
Fly With The Wind

Aella, an Outstanding Student when it comes to Academics and is always active in Extra Curricular Activities except She does not like Sports. She always thought that "Sports is a Joke. It is fun, but once you get injured, Your Sports Career is Over." Kei, an Outstanding Student and second to Aella when it comes to Academics, but He loves sports, with a motto "Sports before Girls". Regardless of the learning aspect, a playful destiny will tie them together.

precious4chim · Teen
Not enough ratings
23 Chs



"What do you guys want?" Aella asked. Bunch of guys showed up in her classroom, to be specific - it was the boys volleyball team. Akari and the others are smiling at her, and that sent creeps in her mind. "Go away."

"Don't be so cold, Aella-chan! We just want to eat lunch with you." Ouji answered referring to her question that she asked. She looked at the boys, confusingly. "C'mon, eating with us won't be bad!"

"That's right Aella-san." Kenji added to persuade her more. She looked away from the boys, and looked at her classmates. Some are awkwardly smiling at her, some are giving her a confused look, and some are glaring at her.

"Kasugano-san?" As soon as she heard the voice, she stood up and searched where the voice came from. She looked around, and spotted the president at the door looking at the large group of boys at her seat. "Wow, you already made friends."

"P-President!" The third years, and some of the second and first years are slightly in the heaven, for they saw an angel. President Machida smiled at them, making the boys more melted.

"Going back to the business, would you like to eat with me? Lunch at the cafeteria?" She asked sweetly. Of course, Aella can't decline that honest and sweet offer. She nodded quickly and walked towards beside the president. The boys looked devastated, as they saw how Aella chose the president than them. "Well, you boys can join us - if you want." The president winked at them, before clinging on Aella's arms.

Aella seemed a little bit bothered on how the president, cling on her but she can't react as the she saved her butt out of those guys.

As they walk towards the cafeteria, they manage to snatch the attention of everyone whose walking with them, or at the opposite direction.

Who wouldn't look at their direction? - Two Goddess are walking in the middle of the hallway. The first one has the pale long blonde hair, tied as a half bun and a baby blue ribbon on top. With her baby blue eyes, described as you can see the sea and a very calm universe. She is described as the Gentle Princess for she is Kind, Considerate, Diligent, Intelligent and Loving. She greets everyone with Compassion and Love. - The other one has a long wavy rose gold hair, half braided, with a diamond rose shaped hair pin. With her very white complexion, the very unique purple amethyst eyes, described as you can see your whole persona as its clear as the galaxy. She's described as the Snow Princess or Ms. Perfect for she doesn't reflect any emotions, she has this consistent stoic facial expression. She is disciplined and a consistent A+ student, and a very Mysterious person in the school.

Behind them was the notable, boys volleyball team. Leading them was Akira, followed by the fellow third years, second years and first years. The third years, gave out a aura that they're the leaders and the princes of the team, because most of them are honestly good looking. But the second years, gave out more natural prince aura, because the team had the most handsome young man, Kei with Kenji and Hiroshi. The third years, gave out a very nice and friendly aura, because they greet and smile around everyone they passed by.


At the cafeteria, they did manage to capture everyone's attention. The Gentle Princess and Ms. Perfect, went straight to the line to get their food. They were serving a mix of Korean and Japanese meals today, and they had the Academy's Famous, Strawberry Tart served as the lunch's dessert.

As they looked around to find their seat, they chose the seat where the volleyball team can eat with them.

"Its rare to see the president and the student representative to eat together."

"Well, it's a wonderful sight. Both the Academy's pride."

"The Gentle Princess, and the Snow Princess, together."

"Its a lucky day! Today!"

"Let's wish that we can see them again, tomorrow - together."

Aella looked at the president smiling at everyone and giving out small but nice talks. She can smile at them, without having any reasons why she has to that.

