
Food Wars: The Golden Hands

The Best chef on Earth, Known as the Golden Hands due to his unmatched skills in cooking and monstrous talent has died. After waking up he finds himself in the hands of young women. Knowing he had died, his only thought is that he had reincarnated. But the world he reincarnated in is the famous Food Wars anime where chefs are highly respected and praised. What will the Former Golden Hands chef do?? will he distance himself from cooking? or will he prove that he is the best in the field? Again.

Doragon · Anime & Comics
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247 Chs

A Gang Of Bikers

Alex, Takumi, and Isami had succeeded in reviving the Red Cloud Restaurant's reputation in this Area. Customers are flooding in like never before. The Mayuri restaurant in this area was accused of cooking in an unhealthy environment, no one is willing to eat there. Meaning that all of their customers now belong to the Red Cloud Restaurant.

"Whew~That was intense!" Takumi sat in front of Alexander in his office with his brother. Their work is done and they're preparing to go back to school, it's been nearly three full days since they worked here.

"Both of you did a great job, especially you, Isami, You helped in the kitchen a lot." Alex expressed his thanks to his friends, he bowed to them out of respect. They were really in need of additional cooks to speed up their work.

"It's not a problem, but don't think this was for free." Said Takumi, he crossed his arm as he looked at Alex with intense eyes.

"Don't worry, I will pay, give me your bank account information and I will---" Before Alex could finish his words, he was cut by Takumi.

"You can keep that money, I don't need it..." He said, " What I want is the right to challenge you whenever I want." He said with determination making Alex look at him with a confusing face.

"Hahaha!!! "Alex burst out laughing, This boy is really interesting! He thought " Alright! why not?! Come at me whenever you feel it" Alex stood up from his chair and patted Takumi and Isami on their shoulders " Let's go back to Totsuki, The rest can be taken care off by the manager"

The trio went downstairs and passed by the customers and the staff who bowed and thanked the brothers for their work.

The motorcycles are still outside waiting for them, They wore their helmets and switched on the bikes to leave. Just as they were going to hit the gas, a loud shout comes from behind them.

"WAIT!!!" a black haired boy wearing glasses and a Totsuki's student uniform was running towards them.

"Who is that? do you know him?" Asked Takumi

"I don't know him" answered Alex, it was a lie, of course, he knows him. This boy is the manager of their rival restaurant that he had just destroyed yesterday. The boy arrived and was panting heavily. His clothes are missed up and his hair is in chaos.

He looked up at Alex with hateful eyes as he shouted: " HOW DARE YOU!!!" The trio was confused, a boy came out of nowhere and just started shouting at them.

"HOW DARE YOU DESTROY MY SHOP'S REPUTATION!!" he shouted again, tears are falling from his eyes. the last day was a living hell for him. Everything turned upside down because of one mistake.

"What are you talking about?" Alex asked in a monotone voice, he wasn't really interested in continuing this conversation " If you don't have anything to say, I am leaving" Alex tightened his grip on his bike and was going to leave.

"We are not done yet!!" the boy shouted " I am going to get back at you for this!! You're a Totsuki's student too, I will take everything from you!!" The boy shouted at Alex who was already far away with Takumi and Isami. They are heading to Totsuki.

After an hour or so, The three boy entered the school ground, it's been three days so they had missed a lot of things. They gave the Motorcycles to the security guard until they come back for them

Around there is a lot of students running around which caught their attention.

"Is there some kind of event or what??" Asked Isami

"Yes, it looks like something is happening!" Takumi looked around him and saw that all students are running toward one large building with excited faces

"Lets' go see what's happening then." Said Alex, the followed the crowd and entered the building. It was if a football match is about to take place. They entered and looked at the Arena.

"Oh! It's a Shokugeki!" Said Takumi, Now they know why everyone is running around, Shokugeki is one of the main principals of Totsuki's academy. Students can resolve any kind of conflict between each other through a Shokugeki.

Alex's eyes shot open from shock. It was his brother, Soma was presenting his dish and the audience clearly doesn't like him one bit. Alex's body was trembling!

That Idiot, we're still at the beginning of school and he already got himself in trouble, thought Alex, According to people around him. If Soma lost he will be expelled from Totsuki.

"YOU BETTER WIN!! SOMA!!" Alex shouted on top of his lungs " IF YOU LOST I AM BEATING THE SHIT OUT OF YOU!!!" his shouts attracted many people including his dorm mates who were watching the Shokugeki. Alice who was on the other side heard his ear piercing voice looked around and spotted him.

"Let's go Ryo! Alex-chan came back♪♪" She hopped around as she made her way to Alex's side with Ryo following her.

