
And that has made all the difference....

Then next morning when I woke up, the young man's voice kept echoing in my mind . I had less time to make a decision. Out of stress , I kept avoiding calls from both of the companies but they weren't gonna wait for me forever. I had to give them an answer.

Finally , I came up to a conclusion and decided to trust myself and I found that I'd done the right choice. I love my job and I've become the chief editor for the virtue magazines and newspapers.

Few days back, I was looking for an old file in my house and I found an old , black and white photograph , which further made all the difference in my life.

In that photograph , I was astonished to see the young man whom I've been seeing in my dreams , who helped me in making my decisions . I took my phone and called my elder brother to meet outside. On asking him about the young man , he replied '' didn't you recognize him? Its dad! ''