As they reach the seats, boys followed. President Machida, sat infront of Aella; Machida sat at the right side while Aella sat at the left side. Beside Machida, was Akira, Ouji, Hayata and the other third years and second years. Beside Aella was Kei, Kenji, Hiroshi, Shou and the rest of the first and second years.

Aella used her right hand to eat her meal, which made Kenji and the others notice it. Kei kept his mouth shut, slowly noticing and understanding the attitude his seatmate is giving.

"Aella-san," She stopped eating, and looked at Kenji who called her. "Aren't you left handed?" Aella stiffened a little about the topic, about her - being left handed.

"Is that true?" Ouji asked. Aella looked at Ouji, who looked really interested about the topic Kenji opened.

"N-No. I'm actually right handed but I try to explore things, thats why." She bluntly and simply said as a reply to Kenimji and Ouji's questions.

"You're exploring archery using your left hand?" Kei asked, sarcastically. Aella looked at him with her stoic expression.

"There's nothing wrong as long as you can gain skill." She said as she ate her meal.

The president smiled after hearing the small conversations her underclassmen had. It is sure that Aella's attitude is a problem to her, but after seeing this, it made her feel that Aella's in good hands and she's at ease.

"Aella-san, be our manager in the boys volleyball team." Aella looked at the voice where it came from, and she just stared at the president.

"M-Machida-senpai," Aella couldn't mutter a word. As well as the boy's volleyball, they stared at her.

"It's a favor. You can decide after being a trial manager. For a week." Aella stared at her baby blue eyes, and its clear as the calm seas and clear blue skies. Aella sighed and nodded.

"If that's what you wanted." The president and captain smiled, the others couldn't contain their happiness, even Hiroshi and Kenji. But Kei stared at her, not knowing the reaction he's going to show.


After their lunch, Machida walked Aella to her room. When they arrived, the president even waved and smiled at her, before going ahead to her classroom.

Aella walked to her seat and stared at the blue skies, warm sun, moving leaves as the wind rushed through them.

She sighed and waited for their teacher to arrive. It didn't take that long for their teacher to arrive and guess what? She was bored of their class since they repeated their lesson because some of her classmates didn't understand their previous lesson.

It was okay for her, because she can do what she wants since she already understood their lesson the very first time their teacher taught it.

After their class, they had to change rooms for their music class. She was the last to leave the room since she doesn't want to mingle with her classmates.

As she exit her room, Kei was already in front of their room. It looks like, he was expecting Aella to leave their room last.

Aella lowered her head to say 'hello' and Kei did the same. Kei stared at her like she was a guilty criminal, acting innocent.

"What can I help you?" Aella asked.

"Why did you agree on manager's favor, but declined when we asked you?" He asked. Aella furrowed her eyebrows on the question he asked.

'Isn't the answer obvious already?' Her taught popped.

"Well, it's a favor from the student council president, plus when you all asked me - it's like I don't have any choice to accept. While, when she asked me a favor, she granted me to be a trial manager within the week." She replied.

"You can talk this long." He smirked on her. Aella just gave him her stoic expression not minding what he just said.

"I'll go ahead then, excuse me." She lowered again her head, and walked elegantly towards their music room.


"Okay, I assigned you last time individually to practice singing with an instrument. Did everyone do it?" The music teacher asked, mostly everyone shook their head, except Aella. She already knows how to play music, using piano, guitar, and violin. "Well then, except Kasugano-san, can you please try it here in front."

"There it is, Ms. Perfect."

"She's really outstanding."

"No wonder, the student council president favors her."

"The boys volleyball team, also is trying to be close with her."

"Well, she still has flaws. She hates sports, don't she?"

Aella bit her lips. She didn't want any of the attention, but it's not her fault that her classmates didn't do their duty as a student.

She stood up, and picked an instrument. She picked guitar, and positioned herself. She sat on the chair in front, and held the guitar. She used her right hands to strummed the strings of the guitar.

