
Football: God-level pass, all teammates fed into golden boots

this is a translation not my work and my first language is not English. I publish 5 chapter a day i'm sorry for the grammar i will try to fix it

you18q8mystery · Celebrities
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15 Chs

chapter 11-come here,this is middles!

A victory, plus the touts of the media and fans.

When the players are training, they seem to be much happier and train harder.

And Baiye will still practice his basic skills after training.

But what made him feel helpless was that the attribute did not increase at all.

Neil walked towards the white leaves.

"Hey, this thing is not something you can practice blindly, in the future you only need to listen to tactical training and confrontation matches, and the rest of the time you follow Thomas to practice the basics."

I'm sure with your ball sense and talent, you'll catch up soon. "

Behind Neil was a bald uncle.

He was pleasantly surprised to see the white leaves.

"I don't usually bring children, but I watched you play last night and I think I'm interested in teaching a talented man to play football."

Bai Ye smiled, "Good! "

Although there is a system, he should really practice well.

In the previous life, the team in the Chinese League One, the training was basically fun, and he had not received professional football training in his two lifetimes.

White leaves while training.


Distant in china.

On professional football forums, a post quietly appeared on the hot search list.

Inside are highlights from bai ye game against Wolves.

Several key passes were made directly into GIFs.

"In the 13th round of the Championship, Middlesbrough 3:2 Wolves, chinese teenager Bai Ye assisted a hat-trick to help the team reverse!"

It's just such a short post.

Instantly hot!

The reviews at the top of the list are a bit outrageous.


"Is this a sci-fi movie for us?"

"Landlord, will you be mistaken, is this really Chinese? This technical action is not something that we chinese people can have, right?

It won't be the players from Japan and South Korea, please trouble the landlord to verify it clearly, don't do it. "

"This footwork is so scary, if you look carefully, even if it is a Japanese and Korean player, it is impossible to have this kind of footwork."

Outer instep volley, I drop mom, watch science fiction movies. "

"Don't be arrogant upstairs, who said that the asian people with good footwork are from Japan and South Korea, and we also have china!"

"Take the trouble to give an example."


The reviews are very hot.

But because there are very few people who pay attention to the British Championship, and there is no British Championship broadcasting rights in China.

So many people don't know about Middlesbrough at all.

Wouldn't have known that Middles had just signed Baiye, the chinese youngster.

But I can't hold back someone who cares.

After all, the Chinese can play brilliantly in the European league, and there have been fewer and fewer in recent years.

In the past ten years, Sun Jihai, Fan Zhiyi and other players can also be listed.

But now the frustration of Jiang Junmin and others has made Chinese football more and more backward in world football.

So once there is a point of light.

Just a lot of people to pursue!

Domestic affairs, Baiye did not pay attention to it at all.

He had been training with Thomas until the next round of league play.

The effect is obvious.

Never eaten pork and haven't seen a pig run?

Two lifetimes of experience allowed him to get started quickly.

"Shiro, you don't look mature like sixteen year old." Thomas sometimes had to sigh.

Bai Ye's comprehension ability is too fast.

Maybe this is genius?

Middlesbrough will face leaders in the 14th round of the Championship, Watford.

It's a very tough opponent.


In the eyes of fans and local media, Middles is not completely without opportunities.

They are very confident.

Middles' football hooligans shouted, "Let the horses come, this is Middles!"

We have Gregory!

We have white leaves!

We are invincible! "

The fans are full of confidence, but Neil, as the head coach, is a little worried.

Watford, with mediocre results in previous seasons.

But this season suddenly took off.

The reason is that they have a powerful midfield who can control the pace of the game, and their midfield configuration is almost the best in the Championship.

Some media have even analyzed it.

Watford's midfield configuration is even in the Premier League, and relegation is worry-free.

Neil would love to put Bai Ye into the starting lineup, after all, Bai Ye's effect on the field, the last game has completely proved that he has the ability to start.

But thinking that he is only 16 years old, and with so much pressure, premature seedling pulling will ruin a genius?

Neil thought for a long time

He still decided to put Bai Ye on the bench and let the others consume each other in the first half.

Clear some obstacles for Shiraba to play.

And the other party must have watched the game on the field, and targeted defense for Baiye.

This should be noted.

It's hard.

Neil thought at this time, if only there were two white leaves in the midfield.

So that Middles' attack could not be strangled.

Saturday night.

Middlesbrough host Watford.

When the fans saw the starter.


"What's going on with Neil! Why not put Shiraba in the starter! He deserves a starter! "

"White leaves! Let the white leaves play! "

Shiraba himself sat on the bench.

He heard the voices, but there was no response.

The starter is a matter of time before there is no rush.

He just needs to do his best in the time he plays.

That's it.


The referee blows the whistle at the start of the game.

Watford has the same four-two-three-one lineup as Middles.

At the top of the pack is striker Ighalo, who has just moved to Watford from Granada in La Liga this season.

It showed great lethality.

Halfway through the game, he has scored eight goals!

Almost one goal per game!

After a few minutes of the opening game, the fans found out that something was wrong.

Middles' midfield lacked control and was once again suppressed by his opponent!

And this time it was suppressed even more by Watford!

Just ten minutes.

Striker Ighalo already had three shots on goal!

Hit the target twice!

Anyone can see that the Middles line is in jeopardy!

At this time,

The fans once again shouted a name in unison.

"White leaves!"

"White leaves!"


thanks for reading the chapter.