
An advice from an unusual source!?

While I was sleeping, I had a weird dream. I saw a young man of around my age , resembling quiet my looks but he wasn't me. In my dream, I talked to him about my problem for making a decision and he asked me to manage the timings and attend both of the meetings.

The day when those two meetings were scheduled, came and I decided to accept the advice given by the young man in my dream. After attending them , I was even more confused , cause the virtue magazine offered me the position as a permanent editor but the salary's scale would depend on the success of the magazine , so it had a risk of failing and then me ending up jobless again. I - tech commercial offered me a high scale but they would make me permanent only after five years , so I could end up jobless again. I didn't knew what to do . I was clueless and confused again . I didn't realize when I fell asleep that night and while I was asleep I saw that young man again in my dream.

I told him about this confusion and he said '' If you love doing something , you'll give your best potential for completing it perfectly but it is true that no human being can attain utter perfection but since you love doing it , you'll try being perfect at it next time and this cycle will go on and automatically you'll start gaining excellence and then success will come right behind you . And I'm sure that you shouldn't have a problem deciding what you love to do . Try trusting yourself a little more.'' Then he disappeared and I woke up.