
Foolish son-in-law: Soul Awakening

Shocking Reveal! He, the glorious young master of the first family in China and the only descendant of the world's most extraordinary sect, Chu Chen! At the end of the glorious academic journey, he encountered unimaginable calamity - his two souls and five souls were sealed, becoming a foolish son-in-law that the world laughed at! Over the past five years, he suffered great humiliation, was abandoned by his family, and his tragic life as a son-in-law was only the beginning. However, what shocking secrets are hidden beneath the shell of a foolish son-in-law? When the seal is broken and the two souls and five souls return, how will the foolish son-in-law shake the whole world, shed his former shame, and ascend to the top of glory again? Next, let's step into this gripping legendary novel - "Foolish son-in-law: Soul Awakening", and uncover Chu Chen's path of rising against the heavens! Chu Chen, the young master of the first family in China, has been carrying the high expectations of the family and the inheritance of the world's top extraordinary door since childhood. He has extraordinary talent and exceptional wisdom, and has learned a remarkable skill that sets the world apart. However, on the way back from his studies, a sudden accident sealed his two souls and five souls, turning him into a foolish son-in-law. For five years, Chu Chen lived in humiliation and ridicule. The glory and status he once had vanished into thin air, replaced by endless ridicule and contempt. The members of the family looked down upon him and regarded him as a disgrace to the family. And the outside world is mocking and mocking him, treating him as a laughing stock after dinner. However, during these five years of being a fool, Chu Chen did not give up on himself. He firmly believed in the depths of his heart that his dual souls and five souls were only sealed, not truly disappearing. He silently endured humiliation and pain, striving to find a way to unlock the dual souls and five souls. Finally, by chance, Chu Chen accidentally touched the crack in the seal, and his dual souls and five souls began to gradually awaken. With the awakening of his soul, Chu Chen's wisdom and strength gradually recovered, and he regained his former confidence and charm. At the moment when Chu Chen's dual souls and five souls were fully awakened, his strength reached an unprecedented height. He is no longer the foolish son-in-law who is easily bullied, but has become an awe inspiring powerhouse. He swept all enemies with absolute strength and won the respect of his family and the world. Chu Chen's rise was full of obstacles and challenges, but he persevered and worked tirelessly. He proved his worth with his strength and wisdom, winning recognition and praise from everyone. In the end, he successfully climbed back to the pinnacle of glory and became one of the most dazzling beings in China.

luoyu · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Chapter 34 Perfect combination

