always be enough left for the future. 

Celestia read up on the city that her daughter and friends built. It has remained one of the most advance cities in the world thanks to what they did. The city when it was rebuilt didn't just had the old city wall to protect it from invasions, it had two outer walls to protect the city. The two walls protected the farmlands and smaller towns and villages outside the city. Which saved the city from falling even as the empire fell apart around it. The city of Rome remained the light in the dark ages that came with the fall of the empire, that split into two. The Western and Eastern Empires, out of the ashes of the old one.


The old empire influence had been declining after it reached its perk and its territory shrinking. Due to both corruption where funds went into the pockets of government leaders and weak rulers. The lands that previously were firmly under their thumbs being either snatched up by opportunistic neighbors seeing the chance to take their old enemy down a peg, or gaining independence at the hands of separatist movements smelling the weakness of their overlord and deciding that the time is ripe to claim their right to self-determination either through political means or open rebellion. Leaving the Western half just a Vestigial Empire that only controls the land around the city of Rome.

The Eastern empire is where the Christians faith that was wiped out in the West survived. Replacing the Triforce as the main religion of the eastern empire and spread its teachings. The Christian sect continued to be the rival of Triforce, going against just about everything that the Triforce taught. Going so far as claiming that singing inflamed the spirit and is the work of the devil, mainly because of Triforce having singing being a big part of their faith.

When the Eastern Empire during the reconquering of the Western Empire, the city of Rome fells thanks to corrupt government officials letting the invaders inside. There the Christians did what they could to destroy the Triforce faith. But were stopped from destroying the temple by the eastern emperor and that the auto defenses that the goddesses had placed around the temple still worked. The crystal pillars place around the temple firing beams of light at any attacker, reducing them to ash while not attacking any of the followers. Any attempts of moving the pillars were always were met with the deaths of the ones who tried, as well as any long range attacks, the crystals would destroy the projectile and blast the ones who attacked. 

When the armies of the East withdrew once the emperor who drove the invasion died, Rome remained in the hands of the Christians for the next 300 hundred years. Where the art of singing was stamped out with the Muslins spreading the idea of singing is bad to Asia. The last recorded death for singing was in Africa in the 1400's where singing became a lost art. (1)

When Rome was retaken and the Triforce became the main religion once again. No one knew what singing sounded like anymore. Singing is one of those things where exposer is key to know what you're expiring to do. The Americans attempt to recreate singing fell flat because of that fact. The only singing left came from isolated tribes which till recently, Christians missions continued to do their best to stamp out the art of songs, still clinging to the belief it's their god's will. Which is how the Native Americans lost the art of singing. (2)

Celestia decided to show the world how to sing and have the world hear it. Hearing what singing is and once the genie is out of the bottle, the Christians can't stamp it out again. And she knows how to do it thanks to the fact even when it was conquered, the city was left as it was as the emperor at the time made sure his soldiers killed anyone who tried to destroy the city built by the 3 goddesses. With the Christians who stayed afterwords wanting to make the city and the Triforce temple into a Christian icon.


The Colosseum -

The ancient Colosseum is still in use thanks to the 3 goddesses building it to last, like much of the city. Celestia flew over the arena and found it to be empty as night has fallen, which suited her just fine for what she's planning. Celestia used her magic to activate the ancient devices that only magic could activate, which the magical arts also became a lost art thanks to the Christians stamping it out in the name of their belief. Crystals pillars began glowing as the long starved magical circuits are once again have energy running through them.

All over the city, projections of what's happening inside the Colosseum could be seen thanks to the stone pillars that have been placed around the city, with black stone blocks on top of them. All projecting the scene of the Colosseum into the night sky, like the old stories said they use to be able to, showing past performances. And in the first time, in a very long time, people heard singing.


The image in the sky focuses on Trixie Lulamoon as she stood in one of the entrance halls of the Colosseum holding a staff in her hands. The stamping of feet could be heard as she stood there, wearing her iconic cape and hat.










Trixie walks down the tunnel and out into the field leading people on horses behind her. From the other entrance ways came other horse riders. 

