
Following Tradition:Book 1

Claudia has to be married in 1 year...she is currently single so her Father and her Grandmother step in..bringing forth 4 suitors who she has 3 months to get to know..and in those 3 months she has to choose the one she will spend the rest of her life with..the other 9 months are for planning the wedding and marrying the one. All 4 suitors lead completely different lives,want a different life with her and are completely different people..this tradition of bringing forth 4 suitors has been going on for generations and now its Claudia turn to make this life changing decision. 4 suitors..3 months to get to know them and choose...9 months to plan and get married...can it be done?

Amelie_Blood · LGBT+
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9 Chs

Chapter 6


I was laying by the pool in my black bikini, Titan was sleeping by Zeus by the tree near me.

I sighed and cracked my knuckles.

I closed my eyes and listened to the birds and the winds move the trees.

"My angel?" my Grandmother said softly.

I sat up and blinked, my Grandmother smiled down at me, she was wearing a red dress today, with red heels.

"I'm sorry to bother you my angel, Naomi is here"

I stood up, I saw a woman standing a few feet away looking around.

"Oh okay, thank you gran"

She nodded and left, the woman walked to me she was beautiful.

Wavy brown, blue eyes, porcelain skin...she looked way too good for her age.

She was in a blood red pants suit and a pair of black Louboutin's.

I smiled, "Its lovely to meet you finally" she said shaking my hand.

"Its lovely to meet you"

She gestured to the bench behind me, I sat down she sat down and looked at me.

"How are you?" she asked softly.

"Good and you?"

"I'm good thank you"

She moved closer and kissed my hand, "What have you been up too today?"

"I've been swimming and you?"

"I was just in a meeting before I got here"

I nodded and bit my lip,"I'm sorry if you rushed here"

She shook her head, "I did but you don't have to worry ,I needed to see you and I couldn't wait to see you..."

"...that sounds a bit odd doesn't it?"

I shook my head and kissed her cheek.

"No its really sweet, thank you"

Naomi pulled my legs over hers and kissed me softly, I moved closer and giggled softly.

"How was work?....or how is work.. because you have quite a few businesses"

She smiled and nodded, "Its a bit much.. its stress on a daily basis and a lot of paperwork"

I nodded and pouted.

"Anyway enough about that tell me about you"

"Well...I studied psychology I just graduated, but I choose to rather run the family business someday"

"Very ambitious.. I like that"

I smiled, "I like what you're wearing "she said.

I blushed "Thank you"

I looked down at my hands, she took my hands in hers and put them to her lips, she smiled.

"Tell me about yourself" I said softly.

"Well ..I was born in Germany, I left there when I was two and then moved to Greece where I stayed until I was about fifteen, my family then moved to the United Kingdom where I stayed until I was twenty. I then decided to move out on my own so I moved to America where I started my empire"

I nodded and smiled,"That's so cool"

She smiled and blushed slightly.

I kissed her cheek.

"Where do you see yourself in...five years?"

I frowned slightly and nodded.

"Running my family's company, happily married and living in Europe maybe"

She nodded and stroked my leg slowly,"Where do you see yourself in five years?" I giggled out.

"Married to you, and living in Europe"

I gawked at her and giggled.."You're really confident"

She nodded, shrugging slightly.

"I have to be if I intend to make sure all my companies thrive"

I nodded ,"I like it"

She smiled and pulled me completely onto her lap, I settled in comfortably and smiled down at her.

"What would you like to do today?" I asked softly.

"Whatever you want...I want you to be comfortable"

I bit my lip and looked down at my hands.

"No need to be nervous"

I nodded and smiled slightly, looking up at her.

"I'm   just...these past two months have been..a lot"

She nodded and sat back, "Why don't we sit here and relax?"

I looked at her and smiled,"Really? Is that okay?"

She nodded and kissed my nose.

"Of course its okay"

I smiled and hugged her close.

She wrapped me in her arms and kissed my shoulder softly.

It was so peaceful.. this is perfect.. this moment..

Until it was ruined by her phone, she pulled back and breathed deeply "I am so sorry honey"

She answered the phone, I got up and picked up my towel and pulled her up and walked with her into the house.

I sat her down in the living room and quickly ran upstairs and showered and changed into a black pair of jeans, a navy blue shirt and a black pair of Nikes.

I did my hair and walked downstairs again, Naomi was just ending the call, I waited for her, she stood up and turned to me.

"I need to head back to the office, theyve done something again"

I nodded and walked to her.

"You can come with if you'd like?"

I nodded and said goodbye to my Grandmother and then followed Naomi to her car.. a black Mercedes-Benz CLA 200.

She helped me in and then got behind the wheel and drove off.

Once we were in the city I looked at her, she looked pissed off.

She came to a stop in front of a huge glass skyscraper.

