
Fly With The Wind

Aella, an Outstanding Student when it comes to Academics and is always active in Extra Curricular Activities except She does not like Sports. She always thought that "Sports is a Joke. It is fun, but once you get injured, Your Sports Career is Over." Kei, an Outstanding Student and second to Aella when it comes to Academics, but He loves sports, with a motto "Sports before Girls". Regardless of the learning aspect, a playful destiny will tie them together.

precious4chim · Teen
Not enough ratings
23 Chs



Saturday. They have the whole day to practice, and their coach scheduled them yo have a practice match against the other school.

He looked at his calendar, and it's the third day Aella as their trial manager. For him, to be honest, having manager was really easy for them. They have water to drink whenever they have to rest, instead of them arguing in the water fountain. Their towels are already prepared individually, instead of arguing which is which when it comes to their towels. When they arrive everything is already ready.

Though, they always observe Aella when she's alone. She's always doing a powerful jump serve, a perfect receive and also a powerful spike. Whenever they ask about her background, she's always diverting from the conversation.

With her, even though they rarely see Aella interact with them, they can feel the care and a motherly character to the team. She may seem a demon manager, but she often say that it's for the teams improvement.

As Kei exited his dorm, he went downstairs with his duffel bag, making his way to the gym. He saw others also walking their way there, but he remained his pace as he will arrive there on time.

They entered the gym, and as expected it was very neat. The balls are already clean and in place, the net is already ready as well as the scoring board.

Aella was seating on the bench, eating a sandwich and her eyes are on her tablet. She seemed to be distracted, and she didn't even notice as the boys arrive.

They didn't complain on the silence of their manager, since everything was already in place. They started warming up and did their jogging around the gym for five times. - After completing the jogging they did their service practice, which is a hundred service. It was tiring but they know they shouldn't complain since it was for them to improve.

"Five minutes break!" They heard Aella's voice on the bench, as she's holding their water jogs. They jog going to her place as she individually handed their drinks. "I also prepared lemons with honey, so you all will be refreshed." She gave a Tupperware with a neatly sliced lemons and it was perfectly arranged.

"What time will coach arrive?" Akira asked to Aella. She looked at him and handed her phone. "Okay, coach said that he'll arrive with the other team! Let's just practice individually."

"No, I'll separate you all for the first one hour and half, and then the next one hour and half will be 2 by 2." Aella said. The team looked at her confusingly. She sighed. "Liberos and pinch servers will have different drill, spikers also will have different drill, as well as the setters and the receivers. We have to work on your individual skills."

"Ahhhhhhh~~~~~" they answered in unison.

"You all sounded ignorant, Liberos also will practice setting." She added. The liberos looked at her confusingly but waited Aella to answer. "In some occasion, the setter might receive the ball as the first ball which might mess up the team's balance. So we'll include the synchronization attack where four or most of the team will go after the ball to make the opposing team confused on who'll attack." She added. The team looked at her giving them different suggestions about the teams attacks.

"Where did you gather all these information?" Ouji asked. More on, he was amazed on her information that Aella just said.

"I already told you, I have a relative which is a volleyball player. Occasionally, whenever they talk in our house, it was mostly volleyball. So I thought, it would help the team improve if I added a change." She said while looking at her notes. She looked at the list of names. "Correct me if I'm wrong."

"What do you mean?" Hayata asked.

"I'm not yet used in your positions, so I'm familiarizing myself. Also, I'm going to use first names with 'kun' to the third years and second years, and 'chan' to the first years." She said as she flips her notes, maybe looking for their information.

"Why is that?" Kenji asked.

"It would be weird for the manager to use, 'san' and 'senpai' as your colleagues. Am I wrong?" She asked innocently but she still has this stoic facial expression.

The boys looked at each other, using their telepathy and agreeing in their mind.

"It's okay if you don't want to. I'm just the team's trial manager anyways." She shifted her gaze to the left.

"It's alright, but we'll call you 'Aella-chan'." Ouji answered. The boys noticed how she flushed and looked down, then nodded. It was the cutest action she's done but when she lifted her face, it was already stoic.