'Ladies and gents, this is the moment you've waited for (woah)'

'Been searching in the dark, your sweat soaking through the floor (woah)'

'And buried in your bones there's an ache that you can't ignore'

'Taking your breath, stealing your mind'

'And all that was real is left behind'

From beneath the arena raising on platforms came other performers gathered from all over for the show. Exotic animals were released unknown to the people of Rome like kangaroos, moa's, giant lemurs, the last herd of Woolly Mammoths found on an island, and other animals that the goddesses have gathered around the world. On the middle pillar that is raising high in the air, is Twilight at the controls of the fireworks controls. 

'Don't fight it, it's coming for you, running at ya'

'It's only this moment, don't care what comes after'

'Your fever dream, can't you see it getting closer'

'Just surrender 'cause you feel the feeling taking over'

'It's fire, it's freedom, it's flooding open'

'It's a preacher in the pulpit and you'll find devotion'

'There's something breaking at the brick of every wall, it's holding'

'All that you know'

'So tell me do you wanna go?'

As the performers danced and the horse riders stand on their horses as they rode around. The fire breathers let loose their flames into the air. Trixie points to Twilight who fires the fireworks into the air lighting the air in lights. 

'Where it's covered in all the colored lights'

'Where the runaways are running the night'

'Impossible comes true, it's taking over you'

'Oh, this is the greatest show'

'We light it up, we won't come down'

'And the sun can't stop us now'

'Watching it come true, it's taking over you'

'Oh, this is the greatest show'

Four huge elephants came walking on either side of Trixie. Leaping down from the backs of the elephants came four gorillas who surrounded Trixie before turning to face the crowd and letting out a roar. Trixie points her staff into the air and a huge fireball burst out from the top where it lit up the sky. 

'Colossal we come these renegades in the ring'

'(Woah) where the lost get found in the crown of the circus king'

Out from the fireball came Sunset falling to the center of the arena. Who landed on her feet and released birds made out of fire from her hands that flew around the arena. 

'Don't fight it, it's coming for you, running at ya'

'It's only this moment, don't care what comes after'

'It's blinding, outshining anything that you know'

'Just surrender 'cause you're calling and you wanna go'

From the air came the acrobats swinging from ropes. They leap from one rope to another as the fire birds flew around them. 

'Where it's covered in all the colored lights'

'Where the runaways are running the night'

'Impossible comes true, intoxicating you'

'Oh, this is the greatest show'

'We light it up, we won't come down'

'And the sun can't stop us now'

'Watching it come true, it's taking over you'

'Oh, this is the greatest show'

The acrobats all let go of their ropes and fell to the ground where they were caught by Trixie and Sunset using their telekinesis before they hit the ground. And slowly set them on the ground where they joined the other performers in dancing and singing. 

'It's everything you ever want'

'It's everything you ever need'

'And it's here right in front of you'

'This is where you wanna be (this is where you wanna be)'

'It's everything you ever want'

'It's everything you ever need'

'And it's here right in front of you'

'This is where you wanna be'

'This is where you wanna be'

Twilight fired all the remaining fireworks into the sky and in a puff of smoke disappeared from the center pillar. The pillar goes back underneath the arena, both Sunset and Trixie went to their places. in the center.

'When it's covered in all the colored lights'

'Where the runaways are running the night'

'Impossible comes true, it's taking over you'

'Oh, this is the greatest show'

'We light it up, we won't come down'

'And the sun can't stop us now'

'Watching it come true, it's taking over you'

'This is the greatest show'

'When it's covered in all the colored lights'

'Where the runaways are running the night'

'Impossible comes true, it's taking over you'

'Oh, this is the greatest show'

'We light it up, we won't come down'

'And the walls can't stop us now'

'I'm watching it come true, it's taking over you'

'Oh, this is the greatest show'

Both Trixie and Sunset held out their hands in the center. Twilight appeared in a puff of smoke joining her hand in the middle and they dance around as they each glowed their own personal colors. Sunset red, Twilight purple, and Trixie blue, creating a pillar of colors of the Triforce in the air. 

