
Football: God-level pass, all teammates fed into golden boots

this is a translation not my work and my first language is not English. I publish 5 chapter a day i'm sorry for the grammar i will try to fix it

you18q8mystery · Celebrities
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15 Chs

chapter 10- An imagined road!


"Gregory hat-trick!"

"White leaves assist hat-trick!!!"

After Gligory scored, he rushed off the pitch, ignoring the referee's yellow card and taking off his clothes.

Wave like crazy!

He's cathartic!

He's been holding back for too long! So long that fans have forgotten that he was also the shooter king of all directions!

And now,

He could feel that everything was back!

It's back!

Shredded coconut!

Gligory's passionate roar is cathartic, and so are the fans!

Football hooligans, getting excited, kept slapping their belly.

Several people hugged each other.

They really can't think of such an ending!

Gregory pointed at the white leaves and laughed out loud!

Unlike the cheers of the Middles fans, the Wolves players looked a little lonely.

They really didn't expect it.

Two goals ahead.

How was it leveled and how it was killed!

Wolves coach Schultz also had no way, shook his head, and looked at Baiye.

These kicks.

Let him be deeply moved, too strong!

This is genius!

As soon as the ball kicks off in the center circle, the referee blows the whistle for the end of the game.

The audience cheered again!

Middles won! 3:2 Reverse Wolves!

Baiye was surrounded by the players.

"White! You are amazing! "

"Whoever says you can't play, I'll break his leg!"

Gregory also embraced the white leaves deeply.

"Man, you're passing so well!"

Neil looked at the white leaves surrounded by the crowd, and then at the disappearing banners on the fans' seats, and he was in a good mood.

The previous haze was swept away.

"He really proved himself with a game."

After the game, a reporter wanted to interview Baiye.

But Neil refused.

He was worried that Bai Ye was young and was tricked by these cunning reporters.

In the post-match press conference, Neil praised Gligory and Baiye.

"It's an imaginative pair, and when I signed Shiraba, I imagined it, but Shiraba did a better job than I expected.

He's a natural midfield commander! "

After the game.

The streets around Middles are still brightly lit.

The fans are still celebrating the victory.

They hadn't felt such a rush of blood for too long!

Before this match, twelve rounds, they had only three victories!

This is something that proud Lions fans can't bear.


Everything is back.

"I must apologize for my previous remarks, that chinese player is too powerful! He revitalized our midfield! "

"The key is his passing! God, I don't even see how he passed it on, how he could have such a broad vision to find such an opportunity. "

"Why else is he a genius, he can play in the league at the age of sixteen, and you are in your thirties and can only play the ball of Jane next door."


In the midst of laughter.

A voice was particularly harsh.

"With Baiye, will we have the possibility of overtaking?"

Everyone's stopped.

He looked at the person who spoke stunned.

It's a path they never envisioned, they just expect relegation.

"Why not, man!"



At that moment, the fans imagined that it was the crazy shouts of the entire riverside stadium, the crowd, the flag, and the merciless passion.

It's the rush of blood!

It's their players holding championship trophies!


At night.

Shiraba lay on the bed, looking at the system in his mind.

This game is won.

He got 5 attributes.

The next growth quest is to win two races, which is also a 5 attribute bonus.

He thought about it.

Attributes are dotted on the body.

After a game, he found that his physical fitness was very difficult among professional players.

A single kick can avoid these problems to a great extent.

But if you can resist the opposing player, you will get more opportunities.

After adding points.

He looked at his panel.

[Body: 65 Stamina: 80

Shot: 30 Dribble: 50

Interception: 30 Passes: 100

More property fields are not slotted yet.

Item: God-level set-piece experience card*1

Disposable attribute points: 0].

Serious bias.

But as the game continues, Shiraba believes he will become all-powerful.


Suddenly, his phone rang.


"You're great!"

"You watched the game?"

"Then of course, can I not watch my brother's game? By the way, I will help you find the agent you want, and she will come to the UK to find you in the future. "


"Well, I slept, sleepy, goodbye."


After hanging up the phone, Bai Ye fell into thought.

Middles have always been a Championship team, and it was okay to start out and always move to a team with a bigger platform.

Think about it.

Shiraji fell asleep.

The next day.

The entire Middles media praised the team's performance last night.

Especially for white leaves as well as for Gregory.

"A hat-trick on his debut, a midfield genius from china! "

"Head coach Neil praised White Leaf and thought he would be the Harvey of Middles! "

"New signings activate former goalscorer king, Gregory hat-trick, to help Middles reverse Wolves!" "


thanks for reading the chapter.