"Well, start -

3rd Years

✓ Takishima Akira, 3rd Year - class 3, Captain / Wing Spiker / Opposite Hitter / Defensive Specialist #1

✓ Uesugi Ouji, 3rd Year - class 4, Setter / Vice-Captain #2

✓ Karasuma Hayata, 3rd Year - class 3, Wing Spiker / Outside Hitter/ Defense Specialist #3

✓ Hashino Kido, 3rd Year - class 3 - Opposite Hitter and Defense Specialist #4

2nd Years

✓ Tsubasa Kei, 2nd Year - class 4, Wing Spiker / Opposite Hitter / Ace #5

✓ Yaegashi Kenji, 2nd Year - class 4, Setter / Pinch Server #6

✓ Nagase Hiroshi, 2nd Year - class 4, Middle Blocker #7

✓ Kiriyama Takato, 2nd Year - class 1, Wing Spiker / Opposite Hitter #8

✓ Yuzuru Kensuke, 2nd Year - class 2, Libero #9

✓ Yoshifumi Daichi, 2nd Year - class 2, Middle Blocker / Pinch Server #10

1st Years

✓ Mabuchi Shou, 1st Year - class 4, Middle Blocker #11

✓ Ishikawa Tamotsu, 1st Year - class 3, Wing Spiker /Pinch Server #12

✓ Hakamada Aoi, 1st Year - class 3, Wing Spiker / Outside Hitter #13

✓ Naruse Daisuke - 1st Year - class 2, Libero #14


✓ Coach Takahashi Taki


✓ Kasugano Aella (as of the moment)

Teacher Advisor

✓ Mr. Midorikawa Shun

This is all the basic information I have, aside from your statistics. Any incorrect information?" She asked. Aella looked up to the boys, ans they were amazed on her. She furrowed her eyebrows, as she wave her hands in front of Akira.

"Are you really sure, you're just a Trial Manager?" Akira asked her. Most of the members looked at her, and she still had the stoic facial expression.

"Yes, but I already have my initial decision which is I can't tell. For now," she paused and looked at her notes. She stood up to reach her tablet and put it in the middle of us. From her tablet, it is obvious that's its expensive and it supports a stylus for her to write on it. "Okay, for the Liberos and Setters, I would like you to practice setting for the synchronization attack to lure the middle blocker of the opposing team. We won't be needing them as of the moment since we shouldn't hasten our improvement."

"What do you mean by Synchronization Attack?" Kei asked. Aella looked at him. She quickly picked up her tablet and went to some of videos. "This is a girl's volleyball video."

"I can see that." She answered. "But you were asking what is Synchronization Attack, so this video will tell you."

The boys looked at the tablet. The video focused on the girls that has purple and white fitted jerseys. It was the opposing team who served, and the ball was served in front row, aiming the net. The Setter, received it and then the Libero of the team, tossed the ball, as he tossed it the five members running towards the ball with a synchronized speed. The first two players who were in front jumped first before the three players. When the ball was already at the right place, the girl from the back row, jumped to the point of momentum and spiking it with her left hand. The blockers of the opposing team wasn't able to block them, since they weren't able to point out who'll spike.

"A-Amazing." The boys said.

"I'll explain you the tempo they used. They used first tempo. First tempo set, also called a quick, is the first set that could be hit starting from the time of the set. This kind of system set, requires a good or usually perfect pass. Middles hit first tempo sets in zone 3 although some teams stretch the area of possible first tempo sets into zones 4 and 2." She paused. It was like a teacher and student lesson since she was explaining some of the basics they should understand.

"Who's the player in the video? The one who spiked with her left hand." Ouji asked. Aella took the table and drew something explaining what they need to know in the first tempo.

"Next would be, second tempo." She erased her previous drawing, then started drawing again. "Second tempo sets are faster sets to zones 2 and 4, but sometimes a second tempo could go hitter moving into zone 3 or the back row hitter in zone 1 or 6." She explained and started pointing out, and drawing arrows where the player would possibly go and the possible ways to spike the ball.

"You didn't answer my question, Aella-chan!" Ouji whined at Aella. She just gave him a stoic expression more on confused one.

"Is that important? What's important is for you to know some different techniques that the team can use during official matches." She gave him a strict answer. "I'm explaining you important techniques, so you better listen. I'll give you last two tempos and a 4 - 2 volleyball."

"4 - 2?" They all asked in unison.

Aella mentally faced palmed. "Okay, its an offense." She used her tablet and showed a video. "The girls wearing jersey #2 and #9 are both setters." She started.

The opposite team served and one of them received the ball. After that, the two setters changed their position. And then, most of them run with the first tempo. The girl in jersey #2 tossed it, and #9 was the one who spiked it.

