
Foolish son-in-law: Soul Awakening

Shocking Reveal! He, the glorious young master of the first family in China and the only descendant of the world's most extraordinary sect, Chu Chen! At the end of the glorious academic journey, he encountered unimaginable calamity - his two souls and five souls were sealed, becoming a foolish son-in-law that the world laughed at! Over the past five years, he suffered great humiliation, was abandoned by his family, and his tragic life as a son-in-law was only the beginning. However, what shocking secrets are hidden beneath the shell of a foolish son-in-law? When the seal is broken and the two souls and five souls return, how will the foolish son-in-law shake the whole world, shed his former shame, and ascend to the top of glory again? Next, let's step into this gripping legendary novel - "Foolish son-in-law: Soul Awakening", and uncover Chu Chen's path of rising against the heavens! Chu Chen, the young master of the first family in China, has been carrying the high expectations of the family and the inheritance of the world's top extraordinary door since childhood. He has extraordinary talent and exceptional wisdom, and has learned a remarkable skill that sets the world apart. However, on the way back from his studies, a sudden accident sealed his two souls and five souls, turning him into a foolish son-in-law. For five years, Chu Chen lived in humiliation and ridicule. The glory and status he once had vanished into thin air, replaced by endless ridicule and contempt. The members of the family looked down upon him and regarded him as a disgrace to the family. And the outside world is mocking and mocking him, treating him as a laughing stock after dinner. However, during these five years of being a fool, Chu Chen did not give up on himself. He firmly believed in the depths of his heart that his dual souls and five souls were only sealed, not truly disappearing. He silently endured humiliation and pain, striving to find a way to unlock the dual souls and five souls. Finally, by chance, Chu Chen accidentally touched the crack in the seal, and his dual souls and five souls began to gradually awaken. With the awakening of his soul, Chu Chen's wisdom and strength gradually recovered, and he regained his former confidence and charm. At the moment when Chu Chen's dual souls and five souls were fully awakened, his strength reached an unprecedented height. He is no longer the foolish son-in-law who is easily bullied, but has become an awe inspiring powerhouse. He swept all enemies with absolute strength and won the respect of his family and the world. Chu Chen's rise was full of obstacles and challenges, but he persevered and worked tirelessly. He proved his worth with his strength and wisdom, winning recognition and praise from everyone. In the end, he successfully climbed back to the pinnacle of glory and became one of the most dazzling beings in China.

luoyu · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Chapter 33 Song Er Ye is still impressive