'Cause everything you want is right in front of you'

'And you see the impossible is coming true'

'And the walls can't stop us (now) now, yeah'

They broke apart and turn around facing the stands and beams of light from them burst into the night sky. The lights forms the symbol of the Triforce, red, blue, and purple in the sky for all to see for miles around. That formed into a winged horse with a horn, a blue body, red wings, and purple horns and mane. 

'This is the greatest show (oh!)'

'This is the greatest show (Oh!)'

'This is the greatest show (oh!)'

'This is the greatest show (oh!)'

'This is the greatest show (Oh!)'

'This is the greatest show (oh!)'

'(This is the greatest show)'

'This is the greatest show (oh!)'

'This is the greatest show!'

The recording of the three goddesses took a bow, to the stands to a roar of cheering from the crowds, both in the past recording and in the present day. 

Celestia smiled seeing this as she has brought back some magic into this world that was lost. 


Middle East - 

In the Christians holy city of Bethlehem the birth place of their lord, the Christians leaders have gathered. They have been closely watching the goddess Celestia and what her actions will be, many fear her wrath for the deaths of her daughter and her friends. The Christian faith had many set backs as they were driven out of Europe and into the Middle East and Asia, after the Christian sect killed the goddesses. They all watch as the sky became night and day, by the whims of said goddess who is much older and stronger then the young goddesses. 

They were talking about what to do about the goddess and what their action should be. When they were alerted to what's happening in Rome and what the goddess had unleashed upon the world. Their faith had worked hard over the centuries to stamp out the sin of singing and the goddess has just undone all of that work. 

Using missionaries and setting up schools in remote regions they managed to stamp out singing just as their belief told them. They spent much in money and resources to find all the most remote tribes to ingrain their belief of singing is a sin. Even with the raise of followers of the Triforce, even with the failed attempt of the Americans in recreating the art of singing. The only thing that came out from that was the bird callers, who could copy the bird calls. 

But with this and it being broadcast on the news, people all over the world will be exposed to singing. Which exposer is needed to even know what you're trying to copy. They couldn't just have anyone who sings put to death like in the past, it would turn the countries against the church if they called for mass executions. Not to mention what the goddess would do to them, as it's their one true faith that killed her daughter and friends. They were lost in what to do.


A Month Later -

Celestia step up to the stand where she would speak to the members of the press. It's been about a month since she came to Earth and made huge waves in the social order of the world. Revealing that gods are flawed and are just people with powers. About there is no one who knows about what happens when you die, as no one ever came back to tell about it. And her bringing back singing to the world, that has spread like wildfire. 

Singing is something that being expose to it is needed to know what you're trying to do. People can copy birds singing but that's it's as the best people could do was copying bird cries which is nice to hear, isn't human singing, they're bird cries. Since Celestia began broadcasting the old recordings of the shows that her daughter and friends once held in the Roman Colosseum, both on tv and on the radio. Each new song cause more and more young people to try their voice at singing. 

Of course for the Christians and other groups who share their views that singing is the work of the devil, has cause much unrest. With mostly the young not caring about what an old book says is right, as they don't see why singing was ban in the first place. And is the main reason why Celestia was called to the press conference for all the unease she is causing.

"I have been asked to hold this press conference because of me reintroducing singing to the world. That has been causing unrest around the world. I do not regret giving back music to this world. The young and those who been searching for it now know what was taken from them, so that people who stood against my daughter and her friends, for power and wealth not for the belief of the god they use to gain power, just so that they could maintain their control. Seen it happen so many times on so many planets, a small group of people who maintain power by saying what they say comes from the god of the faith they control. Seeing how people have tried and failed to recreate singing since it was stamped out. There are plenty who enjoy having it back, instead of having to listen to the bird songs," Celestia explains. (4)

The reports all erupted in questions, only to have their voices all silenced by Celestia making a glowing hand wave. The reporters all found that they couldn't talk, no matter how hard they try to make a sound. All stared at the goddess before them.

"I will give you all back your voices after. I have more to say," Celestia said to the stun crowd. "I call for questions you raise your hand and if you find yourself able to talk you're the one who gets to ask the question."

The crowd of reporters all settled down.

