
Food Wars: The Golden Hands

The Best chef on Earth, Known as the Golden Hands due to his unmatched skills in cooking and monstrous talent has died. After waking up he finds himself in the hands of young women. Knowing he had died, his only thought is that he had reincarnated. But the world he reincarnated in is the famous Food Wars anime where chefs are highly respected and praised. What will the Former Golden Hands chef do?? will he distance himself from cooking? or will he prove that he is the best in the field? Again.

Doragon · Anime & Comics
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247 Chs


The day has come and Alexander has officially put his feet on the Chines soil again. Alexander was in a bad mood, a terrible expression was on his face, the only thing that makes him feel good is that has able to fool his mother, thanks to Erina approving of the plan made by the other two schools, he had a great reason to come to China. But he must get this over quickly, things will not stay secret for long.

Alexander can keep his man in check, but if his family decided to ask around, none of his men would dare to lie.

"Do you think you will be fine alone here?" Alfie spoke as he stopped his car in front of the Chines Culinary academy "Gloutney", the academy was just like Totsuki in team of size, just from the giant iron gate that resembles old chines Kong-Fu movies you can see that this place has history, and a long one at that.

Alexander waved his head and rubbed his head "Don't worry, this place is unrelated to the fight, I will stay inside, I will stay in touch with you, report to me whatever happens, be it small or big."

"Ok, Vlad will also call you when he stations the men in a well-hidden spot." Alfie nodded and spoke.

Alexander opened the car door and got out "Good, Don't drop your guard, obviously, make your actions while assuming that the enemy has eyes on you, which they probably do."

"Ok, I will do so, If I caught someone I will call you too," Alfie confirmed while his eyes were scanning the people walking around with hawk-like eyes.

Alexander nodded and was about to close the door, but then he remembers one last thing "And one last thing, get Faker to cover our calls, don't wanna make our conversations leaked." He said before closing the doors.

Alfie quickly took off and do his work, while Alexander knocked on the giant iron gate. After a few moments, a small door was opened at the other said of the gate. All Alexander could say is "Typical..." as he walked to the open door.

Once he arrived, a security guard shows up in his face, but the strange thing about this guard is he was wearing chines martial arts clothes "Your name and purpose?" the guard said with both eyes closed.

"Saiba Alexander, an exchange student." Alexander reached for his bag and took out the paper that backs his claims, but the guard didn't take them.

"I was notified about you, walk the path behind me, once you reach the waterfall, walk right, and claim up the stairs, the headmaster office is there." The man spoke and then sidestepped for Alexander to proceed. Alexander looked beyond him and took a good look at the school interior design. If Totsuki was a modern masterpiece, then Gloutney is an old fashioned masterpiece, every building, every road, and every tree are designed after the old Chines ages, capturing the spirit of Kung-Fu.

Alexander walked where the guard showed him and soon he reached the headmaster's office, he entered and met a secretary who made him wait for a few minutes before he was allowed in.

Alexander entered and met the old man "Hello." he greeted him, the old man was looking at his newspaper and reading it with a concentrating expression.

Alexander didn't bother to speak further and just took a seat, the headmaster noticed this and frowned but never took his eyes off the paper "I did not give you permission to sit down." He said.

"Well...I already did, so..." Alexander shrugged his shoulder and relaxed a bit, it was something he needed.

"How rude, The Headmaster seems to give too much freedom to its students in Totsuki." The old man spoke.

Alexander chuckled 'Nah, I just sleep with the headmaster, so that is why I can act like this.' he thought in amusement. "Hurry up, old man. I have things to do." Alexander spoke.

The headmaster clicked his tongue, never was he disrespected like this before by a young boy, yet he still chuckled, he like this boy's guts 'I will enjoy watching you struggling here' he thought "Fine..." The headmaster took out a paper and handed it to Alexander "You will join Class 3-S, you will take the same courses and will live in our inside dorms, failure in attending classes will result in punishments, and you must be in your dorm by 7 PM. You break our rules, we will break your career."

Alexander took the paper and smiled "Break my career, ey? that seems like a fun thing..." Alexander gave his back and left the room, leaving the headmaster staring at his fading back.

'This kid is gonna be trouble, but...' The Headmaster touched his bald head and looked at Alexander's profile 'He is their strongest, we must get all information about him, so we can shut him down in the Final Red...or break him here."

Alexander walked through the relaxing paths of the schools as a small smile formed on his face for the first time since he got that message. Though he was still unaware of the schemes being made behind his back. Alexander once again returned the fighting arena, and this time he will be fighting on both sides.

Ch 238 is out

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