"Now let me explain. 4 - 2 means that four players are spikers and two will be setters. The setters are positioned opposite each other so that one will always be on the front row." She said as she started drawing again and while she's doing it she was also explaining.

"She's really smart." Akira said while she's explaining. None of the boys disagreed on what their captain just said. "She's giving out techniques that we have never used before."

"That's why I'm giving out all these information." She said.

"Do you have books in your dorm?" She quickly shook her head. It was Ouji who asked.

"But I have at home. Well, we have a volleyball court at home, gym and library filled with books about volleyball." She answered like she doesn't care while Kei and the boys twinkled their eyes. "I can't take you there. It's in a private territory of Kasugano, plus it's in Okinawa. We're in Tokyo." The boys were dishearten in her answer.

"Are you rich?" Hayata asked.

"No." She answered quickly.

"But your tablet is the latest model that was released a month ago, with it's stylus. Your phone is the most expensive phone here!" Kenji told with excitement in his voice.

"My parents are rich, not me. I'm still studying. Plus, if teaching you dimwits can make me earn money, maybe I'm already rich." She said like she doesn't care if he hurted they're ego. "I'm not apologizing for calling you all 'dimwits' because it's the kindest I can say." She said as she started drawing again in her tablet. The boys are now pale as a porcelain white for the insults they heard.

"Where do you live?" Hiroshi asked.

"Around Tokyo." She simply answered. "It's a mansion, now stop asking. You all are making me sound like a spoiled rich daughter." She said in a monotonic voice which made the boys laugh. She was also flushed, which made Kei sweat his hand and he's being restless again. "Moving on, the third tempo. It is based from or around the 4 step approach. If the first tempo, you'll start the approach when the pass is touched, the second tempo, you'll start the approach when the pass reaches zenit. The third tempo, you'll start the approach before the setter touches the ball. Remember, first is the fastest among the three."

She paused again and started writing arrows, notes on her tablet which made the boys more attentive since she was explaining it better.

"Lastly would be the minus tempo." She said while scanning to her tablet, maybe some reference.

"Minus tempo?" They asked again in unison.

Aella nodded. "Though, it's the most hardest one or maybe called as rarer than usual." She scanned to her videos again.

"Why do you have so much reference?" Kei asked.

"Don't you want reference?" She asked back.

"That's not what I mean." Kei answered, answering Aella's question.

"To make you dimwits understand what I'm saying. Can you even picture the tempos I'm explaining without the videos and the drawings?" The boys quickly shook their heads. "Then, we're not having this conversation again about the videos."

She showed the video. It was the girl again, who spiked from the first tempo with her left hand. The opposite team was the one serving, and their libero was the one who received. But it was a short receive, so the setter tossed the ball from the back row. And the spiker with Kisaragi, was the one who spiked it from the front row. It was the quickest of quick.

"Who's Kisaragi?" Kei asked once again. The group saw how Aella stiffened. They tapped him and shook their heads, disapproving his question to the lady. "My bad, don't answer if you're uncomfortable."

"Okay. Anyway, are we clear? For now, we'll do our usual strategies since we have practice match from the other school. But once that's over, we'll practice the things I suggested we should use in official matches. Are we clear?" Aella asked.

"Yes!" The boys answered in a loud but united voice.

"Alright! Start your individual practice!" As soon as she blew her whistle, the boys scattered.

The Liberos and Defense Specialist went to the other side of the court where they will receive the serves of the remaining members. After their hundred serves, setters are now moved in front of the net, where the members will pass them the ball, then the setter will toss it for the spikers to spike it – liberos and defense specialist will receive it perfectly. After their hundred spikes, they would go three by three, to practice their blockings. Crouching a little to put their weight in their foot, then jumping high to block the balls. They would go about 5 times rotation, until they are all exhausted.

"5 minutes water break, then we'll proceed to two by two, practice match! First to score 10 wins." Aella shouted in a motherly voice, while she give them their water jogs and their clean towels.


"Okay, Here are the partners list.

Akira - Kido VS Kenji - Daisuke, Hiroshi - Aoi VS Kei - Hayama, Shou - Tamotsu VS Hayata - Daichi, Ouji - Kensuke VS Takato and ..." Aella looked around and saw no one would be Takato's partner. She needed to record their flaws so that they can enhance it to be flawless. "Takato and I would be partners. Akira-kun, record everything that Takato needs to improve, alright?" Akora nodded.

"I thought you hated sports?" Kei asked.