Her eyes are closed, as she sing the part of the song she composed. It's not yet ready to be heard, but here she is now ... singing the song that filled her hopes and dreams that she knows she won't be able to grasp it any longer.

"A faint scene floats across, within the slumbering starlight

Laying between the gaps in my memories, I gently embrace it

At the end of one day, by the next,

I've come to like myself even more

I'll keep on cheering right beside myself as I move toward the future

Chasing after that radiance,

I want to run like myself today

Casual yet powerful, steadily moving step by step, that becomes my courage

So we can meet in the tomorrow of my dreams, I'll wake with a smile."

When she opened her eyes, all her classmates' gaze are locked on her. She looked at her teacher, and even their teacher was speechless. She also noticed some of the students passing by stopped walking just to listen to her.

"T-That's all." She stood up and did bow in front of her classmates. They slowly clapped their hands, some wiped their tears and others were just astonished.

She walked to her assigned seat, and sat down. She was also moved by their reaction, but she remained her stoic facial expression. She's happy.


After their class, everyone was still talking about her but no one dared to talk to her.

It was time to go to the gymnasium. She didn't bother changing her uniform to a PE attire, since she's only stopping by.

When she arrived, almost all of the members are already there. Even the coach was there, lecturing them. But when the boys noticed her by the door, looking at them - they stopped what they're doing, which made their coach notice it and switch its gaze to Aella.

"Aren't you the manager? Why are you wearing uniform?" She lowered her head, to give respect to the coach.

"Good afternoon, Coach Takahashi. I'm Kasugano Aella, not yet official manager. I'm just passing by to check the boys." She answered with her stoic expression and monotonic voice.

Their coach furrowed its eyebrows and walked towards her. He even stared at her, before giving her instructions on following her in his office.

"Have a seat," the coach instructed her, which she obligated. "You're face is familiar. Are you a relative of Kisaragi?"

Her eyes widen. She didn't know what to respond. She lowered her head and nodded slowly. The coach heaved a heavy sigh.

"Be professional. I won't tell." She bit her lips, suppressing her emotions that someone knows her on who she really was. She looked at him, with her stoic expression again, successfully hid her emotions, then nodded. "I trust you. I won't force you to be their manager, it'll only be a torture, but I'm here to talk to your concerns."


As they exit the office, all eyes are on them. She gave them a cold look which made the boys shiver. The boys run back to the center of the court, and acted good boys.

"Kasugano Aella. I'll be your trial manager, within the week. It's nice to meet you." She payed respects to the members of the team. They once introduced themselves.


The coach instructed her to change her clothes for now with a comfortable clothes. She went home, and changed into a oversize black t-shirt, and black jersey shorts with a black rubber shoes so she'll be comfortable. She also tied her hair with a messy bun. Aella took with her a small bag, in that bag is her phone, small notebook, and colored pens to gather information.

She then arrived there, and the boys are resting. She consulted one by one, from the first years, to second years and third years. Their statistics, like their power in spiking and service jumping height, stamina, game sense which is needed when it comes to thinking fast, technique and speed.

As she list down, Kei walks towards her. He has a ball with him. She looked at him confused but still, talked to him.

"What's the matter?" She asked.

"Can you do a serve?" He asked back. She stiffened, but didn't know what urged her to get the ball from him, and walked to the service area of the court. "I wanted to know if you deserve to be our manager, at least to some service for us."

"I'm just a manager." She answered.

"There's nothing wrong about it. Just a serve." She sighed as a sign of defeat. She really wanted it but at the same time, she doesn't like it.

Their Libero went to the other side of the court. She positioned herself, to do a serve. A jump serve.

She threw the ball very high, and took a six step forward before the service line, she crouched a little to jump and when the ball approached, it looked like ball stopped in front of her right hand and she swung to hit the ball. It did reach the other side of the court, and it was a service ace. The Libero wasn't able to react that much as it was their first time seeing her like that.