We got out, I followed her into the building and then to the elevator, people moved out of the way.

We got on the elevator, the doors closed she pressed the button for floor....105.

The elevator, started its way up.

I pulled her in for a hug, she pressed me against the wall and kissed me slowly ,I pulled her closer.

It seemed like the stress was slowly draining out of her.. when she pulled away I pulled her back and kissed her again slowly, she moaned softly and grabbed my hips. I sighed happily and snuggled against her. I pulled away slowly she licked her lips, a blush had worked its way onto our cheeks.

"You're so precious"

She pulled me forward and moved in behind me and wrapped her arms around me.

I rested against her, "If we weren't in this elevator right now..."she whispered kissing my neck slowly.

I smiled and nodded, the elevator dinged and opened to reveal the top floor.

I stepped out, Naomi followed and walked in front of me, she took a left, I followed wordlessly.

A hassled blonde woman walked to Naomi, she had files in her hands, she dropped one I picked it up and gave it to her.

She smiled gratefully and gave it to Naomi.

"The Russian branch is on the line ma'am"

Naomi nodded and walked down the hall to two huge wooden doors, she pushed them open and let me in first.

She followed and closed the doors.. her office was huge.

To my right were floor to ceiling book shelves packed with books.. that ran the whole length of the wall.

To my right were floor to ceiling book shelves these were filled with folders and files.

To the far end was floor to ceiling windows, in front of that was a huge mahogany desk, a huge leather chair behind that.. and on the desk: a mac-book set up, a few folders and a few pens. In front of the huge desk were, two leather seats.

Naomi walked to her desk and sat down.

She read threw the file and gestured for me to vaguely sit down, I sat down.

I waited and looked out the window.. I hate heights but its a very beautiful view.

I sat in her office for a while.. more like three hours.

Naomi phoned lots of people, read threw files and typed up emails.

When she was done she looked up at me,"I'm sorry love, Ive been so busy"

I nodded and smiled.

"Its okay, its not your fault"

She smiled and beckoned me closer, I walked around her desk and stopped by her she smiled and held my hips.

"I'm sorry our day together wasn't as you'd probably planned"

I shook my head and kissed her cheek, "It was perfect, I got to spend time with you"

She smiled and kissed my hands slow ly, I bit my lip and tried to control my breathing and my erratic heart rate.

"Well I guess I should be getting you back home"

I nodded and moved back she picked up her things and walked me out, we got into the elevator, she pressed me into the wall again and kissed me slowly. I moaned softly and wrapped my arms around her neck. "Maybe I shouldn't be taking you home...you should maybe come home with me" she whispered kissing my neck.

That sounded like such a good idea.

I knew it wasn't.

My Grandmother would kill me...not to mention what my Father would do.

She pulled me out of the elevator and to her car, she drove to her underground parking and pulled me into her lap. I squeaked and giggled, she kissed me again roughly and pulled me close. I unbuttoned her shirt, she smiled and pulled my shirt over my head.. "You can tell me when to stop okay? "she whispered, I nodded and kissed her again. She unbuttoned my pants.

I giggled and reached threw her shirt..my phone started ringing.

I squeaked and grabbed it.. I answered.

"My angel where are you?" My Grandmother asked.

Naomi looked at me and frowned.

"I'm almost home"

I hung up and looked at Naomi she pulled me closer and switched my phone off.." Do you want to go home?"

I shook my head.. "But I have to"

She nodded and kissed me again softly, I moved off her lap and fixed my jeans, and then pulled on my shirt.

Naomi fixed her clothes and started the car, she put it in gear and drove me home, when we arrived at my house Naomi parked in front of it and looked at me, "Did you have a good day at least?"

I nodded and watched as my Father and Grandmother waited by the door.

"I did and you?"

She nodded and held my hand.

"Of course, I wish we could have had another few moments...like earlier.. but I don't think your family would appreciate it"

I nodded and giggled.

"Ill see you soon"

I kissed her cheek, "See you soon"

She rubbed my arm, I got out the car.

I walked to my Grandmother, she hugged me.. we walked inside.

"Where have you been?"

I looked at my Father as he closed the door, the maid locked it and left.

My Grandmother walked to the living room, I followed her, my Father was behind me.

I sat down on the couch by my Grandmother she sipped on her wine and looked at my Father as he sat down and sipped his wine.

My Grandmother looked at me and smiled, "You must of had a very good day"

I nodded and looked down.. you are in so much trouble.

"Am I in trouble?"

I looked up at my Father who ,shook his head and burst out laughing.

My Grandmother turned my face to him, she smirked and raised her eyebrow slightly, "What?"

"Did.. um-...Did you.. have a good day?"

I frowned and then gasped slightly realizing what they were getting at.. "Nothing happened I promise"

I walked to my bedroom and locked the door behind me.