Ye Shaohuang's face darkened, "Chu Chen, is what you said true?" "This morning, when Song Qingpeng was bitten by the little black snake, I happened to be there and recorded a short video," said Chu Chen. "I can send it to you, then you can see Song Qingpeng yourself. Can't you tell the difference, Young Master Ye?" Chu Chen hung up the phone and returned to the private room. The large round table was filled with tea and snacks. Song Yan was speaking, and Chu Chen sat down beside her, looking at her with a hint of admiration. Before coming here, Song Yan had been very nervous, but after meeting the representative from the Xia family and starting to negotiate the cooperation project, she displayed a different kind of spirit, and she was very well-prepared. Even Xia Yanhuan, sitting opposite her, was surprised. This third young mistress of the Song family had a gift for business. As the two began to converse, Chu Chen sat on the side with nothing to do, drinking tea and eating snacks. He had said that this cooperation would be entirely managed by Song Yan. Now, it seemed that Song Yan was more than capable. "She's truly my wife." Chu Chen muttered to himself. Suddenly, the door to the private room burst open. A figure entered in a storm-like manner. Chu Chen looked up and smiled slightly, "Brother Bei, have some tea." Xia Bei sat down next to Chu Chen with a grim face. Half a moment later, he looked at Xia Yanhuan and asked, "Uncle Si, how's the negotiation going?" Xia Yanhuan pushed up his golden glasses and smiled faintly, "Miss Song was more prepared than I imagined. It makes me more confident about Xia family's entry into Chan City's market." "That's good." Xia Bei took a deep breath, a rare determination flashed in his eyes, "This time, I must show them Xia Bei's capability." Chu Chen nearly choked on his tea, glancing at Xia Bei, "Brother Bei, what happened?" "Some bastard is spreading rumors," Xia Bei said through clenched teeth. "This morning, I received several calls from peers in the family, all mocking me. Just a moment ago, the old man at home called and gave me a tongue-lashing." Song Yan's expression changed ever so lightly. The Xia family's reaction to the rumor was what she had been most worried about. "Brother Bei, being ridiculed by your peers is one thing, but dealing with the old man at home, you must have some experience, right?" Chu Chen asked. "Hmph, I told the old man directly that the Beichen Pharmaceutical Company will definitely be established within a month, and within three months, Beichen will make its way into Chan City's market," said Xia Bei firmly. "I also praised you a lot in front of the old man, saying you are a talented person who can be a great asset. Xiaochen, you better not let me lose face in front of the old man." As he finished speaking, Song Yan's expression changed again. Entering Chan City's market within three months was indeed a challenge. "This is truly a challenge," Xia Yanhuan's eyes showed excitement as he enjoyed the thrill of the commercial battlefield, "Miss Song, what do you think?" Song Yan looked at the proposal in her hands, her eyes also firm, and she nodded vigorously. "Good!" Chu Chen smiled, "Brother Bei, you have a wise uncle, and I have a clever and capable wife. Together we'll definitely make Beichen Pharmaceutical shine." Xia Bei laughed heartily and shook hands with Chu Chen, "I've always said, the third young master of the Xia family and the third son-in-law of the Song family are the perfect combination." Xia Yanhuan, "…" Song Yan, "…" This was definitely a classic example of shamelessness. In the private room, Xia Yanhuan and Song Yan engaged in detailed conversations about the cooperation, from the selection of the office location to the first product they planned to launch, everything was well planned. Chu Chen and Xia Bei, on the other hand, drank tea and snacked. At the People's Hospital. Song Qingpeng was all smiles, holding a bouquet of flowers. Young Master Ye had personally called him, wanting to see him and discuss cooperation. This made Song Qingpeng feel flattered. He hurried over. Pushing open the door to the hospital ward, Song Qingpeng rushed in, "Young Master Ye, feeling better?" Ye Shaohuang looked at Song Qingpeng, and a cold light flashed in his eyes, "Do you hope I'm better or not?" Song Qingpeng felt as though a bucket of cold water had been dumped on him. He shivered involuntarily and quickly forced a smile, "Of course, I hope Young Master Ye recovers soon." "Not necessarily," Ye's mother glared at Song Qingpeng with a cold gaze, "I heard you got bitten by a little black snake this morning and was rolling around in pain. And now, you are perfectly fine. A mere snake venom is really nothing for the Song family, is it?" Song Qingpeng's face paled dramatically, his pupils dilated to their limits as he took two steps back, "Young Master, don't listen to that idiot Chu Chen. I did see that black snake this morning, but it just bit my clothes... It must be Chu Chen trying to drive a wedge between us because Young Master Ye was preparing to cooperate with us." Song Qingpeng's back was already drenched with cold sweat. He never expected that Ye Shaohuang would find out about his snakebite today. It must have been Chu Chen! Song Qingpeng clenched his teeth in anger, but right now, he was more panicked. Ye's mother took out her phone, opened a video, and spoke to Song Qingpeng word by word, "Or are you saying you were just scared and rolling on the ground?" Song Qingpeng's color drained from his face. His legs trembled. "You've got some nerve!" Ye's mother's voice suddenly intensified. With a bang, the door to the ward was pushed open. Several of Ye's bodyguards entered, with a menacing air, eyeing Song Qingpeng. Song Qingpeng's legs gave out, and he collapsed to the floor. "My son went to the Song family for cooperation and was bitten by a snake there. We have not even held you responsible," Ye's mother's eyes flashed with a chilling coldness as she approached Song Qingpeng. "Now I understand, it was your Song family's trained venomous snake, deliberately harming my son!" Song Qingpeng's mind reeled, his eyes wide with terror, his lips turned white, "No, it's not like that." "Then how do you explain being bitten by a snake and being fine?" Ye's mother pressed. Song Qingpeng struggled to calm himself down. Their family could not afford the accusation of plotting against Young Master Ye. Song Qingpeng trembled all over, and it took a long while for him to slowly recover, "My second brother was taken as a disciple by a master years ago and learned a lot. When that strange black snake appeared in the Song family, my brother had been trying to create an antidote for it. After Young Master Ye was bitten... I admit, we were too timid to bring the antidote over, fearing it would be misunderstood as our plotting with the snake." "Young Master Ye's eyes turned even colder, "You had the antidote and just let me wait to die?" "Not at all," Song Qingpeng exclaimed in horror, "That black snake's venom will dissipate on its own after three days." "That kind of torment, my son cannot bear for a moment longer," said Ye's mother with an icy look, "Command someone from the Song family to come and detoxify my son immediately."