"Would you like to play, instead of me? I mean, aren't you going to be tired since its only the two of you within the court, and then you'll be partnered with Takato." She said while looking at the previous records the team has.

"No, I don't like it." Kei answered.

"Then, that answers your question." She said, as she look up to his direction. Others, silently laughed at the bluntness Aella has. "We also have penalty okay? Diving drills? Just around the court, while we prepare for the next pair. Goodluck."


"That ends, the first match! Akira - Kido pair win with the score of 10 - 6. The pair who lost groaned but they still did their diving drills. "Next, Hiroshi - Aoi VS Kei - Hayama. In the court please." She said.

As soon as Aella blew the whistle, Hiroshi served and what he did was just a regular serve, and it wasn't strong either – but it was short, so it almost landed just right beneath the net but Hayama was able to pick it up. Kei sets it up for Hayama to spike, but Hayama was blocked by Hiroshi. The ball went to the wide vacant area behind Hayama, but Kei was able to receive it. Hayama setted it up for Kei, and Kei spiked it using his left hand, and yes – it did score.

Kei used a jump serve, but sadly it went out which made Hiroshi's team score. Aoi then served next, and the rally continued. It was a neck to neck rally, since it both reach 9 - 9 score. First to score 10 wins, so they're really giving out their best.

"Don't use too much of your energy. You still have practice match after lunch!" Aella shouted from the bench. She also gave sign to Akira to go near her. She gave Akira the boys ID in dining, and her wallet for the money.

Akira then left with Kido, Kenji and Daisuke.

Kei was in the service, and he did a jump serve. Finally, it went in and it was an ace, finishing the match between Hiroshi - Aoi pair with Kei - Hayama pair. Hiroshi and Aoi did a diving drills which made them groan more. The score was 10 - 9.

The match between Shou - Tamotsu and Hayata - Daichi only took 15 minutes. As Aella watch the match, she is also writing some information that the players need to develop. Akira and the others made it back immediately.

"They said, they would deliver it here exactly 11:45." Akira spoke as he wipe his sweat.

Aella nodded as she tied her hair. It was only a ponytail but she looked very stunning. With her black over sized t-shirt and black jersey shorts and black rubber shoes, she stand out the most.

"Let's get this over with. Ouji, Kensuke on the other court, Takato come on!" She said. She didn't even warm up, tho she doesn't really need it.

The boys observed Aella more, than the others. It was Ouji who served, and he aimed for Takato. It was a jump serve and Takato was able to receive it properly. Aella went in front to give him a toss and it was perfect. Takato was able to spike it which made them score.

"Tch, we're not gonna make it easy for Aella." Ouji snorted.

"Aella was a better setter than Ouji." Kenji whispered which made them chuckle slightly.

Takato served and it was a normal spike serve. Kensuke received it without any problem, Ouji tossed it to the air where Kensuke spiked – but sadly, Aella was able to block it making it Takato and Aella's points again.

"Hey cheating! Net violation!" Kensuke yelled.

"Nope, it was their point Kensuke. Aella-chan was far from the net when she blocked you." Akira informed as he write in Aella's notebook.

"R-Really? W-Wow Aella-chan. You're a good player." Kensuke looked at Aella with admiration.

"I'm not a player. I'm a manager." She said.

After that, Ouji and Kensuke pair was able to score consecutively for five times. The last one was Aella blocked Ouji when he was about to dump it on to their court. The score was 5 - 3, in favor of Ouji's group.

"Yey!" Takato did a high five gesture to Aella.

"Huh?" She looked at him with her stoic expression, but she was clueless nonetheless.

"Yey!" He repeated.

"It's a high five sign, young lady!" Akira yelled from the bench.


"Yey." then they did the high five.

It was already Aella's turn to serve. She was dribbling the ball and formed a jump serve. She was defenitely going to finish the game with aces. She's not going to let the other team score.

As she throw the ball on the air, and took three steps forward and jump to spike it she used her right hand. As Aella spiked it, Kensuke was able to receive it – turned out, it's a service ace.

"Yey! Ace!" Takato gestured another high five.


She did another jump serve, now using her left hand and aimed it to Ouji since he was weak in receiving balls that used left hands. And she was right, it was also ace.

"A-Another ace?" Akira asked.

Kenji flipped the score and it was now tie, 5 - 5.

Aella did another service, and aimed it to Kensuke. She did another jump serve with her left hand, and once again – it was ace. She did another service, using her right hand, and she aimed at the net so she used less power than her previous serves — they were unable to receive it as they both dived right through it but it was still an ace.