Soma who heard his brother shout looked up. He had just presented his Don dish.

"Ohoo!! Yo Aniki, watch as I win!!" Soma shouted cheerfully not even caring about his surrounding or about the judges eating his dish.

Many students looked between them with anger these were somehow hated by the school as they declared arrogantly that they will be on top.

One of the people who heard Alex shout was Erina who looked at him from her VIP place

'Alex-sama...' Erina stood up wanting to go greet him and even apologize to him about her rude behavior at the entrance ceremony. But as she saw Alice jumping on Alex's back she sat back again with a moment of sadness, but it was just a moment as she regained her arrogant and sharp look.

"Alex-chan♪ Where've you been? I missed you♪♪" Alice hugged Alex bag smashing her voluptuous boobs on his back making him shiver and his ears turn red.

"O...Oi!! Get off my back!!" Alex hit Alice on her head with a chop, but it didn't hurt as she just stuck out her tongue.

"But...Honestly, Your little brother is really interesting you know♪" Alice said as she stood between Alex and Takumi. Ryo and Isami are behind them greeting each other. Looks like Isami was telling him about what happened to them in the past 3 days.

"Just how did he get himself into a Shokugeki??" Asked Takumi, Alex too wanted to ask that so he looked at Alice who was here.

"Erina as always wanted to remove one particular RS called the Don RS, she thought that a 2nd rate dish is not needed in Totsuki, so she cut off their budget and forced them into a Shokugeki..."Alex and Takumi understood until now but the main question is...How is Soma related to this??

"Your little brother witnessed that Tan girl insulting the Don RS and he decided to take the Shokugeki on their behalf. If he lost, he gets expelled. If Nikumi girl lost, She joins the Don RS and their budget increase along with other things. Its really interesting♪♪" Alice started humming after finishing her explanation. Well, that what she heard after asking around a little.

"Oh, They will decide the winner!" Takumi informed Alex as he saw the judges going to press some button.

[The winner is Yukihira Soma!!!] The Host announced with a lovely and sweet voice giving Alexander a relief. He promised his father to help Soma a little. But if Soma got expelled how is he gonna do that?!!

Soma was on stage with the blond tan girl, he seems to be telling her something that got her eventually to cry. The match ended with the student left the arena as they were disappointed that Soma didn't get expelled.

Later after the match ended. Alex, Takumi, Megumi, Alice, Ryo, Isami and Don RS leader are outside surrounding Soma and Alex. The later hit his brother on the head.

"You Idiot!!! How can you be so clueless!! If you met someone stronger than that girl you would've been done for!!" Alex was still angry at Soma, he lectured him for some time before he let it go. Only if he promised not to get into a fight like that again.

"I am really thankful to Yukihira-kun for saving my RS, Please don't be harsh on him, Saiba-kun" The Don RS leader thanked Yukihira and bowed for him. His long hair that he fixed after Nikumi cut off fell down after he bowed. He panicked and quickly picked it up to fix it again.

The Others started laughing at how weird it was thinking how can he fix that part when it's already cut clean.

"More importantly! I will let it go this time..." Alex patted Soma's back " You di great, little brother!" The others followed Alex and congratulated Soma too. Soma and Megumi were happy as they laughed with them.

The group separated with Som and Megumi going back to the Polar Star Dorm and Alex and his group going to the North Star Dorm.

"You need to tell us everything in details, okay♪♪" Alice said excitedly, she really wished she was with Alex and Aladini's siblings in that 3 day period. They had so much fun there! Se thought.

"Wait until we reach home, Natasha-san will want to hear that too." Said Alex. The group of five people went to the security guard that they gave their motorcycles to.

Alice rode behind Alex, Ryo behind Takumi. They all speed up to their dorm.

On the way, Alice started playing as she shouted excitingly, This is her first time Riding a motorcycle, she was really enjoying her self.

"Oh!! Isn't that our mysterious Dormmate♪♪" Alice pointed in front of them where they could see Hayama Akira carrying some boxes with another short girl. they were crossing the road to another building.

"Mysterious Dormmate-Kun♪♪" Alice shouted and waved at Akira as the group stopped their bikes in front of Akira and the sort girl.

Akira looked at his Dormmates with a funny expression, to him they looked like a gang of bikers.

"Hayama-kun, who are these people??!!!" asked The short girl she had black hair made in a ponytail and wore glasses. She looked between Hayama and the gang with nervous and shaking eyes.

'D..Did Hayama-kun get in trouble with some gang??!!!' She thought


Chapter 15 is out on Patr eon

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