Huang Yuhai felt like he was struck by lightning, unable to move an inch. It was him! After the incident at Tianhao Bar last night, Huang Yuhai had issued a gag order, and no one dared to speak out, but his own impression was too deep. After the humiliating kneel, the thought of revenge had to be suppressed because he did not know the mysterious background of Chu Chen. Without the assurance of dealing with Chu Chen, he dared not take revenge lightly. He had called Ye Shaohuang to disclose Chu Chen's whereabouts, hoping to probe Chu Chen's background through Ye Shaohuang. However, to his disappointment, Ye Shaohuang made no move. But Chu Chen, like a persistent spirit, appeared in front of him again. This calligraphy was actually from Chu Chen's hand. The piece that Huang Yuhai brought out was bestowed by a senior in his sect, but he had a level of appreciation and could instantly tell the quality when both pieces were placed together. "Song family, Chu Chen?" Now, Huang Jianghong also saw these four characters and couldn't help but be taken aback, "A person of the Song surname, why has the surname Chu?" "Grandfather, this Chu Chen, is the son-in-law of the Song family," Huang Yuhai paused before adding, "Famed as the fool of Chancheng. This piece of calligraphy, may not necessarily be his own work." Huang Yuhai's eyes lit up. It must be so. To gain momentum, Chu Chen bought an expensive piece of calligraphy, just like how Huang Yuhai had his sect elder bestow one upon him; perhaps Chu Chen did the same. Huang Jianghong's gaze narrowed. The fool of Chancheng, the son-in-law? "This piece, undoubtedly, is very good, but Chu Chen's status might not qualify to have it displayed," Huang Yuhai couldn't help but add. Huang Jianghong looked over at Huang Yuhai. Huang Yuhai felt slightly guilty and quickly lowered his head in a respectful listening pose. "I have already said, descendants of the Huang family don't need to be too modest," Huang Jianghong said, "However, descendants of the Huang family must have a principle in everything they do. Quality rules the gathering, and the best shall win. Until we see a second piece of calligraphy better than that written by Chu Chen, no matter what his identity is, his work will be chosen as the champion." "Yes, Grandfather," Huang Yuhai hurriedly nodded, "I understand my mistake." Chu Chen was unaware that his writing had caught the eye of the Huang family patriarch; he was currently accompanying Song Yan to Dianju Building. An established restaurant in Chancheng. "Chu Chen, what have you been doing with your phone this whole time?" Song Yan couldn't help but ask out of curiosity; she had never seen Chu Chen play with his phone before. Chu Chen said, "Chatting with Ye Shaohuang, seeing if the tripartite cooperation project can be salvaged. I can see that Dad values this project." Song Yan, "Shut up." She suddenly felt even less confident about today's meeting between both parties. The Song family didn't have much real strength to begin with, and the delegate from the Xia family was even a famous figure in the Yangcheng business community. She had intended to rely on Chu Chen's relationship with Xia Bei, but now the more she thought about it, the less reliable Chu Chen seemed. At the People's Hospital of Chancheng, on the hospital bed. After a night of rescue, it turned out to be unnecessary. Ye Shaohuang was still paralyzed, unable to move, though the pain subsided. Ye Shaohuang's mental state was good, but his eyes were filled with fear and despair. First, there was excruciating pain, followed by paralysis, and finally, bleeding from all orifices... Everything was going just as Chu Chen had said. "Son, your father has already contacted the best hospital in the imperial city. As soon as the paperwork is done this afternoon, you'll be transferred," Ye's mother said with concern. This mysterious snake poison left all the doctors in the hospital helpless. "Chu Chen!" Ye Shaohuang suddenly widened his eyes and exclaimed. "Chu Chen?" Ye's mother said, "Son, rest assured, this guy hurt you, and I won't let him go. I already had someone spread the word last night that Chu Chen and the young master of the Xia family have a male-male relationship and Xia is keeping Chu Chen. By now, that should have reached Xia's ears." "No, let's not worry about that now. He talked about the symptoms of this snake poisoning. Maybe he knows this snake venom." At this moment, Ye Shaohuang felt his life was more important than anything, "Quick, find me Chu Chen's phone number, I want to ask him personally." Ye's mother quickly got the number in a few minutes, "Here's the number Lin Xinping of the Song family gave. Give it a try." The phone rang a few times and was then abruptly hung up. Ye Shaohuang's expression darkened. Being completely paralyzed, he could not move a single finger and could only let his mother call again. This time it connected. "Who is it? I'm having tea and talking with my wife. Speak quickly if you have something to say." Ye Shaohuang recognized Chu Chen's voice and immediately spoke out loudly, "Chu Chen, do you know the origin of that snake and how to treat its venom?" "Ye Shaohuang?" On the other end, Chu Chen paused for a moment, then spoke slowly, "Young master Ye, last night I was cornered by the Glory Martial Arts Hall, you think... it's appropriate for you to ask me this?" "Chu Chen, if you can help, we'll cancel everything that happened before, I guarantee Rongdong won't trouble you again," Ye Shaohuang seemed to have expected Chu Chen's response and quickly offered. Chu Chen hesitated, "That little black snake, I've seen it more than once, I've also seen it bite others, but... to be honest, saving you doesn't really benefit me. And when you were just bitten, I was the one who promptly rescued you, and I didn't see any reward from the Ye family." Ye's mother's face darkened. She hadn't expected that the Chu Chen her son talked about would be such a person. "Chu Chen, what do you want?" Ye's mother went straight to the point, "Also, you are mistaken. Our Ye family has already prepared a thank-you fee of one hundred thousand yuan, sent to the Song family to thank you for saving my son." "Talking about money is too vulgar," lamented Chu Chen. "Our family one, still can't get over the original tripartite cooperation project with Song Ye..." Ye Shaohuang nodded, "We can continue to cooperate." "Young Master Ye really is a straightforward person," Chu Chen chuckled, "Dianju Building's dim sum is not bad, with that hundred thousand, I'll invite Young Master Ye for tea." The faces of the mother and son in the hospital room turned dark. Desperately seeking a cure, Chu Chen turned the conversation to the dim sum of Dianju Building. After rambling for a bit, Chu Chen brought the topic back, "Truthfully, I don't know how to treat that snake venom." Ye Shaohuang's expression sank, feeling toyed with by Chu Chen. Ye's mother was about to react as well. "However, I did personally see Song Qingpeng get bitten by that little black snake," Chu Chen continued, "Elder Song didn't send him to the hospital but took him straight home, and now... Song Qingpeng is alive and kicking again. Elder Song is remarkable!" "What?!" Both mother and son exclaimed in unison. Ye Shaohuang's complexion became utterly dark in an instant. Song Muyang could cure this snake venom? Yet, when he was bitten, Song Muyang was present at the scene.