"W-Wow, 4 consecutive aces." Takato said.

"That's not fair Aella-chan! Fight fairly! Use the same amount of strength!" Ouji shouted from the other side of the court.

Aella did a jump serve, and she aimed the vacant space between Ouji and Kensuke. She threw the ball to the air, jumped, spiked it to the middle.

"Mine!" Ouji and Kensuke shouted in unison. They looked at each other, then the ball landed in between them.

"Don't shout 'Mine' if you're not going to receive it!" Akira yelled from outside the court. Aella nodded as she proceeded in her service. "Ouji - Kensuke, 5. Takato - Aella-chan, 8. They already have 5 consecutive service ace." Akira informed.

"F-Five consecutive service ace?!" Hiroshi asked.

"Yeah. And it was Aella-chan only. If she was in the women's volleyball team, she can be the ace immediately and she can be a threat to the other team." Hayata said.

"Sadly, she's a manager." Kido smirked.

Kei, continued observing Aella's poise as she did her service since it was a poise of a professional player. There were no unnecessary movements. It was flawless.

Aella served, and it was only the right amount of strength for Kensuke to receive it, but it was long so it went back to Takato's side. Aella received it, Takato tossed for Aella to spike but it was too high. Ouji already jumped to block but Aella didn't jump. When the ball was already at the right angle, and Ouji and the others are out of her sight, she jumped high, higher than the antenna and spiked it with her right hand. It was a powerful spike. It was in, and their point. Making it their match point.

She walked back to the service area, and dribbled. She closed her eyes, to inhale and exhale. When Aella opened her eyes, you can feel a shiver in your body. She threw it high, she jumped high like what she did earlier, and it was like 120% of her strength. As she hit the ball with her left hand, it was right in the center where no one else was going to receive it. The ball was in, and it even extended to the wall of the gym as it bounced back.

They heard the whistle, and gestured that Takato and Aella's pair won. But none of them was able to move immediately unlike Aella chan. She quickly walked towards the bench to wipe her sweat and drink water in her water jog. The eyes of the members, followed her as she did actions like what her last point did.

"What's wrong?" She asked innocently.

"Y-You busted off the ball like nothing happened." Kenji answered like he was frightened if he were to receive the ball.

"Maybe. Rest now. Food is about to arrive, I'll just wash the towels. Akira-kun kindly prepare the practice uniforms for the team and the other. Thank You." Aella quickly picked up the scattered and wet towels of the group.

She went to the laundry room, and Kei followed her. He was very interested on how Aella was able to do something inhuman, even if she hated sports.

"She's really interesting." Kei held his chest as he followed her. He was feeling restless again, and not knowing who she really is really ticks his mind.

It's unusual for him to be interested into something or most likely someone. But after he saw the serves, receives, spikes and blocking of Aella, he knew that something was off. He knew that something deep is hidden in her, that made her hate sports.

He closely observed Aella, and trailed his eyes on her body. Her body was like pure white snow. No scars, cuts, bruises or what. So it was impossible that she was injures, and made her quit sports to be an average student.

"That's stupid." He whispered.

He also thought that maybe someone she knew was injured, and has to quit sports because of the injury that person received ruined his life.

"Useless." He whispered again.

He looked at Aella who was now washing their towels. She put a cup of vinegar and also a cup of detergent for the towels. He observe her for roughly 30 minutes. After washing clothes thoroughly, she put the towels in the dryer.

"Is that how you wash the towels?" Kei asked. Aella looked back, a little bit surprised but her eyes were still stoic.

"Yeah, why?"

"Where are the towels that are dry?" Kei asked.

"Over there." Aella pointed at the upper wall cabinet. It was all so white. And soft.

"This soft towel—" Kei looked at Aella who is now stiffened in place. She slowly looked at Kei who was also looking at her. "I remember this feeling where our clothes and towels are this soft. When we washed it, it didn't turn out like this. Then ..." He paused as he processed the things that are happening. "You're the one we're all looking for!"

"W-Wait. Don't tell them." Aella looked at his olive orbs.

Kei stared at the purple–amethyst galaxy that Aella has. It was really begging for him not to tell them.

"Give me reason why."

"Come by my dorm after practice. Alone." That was the only thing she said then she turned her back on him as she folded the dried towels from the dyer.

"On one condition."

Aella looked at him.


