
Flowery Bastard Winning at Life

Man reincarnated in DxD as Merlin's descendent. "What do you mean original Merlin was a respectable wizard?!" Merlin said as he took a puff out of his Divine Blunt. Infrequent Updates since I am writing as inspiration comes. 7(?) Girls Harem(One for each day!), Non-Violent MC, OP Powers, Essence CYOA, What Romance?.

TurkishJesus · Anime & Comics
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47 Chs

Chapter 23

It comes to my notice that creating a rebellion is hard work, especially with Sirzechs and Ajuka being in the Underworld.

After all, if there's a super devil that can vaporize you, the people tend to keep their heads down. So I need them out of sight long enough to spark the rebellion.

I have distracted Ajuka by giving him toys to play with, it was all under the guise of showing my sincerity because they learned I knocked Gabriel up.

Speaking of Gabriel...

"I cannot believe that cradle robber took advantage of Merlin-chan." Serafall sniffs like she is about to cry while hugging my arm.

She is under the impression it was Gabriel that took advantage of the situation and not the other way around.

"I was the one who gave her that blunt. It's my fault really, also I don't mind marrying her." I pat her head while lamenting my misjudgment. It turns out that Serafall sees herself as taken, which registers to Harem Protagonist.

This means that I will be forced to seduce Sona if I want to have Serafall. It's not that I had the intentions but it turns out that I unknowingly got adopted by a Magical Girl Satan.

"Fine, then you're to blame. So I won't forgive you until you wear this magical boy outfit." She summons a ridiculous outfit that belongs to the incinerator.

"How about this Serafall, I found this guy wrestling stray devils the other day. He also wants to be a Magical Girl." I quickly take my dossier on Mil-tan and give it to Serafall.

"Hmm, he is indeed interesting. I might even get him in my Peerage if he shows promise. Yosh you're forgiven." Fun fact, Serafall is a legit magical girl now thanks to my Miracle System.

She just had to believe it, have faith, and bam! Anyway, Serafall will be busy looking into Mil-tan. Now only Sirzechs remains...

I am no idiot(Maybe?) to think they will leave this place unguarded but I have nothing but time in my hands. I can just spark the rebellion at their weakest.

I am also making sure none of this could be traced back to me, I even taken precautions against Indra's foresight for this.

Hindu Pantheon is bullshit, some have precognition, some have other bullshit powers and all of them can read minds on some level, even if it's just the surface thoughts in most cases.

Speaking about time, I should snatch that Agares bloodline ability while I am here. No more wasting real-world time for lewd.


"Merlin-nii look, I made it!" Millicas runs towards me with a giant smile on his face.

He is holding a ball of Destruction that is surrounded by four little balls of Destruction that is orbiting the bigger one.

I am improving his usage of PoD, unfortunately, I have to do this slowly unlike Sairaorg since it would be suspicious if I suddenly made him a master at using PoD.

Also, I made sure Sairaorg won't awaken his powers just yet. He is going to have shounen power-up during the rebellion.

"Good job! Now I need you to speed up the smaller ones. Remember they will need to look like an atom for symbolism." I softly explain it to him.

Symbolism holds power as well and shaping your PoD like an atom increases the power for some reason. I am sure there is an anime reference here somewhere but I don't know which one.

Grayfia watches us on the side with a fond smile on her face, she always lamented that her son could not have a normal childhood so this is good for her.

But her smile wavers from time to time because of the Gabriel event, she is yet to lecture me like a big sister but I can feel the nee-sama aura surge occasionally.

"Unn!" Millicas nods rapidly and goes back to focus on his thing. This is exactly the stuff that will rile up Sirzechs. Hopefully enough to challenge me in his Satan Red persona.

My thoughts get interrupted by the hand on my head, turning around I see Grayfia patting my head. Also, when did she braid my hair!?


"Ah sorry, it's just that you're reminding me of my late brother." She blushes and takes her hand back.

"I don't mind." She instantly goes back to patting my head. Who would have thought that she's a brocon?

Also, I finally found a moral viewpoint that justifies my act here. Underworld will become a better place once they get over this incident.

Ha! I still have my moral high ground.


It finally happened, I finally got an official challenge letter. Sirzechs has planned this through.

He is putting it under the guise of recruitment for the newest guest star for their Satan Rangers movie.

Normally this would be something I would burn at the sight then laugh about it since the series is that bad but I took this invitation.

The location of the arena is coincidentally in Phenex Territory. While I fight Sirzechs here, the rebellion will start. I will have deniability since I was with Sirzechs all the time.

They can't blame me for anything either, no one knows about me sneaking in Heaven, just Gabriel and Michael and they won't make that information public.

This means there won't be much suspicion on me, my visits to the underworld are frequent enough as well.