"The problem isn't singing, it's because of people who believe more in the belief, not the god which the faith is based around. Do you have any idea how many times my followers who meet me for the first time, can't believe that I'm their goddess? The goddess that they had built up in their heads or were told by others is so unlike me that, when they finally get to meet me. They can't believe that the goddess they pray to and give so much to, is me. Many go into denial as the goddess they built up is so unlike me that I can't be their goddess. The ones who can relate to me are stars of entertainment of all kinds, especially the movie and tv ones. Fans seeing their favorite star on the big screen and when they finally meet them in person, they find that they're not like what they seen on the screen. If the god of the Bible ever comes to Earth showing themselves to their followers, many of the most devoted follows of the Bible will be in complete denial that the god they gave themselves to, is what is standing in front of them. For the god in front of them can't be their god as the god is not the god of the imagination that their belief told them what god is like and what they think god is in their minds. Any questions?" Celestia ask. (5)

"So god of the Bible wouldn't be anything like is written?" a reporter asked.

"Of course not, if that was true than god of the Bible would be evil and cruel. In how the Bible has god written, he went and cause the things to happen so that it became worse, like making the Egyptian ruler's heart to harden so that the plagues could continue instead of ending earlier. To win a bet cause nothing but suffering to a man to lose everything, and once the bet is over thinks that just by giving the man a new family it makes up for the deaths of the old one. It be someone killing your whole family and than telling you that they give you a new one. So many stories that has god being evil and petty, and that's the god the believers want. A god if you don't follow what the Bible says to live your life you go to Hell, which is so narrow in who gets in, that no one is pure or good enough to get into the Heaven of the Bible. How many saints who killed in the name of god would be in Hell for it is still a sin to murder, even in the name of god. As for forgiving that sin, won't mean the punishment isn't still going to happen. And everyone and I mean everyone in the entire universe all go to Hell who aren't believers in one god on one planet, just because you humans think you're that special that the creator of everything chose only you humans and only you humans to be the only special race there is. And the only proof to that belief is an old book, while here am I a goddess telling you that isn't true. Questions?" Celestia said with a heavy sigh.

The sky darken as night fall, followed by the sun rising. This repeated several times before stopping. 

"My power is based around gravity, to the point where I can spin this planet around like that of a one of those globes. I can move the Star in this solar system like it's nothing. I am the real deal but even with all I have shown, people holds onto their denial and refuse to even admit I'm real. Because doing so would mean that their belief is wrong, and that is horrifying for them to face. They rather hold onto their denial than to ever admit that they're wrong. I seen people break down as they finally face the truth and admit that they're wrong. Or are in so much denial that they're living in their own little world where what they believe is what is real and choose to ignore the reality that they're living in," Celestia said. (6)

Celestia makes a beer mug appear in front of her and takes a drink.

"Like this for example. I pulled a mug of beer from a nearby bar and take a drink. Do you have any idea of how many of my old followers telling me that I shouldn't drink something like this. As they view me as being so refine that I only drink the most finest and most expensive wines and when I rather be drinking beer and eating a burger? I would actually like having the god of the Bible appearing on Earth. Not only would I have another god to talk to, but I can watch as the believers of the faiths based around him, face their god and learn how much their god isn't like they imagine them to be. And yes the god of the Bible can either be a man or a woman or another gender," Celestia explains. "Questions?"

"There's more than one gender?" a reporter asked.

"Don't start that, depending on the race there can be many different genders. Not counting the ones where they just say they're a gender while not being that gender. One planet I visited had made up 10 different genders when they like you humans only having two genders, male and female, with the odd hermaphrodite being born now and than. But they just created more genders and while I can understand living as the gender you want to be and getting an operation to change it or living as what you want but can't afford to change gender. There are many worlds where either by medical science or something else you can change gender as easily as getting a tooth pulled. They instead just say they are one kind of gender and never change their sex. I couldn't understand it so I just left and I'm telling you to just drop it as if it's this confusing for me a goddess, it be even more confusing for you mortals," Celestia said. "Questions?"

"Can't you find the god of the Bible?" a reporter asked.

