
Following Tradition:Book 1

Claudia has to be married in 1 year...she is currently single so her Father and her Grandmother step in..bringing forth 4 suitors who she has 3 months to get to know..and in those 3 months she has to choose the one she will spend the rest of her life with..the other 9 months are for planning the wedding and marrying the one. All 4 suitors lead completely different lives,want a different life with her and are completely different people..this tradition of bringing forth 4 suitors has been going on for generations and now its Claudia turn to make this life changing decision. 4 suitors..3 months to get to know them and choose...9 months to plan and get married...can it be done?

Amelie_Blood · LGBT+
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9 Chs

Chapter 5


2 weeks later...

Its been two weeks since I've seen Jenna and I'm supposed to see Lana soon.. I'm currently walking around the garden with Titan.

I breathed in the fresh air and smiled.

I looked towards the pool and saw a woman sitting by herself, I frowned and walked towards her, Titan found Zeus and ran off with him.

The woman turned to me...wow...

She smiled and stood up, she had brown flowing hair, green eyes...how is she 55?!

She had beautiful pale skin.

She had a teal blue dress on and black Prada heels.

"You must be Claudia"

I smiled and nodded, she shook my hand and sat me down, she sat by me and held my hand.

"You must be Lana"

She nodded, "Guilty as charged"

I giggled and smiled.

"You are so beautiful"

"You are beautiful"

I kissed her cheek she kissed my hand and stroked her thumb over my palm.

"You have a gorgeous Granddaughter, Esme"

I turned and saw my Grandmother walking to us, In navy pants-suit and matching heels.

My Grandmother smiled and nodded, putting her hand on my shoulder.

"Thank you Lana"

Lana looked at me again, I smiled and blushed, my Grandmother kissed my cheek, "Have fun"

She walked back towards the house, Lana kissed my hand and stroked my cheeks.

"Ready to go?"

I nodded, We walked around the house and to the front...to a pearl white McLaren.

Lana helped me in and got behind the wheel and drove away from the house.

"How about a day at the park?"

I nodded and looked down at my bare feet.. I froze" I don't have shoes on"

She nodded and shrugged, clearly not caring all that much.

"That's fine love"

We drove on for a while...when we stopped we were at a quiet, little park.

We got out the car and walked into the park.. I looked around as a few kids kicked around a ball, while their parents watched.

Lana lead me to a huge oak tree, she had a bottle of wine with her.

We sat down she pulled me against her.

She opened the wine and took a sip from the bottle, I smiled.

She offered me the bottle, I took a sip and put it down she kissed my cheek and stroked her hand down my arm slowly.

"Tell me about yourself"

She kissed my forehead, "What would you like to know?" she whispered.


Lana took another sip of wine and offered it to me, I drank and held the bottle.

"Well I'm a defense lawyer, I am very busy person, When I do have the time I love to read, or travel...I don't have much family in or around New York"

I nodded, "I do have a daughter..she's twenty"

I looked at her she laughed softly.

"Did I just scare you off?"

I shook my head and kissed her cheek softly.

"Why Law?"

She sipped the wine and looked out at the park.

"I wanted to help people...I thought of doing medicine.. But I didn't have the stomach for it.."

"..I knew that I wanted to help people, so I knew that Law would help me achieve my dream.. and making criminals squirm and putting them away for a few years or for life...helps my client and society"

I smiled snuggling closer.

"You are such a badass"

She smiled and kissed my cheeks softly.

"So you've obviously been married before?"

She nodded, "Yes my first marriage..my ex-husband moved off to New Zealand...he cheated on me and ran off with a sixteen year old, leaving myself and our sixteen year old alone"

I was in shock, I felt so angry for her and her daughter.

That just isn't fair..

She kissed my hand and took the wine bottle and sipped it.

I kissed her cheek and rested my head against her.

"So Mrs. Psychologist what can you tell me about yourself?"

I giggled.

"Well I studied psychology but I am going to take over the family business rather, I love walking around aimlessly...I have a dog named Titan...I love reading..."

"....and uh..."

"You love older woman"

I looked at her she smiled and winked, "Well....yes"

"You like younger woman"

She shook her head.. "No I only like, and want you"

I smiled and hugged her, I bumped the wine over and spilt it all over my grey dress.. "Oh crap! I am so sorry"

"Its okay honey, its a bottle of wine"

I smiled and bit my lip.

God this is so embarrassing.

Lana helped me up and smiled, "You look and smell delicious, thats a lovey vintage"

I giggled she pulled me close and pressed me against the tree, I giggled again she kissed me slowly, I moaned softly and wrapped my arms around her neck pulling her closer. Her arms went around my waist and pinned me against the tree...I ran my hand down her back slowly, she shivered and moaned softly pulling me closer. Her hand went to my thigh, she ran it up my thigh, I moaned and sighed into her mouth.

She pulled back slowly and smiled.

"If I could I would" she whispered.

I smiled and bit my lip, she moaned and smiled.

"Excuse me?"

Lana turned around letting me go, I fixed my dress.

One of the kids parents was standing there, he was non-descript.

Brown hair, brown eyes,built, tall...etc.

"Can I help you?" Lana asked him, sounding extremely annoyed.

"Yes, could you people stop doing that...its not appropriate and our kids don't need to see that"

Lana held my hand.

"Its not a crime, you don't have to look, and neither do your kids.. but If you would like me to educate you on ACTUAL crimes feel free to come by my Law Firm"

The guy looked taken aback..."I-...uh.."

Lana walked around him, we walked past his his kids and friends..one of them had a comment.

"Disgusting pigs"

I stopped and looked at the woman "No one asked for your opinion, keep it to yourself"

I pulled Lana along, she drove me home,"I'm sorry our moment was spoilt earlier"

I smiled and kissed her slowly, she moaned and smiled.

I pulled away, "It wasn't your fault.. I had an awesome day"

"So did I"

I smiled and got out the car, "Ill see you soon"

She blew me a kiss and left.

I watched her go.. I smiled and walked back inside.

My Grandmother and Father were in the living room, I sat down by them, my Father smiled.. I rested against the couch and closed my eyes.Soon I drifted off to sleep listening to my Grandmother talk about the new family drama.