Just to be sure I use a spell that I don't like using. <Clairvoyance> My eyes turn to gold as I look for things that can give me away.

Indeed there will be some suspicions on me after the event due to some loose ties I didn't think about before but looking perfectly innocent is the only time I get caught.

I close my eyes and rub my forehead. I don't like that spell. What's the point of living if I am going to have spoilers? This is why I gave up on gaming since I keep watching the gameplay before being able to afford the game, it gets boring.

I might not use this spell normally but I have background checks for the safety of my loved ones but I don't look into the future on my own, it is like how Tatsuya looks after his sister with his Elemental Sight.

Speaking about Tatsuya, what happened to the pink version I wonder?


(3rd POV Universe 0)

In another universe, a pink spikey-haired Tatsuya is having a mental breakdown. He left behind Goddesses and all those beautiful women who literally begged him to stay but he was loyal to his first love.

Currently, he is drinking like an alcoholic in his penthouse. "Hic... How did I miss that hic... I don't have my former looks anymore hic... She didn't even recognize me hic..."

Poor guy thought he could get back with his first love but she didn't even recognize him, things would have been fine if he wormed into her heart again.

Alas, it turns out that his overbearing attitude that was forged in life and death situations and years of wars was a major turn off for the girl and she rejected him.

In the end, he became relatable to some readers by getting rejected.


(Back to Merlin)

Holy moly I didn't expect that POV change ahem... I arrived at the arena armed with everything at my disposal.

I did re-enchant my gear at some point but the defenses on this thing never reached a point I was satisfied with. Then again any material in this universe would be weak compared to my body.

Anyway, the arena setting is a mountainous zone with many hills surrounding it, making it a prime location for sneak attacks. Sirzechs won't do such things.

"So, you have arrived." Speak of the devil, Satan Red himself reveals himself in his costume.

It seems like he hid behind one of the hills for a dramatic entry. "Be honest you chose this place to make that entry right?"

"Damn straight! It looks badass right?" I just nod, not wanting to argue.

"Well Merlin, after Serafall and surprisingly my wife insisted on having you in the newest movie for Satan Rangers I felt like testing you." Sirzechs explains.

"Sure... It's not like you were looking for a reason to beat me up. Hahahaha!"

"Hahaha!" Sirzechs joins me.

All of a sudden laughing ceases and we both vanish from our spots. Sirzechs is naturally holding back because he doesn't know my full power, so I matched up to the power he is outputting. No one really knows how strong I am, they only have their guesses.

Anyway, with this, I can get some training in as well...

We strike each other, it is mostly me attacking, and Sirzechs casually dodging and blocking my attacks with him striking me on occasion.

My hand-to-hand combat is worse than my swordsmanship and my lack of experience is all too obvious. At some point, our brawl turns into impromptu training with Sirzechs giving tips on how to fight on supernatural levels.

This made me remember that I never truly fought anyone. It seems I need to get that dungeon running yesterday.

Fortunately for me, we got interrupted by the sounds of explosions before I could get hit more, these explosions are also signaling the start of the lower class rebellion.

"Merlin, let's continue this later I need to go, something terrible happened. I suggest you go back to the human world but if you want to help make sure to not get hurt otherwise Grayfia would go subzero." Sirzechs looks at his missed calls and leaves.

Huh, he put his phone on the silent mode just to fight me without distractions. I am starting to like this guy, then again he has Rias' nude photos in his wallet at all times which is weird so...


(Ravel Phenex 3rd POV)

This might be the worst day in her life, just when she managed to sneak off to go clothes shopping on her own.

First The Champion of the rating games appeared on all the screens across the city, no doubt this was happening in the rest of the underworld.

Then he exposed the Great King faction for their cheating on rating games. This was a big revelation. After the civil war, rating games became the bread and butter of the underworld.

There are three ways to climb the social ladder for lower-class devils. The first one is the military contribution which was impossible with the cease-fire going on.

The second is making contracts with humans and slowly building your way up which could take thousands of years.

Lastly, the most popular option is the Rating games. The games allowed lower class citizens to climb up even during relative peace.

The rating games quickly become a part of our culture, it was about blood boiling fights, it was about people making a name for themselves.

It gave them hope to become high class themselves should they be successful but now, it is revealed that all of that was a lie.

There was a secret Evil Piece that is given to certain nobles to block the lower class from rising and getting promotions.

Ravel despite being young isn't stupid she could see a rebellion coming from a mile away, if it isn't quenched right away it might even blow up a second civil war.

So she decided to slowly sneak back to her family's castle as Diehauser Belial started talking about how his cousin got killed because she learned this secret.

She could already see a group of masked devils attacking at her favorite clothes shop that mostly sells to high-class devils.

Unfortunately, while Ravel is smart and is a tactical genius, she isn't trained in combat or stealth, so she didn't notice the people trailing her during her retreat...