"If it was that easy to find a god, why you think it took me all this time to find Earth? We can't just snap our fingers and make the god we're looking for appear in front of us. Even in the realm of the gods it's hard to find who you're looking for, considering that I don't even know the real name of said god of the Bible and the names that are given might not even be the real names just what the humans at the time gave to said god. Not to mention if said god is real to begin with, as looking into the myths there are lots of gods that people could had used to base the god of the Bible on. It be one of you humans trying to find someone who is as vaguely describe in detail as possible with many names used and the gender is up in the air, who could be anywhere in the world. That's what I would face in trying to find said god," Celestia explains. "Questions?"

"There is no machine or anything like that you could use to find the god or just call around?" a female reporter asked.

"It's not that easy and the time it would take would be very long. I'm immortal you humans aren't and when I finally find said god. You all might be long dead with the god only barely remembering you humans," Celestia said. "And you humans aren't really worth remembering, as it be you remembering a funny animal you saw in your childhood. As it's hard to be attach to something you know you will outlive. But I have gone to worlds where the race of said planet is well remember by the god or gods who help them in the past and many still being there helping said race. If my daughter and friends weren't killed, under them you humans could be living in a highly advance culture at this point like in that American tv show Star Trek or that cartoon The Jetsons. That also brings up the point that I have no reason to help anyone who follows the faith that murdered my daughter and her friends. Questions?"

"There are races that advance who still have gods with them?" a male reporter asked.

"Yes there are even if the race doesn't need a god or gods to look after them anymore. Depending on the planet they're either in charge or help in ruling. Of course then there are planets where for one reason or another the gods just left. There are lots of reasons why a god leaves, like you humans who finally had enough of a job they been doing and decide to leave. And yes there are races who actually kill off their gods, usually young ones or if said race have advance energy weapons. I read up on the DC and Marvel comics and actually having a glowing green rock that weakens a god to the point of death or being able to kill them outright is just fantasy. There are radiation glowing rocks that can kill gods but the radiation only affecting said god and not everything else organic is just plain fantasy. It be one of you holding a bomb and expecting that when it blows up it will leave you unhurt. That said, the planets that have gods that old where the race went from learning to use fire to being able to travel to other galaxies in some cases, are some of the most powerful beings around. Many of those gods are hundred of thousands years old or in rare cases millions. We gods only get stronger as we age like a comparing a seedling to a fully grown redwood, those gods who are that ancient to have live over a million are the strongest around," Celestia said.

Small objects began floating around the room.

"And not in terms of physical strength as I said that even we gods aren't wholly immune to the effects of time. I mean in terms of skill and finesse of using their powers. If I live to be over a million, I would be able to move entire solar systems without effort as I'm doing with the objects I'm floating around the room," Celestia said. "Questions?"

"Are you going to be staying on Earth?" a male reporter asked.

"I'm going to explore this world first and see what it has to offer," Celestia said.


Author's Notes -

1 - I'm going with exposure is needed to know how to sing. As how do you know how to sing if you never heard anyone sing before.

2 - Stamping out the art of singing because of some church leader deciding that it's the work of the devil and people blindly following that mindset. Happens in real life and continues to happen as leaders of a faith decided that what they think is right is the only right choice for their followers who follow blindly.

3 - In this timeline instead of the Vatican being built in Rome, it's built in Bethlehem.

4 - As one reviewer wrote that people could copy bird songs to relearn singing. Seeing how bird songs are just their language, all a person who copies a bird song would be able to do is copy how the birds speak. And while there are people in real life who are great at making bird calls, that type of music is more like whistling than singing.

5 - I can see many people will go into complete denial if there is a god and shows up in person. Many will refuse to believe it is god as they're nothing like they were told or imagine to be. Especially if god shows up and god is a woman, or whatever the god of Southpark is suppose to be.

6 - Like how in Southpark Cartman is so in denial that his memory is everyone telling him that he isn't fat and is cool. And that he twist things just so that where the boys tell him that they never thought that he was ever cool. He goes into denial so that what they say to him is that they think he's cool. Or Invader Zim who denial is the only thing that protects him from seeing that he's hated and that he sucks.

And once that denial is broken and they can't twist things anymore is when they have a complete break down. Which Zim went through when he finally realize that the Tallest wouldn't be coming to Earth. Only went back into complete denial when he tried to bring Earth to them.