"Damn, she did a service ace better than me." Hiroshi said.

"She did a jump serve better than Kei." Akira commented.

"She's good in sports? Isn't she?" Hayata asked.

"And she hated it. What the hell." Kenji said out of nowhere. That made everyone laugh slightly but they were still amazed.

"I said a service." Kei snorted at her.

"I did." She answered innocently.

"That wasn't a service." He replied.

"What do you call the thing I did then?" She asked sarcastically.

"That was literally a spike! Also, where did you learn to do a jump serve? Its a service that'll take years to master." Kei answered back. Aella bit her tongue. It wasn't her intention to do a jump serve, but it made her do it, because she longed for it.

"I just know how. Did I satisfy you?" He blushed on her question. Even the others stiffened on her question, but she seemed to be dense about things, not knowing that it sounded wrong to the boys. "Making me do a jump serve, I'm just a trial manager."

And their practice continued. She listed who needs to improve in service, blocking, receiving and spiking. Those who needed to eat properly to have better stamina. And practice rotation in making the teams stronger.



Practice ended a little while ago, and Aella already left after gathering their statistics. He was still amazed on how she made a flawless and compelling jump serve. He was called as an ace of the team, but he wasn't be able to do a serve like that.

'She is indeed a mysterious woman," He thought to himself.

Even others are still quiet and amazed on how their trial manager was able to do a service that can be considered a professional.

"If you can do a service like that, we can all reach the Nationals." Coach Takahashi said. He came out of nowhere but he is right. If most of us can do a service like that, we can be an outstanding team.

"Do you know her coach?" Akira-senpai asked coach. Coach looked at us, before turning his back on us.

"Make sure you'll cool off properly. Don't forget to lock the gym. Goodnight."

It was obvious that coach knows her. It probably wasn't their place to ask her but maybe there is a reason behind why she hated it and she's good at it at the same time.


"Dinner, Dinner, Olé!

What, you say? I'm starving!

Keep on making us hungry!"

The boys singing in unison. They are all hungry as coach and Akira was strict earlier. Insert Aella, constantly reminding them about their structures and proper poise in doing their practice match against each other. It didn't bother at first, but maybe she's considered a demon manager.

When they arrived at the dining hall, their eyes were already locked to two young ladies eating and having a small conversation. It was the pale Blondie president and the rose gold trial manager.

"Boys!" The president waved at them. Some of Kei's teammate waved at the president. Aella looked at them, and nodded to acknowledge their presence. She didn't smile or what, but she's still very beautiful to look at. "How's today's training?"

"It was hell. Having a strict coach and a professional manager, was sure hell." Akira said while slightly laughing. The president laughed on the words that Akira muttered.

"Well, my princess over hear sure is still looking fresh like she didn't manage such rascals." She teased a little but it was sure a statement that the boys are hard to handle. "Are you sure you can handle them?"

"We'll see." That was the only response Aella said throughout the dinner. The boys didn't know what to do, because the just saw her do a jump serve and it was hell an outstanding service.

The boys started eating, while president Machida and Aella were talking about some stuffs in student council. Aella sure was wearing the same clothes, but it sure made her stand out because of her white complexion, rose gold hair and purple eyes.

Kei felt a knott in his stomach, that made him feel full in eating his dinner. Like he was already satisfied looking at Aella. He was getting restless again and he can't seem to relax.

"Aella-chan!" Aella shifted her gaze to Ouji who called her. "Are you a volleyball player?"

She stiffened a little on the question that Ouji-senpai asked her, but it was not that obvious - or Kei was the only one to notice it.

"I'm not a volleyball player." She simply answered.

"Then how come you can do a service like that?" Hayata-senpai asked next.

"I saw some of my relatives play like that, and I was able to adopt it even if I don't do sports." She answered simply again.

We are all not convinced on her answer but we kept quiet.

"Just do your best, demon manager." Kei said, which made her look at Kei. She nodded, and saw a glimpse of smile and continued having a small conversation with the president.

