

When the world turns its back on people who depend on it, when the entire earth comes crumbling on their feet. Do they sit back and face their fate or do they take actions which defies their being. Find out in this Interesting novel(revenge my alma mater) A pleasure to many A job to plenty A keeper to some When the world seems far away It gives us a way not to go astray It gives us a reason to think of day But the calamity in your household Makes many to withhold Their joy and peace Found in the place Flytopia

Ena_Nora · Urban
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7 Chs

7. OMG

The next morning was a bright one as Fred and Hailey went about their duties well before a lady came in front of them

"Hi, I'm Ivy" the lady in front of them introduced herself

"I'm Hailey and this is my friend, Fred" Hailey said amazed. This was the first girl he saw who looked and sounded friendly, the rest were all rude

"What can we do for you?" Fred asked

"My friend and I are new interns here and we are kinda lost, we can't find our room" Ivy said in a rush

"What's your friend's name?" Hailey asked happily.Fred sighed, he knew this friend of his was flirting, he didn't want to help

"Her name's Shanya" What Ivy said made Fred to remember his childhood friend. The last time he recalled talking to her was at his parents' funeral

"There she is" Ivy pointed to where, Shanya was, admiring the place. She had no resemblance to the Shanya Fred knew, with her glasses and dyed pink hair but 'maybe that's because she's all grown up' Fred thought

"Give me your card, we will show you to your room" Hailey said

"Here, I will go call Shanya" Ivy was very happy. They have been looking for their room for a while. Hailey was more than happy when he found out the girls' room was just opposite theirs

Fred on the other hand was busy thinking about midnight that he didn't even notice that he had reached his room

"uhmm thanks.." Shanya said extending a hand at Fred which Hailey immediately caught

"Hailey and he is Fred" Hailey whispered

"oh" was all Shanya said. She wondered if he was Freddy Cooper. Just when she was about to ask Ivy dragged her into their room after saying thank you.

"What are you thinking about?" Hailey asked which jolted Fred from his thoughts. They were in their room with Hailey exercising and Fred laying down on the bed

"You've been off the whole day?"

"uh what?"

"Don't tell me you are thinking if that Shanya is your friend Shanya" Hailey said teasingly

"I'm not sure she is, and I was not thinking about that" Fred said calmly

"Well that's true, cause I don't see any resemblances" Hailey said pinching his chin

"have u ever seen her?" Fred asked annoyed. Before Hailey could backfire, Fred continued

"Let's just sleep" Fred said back facing Hailey. Knowing Fred would not talk, Hailey decided to take a shower and go to bed. It was 8:30pm

The sound of the alarm woke Hailey and Fred from their Dreamland

"Is it morning already?" Hailey asked as he stretched his arms while Freddy just sighed

"When will you get used to this?" Fred said wearing his trousers and t-shirt

"Shit! but it's still 11pm" Hailey said tying a towel around his waist

"Yup, but we don't want to be late now, do we?" Fred said gulping down water and his mouth opened in shock when he saw the half asleep Hailey going to the door of the room

"And where are you..." Before Fred could finish his words, Hailey had already opened the door- That was the scene Ivy saw as she opened her room door too

Shanya and Ivy woke up at 10pm to prepare for their lessons. After Ivy was done getting ready, she decided to open the door and look for the Pillars'Lounge but was received by a Half naked Hailey

"Aaaahhh" she hurriedly shut the door, screaming. that scream of hers bought Hailey back to his senses and he immediately went back in while Fred just laughed

"What happened Ivy?" Shanya asked, she was tying her hair in a messy bun

"Just saw Hailey half naked, aahhh" Ivy said slapping her cheeks which made Shanya to laugh

"oh come on, let's go else we will be late" As the duo came out, so too did Hailey and Fred

"Hi Fred" Shanya greeted

"and of course, Hailey" she continued

Ivy just looked at Fred and avoided eye contact with Hailey

"Why are you guys out at 11:47pm?" Hailey asked

"We have lessons" Shanya answered

"same here" Hailey said amused, so they were the new interns the captain was talking about.' Cool' Hailey thought

"Shall we go?" Ivy asked when she noticed the four of them were still at their room doors

The four walked through the corridors and arrived at the Pillars' Lounge

"Here, we go Shanny" Ivy said looking excited and holding Shanyas hand

The door opened revealing just the gaming sections and the planes

'looks like somethings have been removed' Fred thought

"I guess we are early" Hailey said when he never saw Ninda

"Your guess was wrong" The echoing of Nindas' cold voice made Ivy and Shanya to shudder

"Ah shit" Hailey cursed under his breath

"Hello, ma'am Ninda" Shanya and Ivy chorused

"Hmm, don't call me Ma'am, Captain will do" Ninda said in a low voice

"ok ma.... sorry Captain"

"Good, now time for some fun stuff" Ninda said with a little smile

'really? is that her trying to sound funny' Hailey thought making a smug face

Ninda looked at them before adding

"Being a pilot, flight attendant or scientist here at Flytopia ain't easy, you need focus, speed and energy cause we are in new world and new technology " As Ninda spoke, more light shone on the room, revealing more planes of different designs and sizes and one still to be unwrapped. A 'woaw' escaped the lips of Ivy, Shanya and Hailey while Fred just kept looking at the unravelled plane

"During my three years of blackout from the world, I discovered a new technology called Saphrites and that is what has been installed in each and everyone of these planes" Ninda said with high shoulders

"Then why hide it from the world?" Fred asked which caused everyone to draw their attention from Ninda to him

"Cause in this new world, everyone wants to have the best of planes and if "They" found out about Saphrites, they might want to steal it and make their planes superior" Ninda placed pressure on 'they'

"Who is they?" It was Shanyas' turn to ask

"In theory on what I researched and think, A war is coming " Ninda said which made everyone to look at her to continue

"A war between humans and machines"

"but the last war which occured like that was in the 15th century" Hailey said arching his brows

"And how do you know about another war?" He added

"I sensed it, when Jeffersons' plane crashed, I found out the plane had no engine, meaning someone must have removed it. I also discovered that for the past 10 years, lots of our planes which have crashed had no engine" she said with sad eyes

" then I went over to my research team and they said the engines were being transported to Portsmouth where they were manufacturing the machines, that's all the information I could get" None of the four people in the room imagined that this was the route their training would take

"so what's our role?" Ivy asked

"I need you to find out more about the war, who is the leader, why he is doing it, where and how we can stop it"

"Why us?" Shanya asked

"Still figuring it out myself" Ninda said with all honesty. She really had no idea why she trusted a bunch of teenagers with something as big as this,

'I mean it concerns the whole world' she thought. But still, she trusted them

"Don't worry, you have Saphrites" Ninda added pointing to a switch

"She will help you out" without waiting for their response, Ninda left, leaving the four of them confused

"What the heck was that all about?" Hailey exclaimed

"No idea" Ivy replied wide-eyed

"Whats up with this switch?" Hailey asked again. Fred moved over to the switch and pressed, a monogram appeared

"Hi" everyone was taken aback by the voice

"Hello" Fred spoke

"Am Saphrite, I suppose Captain must have briefed you already"

"Yes, but is there more we need to know?"

"Not much, I am a limited program you see, I know just what the Captain has installed in me, I'm sorry, I can't help you" with that Saphrite went off

"So much for being helpful" Hailey sighed

"Now, what do you we do?" Hailey asked taking a chair

"I say we take a nap and search when it's dawn" Shanya said

The four of them left for their rooms

Woaw, sorry for the late update

I know, this wasn't explained much but like I said, it's a short story nothing much to it

Thank you

Ena_Noracreators' thoughts