"Keep up your good work. I'll insert more proper exercise, as a team and individually so that you won't rely on each other." She answered. She's not looking at them, but the group felt a sincere encouragement from her.

"I thought you hated sports." Akira pointed out. Aella looked at him and nodded. "Then, why are you doing this?"

"I was asked to." She simply answered. Akira slowly nodded and ate his dinner, and the rest did likewise.


The next day, Kei woke up earlier for a jog around their school's area. It was 6 in the morning when he started jogging and around 6:30, he went back to his dorm.

He took a shower and wore a regular t-shirt and basketball shorts for their morning practice. He can always wash himself up before going to class since he lives in the dorm that the school has provided.

While he was walking, he noticed a faint music from the gym where they practice most of the time. He arrived at the gym, and they saw their trial manager, polishing the floor, the balls are already prepared and its already neat. The net is also already.

He observed their manager while preparing all the necessary things that they will need. The way she prepared their water jogs, their towels are properly folded.

It was 6:47 in the morning when Aella finished preparing all the necessary things and she noticed that no one else has arrived. She went to the bench to check something then walked to get a ball. She did tossing up the to the sky, then receiving it so she can control the ball.

Little by little, the team slowly gathered at the entrance of the gym, but Kei didn't let them enter since they were observing their trial manager.

She was very serene. Kei stared at Aella's facial expression, but it didn't change. It was still stoic, but her eyes showed longing. It was like, she was longing for the volleyball for so long.

"Maybe, she never hated sports." Akira whispered.

"I was also thinking of that." Ouji added. Most of the boys nodded on their senpai. They looked back when they heard spiking. They peeked a little and they saw her, doing spikes against the wall.

"What're you doing?! Hiding behind the entrance, do you have plans to do your morning practice?!"

"C-Coach?! G-Good Morning!" The boys said in unison. The coach looked at the entrance checking the reason why were they hiding behind the door.

"Coach, Good Morning." Aella greeted in monotonic voice. The coach nodded and gestured his hands to the boys to follow him. And the boys obligated.

"Why were you hiding behind the door?" Coach ask immediately soon as he sat at the bench area.

"Kei said we should observe our manager." Akira answered. They all looked at Kei, including Aella but she didn't gave him a weird look.

"And why is that?" Coach Takahashi asked.

"She was so serene, so I thought maybe barging it might cause her trouble." He answered. Aella looked at him confusingly.

"The only thing that would cause me trouble if all of you won't listen to coach and to me." She answered.

Most of the boys looked away having the same thought, 'She's only stating the truth but it sounds really sarcastic.' They all sighed in unison and nodded.

"It's already 6:55, I'll let you do your warm–ups. By 7:05, we'll start new drills to improve you service, passing, tossing and receiving. We'll also add diving drills lap, whenever you lose a set in all your practice matches against other school or alumni." She looked at her notes, and the boys looked horrible as they listen to her. "That's all. Start now!" She  blew the whistle as a sign for the boys to do their individual warm ups.

And while they are at it, she walked away to the laundry room of their gym to check the practice uniforms of the players.

"She's a demon manager." A first year said. Most of them laughed but the third years remained silent.

"She's really a pro when it comes to this." Kenji whispered.

"Do you really think she hated sports?" Hiroshi asked out of nowhere. The others also heard it, which made them silent.

"I don't think so," Ouji answered to Hiroshi's question. "Because if she really hates sports, she won't waste her energy changing our drills and clean the gym. That's what I noticed."

"Instead of gossiping about me, how about run 5 times, inside and outside the gym?" They heard a monotonic voice, and when they looked up it was Aella.

They all groaned on Aella's suggestion but they did the jogging. They were all complaining about her strictness, but they didn't know that their manager smiled genuinely. It was the first.


Song used -» Etude of Radiance©

Prototype version. It's a japanese song, but I used the english translation.